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I'm a space cat.

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a collab between @Necroknight and I

The warm sun that showered the coasts of Japan earlier in the morning slowly disapeared over dark foreboding clouds that signalled the coming of rain. The air was moist and cold while the sea churned a little more with the mild wind.

The coasts of Tokyo lay seemingly quiet, dead bodies of Naga and Imperials litter the sandy beaches with more dead Naga than there were dead Japanese and the beaches and docks covered in craters and charred ground where fires used to burn. Amongst the dead, the Imperials waited quietly, laying booby traps, and nests of machine guns and mortar pits with the now empty buildings serving as temporary watch towers and bunkers for the Japanese. One such building was overlooking the horizon when a sail caught the eye of a sentinel.

The boat was small, clearly not military, though it seems from his dusty, old, world war two era binoculars he saw that it was, in fact, loaded with military personnel. He yelled a whisper, down one of the hallways of what used to be a resort with many bedrooms, the rest of the men down the hall passed the message amongst eachother until it reached the dedicated radio placed near the rear of the building for a quick exit. The message was as follows:

"Possible friendlies approaching in a small civilian sail boat, hold your fire!"

They watched its slow approach as they witnessed the first drops of rain that covered the dull terrain and heard the loud crack of thunder echoing in the distance.

The sail-boat soon stopped near one of the empty docks - as men slowly got off the vessel. One of the gathered men, looked more important than the others. Namely, as any of the Imperials could see - that he wore the typical uniform of a European-style officer. Combined with a decorated jacket and a General' hat.

The man in question, slowly directed his men to shoulder rifles and scout out their approach - men whom wore also something that one might found on an European, than anybody from the mainland. It likely meant two things - namely one, either the remains of the Russian' navy had made land here. Or more likely, although equally surprising - soldiers from Ezo had come here.

Either option seemed a good one, especially if they had somebody with them that looked high on the chain of command - plus the military equipment could be useful as well.

A voice yelled out echoing across the dock, "Don't move! The place is booby trapped, we'll have our sapper guide you through!" as quickly as it was said, a three man team consisting of a rifle man, a submachine gunner, and what looked to be another rifleman with a large pouch strapped to his belt off to the side came running out. They wore Imperial uniforms, Plain Khaki, their helmets covered in leaves and twigs, and their faces painted to blend in to the shadows.

They ran in patterns criss-crossing the dock as many of the traps rellied on tripwire. They also stayed low to the ground going cover to cover ensuring that if the enemy were to show up they'd at least be in decent cover to retaliate. When they finally reached the boat they saluted and introduced themselves promptly as Private Ishikawa Nui as the designated marksman, Corporal Takei Shinji as the point man and designated machine gunner, and Private Tamayo Akira as the squad sapper. They explained that they had to be quick but careful, expressing the need to get back towards on of their strong points.

The 'General' in question saluted them back. Namely addressing himself as Secretary-General Resak - or namely THE leader of the People' Republic of Ezo, right here in the capital of the Imperials. Either he had gotten lost in some storm or had come here on purpose - either way, it meant a likely positive thing.

If the Imperials could get him into contact, with their own people. For the moment, Resak gave a whistle to his men - and barked a few orders, in his own language. Before his own, two dozen men quickly - got off the sail-boat, bringing the equipment and supplies with them.

"Lead the way," he replied, in Japanese - soon following the Imperials back to their stronghold. He himself carried an SKS, with a folded bayonet - better safe than sorry.

Going through the Imperial stronghold the arsenal of the Imperials could be described as cobbled together, with old 1940s technology and knock-offs of soviet tech alongside expensive modern equipment that was either handed to veteran soldiers or to high ranking officials. The defense was quite rustic, tripwire bombs, machine gun nests, spiderholes, things that made it hell for anything that came into Japanese territory, it was very reminiscent of the defenses set up during the 1940's and all the way into the 70's during the heated hostilities against the Soviets. Despite the equipment, everything seemed organized, and soldiers were where they were suppose to be whether it be hiding in a ditch, patrolling, or just building up defenses.

They finally got to the command builiding - a former business office - where the current commanding officer was. They were recieving and giving orders through a relay of radio networks and wired comms. The stronghold was busy, but it operated under low noise. Though the Naga are relatively easy to deal with, the real fighting is happening in the south where Japan's most ill tempered, but most effective officer makes his strike at the enemy.

Corporal Shinji and his small three man squad said their farewells and good lucks and returned to their post in due haste. The commander stepped out of the command building to greet the leader of the People' Republic of Ezo itself and his men, he spoke in their language as a form of respect. "Sir, Good afternoon! What brings you to Tokyo? Are things light in the North?" he inquired as he gestured for them to come into the building and out of the rain.

"No," replied Secretary-General Rasek, in Japanese - indicating he also knew their own language in reply. It had been the previous Secretary-General of the Worker' Party - that had agreed to re-open relationships with the mainland after the Russians completely pulled out of the Japanese Islands. Thus, he was now only the second to date - while he lacked his predecessors knowledge, he was still a young and educated man. One of the first things he learned, when talking in politics - it was always good to understand your own side, but also the side of your receiver.

"Or rather, not on the Northern tip of the mainland," he said - indicating that Ezo or Hokkaido itself was rather clean - and that the Ainu had landed onto the mainland itself. It meant, the usually divided North now likely had at least some form of support. Plus it also meant, that the Ainu were more willing to take an interest in Japanese politics - at least, moe pro-active than in the previous years.

The previous leader had been a good and understanding man - but also, a rather stubborn man. He kept talks going with unification for about seventeen years without much progress - although, while complete unification was several decades away, there still had been some agreements in economic and military matters. Although, perhaps with a new leader - things might be open for change. The North for example might finally agree on something - if any Daimyos still survived.

"No direct radio. These...freaks, severed the only sea-line. So we had to come by person," he explained. "Some of our soldiers, are making for a landing in Aomori. Then push south, until these filth are completely cleaned off the mainland..."

