Avatar of Leoven
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 333 (0.10 / day)
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    1. Leoven 9 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current When will my muse return from the war?
8 yrs ago
Where my gays at?
8 yrs ago
Good night! Stay hydrated and keep safe! :*
8 yrs ago
Be back on Friday folks. Hopefully things over at uni will be okay then.
8 yrs ago
Why the fuck do I have a migraine???? The fuck???


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Interested. :) Looking forward to see where this'll go.
Oh I see! I've looked over the website and I think I'd like to make either an Arcane Duelist or a Druid.
I've been thinking of going back to roleplaying and the idea for this one really intrigued me. Unfortunately, I've never participated in a tabletop roleplay before, but I do have a will o' the wisp character I've wanted to try playing. So questions, would you be okay with an absolute scrub at this, and would a wisp character that takes the shape of a human be okay?

Also wow your avatar omg
@Shiny Keldeo I am so sorry for suddenly disappearing here. I thought I would be able to deal with my uni problem quickly but it has been weeks and I still haven't found an internship. :<

Anyway, yes. I am afraid I am going to have to drop out. I loved this rp and I was super excited for it but then uni decided to come crashing back in again. Maybe if this is still alive when (if) I find an internship, I could pop back in with Amber as just a regular ole newbie Trainer cop if that's okay with you. Anyway, this was great and I wish you all the best of luck. Cheers.
Such a shame. Well, if @TheWildBunnii ever thinks of rebooting this sometime in the future then I would still be interested. For now, it seems goodbyes are in order.
I'll try to get something up but I can't give any guarantees. My uni workload kind of tripled so I've been really busy with that.
[New Amber Town - Maple Pokemon Lab]
@Light Lord@Shiny Keldeo@Ninian

"Thank you."

Amber accepted the Pokedex with a grateful smile, twisting the device around in her hands with an inquisitive look in her eyes. She had seen Pokedexes before, but it seemed the design varied from region to region and that some of the other trainers she'd encountered before had gotten into a habit of customizing their Pokedexes. Still, it didn't take away from the fact that she was still amazed at how such a small device had the capacity to store and record information about the variety of Pokemon they were bound to encounter.

Aster seemed to think that the Pokedex was something akin to a toy and she struggled in Amber's arms in an effort to reach the device. Not wanting to accidentally drop something she'd been given only moments prior, she set Aster down on the ground - silently hoping that for once, the small Pokemon would behave. She felt Aster attempt to scale up her pants from her current position on the floor, but Amber paid her no mind. Instead, she mimicked what Devon had done and placed her finger on the scanner. She wasn't surprised when the screen brought up a loading screen, only to be replaced by a tally of still blank records with her name settled on top. Fingerprint technology was something also implemented by the Unova police when identifying criminals, although the way the Pokedex utilized it still held a superior air. Perhaps the department could use Pokedex technology to further revolutionize their tracking techniques. It was something she had to look in at a later date.

With her trainer ID settled, Amber tucked the Pokedex in one of the pockets inside her uniform and took Aster back into her arms. As she did so, Bishop had whispered something to her that caused Amber's eyes to narrow, but she gave a nod nonetheless. What could Bishop have to say to her?

She turned back to the other trainers in the laboratory. Devon was ready to leave and begin exploring, it seemed, and she had no doubt that Celes would share his sentiments. "If I'm not mistaken, catching new Pokemon is a priority when entering a new region. So, if you wouldn't mind, could I shadow you for a while just to observe?" she asked both of the trainers, feeling only mildly embarrassed at her situation.

She would wait until the others were done with whatever inquiries they might have with Bishop before confronting the woman herself. After all, whatever Bishop had to say couldn't be anything bad, right?
Sam Thurston

Unlike what some people thought, Sam wasn't completely stupid. Sure, she often rushed into things blindly and said things without putting much thought in the consequences of her words, but that didn't mean she was unable to see the error in some of the things she did. There were times when she could acknowledge that her decisions may not have been for the best.

This was one of those times.

She'd barely gotten inside the apartment building when she heard the humming of the biters' growls grow louder. "Shit," she harshly whispered the expletive at the sight of biters bumbling down the stairs. There were far too many biters inside the building and no matter how nimble she may be, there was no way she would be able to survive if she attempted to continue her current line of thought. She began to walk backwards, back out to the road until her back hit the car they'd been previously standing atop. She eyed Kyle and gripped her axe tighter. Sorry, bud," she said, releasing a long sigh as she let her head rest on the window of the car. "This wasn't such a good idea. You can go if- Huh?" She paused, her eyes having caught something in the nearby buildings. "Oh shit," she gasped out when a biter got too close while her attention was elsewhere and she dealt with it before climbing back up the car.

Now that she was atop the car, she could clearly see. The building was something called 'Chris' Fine Foods' and there was someone atop the building's roof that was seemingly calling out to Jay and his new friend in vain. Sam couldn't hear him over the biters but she knew she hadn't made a mistake when she thought she saw someone. Taking a chance, she waved her hands in the air, hoping to draw the man's attention in hopes of getting help.
@TheWildBunnii posted Jackie in the character tab. Is the paid cop still up for grabs? I just wanted to make sure before I go work on a sheet.
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