1st EDIT: Adjusted some things and added some names. That continent at the top, to the north of the Northern Wilds, is the Land of Always Winter. Let me know if anything still needs to be adjusted.
2nd EDIT: Darkened a few lines and made the Land of Always Winter's name visible. Also, added a new location, Respite the Last City. This is the largest city on Erathel and houses the refugees of countless nations destroyed over the last six hundred years.
Toth, the Sleeping City is location A
Hagers is location B
Talpike Village is location C
Ha'zufel is location D
Mumue Village is location E
The Sweetwater River is location F, and the arrow marks the delta
The Ruins of Agamand are location G
River Deep is location H
The unnamed village where Ha fought the bloodthirsters is location I
The unnamed village in the Northern Wilds Asivar visited is location J
Pecher's Valley, also known as Pecher's Grave and the World's Gutter is location K
The unnamed swamp where Reeva fought the boogeyman is location L
The Infested Workshop is location M
The three unnamed villages Isabella Loyce has visited on Yigzavath's behalf are locations N, O, and P
Respite, the Last City is location Q
The question marks indicate regions or landmarks we haven't named yet. I can easily add islands and whatnot since things got a little cramped. I just wanted to make sure the region names we'd already established were easily visible. I know Drake Valley was supposed to be an entire continent, but I feel like this version gives Kilgarrah easier access to the action,
@dragonmancer. I know this is more functional than pretty so let me know what you think needs to be adjusted, and I'll try to accommodate you.