Ayato Hinami
Mustard Male
Ayato is a rather pretty young boy, having short blonde locks and crystal blue eyes. He has a rather babyish appearance, still bearing those cute squishable cheeks and a rather frail body. His skin is rather light, but is prone to turning red from how often he blushes. He loves candy, so sometimes he's caught dead with frosting or sprinkles around his mouth. He's a cover up prone, so he dresses rather thickly. He normally wears three layers of clothing, even if it's hot. He wears a blue and white checkered scarf that hides his mouth, and wears a trench coat that seems sort of too big for him. His shoes also don't seem exactly his size, being slightly large black boots.
Ayato is a rather outgoing fellow, always having a smile on his face and trying to be cheery. He loves seeing others smile and be happy. He likes to look at the positives and keep the sun shining. He is also quite hyperactive, constantly moving around and keeping himself moving, for it makes him feel alive. He loves just about everything, well, except for being mistaken for a girl; he HATES being called a girl. He always greets people with a hug or a kiss, just to show he cares for them. He tries to be everyone's light, even if he is small and young.
Harmonic Diary - A mp3 player which tells of things based on noise like where someone is, how fast they are, roughly what their doing. Its weakness comes as it actually dramatically increases the user's hearing, making them more vulnerable to things like sudden loud noises and overloading of sound.
Notable Skills:
- Beautiful singing voice
- Can copy animal noises
- Can make (Limited) imitations of people
Ever since Ayato was born, his family was in a constant quarrel. His mother and father tried oh so hard to stay together, but things were just drifting apart slowly. He was constantly met with constant arguing in the morning, all through the day, and until night. Sometimes his parents were so busy arguing with each other they would neglect him, forcing him to have to care for himself sometimes. He was a pretty unhappy child, until his parents finally divorced. As some sort of sick celebratory gift, he was given an MP3 player and his mother told him to block out the world, because it wouldn't do him any favors anyway.
This led to the suicide of one of his closest friends, Miyuki. He would constantly ignore the signs that she wasn't well, and he didn't pay attention to the bullies. The last he heard of her was her crying over the phone in what sounded like a really loud place, and then the line cut.
Next thing was a news story of an 8 year old girl who jumped off a building and died on impact.
This caused him to go into a fast grief; he allowed his friend to die.
He wished that he could have been able to listen...
But in one dream, a man offered to let that dream come true.
He accepted.
-He has a German Shepherd named Mandi to act as a second set of ears.