The commanding officer nodded once and resumed speaking in Japanese, "I see... I shall have to inform command of this new information. We were planning on making a Northern offensive, however other concerns led us to focus on the South as the influx of these Green skinned monsters and their beasts seem to be more concentrated there." he said, he gestured to one of his men and passed the message to one of the few radios that works like a link in a chain - they pass the message from one station to another in order to effectively keep near instant communication with the network being at least somewhat more reliable than wire in certain situations.

The radio crackled to life as a response came almost immediately, straight from high command, "Major Nakamura, keep the Secretary-General safe, see to it that he gets what he needs. If the Secretary-General came to Tokyo instead of a simple messenger, then he is here for a reason."

He then promptly turned to face Resak, "Is there anything I can do for you sir?" he spoke with a manner of respect and discipline while keeping his posture straight and neat despite the pouring rain.

"Indeed. I was hoping to get into contact, with the highest in the Imperial Command," replied Resak, pulling off his hat and setting it down onto the table. "We have received broken messages from China and Korea..."

"It seems, that some factions have already been fractured and fighting each other as well as these Invaders," he explained, soon steeling his eyes and looking at the CO of this Outpost.

"We need a united offensive. Otherwise - we'd never be able to clean Japan completely of these freaks," he explained. "We're divided as it is - anything more and likely the future of this land, might be only of tales and ruins..."

"This is why I came. We need to unify our cause, to make sure neither side tries to undermine the other - for any number of reasons," he explained, war was a time of great change but also deep division. If they started out, impacting each other' offensives in small ways - it could easily unravel into a war on three sides. That was something Rasek didn't want - and he was sure the neither did the Imperials.

"A united offensive to drive these filth of the homeland," he added - in a more lower tone. His father had been a Soviet Officer - while his mother had both Ainu and Japanese roots in her. She had been the kinder soul of the family - namely wishing for peace, since in her opinion they were all part of the homeland - one Japan, one people.

The Major considered his words, but then decided it wasn't his place to give any input on the matter. However, he did feel that finally there might be a chance to restore unity to Japan. He turned forty-five degrees on his heel and clicked his boots together then whistled for one of the supply trucks to come over.

He then turned to face the Secretary-General again, "Sir, you will have to talk to the council, the military board, and the steward in person to avoid hiccups through the Network. They are currently in the Chubu region in the Niigata prefecture..." As he was explaining, he gathered a few men to bolster the escort that the Secretary-General came with. "They are in the middle of Joetsu city using an old castle known as Kasugayama as a headquarters until we can be sure that Tokyo is secure."

The Security detail was also asigned a few armored personel carriers coppied from the Russian BMP's. The extra squad that the Major gathered filed into the truck, the APC's opened their doors for the Secretary-General and his men. Overall the convoy would consist of two APC's known as Type-60S and one supply truck.

Major Nakamura then turned to face the Resak and bowed respectfully, "I'm sorry we couldn't get you anything more comfortable Secretary-General, but this is all we have to spare." Nakamura apologized for the lack of luxury they could offer, but what they lacked in luxury could at least offer some form of protection.

"It will do. We are bred in hardship anyway," he replied, as Major Nakamura would get other reports on his radio-man. Who soon arrived to his side in a rush and informed of several dozen sail-boats arriving at their coast.

"I didn't come without bringing some gifts," he added, with a smile - before getting onboard the APC with his own staff of five.

Namely it was a supply run to Tokyo - namely food and ammunition. Mostly the usual 7.62mm - but also some decent guns to use them. Namely the surplus of military-grade SKS, that had been left on Ezo - when the Soviet Union collapsed. Plus the previous Secretary-General hadn't seen any reason to return such weapons post-haste.

Thus the usual Imperials might have a semi-automatic rifles to use instead of the usual bolt or lever-action. Or rather, utilized in this weather. One good thing about Soviet equipment was they worked anywhere in the world, no matter the weather condition.

Plus several bags of ratless rice and fresh fish always helped in boosting the morale if any army.

The good Major would then go on to tell his radio-man to inform logistics of the new influx of supplies. Nakamura then turned to return the smile and bowed again, this time to say thank you perfusely. "The Japanese here would finally have decent food after a year of living off scraps and rations."

"You need to get to Niigata quickly sir, before the southern offensive kicks off, once we are committed to the offensive most of our resources will go to that push."

The Imperials already strong resolve and morale was about to be bolstered by fresh food, new weapons, and more ammunition. The knock-off versions of the SKS and the AK worked rather decently but there were never enough of them, as a result most Japanese infantry used 1940's weapons and the knock-offs and stolen modern weapons went to squad leaders and officers.

"We will not let these gifts go to waste!" he exclaimed proudly, he wished the Secretary-General luck on his journey as they went their separate ways.

Resak, saluted in reply, as the APC' door closed and they were soon quickly off on their trip towards the Chubu region. One thing, that might be most useful was likely the RPG-7s, they had several crates of them. Although, they were easy to use and no doubt - would be useful, if any Siege Beast decided to make its appearance.

For the time being, the offensive was on to clear Japan of the creatures - the offensive for unification, was only several weeks away.

a collab between @Necroknight and I

The warm sun that showered the coasts of Japan earlier in the morning slowly disapeared over dark foreboding clouds that signalled the coming of rain. The air was moist and cold while the sea churned a little more with the mild wind.

The coasts of Tokyo lay seemingly quiet, dead bodies of Naga and Imperials litter the sandy beaches with more dead Naga than there were dead Japanese and the beaches and docks covered in craters and charred ground where fires used to burn. Amongst the dead, the Imperials waited quietly, laying booby traps, and nests of machine guns and mortar pits with the now empty buildings serving as temporary watch towers and bunkers for the Japanese. One such building was overlooking the horizon when a sail caught the eye of a sentinel.

The boat was small, clearly not military, though it seems from his dusty, old, world war two era binoculars he saw that it was, in fact, loaded with military personnel. He yelled a whisper, down one of the hallways of what used to be a resort with many bedrooms, the rest of the men down the hall passed the message amongst eachother until it reached the dedicated radio placed near the rear of the building for a quick exit. The message was as follows:

"Possible friendlies approaching in a small civilian sail boat, hold your fire!"

They watched its slow approach as they witnessed the first drops of rain that covered the dull terrain and heard the loud crack of thunder echoing in the distance.

The sail-boat soon stopped near one of the empty docks - as men slowly got off the vessel. One of the gathered men, looked more important than the others. Namely, as any of the Imperials could see - that he wore the typical uniform of a European-style officer. Combined with a decorated jacket and a General' hat.

The man in question, slowly directed his men to shoulder rifles and scout out their approach - men whom wore also something that one might found on an European, than anybody from the mainland. It likely meant two things - namely one, either the remains of the Russian' navy had made land here. Or more likely, although equally surprising - soldiers from Ezo had come here.

Either option seemed a good one, especially if they had somebody with them that looked high on the chain of command - plus the military equipment could be useful as well.

A voice yelled out echoing across the dock, "Don't move! The place is booby trapped, we'll have our sapper guide you through!" as quickly as it was said, a three man team consisting of a rifle man, a submachine gunner, and what looked to be another rifleman with a large pouch strapped to his belt off to the side came running out. They wore Imperial uniforms, Plain Khaki, their helmets covered in leaves and twigs, and their faces painted to blend in to the shadows.

They ran in patterns criss-crossing the dock as many of the traps rellied on tripwire. They also stayed low to the ground going cover to cover ensuring that if the enemy were to show up they'd at least be in decent cover to retaliate. When they finally reached the boat they saluted and introduced themselves promptly as Private Ishikawa Nui as the designated marksman, Corporal Takei Shinji as the point man and designated machine gunner, and Private Tamayo Akira as the squad sapper. They explained that they had to be quick but careful, expressing the need to get back towards on of their strong points.

The 'General' in question saluted them back. Namely addressing himself as Secretary-General Resak - or namely THE leader of the People' Republic of Ezo, right here in the capital of the Imperials. Either he had gotten lost in some storm or had come here on purpose - either way, it meant a likely positive thing.

If the Imperials could get him into contact, with their own people. For the moment, Resak gave a whistle to his men - and barked a few orders, in his own language. Before his own, two dozen men quickly - got off the sail-boat, bringing the equipment and supplies with them.

"Lead the way," he replied, in Japanese - soon following the Imperials back to their stronghold. He himself carried an SKS, with a folded bayonet - better safe than sorry.

Going through the Imperial stronghold the arsenal of the Imperials could be described as cobbled together, with old 1940s technology and knock-offs of soviet tech alongside expensive modern equipment that was either handed to veteran soldiers or to high ranking officials. The defense was quite rustic, tripwire bombs, machine gun nests, spiderholes, things that made it hell for anything that came into Japanese territory, it was very reminiscent of the defenses set up during the 1940's and all the way into the 70's during the heated hostilities against the Soviets. Despite the equipment, everything seemed organized, and soldiers were where they were suppose to be whether it be hiding in a ditch, patrolling, or just building up defenses.

They finally got to the command builiding - a former business office - where the current commanding officer was. They were recieving and giving orders through a relay of radio networks and wired comms. The stronghold was busy, but it operated under low noise. Though the Naga are relatively easy to deal with, the real fighting is happening in the south where Japan's most ill tempered, but most effective officer makes his strike at the enemy.

Corporal Shinji and his small three man squad said their farewells and good lucks and returned to their post in due haste. The commander stepped out of the command building to greet the leader of the People' Republic of Ezo itself and his men, he spoke in their language as a form of respect. "Sir, Good afternoon! What brings you to Tokyo? Are things light in the North?" he inquired as he gestured for them to come into the building and out of the rain.

"No," replied Secretary-General Rasek, in Japanese - indicating he also knew their own language in reply. It had been the previous Secretary-General of the Worker' Party - that had agreed to re-open relationships with the mainland after the Russians completely pulled out of the Japanese Islands. Thus, he was now only the second to date - while he lacked his predecessors knowledge, he was still a young and educated man. One of the first things he learned, when talking in politics - it was always good to understand your own side, but also the side of your receiver.

"Or rather, not on the Northern tip of the mainland," he said - indicating that Ezo or Hokkaido itself was rather clean - and that the Ainu had landed onto the mainland itself. It meant, the usually divided North now likely had at least some form of support. Plus it also meant, that the Ainu were more willing to take an interest in Japanese politics - at least, moe pro-active than in the previous years.

The previous leader had been a good and understanding man - but also, a rather stubborn man. He kept talks going with unification for about seventeen years without much progress - although, while complete unification was several decades away, there still had been some agreements in economic and military matters. Although, perhaps with a new leader - things might be open for change. The North for example might finally agree on something - if any Daimyos still survived.

"No direct radio. These...freaks, severed the only sea-line. So we had to come by person," he explained. "Some of our soldiers, are making for a landing in Aomori. Then push south, until these filth are completely cleaned off the mainland..."

The commanding officer nodded once and resumed speaking in Japanese, "I see... I shall have to inform command of this new information. We were planning on making a Northern offensive, however other concerns led us to focus on the South as the influx of these Green skinned monsters and their beasts seem to be more concentrated there." he said, he gestured to one of his men and passed the message to one of the few radios that works like a link in a chain - they pass the message from one station to another in order to effectively keep near instant communication with the network being at least somewhat more reliable than wire in certain situations.

The radio crackled to life as a response came almost immediately, straight from high command, "Major Nakamura, keep the Secretary-General safe, see to it that he gets what he needs. If the Secretary-General came to Tokyo instead of a simple messenger, then he is here for a reason."

