" Reign supreme?/ In your dreams./ You'll never make me bow. "- I Burn | Jeff Williams ft. Casey Lee Williams & Lamar Hall
Back to the Basics
Full Name:Jacqueline Liu
What I Go By:Jackie, Jian (which is the name her grandfather gave her)
Gender:Female (she/her)
Birthdate:April 14, 1990
Title:I'm the Capo, loyal and faithful to The White Dragon Triad.
The Reflection in the Mirror
Weight:135 lbs.
Eye Color:Brown
Hair Color:Dark brown
Physical Appearance:Standing at five foot five and still looking like a young teenager despite her age with a vibrant grim almost always planted on her face, most people dismiss Jackie as the least threatening person in a room full of mobsters. Her dark hair has been cut short and is either allowed to fall up to above her shoulders or tucked under a snapback. While she prefers a somewhat boyish image with her clothing choices, she never goes out without first putting on a light sheen of make-up, just enough so that she can make sure she's presentable.
While she's not as heavily tattooed as some of her guards, Jackie still has a bit of ink on her skin. She has a tattoo of a dragon slithering around her left wrist and the character for the Chinese name her grandfather assigned to her on her right shoulder blade. She maintains a slight limp in her steps and a scar that runs down the length of her lower left leg, both of which she received after a skating accident as a child.
Attire:Jackie's style can be best described as boyish chic. She prefers wearing comfortable clothes like tank tops and pocket shirts, paired with whatever pair of jeans she picks from her pile of clothing. Her clothing is a sharp contrast to the way some of the other members of the Triad preferred sharp suits, but despite their endless grumblings, she has never once and will never wear one of their monkey suits. While sneakers had been her go to shoes before joining the Triad, she now prefers boots of any kind as she hides her daggers inside them. She's almost never seen without any of the snapbacks in her countless collection.
Weaponry & Skills
Standard Weapon:Jackie doesn't prefer fighting directly, but when push comes to shove she'll use the twin daggers she keeps with her at all times to defend herself.
Skills::Agility – While not as physically strong as her guards, she is undoubtedly faster than them. Her agility, which she developed through years of free-running around the crowded streets of her hometown and perfecting various skating skills. She strikes fast, making her more of a glass cannon.
Charm – Jackie's smile is infectious and is often enough to get her what she wants, whether it be information or for someone's perspective to change into something more profitable for the Triads. She's not a master manipulator, but she's definitely learning the ropes to become one.
Street-wise – Surviving in the streets of Tondo required skills that Jackie began to learn since before she was able to walk. Her time there taught her to be a good judge of character – to determine true threats from the ones she can talk into helping her – and how to be one of the common folk, which she uses to help spread the Triad's control in the city. She knows New York's alleys like the back of her hand and calls most of the degenerates lurking there her friends.
Strengths:- Fluent in Tagalog and Spanish (a class she took in college)
- Adaptable
- Well connected with various people
- Skater
Weaknesses:- Still has trouble understanding Mandarin
- Low physical strength and stamina
- Thalassophobia
- Inexperienced
Things I Waste My Time With
Hobbies:- Skating
- Playing video games (zombie shooters and fantasy rpgs)
- Watching movies (horror and Disney)
- Free-running and parkour
- Socializing with a variety of people
Likes:- Pop and rock music
- Parties (or basically anything where she's surrounded by people)
- Cats (she has more than five at home)
- Shopping (her snapback collection could always use more)
- Skate parks
Dislikes:- Smokers
- The ocean
- Being bored
- Classical music
- Studying (and anything related)
Behind the Mask
What I'm Really Like:Most people's first impression of Jackie is that she's a bubbly, naive girl that doesn't know a thing about what she's doing, and this is only strengthened with her constant vibrant smile and casual way of dealing with the duties she'd been assigned with. While Jackie likes to believe that she's an optimistic person at best, she is in no way naive. Inexperienced, yes, but not naive. She's still new to the environment she's been thrust into, but she's quickly learning the ropes and wishes more than anything to work herself to the top by proving that she's more than a kid with a prominent last name. She's ambitious and she tends to set high goals for herself, but she always manages to get herself to where she wants to be, albeit at a snail's pace at times.
She's not easily put into a tense mood as she can easily adopt to situations she finds herself in, but when she's pushed to the edge, Jackie can be a tad ruthless and violent. She lashes out and uses everything she can to bring down the person she feels has wronged her. She's not one to keep petty issues settling inside her for long, however, and will cease her efforts once she feels what's needed to be done has been done.
She's a pretty good judge of character and surrounds herself with people who genuinely care about her, which is her most viable asset when doing Triad work.
All About My Past:Jackie was born and raised in the crummy and scum-filled streets of Tondo, Manila and is not a stranger to all sorts of illegal activities. Her parents, on the other hand, strive to do the best they can despite their horrible housing situation. Her father, a lawman, was not looked at kindly by their neighbours as many of them believed that he could and would take action against the lifestyle already developed by the people who settled in the area. Their suspicions were proven true when her father joined the ranks of a politician that had begun to grate on the local gangs' nerves as he had proven again and again that he could not be bought. Jackie's mother knew that it would prove to be a problem for them one day, but she could not bear to make his husband stop at doing what he knew was right. Still, she warned her husband against outright attacking the low-key drug syndicate their neighbours were running.
Her husband did not listen. He got involved with the police to raid the area, which lead to the media shedding light on the illegal settlement situation many of the people there had created. One horrible thing led to another and soon enough, a fire was “accidentally” started in one of the homes which resulted in the destruction of the whole neighbourhood and some of the legally obtained lots near it – including the one Jackie's family owned.
Learning of this, Jackie's grandfather in her father's side – someone she had never met prior to that event – chose to offer his help to his estranged son. Still ripe with bad blood between them, Jackie's father denied the offer stating that his family would have nothing to do with him and the dirty businesses he ran. Jackie, on the other hand, was entranced. Here was a side of life she had never seen before – something luxurious and brighter than the mud-stained streets of her old home. Her grandfather immediately took a liking to her, which was a mutual development, and proposed to Jackie's father that he would take the young woman under his wing.
Despite her parents' protests, they could not give Jackie a good life in their current situation – homeless and robbed penniless during the panic of the fire. They were forced to let Jackie's grandfather take her back with him to New York, where she began to learn of the White Dragon Triad. There, she also learned of her grandfather's previous status as the Underboss of the Triads during his time. He had resigned from the position after taking an injury to his back and had given the role to the next young hopeful. With Jackie now with him, he had plans to integrate her into the family and she certainly wasn't opposed to the idea.
Unlike some of the other members of the Triad, her Liu blood allowed her to get the position of Capo despite being only twenty-four with no experience of how the Triad operated. This earned her some dislike among the family ranks, but none of them ever spoke up enough to outright question her grandfather's decision – retired as he may be, he was still well-respected. Jackie was determined to prove them wrong, however, and when she was given the task of running the prostitution business the Triads had around the streets of New York, she delivered. More than that, she prospered. While they were still far from monopolizing the prostitution around the city, Jackie had worked to strengthen their hold in the brothels they owned and spread their reach to some of the other Asian cities – far more progress than what the others had been doing before her.
She had started off rocky, but she was determined to make her grandfather and the Triads proud.
My Blood:- Guang "Arthur" Liu - grandfather | 74 years old | retired Triad capo
- Bai "Kevin" Liu - father | 49 years old | attorney-at-law
- Queen Lazarro-Liu - mother | 48 years old | veterinarian
Theme Song: