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Current It has been 2 years since I focused on my finals, I have now returned.
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Busy with college finals. :b
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What am I doing to my life.
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Shameless advertising of a roleplay: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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3 yrs ago
Just to change up my status. I'm doing better than I did a year ago. Hopefully everyone else is doing okay.


I'm a space cat.

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Erik T. Edwards

First Lieutenant



Nationality/Place of Birth:

Dublin, Ireland




5’9 ft

175.3 cm



Muscular Build


Loud, bossy, softy, he may not seem like he cares, but he does behind all the cussing.

Biography and History:

Erik started out at Camp Currie, taking his lumps like all the other mudfoots. He was an exceptional squad leader, impeccably dressed, always followed orders, and did all his responsibilities in the Camp. His Irish spirit drove him through some of the harshest training routines, whenever he was encouraged to quit, he would give a smile to the Drill Sergeant and shout obscure sci-fi references such as, “I will not succumb to the powers of the Dark Side!” or “That sir, is heresy of the highest order! Retreat is never an option!” or even “I’m giving ‘er all she’s got sir!”

This was a problem for the Drill instructors because not only was he an excellent soldier, but he was also an excellent nuisance, and try as the instructors might, they could not beat it out of him, it encouraged his unit to continue forward in their training believing that if one man had that spirit, they all did. At the end of boot, they found that Erik’s class had the lowest drop out count over time. The officers at the Boot attributed this to Erik’s feisty attitude and his ability to galvanize the men’s spirits, they immediately recommended him to officer school, wondering whether he would surprise them further. There Erik faced one of his greatest hurdles, philosophy and history. These were things that one needed to learn, it was essential for an officer to think outside of the box or refer to what history could teach, unfortunately, Erik didn’t know this, nor did he care, but he did want to pass.

During the next few months, Erik would study, of course he only studied enough to pass, but even then it wasn’t enough, he got extra classes and assignments to report upon. He did not adapt well to this, but he passed with moderate colors, going to his first combat drop as third lieutenant in command of a company under supervision. He did okay, with mark ups here and there, but it was good enough for the evaluating officers – the first and second lieutenants of the company – to give him a recommendation.

After they arrived to their drop location, Klendathu on operation Bughouse, his spirit was smothered for the first time. They dropped in and it was a mess, the Bugs were deeply entrenched, their defenses started firing at the pods that haven’t even landed, cutting units in half. The K9 units just started dying left and right, fellow men he talked to just minutes before the drop, dead all around him, the 2nd lieutenant was offed right in the thick of it, leaving him in charge of the entire company, which sized around half or slightly less than half strength. He clicked into Company comms and called for a sound off, still in utter disbelief that some pods never made it down. “Scatter, north, northeast, 3 clicks!” one of the sergeants responded, the crackle on the radio betraying the nature of their situation, shouting and groaning, loud weapons fire, it seemed the entire invasion was collapsing.

Then the radio crackled again, planet wide communication on all Federal channels, “Sounding General retreat, General retreat!” He barked out orders, saying, “Get to the landing zone you apes! You wanna live forever!?” The song of the TFCT Roosevelt started playing near the fleet beacon. Their boat was arriving. They evacuated safely off the planet, taking fire as they ascended.

Erik showed his capability to lead in a stressful situation, he was given several commendations for his actions in Klendathu, for saving the lives of not only his unit, but every other unit around him, gathering troopers as they ran to the landing zone. The failed invasion of Klendathu however, left the Federation reeling from the amount of losses. Erik was promoted to first Lieutenant, and given a new unit, with some members being transferred from his old Company, others being drawn from companies so completely destroyed they needed to be re-allocated. Each company had its own unique name given to it by the members. Erik’s Eagles was the name that was given to the Company. The name comes from Erik himself, making puns about Eagles during a bull session, much to Erik’s dismay, the name stuck. A new skymarshal, a new plan, a new operation, Planet Pluto.

The Pluto Campaign begins.

Suit Slot:

Command Suit



Unknown Platoon Sergeant 1918

Quote from Starship Troopers by Robert A. Heinlein


Original Poster of Starship Troopers



In an unknown year in the far flung future, mankind wages an interstellar war with a new and terrifying enemy; the Bugs of Klendathu. The Citizen Federation of Earth fights a losing war against the bugs as millions die on both sides, while the intelligence bureau frantically attempts to probe the bugs for weaknesses in order to help our fighting men and women gain an edge over our new foe.