He then promptly turned to face Resak, "Is there anything I can do for you sir?" he spoke with a manner of respect and discipline while keeping his posture straight and neat despite the pouring rain.

"Indeed. I was hoping to get into contact, with the highest in the Imperial Command," replied Resak, pulling off his hat and setting it down onto the table. "We have received broken messages from China and Korea..."

"It seems, that some factions have already been fractured and fighting each other as well as these Invaders," he explained, soon steeling his eyes and looking at the CO of this Outpost.

"We need a united offensive. Otherwise - we'd never be able to clean Japan completely of these freaks," he explained. "We're divided as it is - anything more and likely the future of this land, might be only of tales and ruins..."

"This is why I came. We need to unify our cause, to make sure neither side tries to undermine the other - for any number of reasons," he explained, war was a time of great change but also deep division. If they started out, impacting each other' offensives in small ways - it could easily unravel into a war on three sides. That was something Rasek didn't want - and he was sure the neither did the Imperials.

"A united offensive to drive these filth of the homeland," he added - in a more lower tone. His father had been a Soviet Officer - while his mother had both Ainu and Japanese roots in her. She had been the kinder soul of the family - namely wishing for peace, since in her opinion they were all part of the homeland - one Japan, one people.

The Major considered his words, but then decided it wasn't his place to give any input on the matter. However, he did feel that finally there might be a chance to restore unity to Japan. He turned forty-five degrees on his heel and clicked his boots together then whistled for one of the supply trucks to come over.

He then turned to face the Secretary-General again, "Sir, you will have to talk to the council, the military board, and the steward in person to avoid hiccups through the Network. They are currently in the Chubu region in the Niigata prefecture..." As he was explaining, he gathered a few men to bolster the escort that the Secretary-General came with. "They are in the middle of Joetsu city using an old castle known as Kasugayama as a headquarters until we can be sure that Tokyo is secure."

The Security detail was also asigned a few armored personel carriers coppied from the Russian BMP's. The extra squad that the Major gathered filed into the truck, the APC's opened their doors for the Secretary-General and his men. Overall the convoy would consist of two APC's known as Type-60S and one supply truck.

Major Nakamura then turned to face the Resak and bowed respectfully, "I'm sorry we couldn't get you anything more comfortable Secretary-General, but this is all we have to spare." Nakamura apologized for the lack of luxury they could offer, but what they lacked in luxury could at least offer some form of protection.

"It will do. We are bred in hardship anyway," he replied, as Major Nakamura would get other reports on his radio-man. Who soon arrived to his side in a rush and informed of several dozen sail-boats arriving at their coast.

"I didn't come without bringing some gifts," he added, with a smile - before getting onboard the APC with his own staff of five.

Namely it was a supply run to Tokyo - namely food and ammunition. Mostly the usual 7.62mm - but also some decent guns to use them. Namely the surplus of military-grade SKS, that had been left on Ezo - when the Soviet Union collapsed. Plus the previous Secretary-General hadn't seen any reason to return such weapons post-haste.

Thus the usual Imperials might have a semi-automatic rifles to use instead of the usual bolt or lever-action. Or rather, utilized in this weather. One good thing about Soviet equipment was they worked anywhere in the world, no matter the weather condition.

Plus several bags of ratless rice and fresh fish always helped in boosting the morale if any army.

The good Major would then go on to tell his radio-man to inform logistics of the new influx of supplies. Nakamura then turned to return the smile and bowed again, this time to say thank you perfusely. "The Japanese here would finally have decent food after a year of living off scraps and rations."

"You need to get to Niigata quickly sir, before the southern offensive kicks off, once we are committed to the offensive most of our resources will go to that push."

The Imperials already strong resolve and morale was about to be bolstered by fresh food, new weapons, and more ammunition. The knock-off versions of the SKS and the AK worked rather decently but there were never enough of them, as a result most Japanese infantry used 1940's weapons and the knock-offs and stolen modern weapons went to squad leaders and officers.

"We will not let these gifts go to waste!" he exclaimed proudly, he wished the Secretary-General luck on his journey as they went their separate ways.

Resak, saluted in reply, as the APC' door closed and they were soon quickly off on their trip towards the Chubu region. One thing, that might be most useful was likely the RPG-7s, they had several crates of them. Although, they were easy to use and no doubt - would be useful, if any Siege Beast decided to make its appearance.

For the time being, the offensive was on to clear Japan of the creatures - the offensive for unification, was only several weeks away.



Through a stubborn attitude, a willingness to fight till the last man, refusing to die without a fight. The Japanese are characterized by honor, self-sacrifice, self-respect, and an unbreakable resolve.


A lot of Imperial technology is stolen, disassembled, and reversed engineered

Other technology is improved based on what they’ve learned from the previous designs. Being based in Chubu and retaking parts of Kanto and Kansai which included the main cities of Kyoto and Tokyo after the radiation has substantially subsided in order to boost production and population significantly.

When relations improved with the people of Ezo, Soviet era technology was introduced to the Empire. Refusing to use Soviet technology as a primary source for equipment, they instead decided to learn from the design and improve it making it inherently more Japanese. Thus what might look like a T-90 or T-34 could be a S-5Y or S-1Y (Both of which might have seen redesigns to fit Japanese weapon systems), Kalashnikovs, SKSs, and PPSH-41s, would see similar redesigns into S-40, S-10, and S-01 (S meaning Soviet.)

By the time of the Tech boom in the late 90’s onwards, technology started to improve once the Central and Northern regions of Japan were stabilized, as the U.N. and other countries started to import technologies that would benefit Japan’s restoration and hopefully someday, reunification. This also had an effect on its weapons industry, as new waves of information via the internet came along to give Japan new ideas on how to modernize itself by slowly phasing out old technology.


