Hunger. It was as base a need as any, and one Serah had seen drive even the most docile of creatures mad with the threat of starvation and death hanging over them like a perpetual storm cloud, ready to unleash rainfall that would drown them underneath its weight. Her heart felt like it was being constricted, twisted in a way that she feared resembled what hunger was doing to the creature's mind.
Despite understanding the creature's plight, she could not give it what it needed. She was a child of the soil, sustained by the very earth they stood upon. She had no need for flesh between her teeth and harvest in her stomach. She turned to eye her companions, all of whom would have certainly brought their own rations to sustain them during the journey. Could she reason with them? Ask for a bit of food for information about what darkness they might meet in the Wilderdeep?
Before she could speak, Linoleum had raised his gong and began a... song? It was not one Serah knew, but the action was familiar enough from the performers she'd seen in the streets. She had no way of determining if Linoleum was far skillful than them, but she could appreciate his talents... If only she weren't in the middle of trying to appease a creature that would attempt to feast on Zogolli's body.
She didn't know what to do to make him pause so she could address the group, so she gave the creature a small growl. 'A moment.' She moved to Zogolli and Robin, thinking of the words needed to convey her thoughts. Finally, she settled on, "Food, then talk." As those three words left her lips with the tilt of one not native to the use of such language, heat blossomed in her cheeks. She tucked her face into her coat and simply nodded towards the creature's direction.
Despite understanding the creature's plight, she could not give it what it needed. She was a child of the soil, sustained by the very earth they stood upon. She had no need for flesh between her teeth and harvest in her stomach. She turned to eye her companions, all of whom would have certainly brought their own rations to sustain them during the journey. Could she reason with them? Ask for a bit of food for information about what darkness they might meet in the Wilderdeep?
Before she could speak, Linoleum had raised his gong and began a... song? It was not one Serah knew, but the action was familiar enough from the performers she'd seen in the streets. She had no way of determining if Linoleum was far skillful than them, but she could appreciate his talents... If only she weren't in the middle of trying to appease a creature that would attempt to feast on Zogolli's body.
She didn't know what to do to make him pause so she could address the group, so she gave the creature a small growl. 'A moment.' She moved to Zogolli and Robin, thinking of the words needed to convey her thoughts. Finally, she settled on, "Food, then talk." As those three words left her lips with the tilt of one not native to the use of such language, heat blossomed in her cheeks. She tucked her face into her coat and simply nodded towards the creature's direction.