The president of the Germanic Republic stood a good six feet away from the gate. He stared into the light it emitted and watched as the figures became more defined, and he realized what was coming. Goblins and Avians started to pour from the gate, the President in his fright, ran into the crowed. The Crowed pushed and shoved away from the gate as people were chased down and killed; the president in the crowed was pushed to the ground and trampled violently, he was crushed under the feet of his own citizens.
The Future Soldier program in Berlin had Taskforce Viperstrike on stand-by at the time, and they immediately moved to protect the citizens of the Germanic republic, shouting into their radios, “The President is dead! I repeat, Wolfs-head is dead!” they heard crackles on the radios as they hastily make their way outside their test facility. The first hostiles they saw they immediately engaged, their multitudes of weapons shredding anything that came near them, the Garrison also moved in to try and secure the area, with the commanding officer shouting “Activate the Sierra protocols one through eight! Decentralize the Germanic military, we’ve been invaded!” Mikkel looked on in disbelief, the scientists also made their way to the evacuation site, grenades and machine gun fire basically held them at the gate for a short while until someone in the meager defense force shouted, “Retreat!”
The engaged military force basically made their way out of Berlin, evacuating all they could. Radio reports continued to pour in, one stated that Russia had just activated its nuclear arsenal and used it against its invaders. “Fuck me sideways… This is getting out of hand” Mikkel scoffed to himself, they were getting overrun, fortunately, the Berlin defense force was only part of the whole Garrison, which at that very moment, was mobilizing to set up defenses outside Berlin’s perimeter in order to facilitate the evacuation of Germanic citizens and prepare for the subsequent artillery bombardment of the city.
The 5th Wiking Panzer Division got the nationwide broadcast of the commander from Berlin, “Activate the Sierra protocols one through eight! Decentralize Germanic military, we’ve been invaded” Johan couldn’t believe it, he hadn’t heard about the Sierra protocols since he was a child studying the history of the cold war.
“All units, we’re heading east towards the cities, we need to secure our factories, call ahead and do it fast! We don’t know how much time we have until comms go down! Make it count!”
The camp around them started to buzz as people took down tents, did inventory, and packed up all within an hour, they quickly head towards the city of Vienna and the various military Garrisons that existed in the Austrian region. Johan quickly picked up the radio and relayed the message to each and every one of the garrisons, they’re getting conflicting reports from all over the world about attacks from the gate. Johan whispered to himself “This is going to be a shit storm…” looked at the world map and marked out where each gate is located, he also took note of each of the production facilities and resource nodes in Austria.
The tanks would need fuel, the stockpile in each garrison should last them a year if used sparingly, their munitions cache would be sustainable as long as there were resources to produce them. He reckoned that the Scandinavian region would have the same odds. The supply lines could still connect if they could keep the rest of the Republic Isolated and secure, with that in mind, he was certain there was hope. Scandinavia wouldn’t fall so easily, the blood of Vikings runs deep in that area, a finely tuned, finely trained army awaits any oppressor to try and invade Scandinavia.
Before the nationwide broadcast, the Field Marshal and the subsequent General prepared for the Sierra protocol. The entire Scandinavian sector went into full mobilization, all hands on deck. “Prepare for retaliatory strike, Mk.III Hypersonic missiles locked on Berlin. Give me a line towards the closest nations! I’m assuming command of the Scandinavian Garrisons!” The Marshal shouted. Radios crackling, aircraft buzzing, ships sailing, hundreds upon thousands of non-essential personnel being evacuated. By this time, the borders of the Germanic Republic have collapsed with the creatures coming from all sides. “Every nation that has been overrun, there’s not much we can do, secure our borders!” he shouted into the many radios infront of him. A cacophony of loud bangs went off, artillery was already beginning to show off, the rumbling ground indicating tanks were on the field, the buzzing of helicopters and wooshing of jets overhead.
“Sir! Mobilization of the Scandinavian garrison complete!” a private reported as he entered the command building, “several cities on the coasts have fallen to what they describe to be merfolk! Finland is holding its ground but it can’t hold for long! Berlin and Austria are starting to go dark! Sierra protocol has been declared!” he continued, “Sir, Orders!?” Heinrich and the General both looked unsurprised when the Sierra protocol was enacted, it seemed Russia thought of something the same, now AESR was trying to contact the German PM, he was declared deceased just an hour before.
“Have all of our forces dig in on these locations!” he pointed to the map, on it were highlighted locations of strategic importance, such as factories, oil rigs, steel mills, mines, and more. The private nodded and grabbed the map, “Sir, I’m on it sir!” he said, his face exasperated, “This is Sweden HQ calling Copanhagen and Oslo HQ, relaying locations of import!” he shouted. Meanwhile the Brandon and Erikson poured over the Austrian and German locations of strategic locations, however the Sierra protocol already dictated what each of the regions should do in case of an invasion. “God help us all…” Erikson glanced at Brandon as he heard the remark, “Let us hope that God exists then” he commented. Erikson, looked at the Wiking divisions location under the command of Johan Erwin, he relayed a message to him stating that he was in command of the Austrian region.
If Germany was to fall, Scandinavia and Austria would attempt a pincer maneuver and reclaim the country and take it back if at all possible. The long-range missile armament was still active, designating coordinates beforehand and warning every major country within a thousand kilometer radius to keep their heads down. “Missile launches being coordinated with other countries, Finland is ready to launch when we're ready! Contacting England, Russia, Italy, and the AESR for coordinated strikes!” the ensign shouted, humanity fights back.