The Pokemon Laboratory of New Bark Town was stationed to the west, practically overlooking the rest of the quiet settlement. BRIAR found herself frowning at the sight. It wasn't nearly as imposing enough. They could appreciate the sleek lines and the sheer magnitude of the building compared to the rest of the plebian architecture that littered the town, but it was simply too... cheery.
Their assistant seemed to not share their sentiments as her eyes began to alight with wonder at the Pokemon Laboratory. It irked BRIAR to no end. Oohs and ahhs echoed behind them, for which they pointedly glared at the young girl. They pushed past a lanky assistant that was to enter the building as well, and marched up to the woman that they had penned the letter to.
"Professor Juniper, I assume," they began. The Professor responded in kind, with a warm smile on her lips as she extended a hand.
"And you must be BRIAR. I'm a fan."For their part, BRIAR merely eyed the proferred hand before turning to look around the laboratory, noticing that there were already two others there - younger than them and so irritatingly chipper.
"Of course you are. Who wouldn't be?" It was a rhetorical question, and they glared down anyone who dared attempt to negate their statement.
"I must admit, when I first saw you, I didn't think you were the type to settle somewhere so..." their hand waved in the air as an attempt to find a perfect word occured,
"quaint."Juniper blinked before smiling kindly, choosing to take the other's statement as a compliment.
"It is a peaceful place, and perfect for new beginnings." She extended her arms, as though further welcoming the group,
"That's what we're all here for - for a new beginning with Pokemon by our sides."Samantha, BRIAR's personal assistant, stepped up to her boss and whispered,
"I'm starting the camera. Remember why you're doing this." She fiddled for a moment with the small video camera before handing it over to BRIAR. It was especially made for what the star was about to partake in. It was small, water-proof, and had a battery that could easily be recharged by a weak volt from any electric Pokemon. What BRIAR loved most about it was that its compact structure allowed them to tuck it into the jacket they always wore, and the colour scheme matched too.
Now, the camera was a reminder of why they had travelled so far, and would continue to do so. Their fans, the very same people they had alienated themself from. If their assistant had tried to speak to them in such a manner for something less dire, she would have received a good tongue-lashing, but at that moment, BRIAR simply nodded and accepted the camera. Samantha looked positively beaming.
BRIAR turned back to the Professor, who had been watching the interaction with a small smile.
"Very well. I'll be receiving a Pokemon, will I not?""Yes, of course," Juniper assured, but made no motion to grab a Pokeball for BRIAR. Instead, she gestured to the other two with them, a brunet and a blond. BRIAR could care less about those children, but it seemed that Juniper was intent on making her.
"How about an introduction while we wait for the others?" Her eyes were urging, shining with a request that was truly hard to say no to. BRIAR had to wonder if that was how the Professor managed to get children to wander around a region with only a bunch of Pokemon with them despite the apparent danger of such an undertaking. It had to be those eyes. They let their gaze wander down. It had to be those eyes, or those legs. They raised their eyes again, meeting the Professor's smile. Both. It was definitely both.
With an exasperated sigh, they turned to the two boys.
"The name is BRIAR, and yes, it is your pleasure." They turned back to the Professor, hand held out.
"Have I earned that Pokemon?"Behind them, Samantha just sighed tiredly.