Avatar of Leoven
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    1. Leoven 9 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current When will my muse return from the war?
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Where my gays at?
8 yrs ago
Good night! Stay hydrated and keep safe! :*
8 yrs ago
Be back on Friday folks. Hopefully things over at uni will be okay then.
8 yrs ago
Why the fuck do I have a migraine???? The fuck???


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Hunger. It was as base a need as any, and one Serah had seen drive even the most docile of creatures mad with the threat of starvation and death hanging over them like a perpetual storm cloud, ready to unleash rainfall that would drown them underneath its weight. Her heart felt like it was being constricted, twisted in a way that she feared resembled what hunger was doing to the creature's mind.

Despite understanding the creature's plight, she could not give it what it needed. She was a child of the soil, sustained by the very earth they stood upon. She had no need for flesh between her teeth and harvest in her stomach. She turned to eye her companions, all of whom would have certainly brought their own rations to sustain them during the journey. Could she reason with them? Ask for a bit of food for information about what darkness they might meet in the Wilderdeep?

Before she could speak, Linoleum had raised his gong and began a... song? It was not one Serah knew, but the action was familiar enough from the performers she'd seen in the streets. She had no way of determining if Linoleum was far skillful than them, but she could appreciate his talents... If only she weren't in the middle of trying to appease a creature that would attempt to feast on Zogolli's body.

She didn't know what to do to make him pause so she could address the group, so she gave the creature a small growl. 'A moment.' She moved to Zogolli and Robin, thinking of the words needed to convey her thoughts. Finally, she settled on, "Food, then talk." As those three words left her lips with the tilt of one not native to the use of such language, heat blossomed in her cheeks. She tucked her face into her coat and simply nodded towards the creature's direction.
While she rarely interacts with the student body beyond occasional duels, many are struck by her beauty, and she has gained a significant amount of admirers.

I'm still not sure if I want Lee to be one of those admirers or just a very comfortable roommate (almost typed roommage and that works too).

Lee moved around the room with a grace only those who had traversed its walls for a decade and then some could manage. She had called 21-A her home years before the exceptionally fit woman doing her morning ritual had. Xinhua had entered its door to be greeted by the sight of a forest within its walls, with vines creeping up the walls and forming imageries of woodland creatures in their natural habitat. Even the blonde's bed was a comfort made out white birch and evergreen fern, manufactured into the modern marvel of mattress and pillows. There might have even been a few canaries flittering about, making anyone who stepped in the room feel as though they'd been transported into a world of fantasy where a lovely young woman sang to the woodland creatures. When Xinhua had made herself comfortable in her bedroom, Lee withdrew her influence, but allowed the warming fragrance of her garden to fill their shared dormitory.

She paused from tending to her plants to give Xinhua an appreciative smile. She had heard the boys, and even some of the girls, around the school whisper in soft voices about her roommate's body, and at first their attraction to her was not something Lee understood. There, watching the woman, Lee found that she got what they found so alluring about her. Heh. She wondered if some of Xinhua's admirers could see her as Lee did every morning; she was sure the drool pooling at their feet would soon make a lake.

Chuckling to herself, Lee moved to give Xinhua's hawk an appreciative pat, feeling it preening slightly at the attention she gave. Then, in a moment of impulsiveness, she did the same to its master, enjoying the slight pause it elicited from the woman and the literal spark that danced on her fingertips. She quickly moved the hand away and pointed it in the direction of the dining area, intent on redirecting the lightning, but it died on her skin. Lee frowned, but the foreign expression didn't last on her lips. She grinned at Xinhua before dancing over to her room, miraculously not tripping on the bit of root that jutted at the doorway.

She had to prepare. They were welcoming new students that day, and it was always something Lee thoroughly enjoyed. New students meant new stories of the world beyond the school's borders. She'd heard of a giant statue in the image of a woman holding a torch, signifying liberty. She was sure nobe would be as appreciative of that word as her should she be able to finally gaze at it with her own eyes. She shook her head. Such depressing thoughts on such a wondrous day was not something she wanted.

After a quick shower and a change of clothes, she peered outside her room and called out to her roommate. "Xin, want to walk with me to the Mess Hall?" She placed a hand on a nearby root and muttered a word under her breath. After her eyes unclouded, she grinned at Xinhua, practically vibrating with energy. "Mede's already at the Glyph. The new students will be arriving soon." And food. Food was sure to attract Xinhua.

@Rune_Alchemist I've been wondering about that too. Perhaps when Lee recovers some more of herself to become more "spirit"-like than just one part of a deity occupying a human body.

@TheHangedMan Oooh. Would Lee's magic fall somewhere under Existence?
The creature had eluded her. It was with this sinking realization that Serah turned away from the bush to inform Alexandria of their mistaken conclusion when she saw Robin seemingly frozen in place with his eyes set on the canopy. In the next instant, the creature lunged and made its attack, only missing Zogolli due to Robin's intervention. The urge to rush and attack grew strong in Serah's limbs, but her eyes sought out that of the creature's. Corrupted or not, it had a form of intelligence that Serah hoped would be able to understand her. Anger still coursed through her veins at the Land's desolation, but it occured to her that perhaps the creatures in the Wilderdeep had only been affected by the same darkness that swallowed it.

With her mind made up, she rushed to put herself between the creature and Zogolli before either could attack once more. She held her spear in one hand and lowered the other to the ground, keeping her eyes on the creature all the while. A low rumble left her lips, incomprihensible to others but hopefully not to the creature. 'Be calm. We merely seek answers.'
And the creature is revealed!

I'm just wondering though, since it's been established that the creature has some form of intelligence, would Serah be allowed to attempt communication with it? Make it calm down enough for some light interrogation?
@Rune_Alchemist I don't think Viola would be as stupidly cocky as the mage that summoned Lee, though.

Aww yiz. Make the god indebted to you. Reap the perks later. Looking forward to see what kinds of interactions these two will have.
@Chaotic Chao I'm p sure the racers will want to fix up their cars with new parts so that'll have to be taken into consideration.

Also, just wondering because I missed this from an earlier post... Do you mean near future or sci-fi future because I read that and I imagine flying cars. XD
@Rune_Alchemist I wonder though... Since Viola can sense spirits, would she able to realize that Lee's not actually human? Or would deities and spirits be on two different fields?

I'm actually worried about these field trips. I just imagine Lee sitting inside the school borders, looking out at students going to other locations. She'll be like Harry Potter, stuck in a broom closet. xD
@TheHangedMan Great! Was actually hoping for that ;) tossed her into the character tab!
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