First invasion of Klendathu


Operation Bughouse, the first large scale offensive against the Bugs on their home planet of Klendathu. The Operation involved landing K-9 and Mobile infantry units on the surface to secure and hold a beachhead to help sustain the assault, however the invasion failed completely as units were overwhelmed by the defensive bug forces, and were not able to secure any landing zones. The K-9 unit's neodogs blew themselves up against the enemy out of sheer shock, leaving the Mobile Infantry without any support. Casualties mounted within the hour and for every thousand bugs they killed, one Infantry man dies - A net win for the bugs - the situation was getting desperate.

The General in command sounded the retreat, while holding his own unit back to support the retreating forces, needless to say, the General 'bought it' that day. Casualties were heavy, it was enough for the Terran Command to reconsider their strategy going forward as the bugs have put them on the back foot for the rest of the war.

You and many others volunteer to fight this new threat, gruelingly trained and armed to the teeth, from our mysterious Intelligence divisions, our powerful navy, all the way to the hard-working Mobile Infantry who fight for all mankind. They're doing their part, are you? Join up and do your part! Become a citizen of the federation today.




You and the rest of the group will be playing as part of the Mobile Infantry in a squad from the company of Erik's Eagles, a fan made company similar to that in the book or the movies as Rasczack's Roughnecks aboard the transport corvette, TFCT Magsaysay, in honor of the book's main protagonist Juan 'Johnny' Rico who was (in the book) Filipino, he suggested at the end of the book, that there should be a ship named after Magsaysay.

We will be playing as Cap Troopers, meaning we get to drop out of ships like paratroopers. This will be for those who've read the book, watched the films, and have seen the animated series, I had envisioned this to be a combination of some elements from each, using the book as a heavy basis.

What this means is that the bugs will be intelligent, capable of making some kind of advanced technology and using a variety of strategies in order to win, whilst still taking prisoners of war, using swarm tactics, and the capability to interrogate prisoners and take their knowledge through psychic means, either through persuasion or force, rather than sucking out their brains. (Which I'm pretty sure doesn't work biologically speaking)

The skinnies will be in this too, an ally to the Federation after tense negotiations. Unlike in the Animated series they would have been persuaded by the Terran Federation to break ties with the bugs, rather than the bugs forcibly taking control of them.

The Terran Federation will be using the fleet, and there will be more than one kind of ship for the Terran Federation to engage with the Bugs Fleet. In the book there were no indication on how the bugs fought the Federation in space; all that is known is that the bugs used missile weaponry for their navy and could go toe-to-toe with Federation ships, as they were able to plaster Buenos Aires with what is believed to be a long range plasma weapon.

As in the films we will be using them as a basis for the Bug's heavy artillery and what their vehicles would look like and function; as such the bugs could have giant mechanized versions of the Tanker or the Plasma bug, and their explosives like the Bombardier beetle could be an anti-personnel grenade flung from one of these mechs or perhaps the bug warriors themselves, hoppers and Kamikazes can be replaced with bug aircraft that shoot beam weapons.

(Note that the mechanization is intended for their vehicles and weapons platforms, they are not gigantic suits of armor that will cover a giant bug.)

Many of the worlds from the animated series will be featured, and some of the campaigns will really test how creative we can get with the given material, but as much as possible I want to be able to reach the second invasion of Klendathu. The role-play perspective will be that of one squad in a platoon of Erik's Eagle company, which is one in fifty squads of an entire company, being part of the first platoon, first section, led by Erik himself, through the most grueling war in human history.




Since we don't know what the regular section composition is, I have had to take a few guesses, this is roughly -what I think- will be the regular composition of a squad.

-Two Command Suits
-Lieutenant Erik
-Five Marauder Suits
-PSC to Corporal
-Three Scout Suits
-PFC to Corporal

The suits look like Steel gorillas, they enhance many things from strength, jumps, and spacial awareness.
They come with an array of communications devices that can switch channels by using the mouth to bite down on a button to switch frequencies, for example, bite down once for channel A, twice for B, and so on. The suits function much like a hopper, with many specialized pressure sensors on the inside, allowing the suit to move like you move, they also have thrusters allowing for air mobility and speed. This had its benefits such as ease of use, you don't have to learn a completely new set of maneuvers or controls, It's basically a full suit body armor, but the armor is like a second skin that moves with you and augments your strength.

