Posting here for approval!
Name: Luna Emilia Prior
Age: 19
Gender: Female

Luna stands at the average height for a female at her age, with dark hazel hair, which is either braided or simply kept loose. The woman keeps herself tidy as often as she can. Her face is unscarred, not having been subject to being blown up or the likes. Luna always seem to be able to wear different outfits each day, that sometimes being darker robes, or a colorful dress.
Year: Sixth year.
Rank: Journeymen
Room No.: 28-A
Luna is an already talented sorceress, having study a fair bit with her parents before she was accepted into the University at the age of 13. She quickly got an almost worrying interest in the subject of Chronomancy, time magic. Though she has a good understanding of offensive conjurations as well, it is the aspect of time she spends most of her time studying, both in the subject of using time to grow food, or manipulate age of smaller creatures. While it isn’t a secret that she studies it, she is rather secretive about the result of her experiments.
She is rather open to people however, never refusing to assist others should they need it. The woman is rather lighthearted, always enjoying conversation and humor.
Magic Discipline:
Luna spends most her time studying the art of Chronomancy, and has grown to be fairly adept in the art. Though she (obviously) still has plenty to learn, and is years from mastering it, the woman has already managed to control a few incantations, such as manipulating growth of crops, by simply forcing it forward in time.
Fully knowing the possible dangers, should one mess with the full aspect of time, she has great interest in the subject.
For good measure, Luna has studied the use of fire, as an element. Though she isn’t as experienced in that, she still manages to be able to conjure a fireball or two, should the time call for it.
Equipment: A book on Chronomancy, handed to her after the disappearence of her father.
Title: “The Aspect of Time - A Chronomancy Study"
Biography: Daughter of two mages, Luna was exposed to magic early in her life. Whilst her mother was primarily a user of spells that would mend wounds and cure diseases, Luna never had much interest for that. Instead, it was her father, Pannamus Prior who introduced her to the possibility of manipulating time. While he did not dare teach her much, (seeing as he was not skilled in it himself) he loved to tell her of the places and things he would want to see.
At the age of 13, Luna’s father disappeared. Neither her mother nor herself knew why, but it was suspected it might’ve been caused by a rift in time that he had created, and he was stranded somewhere else, in another time. It was that same year that her mother decided to send Luna off to the B.U.M, taking along her fathers beloved book “The Aspect of Time - A Chronomancy Study"
Master: Eleanor McKinly - Teacher on time magic.
If Luna was forced to sacrifice something important in order to move forward, it would be: If ultimately required, Luna would be willing to give up the emotion of love, should it lead her towards her goals. She holds great affection for her mother, and would be absolutely devasted if she had to give it up, but would be willing to, if it was the only choice there was.
If Luna was offered to have a single wish fulfilled, it would be: Without a second of hesitation, Luna would wish to gain complete control of time, wishing to experience what has already happened, and what will happen, and possibly find her father, should he still live.
Age: 19
Gender: Female

Luna stands at the average height for a female at her age, with dark hazel hair, which is either braided or simply kept loose. The woman keeps herself tidy as often as she can. Her face is unscarred, not having been subject to being blown up or the likes. Luna always seem to be able to wear different outfits each day, that sometimes being darker robes, or a colorful dress.
Year: Sixth year.
Rank: Journeymen
Room No.: 28-A
Luna is an already talented sorceress, having study a fair bit with her parents before she was accepted into the University at the age of 13. She quickly got an almost worrying interest in the subject of Chronomancy, time magic. Though she has a good understanding of offensive conjurations as well, it is the aspect of time she spends most of her time studying, both in the subject of using time to grow food, or manipulate age of smaller creatures. While it isn’t a secret that she studies it, she is rather secretive about the result of her experiments.
She is rather open to people however, never refusing to assist others should they need it. The woman is rather lighthearted, always enjoying conversation and humor.
Magic Discipline:
Luna spends most her time studying the art of Chronomancy, and has grown to be fairly adept in the art. Though she (obviously) still has plenty to learn, and is years from mastering it, the woman has already managed to control a few incantations, such as manipulating growth of crops, by simply forcing it forward in time.
Fully knowing the possible dangers, should one mess with the full aspect of time, she has great interest in the subject.
For good measure, Luna has studied the use of fire, as an element. Though she isn’t as experienced in that, she still manages to be able to conjure a fireball or two, should the time call for it.
Equipment: A book on Chronomancy, handed to her after the disappearence of her father.
Title: “The Aspect of Time - A Chronomancy Study"
Biography: Daughter of two mages, Luna was exposed to magic early in her life. Whilst her mother was primarily a user of spells that would mend wounds and cure diseases, Luna never had much interest for that. Instead, it was her father, Pannamus Prior who introduced her to the possibility of manipulating time. While he did not dare teach her much, (seeing as he was not skilled in it himself) he loved to tell her of the places and things he would want to see.
At the age of 13, Luna’s father disappeared. Neither her mother nor herself knew why, but it was suspected it might’ve been caused by a rift in time that he had created, and he was stranded somewhere else, in another time. It was that same year that her mother decided to send Luna off to the B.U.M, taking along her fathers beloved book “The Aspect of Time - A Chronomancy Study"
Master: Eleanor McKinly - Teacher on time magic.
If Luna was forced to sacrifice something important in order to move forward, it would be: If ultimately required, Luna would be willing to give up the emotion of love, should it lead her towards her goals. She holds great affection for her mother, and would be absolutely devasted if she had to give it up, but would be willing to, if it was the only choice there was.
If Luna was offered to have a single wish fulfilled, it would be: Without a second of hesitation, Luna would wish to gain complete control of time, wishing to experience what has already happened, and what will happen, and possibly find her father, should he still live.