Population: 86.52 Million people

5,425,111 Active-Duty Personnel
5,200,001 Active Reserve
13,405,231 Reaching military age
36,204,004 Manpower Available
15,451,890 Fit-For-Service
10,830,700 Unfit or not eligible for service

7,356 Tanks
3,341 APC’s and AFV’s
3,324 Bombers
975 Aerial superiority Fighters
854 Ground Attack Jets
1,550 Transport Helicopters
729 Attack Helicopters
6,450 Towed Artillery
6,302 Mobile Artillery/Self-propelled
3,201 Towed Anti-air
3,140 Mobile Anti-air/Self-propelled
3,678 Transport trucks

2 Aircraft carriers (3 active overseas)
10 Destroyers (28 Active Overseas)
12 Corvettes (16 Active Overseas)
5 Frigates (24 Active Overseas)
1 Submarines (36 Active Overseas)
2 Upgraded battleships (Musashi and Yamato)
1 Prototype battleship (Yamato-Kai)
(All numbers are before the Rifts opened)


”We endured...”

The Imperial Japanese through the arrogance of its men and its Generals had conducted a campaign of terror across the Pacific. America, Britain, Netherlands, Germany, Russia, China, and their colonies were attacked. December 7th 1941, a day which will live in infamy, Pearl Harbor, an American naval-air base was attacked, the beginning of the end for Japan as it roused a sleeping giant in the Pacific.

In over four years of intense fighting all over the pacific, Japan’s holy war was brought to an end. Two atomic weapons dropped on Tokyo and Kyoto broke the back of the Japanese. They splintered into many groups, with the Loyalists and their navies pulling back to Chubu in order to secure a path through Kansai and Kanto, in hopes of retaking Tokyo and Kyoto after the devastation wrought upon them by the west. They learned quickly about the horrible effects of nuclear fallout. Cancer plagued the Imperials, many people were badly burned, and many more were injured or killed by radiation poisoning, but still they held strong.

Many who returned from China and the rest of the Pacific, came home only to attempt ritual suicide. Their fate was obvious, it would’ve been better to die with dignity. One man broke this tradition as he asked, “Are you committing seppuku to restore your dignity or to run from your duty to Japan?” Many officers found this offensive, but it was true. Civil war had broken out in Japan, the Empire is tattered but not gone, it was their duty to restore peace and unity to Japan, otherwise who else will? The vile Soviets who’ve crossed the North in an attempt to install a puppet government in Japan? The foreign capitalist, Legacy, who crawled its way into the homeland from the south? The Imperial Japanese would not stand for this, they would rather die fighting than see foreign hands soil the traditions of Japan. The man who inspired this train of thought, his name was Takashi Nugi, a Lieutenant Major in the army and eventually new steward to the chrysanthemum throne and head of the Imperial council.

Several years later, when the world entered the cold war, fighting continued, the clans of Japan were starving, Chubu had prefectures perfect for agriculture but this was few and far between. Ezo on the other hand had the breadbasket of Japan, able to feed many of its people, tensions between Ezo and the Empire grew, but subsided when the Soviets left when the Cold war had ended.

Racist thoughts were being put behind them, and years go by with decreasing conflict in the North. The south had different results, fighting was still the same as ever, and the fight into Kansai was tough, but the Imperials had an unbreakable resolve which proved to be too much even for the combined might of all the clans. Kanto was a different situation, as Tokyo was reclaimed with little effort. The Japanese however, were still starving, still recovering from the fallout, still fighting, but they have never lost sight of their goal, they’ve never – not even for an instant – thought of anything else. Reunification, and the rebuilding of Japan.

In the next few decades after the 1999 Peace Accords held in Nagasaki, Ezo-Imperial relations would improve to the point of near acceptance of one another, the south was a different story as they continue to let foreign capitalists into Japanese territory, defiling their land. Japan in this time would begin to rebuild itself to its former glory if not better than before. New technology that have either been provided by the U.N. who have shown interest in Japan and its more peaceful interactions in the North or stolen from Legacy in the south. Though very few innovations have come through such as color television, wifi, digital cameras, even cars, advanced robotics, A.I.. video-games etc..

The Japanese would innovate on these technologies, booming in the entertainment industry as the world’s provider of Anime, improved internet connection, J-pop, and introducing a whole line of cars from different manufacturers that would soon prove to be part of pop culture and video games, such as the GTR Skyline, Supra, Lancer Evolution, Subaru WRX STI Impreza, Toyota AE86, Mazda RX7 FD and FC, R-32, R-33, R-34, and more. The Empire of Japan rocked the world with Intial-D’s Eurobeat, they breathed life into simple animation with Attack on Titan, they even kind-of predicted the Gate incident with none other than Gate. Japan’s market economy, at least in the center and in the north would boom.

Things were going great for Japan and conflicts were starting to become less common place. However, the Gate incident had happened, and unlike the T.V. shows, they weren’t easy to defeat as many have thought. Japan prepared itself for the fight ahead, with the current steward Takashi Fujiwara great grandson of Takashi Nugi to lead the people.

Eight months into the conflict, the Imperials were starting to lose hope that they would ever win this war, every inch they gain is two inches taken by the green skinned menace. Musashi and Yamato, upgraded battleships of World War two, updated with more powerful engines, depth charge dispensers, and missiles were stationed off the southern coast of Japan. They confronted a Leviathan, it’s threat and size rating were triple-S. They did not have the munitions between them and the Fleet to stop this beast that they perceived to be heading to Tokyo.