To fully prepare a suit for use out of storage would take 26 hours, at most; fitting it to the person meant to use it would take additional time, so some troopers have learned to keep a few spare suits hot, taking them out of their cold state.

The weapons for the suits can range from conventional slug throwers all the way to mini-nukes launched from a Y-rack. Marauders would be equipped with weapons, from heavy machine guns, to rocket launchers, scouts and command suits get the same amount of weaponry, the scout suits have less communication equipment than the Command suits, which have the ability to communicate across all sections and platoons in the company where all other suits get only three frequencies to communicate with; the command suits can also monitor everyone's vital signs, allowing for the Squad Leader to account for all living troopers in his area, vital signs can also be monitored by pressing a button on the belt buckle of the suits.

The troopers also have a various arsenal of grenades, one engineered to smoke out bug holes with bio and chemical gasses, another just for the regular explosives, they also have listening equipment so that when they make camp, they can listen to the bugs digging under them to let them prepare.

The suits have the ability to jump long distances, depending on the gravitational constant of the planet, it could also be akin to flying, as the distances you can jump like this can span whole football fields.

Only a few things are standard for every trooper, a flamer and a combat knife, useful for close combat as you don't have to aim much in such tight quarters, the troopers can also go hand to hand in their suits, they are resistant to radiation, chemicals, and bio-weapon agents.

Now take note, that for each campaign and mission we will be switching loadouts from time to time, We could be bringing peewees (Term for mini-nukes) or high powered explosives to seal off bug holes, or grenade launchers, etc.

Without further ado here is the CS, however, keep in mind I am looking for people who will be active with their posts and will inform the group if he or she will be away over a significant period of time so that I or the player in question can quietly write him or her out for a while for continuity's sake. I expect you to tell us if your post is delayed or if you're waiting for someone in particular to post, if you can't do this simple thing DO NOT JOIN THIS RP or I WILL be forced to remove you, I don't want that hassle. In addition, I also expect at least or more than three paragraphs of text, unless situation demands less.

Another rule is that I can and will auto hit a few of you using the bugs to catch out unlucky souls, I will not intend to kill you off, but it will injure your character and it will force everyone else to have carrying actions in order to save you, how you act in those situations will also determine how other characters will see you, NO TROOPER LEFT BEHIND is a rule in the Mobile infantry, that applies to even the dead, unless the situation proves too daunting to risk saving a dead man. Otherwise, if you're the type who likes making new characters, you can ask me to get you shot or RP yourself getting shot, I like a little bit of Drama in the RP, so plus points on you if you can make that happen.

Final rule is that all bugs are fair game, but when we meet the bigger machines that the bugs make, we will have to do some actual RP Combat, that means no auto-hitting the big bugs or I will give consequences that may cause your Character to 'buy it'. There are exceptions to this, such as having a nuke, but then there are times where we can't use a nuke, when in that situation refer to this rule.

If you're good with all that, then by all means fill up the CS, and again I stress this fact. DO NOT DO IT IF YOU CAN'T COMMIT, that is all.


If you have any suggestions or questions PM me or post down bellow, Don't worry, I don't bite.

Would you like to know more?
So just to make sure, we have four people interested? I'll post up the OOC if we at least have four or five people interested.

Oh yes I forgot, real life things. He was handling stuff Irl.
@TheCrash20 Are you still interested?
I have already expressed my interest before, I shall do it again here to bump. I shall begin making it sometime tomorrow. I'm still thinking about whether to make it Pro or anti Imperial.
Honestly, I only see the Grineer interacting with the Daleks in order to get their hands on some better weapons. Although if they get the idea to use Dalekanium or Metalert for their Famorians, then everyone's boned if they get some from the Daleks.

Dalekanium famorians, hmm, sounds like something that could compete with the Dalek ships, I look forward to what you can come up with. I played warframe for a while, I love that you went with the Grineer. I'm an Ivara main myself, though I've lost my fervor for it due to constant connection issues.

As you can imagine, internet in the Philippines isn't the best.

A sign of a dedicated roleplayer! We need more of those now a days!
<Snipped quote by Liotrent>

Well, we can work out first contact whenever you're ready.

Alright, that'd be great, Dalek's first contact, whew this is gonna be nerve racking.
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