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RANGERS Interest Check posted πŸ‘€
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In Rangers 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Jordan’s like...

In Rangers 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Vallory fangirling out over Charlie is quite literally one of the best things I've read today other than Charlie getting her Purple Dino Ranger on.

Hell yeah! I loved the fangirling reaction she had πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Can’t wait to see what happens when she actually becomes her favorite Ranger!
In Rangers 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Zoey Boey People knew of them by their suits but not by their identities. They do know that some of them died but not which ones specifically.
In Rangers 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

I expected this out of Ross TBH

Yep. This is the one. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
In Rangers 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Location: Arriving at the Angel Grove Youth Center
Interacting w/: @Potemking @Akayaofthemoon @Zoey Boey @metanoia @psych0pomp

All that Charlie needed to hear was confirmation from Jordan in order to be pushed over the edge to feeling motivated and energized. Internally, she smiled, her heart filled with the warmth of having someone by her side as they proceeded to press on with the threat of Druidon terrorizing the Youth Center. Thousands of thoughts played out in Charlie's mind as she ran alongside Jordan down the side streets, this final turn leading directly towards a pile up of traffic near the front of where the center was attached to the mall. Were there people who had been killed? Was there anyone else brave enough to stand in the face of the Drunn Soldiers? Was there any form of law enforcement or protection surrounding the perimeter. The Angel Grove Police Department had often been slow at responding, so perhaps some form of military assistance would be of use? Charlie couldn't bank on that.

As the two women ran, Charlie glanced down at her bag slung over her shoulder, slapping against her thigh with each long stride. She brought a couple of Power Morphers with her, along with the one that was already strapped around her waist. It still needed to be tested, but she assumed that the Blue Power Crystal would remain compatible with Jordan. It was a risk and she didn't want Jordan to get hurt during the morphing sequence. Only if desperate times calls for desperate measures... Charlie thought to herself as she and Jordan arrived on the scene that seemingly was shifting towards making its way outside.

There was carnage and destruction of the facility already done, which caused Charlie to curse under her breath as she stopped in place, scanning the area as people and children made their way outside running in the opposite direction towards the parking lot. The bevy of people turning a corner gave Charlie the clue that perhaps the biggest threat was on the other side of the building. "This way, Jordan!" Charlie said, nodding her head in the opposite direction, making a full-on sprint towards the scene. Once she saw the all too familiar face from earlier before, her brows furrowed before pure rage and energy coursed through her veins. "Clint!" she exclaimed, her feet quickening as she sprinted before she leapt gracefully into the ear and kicked the side of the head of one of the three Drunn Soldiers.

Tumbling onto the grass, Charlie quickly rolled onto one knee and positioned herself ready for a fight. "Looking for me, assholes?" she mused with a smirk. Charlie was unsure about the condition of Clint or Jordan in terms of fighting, but she had taken the time to continue to train in preparation for this day. Her piercing eyes quickly glanced the area and noticed three individuals in particular that stood out more than anyone else around. They hadn't run for safety, but if they were going to be here, then they needed to help in some way. Clearing her throat, she projected her voice to anyone who could listen. "If you're going to fight, then don't die! If you're going to help people to safety, then make sure that they don't die either!" The soldier gathered its bearings before charging at Charlie with his lance. Ducking out of the way, Charlie grabbed the middle of the lance, lifting her body up to kick it again and sent it stumbling back. It was until she created space from the evil-doer that she noticed her 'Purple Rain' shirt had been sliced open, exposing her navel. "Oh now you've fucked up!" Charlie said, sarcastically but all too seriously.

She grabbed for the lance at the solider tried to stab her once again, but Charlie had always been quick and agile with her movements. She wasn't physically as strong as Clint or even Jordan while she was unmorphed, but she often used her size to her advantage. Grabbing the base of the lance again, there was a momentary struggled for power until Charlie swept the solider's leg causing it fall flat on its back. With the lance in tow now, Charlie used it to pierce through the soldier's torso, causing it to explode in a bright light on impact. "Bitch..." she mumbled under her breath and turned to see how the others were fairing. She was sure that Jordan was probably holding her own too, but Charlie recalled from before that Clint had been outnumbered three to one. Trotting over to him, she helped him up to his feet as best as she could. "How you holdin' up, Cowboy?" she asked, her eyes looking off into the distance of the building where there were even more Drunn Soldiers spilling out of the opening from the building. "I don't have time for this...." she grumbled.

Slipping away from the others, she tossed her bag behind her towards Clint and Jordan, glancing over her shoulder. "Your new morphers are inside," she said, turning to face the Drunn Soldiers who were now charging forward with an immeasurable number. Looking over at the other three who had stuck around to fight, she nodded at them. "Get yourself to safety. We'll take care of this." Holding her left hand out, she tapped the screen of her Power Morpher as it lit up. Pressing her finger against the 'Ranger' icon, Charlie shouted, "Purple Ranger, Dino Power!" Spinning the perimeter of the screen, a bright purple light emitted from the morpher as the head of a dinosaur burst out from it with a stream of purple energy releasing behind it. The head shot up into the air before slamming down on Charlie's body, giving her a vibrant new form, her body surrounded with the Purple Ranger suit.

"I've been waiting for a while to kick some ass!" Charlie said, smirking behind the visor of her helmet as she reached for the Dino Blaster in her holster. "You might wanna run while you can!" she said to the soldiers as she held up her weapon and began firing blasts that took the soldiers down one by one. Running to get in close, she punched one of the soldiers as they attempted to attack, ducking out the way of one of them and then kneeling to shoot one right in the crotch as it exploded into bits on impact. "They didn't tell you to protect the family jewels? Tragic," she said dryly before kicking another soldier in the chest and then firing a series of shots the other ones from across the way. "You two feel like you're riding a bicycle yet?" she called over to Jordan and Clint. Maybe being a Ranger wasn't comparable to riding a bike, but perhaps adrenaline would make it simpler?
In Rangers 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Clint's rampage is unfortunately over for the moment.

Charlie pls save

But for real, she’s on the way very soon! πŸ‘€
In Rangers 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Damo021 Feel free! πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎ
In Rangers 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Damo021 Hey there! Sorry we’re full but thanks for the interest!
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