“This captain Nagasaki Shinji along with captain Nara Fukumi, of the Yamato and Musashi. Let it be known that our fleet’s actions were in an attempt to stop a Triple-S Leviathan from reaching Tokyo.” They paused, presumably to command their crew, “We have set up our munitions to explode upon impact with the creature after enticing it with a few depth charges.” Fukumi started to speak, “We do this for the glory of Japan, for we have endured. When faced with defeat and chaos, we said that we would never, when we were faced with soviet encroachment, we said never, when we were faced with Legacy’s capitalist greed, we said never. We said never will we falter, that we will live, that we will survive.” Shinji spoke this time, “Today and onwards, when faced with death and imminent defeat, when faced with overwhelming odds, when faced with total annihilation, we will not falter, we will not flee, we will draw our swords, equip our bayonets, load our weapons...” his tone increased, the speech was getting more and more passionate, “We will fight them till our swords break, our weapons run out of ammo, our bayonets grow dull, to the last man, to the last woman, till there are none of us left to fight for Japan. In the face of annihilation, we say never! not without a fight! NIHON BANZAI!” in the background of the transmission, was the cheer of the crew shouting with him, “NIHON BANZAI!” they cheered, and then static. On the coast in the south, a massive explosion catches the eyes of many of the citizens who were fighting the Naga there. Hearing their impassioned speech, their cheer, their bravery and courage, their honor, there was no question in their mind. They would fight till they die.

The people of Imperial Japan were galvanized, they were nationalistic and patriotic, their resolve was renewed, Japan fights with zeal and courage in their hearts, down to the last man.


Takashi Fujiwara – Steward to the Chrysanthemum throne. He is a forward thinking man, progressive in his thoughts. He promised to never let himself become soft in the eyes of his Generals and Admirals as that was the mistake of Tokyo back in the 1930’s. That was what led to the war, and ultimately the defeat at the hands of the merciless Americans.

Otawa Haruna – High Field Marshal of the military, though traditionally women aren’t allowed in the military, times have drastically changed. Women in the army isn’t a taboo anymore. Haruna graduated top of her class in the academy, she has experienced hardships and struggles no one else in the cities could ever compare to, her experience and perseverance in the face of traditional patriarchal views made her an inspiration to women and men alike.

Fumihiro Nobu – Lieutenant Colonel of the sixteenth infantry division stationed in the Hyogo prefecture of Kansai. He is the vanguard force along with a few artillery and armored divisions in the south. He is well known for being ill tempered, carrying a variety of weapons, and fighting alongside his men in the front lines, often leading the charge. He is the Japanese version of General Antonio Luna or perhaps General George S. Patton.

Nathan L. Morrow

Capital Base, Liberty

Nathan walked down the streets of Liberty along with other busy commuters rushing to their jobs or important appointments. The city felt like a buzzing hive, never sleeping, always something to be done; the importance of time and uniformity is so apparent that at a glance even the people looked the same and very few people looked different, Nathan was just one example. Nathan being different was not out of the norms, usually they give you a uniform at your job, or perhaps you would only require a suit, a pair of leather shoes and a briefcase, all of which are as cheap as they are common if not already provided by the company you work for and can be paid for with the allowance that you recieve. Nathan however, was going to a job that required him to have a uniform at all times, he was after all going to become a soldier – this was the day after enlistment – he pictured himself in what he imagined his uniform would look like, dull gray, loose BDU pants, tuck-in, long sleeved upper BDU, black steel toed boots, a color matched field cap, and a battle harness or mock armor. He played with the idea of himself – an average, messy looking person – in a uniform, he always thought of uniforms as unfashionable, but then a thought popped into his head – perhaps if one doesn’t see a uniform often, one might think it was attractive – he pushed the thought aside as he reached the base.

The base looked like every other place in Liberty, gray, dull, uniform, and square. Nate stood just outside the entrance with his guitar slung on his back and a duffle bag filled with everything he owns, slung over his right shoulder with his hand gripping on the strap. He brought everything he owned mostly because he didn’t know what he was suppose to bring, he was just expected to show up on time. In his free hand he held his recruitment papers and report orders. He knew the drill, go to the Training Department building and report in to the presiding training officer. The buses were there, but he decided to walk, he would need to warm up in case they made him do exercises right off the bat. He always felt the need to warm up before strenuous activities. He put one foot in front of the other and picked up a determined marching pace, his stride was wide, but not confident, very reserved – telling of someone who had a lot to keep in his head. He had a lot to think about, after walking past several buildings and base personnel, he felt out of place, as if he’d been picked up and placed down into the path of responsibility. He hadn’t realized it at the time he was enlisting, but the sudden regret that welled up inside him as he realized it at that moment; he had to train to take lives.

That was a soldier’s job, that was the duty a soldier had to do to protect his country; the sudden realization made him sweat. There was no turning back now. He attempted to steel his resolve by telling himself in his head that ”This isn’t a perfect world. People die everyday. Soldiers do this for a living, war is inevitable and a part of daily life in our world.”, even with those words he felt dreadful, he imagined it – taking another person’s life – it was against every moral value he’d ever set up for himself, yet here he was, he cursed himself for not thinking it through, he pondered running away into the Ashlands, but since he had already enlisted, running away now would be considered an act of desertion punishable by life in prison or death if caught.

Again he pushed his thoughts away into his head, he had no choice about it now – a recurring theme with his life. He had no choice when his parents died, he had no choice with the bullies, he had no choice where he went to school, he had no choice on what to say or do. He had no choice, a set of frustrating words that he made him boil. Having no choice at all felt like prison.

When he finally reached the Training Department building, he shook off his doubts for the time being and continued to walk straight into the building. He readied himself mentally, papers in hand, a little winded from his walk but completely warmed up, he checked the time on his watch and found that he arrived earlier than he had to. He was ready for the days ahead of him – or at least, that’s what he wanted to feel.
Here, of course!

Collab between me and @Necroknight

Washington, D.C.

"How is the situation over New York?" asked the Secretary of Defense, as several battle reports kept coming in through the cable-ethernet. Mostly with some lag involved, so they had to wait around ten minutes for a good report.

It was hard to image how the United States had been invaded in such a way. It was true, that the Invaders came in huge numbers. America had been eager to out-do the others into the new world. Instead - they paid the price of their greed. Now they had more monsters in their world - than the US Armed Forces could handle.

Many of their best hardware was still on the ground - since the people meant to crew them, sadly were unavailabe or unable to be reached.

"The situation in New York is stable but not for long, we have several ground forces deployed from reserve holding the area from Rangers to Delta, but the line is thining rapidly." One general reported, another officer burst through the door, "Sir, we just got a report from our naval bases. All our naval power is either severely damaged or sunk, we can't get any off-shore support."

The General looked back at the secretary, "Sir, to put it into simple terms, with a no-bullshit assessment, we need to pull back or our scattered ground forces are going to become sitting ducks for these World of Warcraft freaks. At the rate they're pouring out, we have less than ten hours to decide." the General gave an expression that seemed grim, personel around the room started to look at eachother briefly, then they carried on with their work.

Soon enough a telephone rang - one that had been kept at the corner and had been mostly relegated to being useless. Namely, as one General quickly went over and picked it up and talked - before he put it on loud-speaker.

"This is Thule Air Base. Still alive in Greenland-" spoke a voice, over the telephone. Although likely with lag - it was a good half an hour at that. "-we got a gift coming over for ya. Putting them over."

"This is Task-Force Reaper. Five-hundred birds flying under friendly wings - German, Russian, Eastern European. If you wish for precision targets - paint with red smoke. Otherwise, we're hitting any freak we can see. Flying off after hour of this and hitting several uglies all across America," spoke an female voice in English with an accent. Although it didn't take a professor to hear, that one speaking it was likely a Russian.

The Secretary and the general staff in D.C. were surprised anyone was still alive. He barked at the General in the room "You heard the man! Relay that information, if what Thule is saying is true, it means we got air support!" He returned on the phone, speaking in a calm tone, almost whispering, "Alright, we need you boys to prioritize targets in New York and D.C. area, if you can, split a few groups off down south of us and give them some support to, ya hear?" He stared out the windows of the White House looking at the defenses being set by U.S. Army and Marines, Rangers were leaving in humvees and helicopters to go off and reinforce other sectors while SEALs and Delta got themselves ready for night ops counter attacks.

One of the German pilots came on, "Affirmative, we'll split up to hit our targets once we're in U.S. Airspace over. Use the time we buy wisely, we might not have many runs at this." The German's thick accent and tone made him sound more serious than he wanted to be, but it did the trick. If the American's weren't hopeful before, they are now.

New York City

Over New York - several harpies were mostly bored. Namely so many of them had come in force - that they had almost nothing left. Most of the high-rise skyscrapers had been taken under their control. Since none of these World Eaters could fly - nor reach the height to catch them.

In addition, their iron weapons didn't seem to be very accurate at this height. Plus if anybody did reach the higher levels to get to them - then the harpies could easily swarm and drop them over the side.

It was that arrogance - that made the harpies question several black dots quickly approaching over the horizon. Several hundred MiGs, Typhoons and even a few F-22s, that had been scrambled from Thule to join in some bits of glory.

It was that notion that caught the hundreds of nesting harpies by surprise - as missiles streaked over the skyscrapers of New York City and detonated above them. As shrapnel and debris cleaved dozens of them apart or tumbling down to their deaths. Most of the upper floors had been abandoned either way in the first year - so the pilots had no worry about civilian casualties. Plus, none of the harpies could even reach their speeds.

As even the sonic shockwave, knocked a few onto the ground - clutching their ears. Over the New York Bay - several depth charges were dropped, detonating underwater and having bodies soon float to the surface. Namely dealing with issues both in the sea and air.

The Americans holding off checkpoints witnessed the saving grace, "The fuck is happening Sarge!?" One man yelled out, "Those are MiGs and Typhoons, looks like they're flying with a few of our boys!" They realized that most of the ground forces were caught off guard from the sudden turn of events, squads on the ground started pushing.

After a few minutes the order finally came, "This is General Stanton, mark all targets with Red Smoke, the flyboys'll lay down the heat." by that time they've already pushed a few blocks up. They started marking priority targets, such as hard points and strongholds, some parts of the subway had to be marked so that tunnels would collapse right on top of the enemy.

A Typhoon wing with German pilots were carrying experimental weapons for field testing, "Target verified, coming around for a missile strike." His wing split off to hit individual targets. He lined up the shot and fired one missile, it was called the White Phosphor Missile Delivery System, the pilots called it the Firebomb. It screamed into the ground, first releasing white fine dust, seconds later flames lit up from one end of the subway to the next station. Several other runs were successful in delivering their hot payload. The city started to smell like bacon coming from the subway, any survivors were short lived with flesh practically burning through the bone slowly. Rangers in the city gave one comment "Let 'em burn", it was something they said to remind them to save ammo, anyone caught in the flames was a goner.

The MiG's soon targeted the three Siege Beasts outside of the New York City - namely which had prevented much if any American reinforcements from punching through. No matter how thick one' hide or muscle was - they couldn't do much, against a tank-buster exploding in their face and soon enough - having the near skyscraper-high elevants collapse ontop of the orcs.

Washington D.C

"THIS IS ODA FOXTROT! The freaks are disengaging from New York! We've got 'em on their heels!" cheered one Commander, over the radio-line with D.C Command Bunker - outside, the members of Task-Force Reaper soon began their precision targetting of various Tier Red targets. Namely, those which needed to be dealt with to give the ground forces a fighting chance.

"We've got incoming signatures approaching D.C..." A Delta Force Operative kept his radio in one-hand and a laser targeter on one huge Siege Beast. It didn't take long, for the hunk of meat to explode into pieces.

"MASKS ON! MASKS ON!" he yelled, as soon enough - the Invader Encampement at the center of Washington D.C was soon hit with a specialized gas - dropped by the fly-boys. Namely - it had been developed by the EEC. As it was like tear gas - only more potent against the orc' physiology, namely as the amount of saliva produced by the body would almost choke some orcs.

"ALRIGHT PEOPLE! SWEEP AND CLEAN!" commanded Delta One - as their mixture of Tier One Units soon moved in and started clearing Washington D.C. Easily able to fight the orcs - now that most of their physical strengths were neutralized.

The Typhoons made a pass over the White House and several of the monument buildings, the Americans had set up strong points in an attempt to draw the enemy into the fields where the jets can have an easy pass over them. "THIS IS TRITON COMPANY REQUESTING IMMEDIATE FIRE SUPPORT OVER ON THE WASHINGTON MONUMENT!" the Typhoons, made a round about, the F-22's have already gone and laid down their gun runs. The Washington monument, a marble structure, was surrounded by Rangers and Marines in dug-in entrenchment.

The Typhoons locked on and let loose. Several anti-personel missiles and cannon rounds peppered the ground with explosions, shrapnel, and bullets. They made a recon pass, when the MiG's came in for their run, it seemed that many of the Green Buffoons took the bait and poured out of the city to fight the entrenchments. The Jets made several passes, each time taking a considerable chunk of the enemy force out of comission. Soon the radios started crackling again "REAPER ACTUAL, REAPER ACTUAL - TYPHOON WINGS ONE THROUGH FOUR ARE BINGO FUEL AND ARE OUT OF AMMO. WE ARE RTB TO RE-ARM AND REFUEL OVER!"

"No. We've got fat elephant coming in," replied on Russian MiG pilot, a rather cursing woman by the name of Valentina Tsernova. Namely the curse-word for a Siege Beast.

"No missiles over here. All out-" replied a German Typhoon Fighter. As that command was repeated several times over, by the rest of the squadron. Anybody whom had the ammunition was likely already hitting other spots over the American Continent.

"Fucking heck. Tell command, I'll be staying longer here," replied Valentina.

"Anything to your relatives?"

"Don't have any. All were dead-beats. Home is gone too. Might as well, try here..." she spoke - before strapping herself in and soon. Engaging the afterburners and then, pulling the eject. As the MiG soon flew and smashed into the Siege Beast - making it bleed heavily, and combined with the jet fuel soon catching on fire. Giving the creature a rather painful way to die.

As irony would have it - she hung in the sky and the air currents would carry her to the nearest US Army trench - rather landing straight into it. Spouting curses in Russian as she soon unhooked her chute.

The Rangers that were in the trenches saw the whole event, "Corpral Mathews, Private Sanchez, give covering fire for the lady, I need the rest of you to cover the left flank! We got another wave of Greenies comming in!" M249's and M60's started laying down heavy covering fire for the Russian pilot as she ran straight into the cover of the trench.

"So, bombing America... Was it like you imagined?" Joked one private as he fired off a few M4 rounds into an Orc running towards the trench. The man who was giving orders earlier barked back at the private, "Jenkins, shut your damn mouth and focus on killing these S-O-B's! Think with your dick later!" Jenkins, a bit embarassed at what his sergeant said and the fact it was eliciting a few chuckles made it abundantly clear that he was a virgin. "Right Sarge..." He weakly said as he stopped making small talk and focused more on firing and defending their position.

The Sergeant looked at Valentina, "Uh... Miss..." he struggled to talk and shoot at the same time, but he got a look at the I.D. tag on her flight suit, "Valentina... I'm beginning to... Notice... That the jets are... Retreating." Each pause swinging his gun to another position to bring its sights onto another enemy combatant, "Reloading!" he announced, he sat in the trench getting a mag out. "I never thought that Russia would bomb America to help it... Never thought this day would come..." He put in another mag and cocked his rifle, "Fallback positions in the Lincoln Memorial with the SEALs and Marines, be prepared to run miss our lines are thin, and reinforcements won't come till we get D.C. or New York secured."

Most of what the Sergeant got in reply, was simply a spring of curses - that were muted for being mostly in Russian. But what he heard, likely told him - that the young woman now stuck in America didn't like it either.

As she soon pulled out her own weapon, namely an AKS-74U. Or to a regular American, it looked no different than a regular Kalashnikov. As she soon got up and started firing as well - better than the Privates he had with him. In addition, her rounds compared to the others were also incendinary. As she laughed at the image of one orc soon having its leather tunic catch on fire.

Then came the attempt by some of the goblins to run in - she merely pulled out the bayonet attached to her flight suit and stabbed one thing in mid-air. Then prompted to smash it with her boot several times and spit in its dead face. "Cyka..."

"Alright..." The Sarge said somewhat amazed, one of the other trenches signaled, "Retreat order! Lincoln memorial! Link up with Alpha hardpoint!" The Sarge signaled back, "Inform command that we have one of the Russians with us! Crashed her Jet right into a big elephant!" A shout back in response, "Roger that!"

The company of marines and rangers on the Washington monument picked up their gear and started to abandon the temporary entrenchment. "Let's move Rangers!" the pilot seemed to step in with the squad, the Sergeant took note of the Russian's skill in killing the Orcs. It indicated that she and perhaps even her people have been fighting these things with much more efficiency than the U.S. had been.

The bombings would continue in America whenever the Jets got the chance to Refuel and Re-arm, but it was only a matter of time before Thule base gets discovered. They launched every chance they got attempting to buy time for the Americans to organize themselves. The Germans offered to drop in troops to assist but then retracted its offer after a string of offensives launched by the Orcs on the Germanic trench line started to cause a bit of trouble. Unfortunately this was all they could do for now.

Their little ally, while small now - would continue to help inform the United States of the larger picture outside their borders. In addition, she had something more valueable than that - information. As the fighting would be going on for years - she was sure, that the Americans, as over-hyper as they were, could use some actual data on their enemy.

@EchoicChamber I think that should fix it. I made a final edit and everything.
@EchoicChamber How's the backstory now? I had to give it a re-write to try and fit it with the theme.
Alright I'll fix it up later today.
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