Man... feels awfully nostalgic coming back to my old stomping grounds since my absence.

Gojira Nautica
Unknown; Millions of Years Old
Godzilla Alt Universe
6'8" (2.03 meters) / 35 Ft (10.668 meters) "min" - 393 Ft (119.8 meters) "max"
224 lbs (101.60 kg) / N/A (min) - 99,000 Tons "max"
Sandbox Starting Location:
Hot-blooded and temperamental, Nautica demonstrates herself as an unpredictable force of nature. At best, she may tolerate you for a moment, or pummel you into the ground with brutal efficiency at worst. She prefers to live and travel alone, unencumbered by the responsibilities of "babysitting" those under her care, and being rather impatient if others take too much her time. Her active lifestyle as a nomadic traveler has her constantly on the move, constantly on the hunt for food or some poor-titan she wants to take her fury out on. While only a few titan allies/acquaintances can call themselves "allies" with the Monster Queen since she was a youngling, Nautica prefers these conversations with them to be brief and to the point.
In battle, Nautica is known for having two distinct fighting forms: an all-out brawler or a strategical opportunist. The former has her going all out on her opponent, overpowering her opponent with sheer brute strength and/or firepower to quickly get the job done. However, if her opponent is able to resist her onslaught, Nautica is also capable of studying her opponents, allowing her to potentially pick up on certain patterns or weak points and have her use these "hints" against them.
Allying with Nautica is considered a difficult task, especially with her rebellious and somewhat stubborn attitude towards higher ups, however not impossible. If there is a threat that threatens both the titan and those recruiting her help, chances are she'll set-aside her differences to take on the overarching threat; albeit in her own way.
Titan Morphology: Utilizing the power of a titan, Nautica has access to incredible power and durability even in her human form. She can lift large boulders and opponents twice her size, while throwing them several meters away.
Titan Transformation: Nautica's gijinka heritage allows for her to transform into a giant saurian-vessel, who's height and weight depends upon the opponents/plot-points that she faces (See Stats for "Minimum" and "Maximum" sizes).
Irradiation Invulnerability: As a being who relies on radiation to heal and fuel her abilities - whether they are of natural or artificial origins - Nautica is impervious to the side affects of radiation sickness.
Amphibious Nature Nautica is shown to be a very adapt swimmer, often swimming for miles in large oceanic bodies and even lying on the seabed for extended periods of time. This is true for both her human and titan forms.
Atomic Breath: Nautica can fire a blue energy beam from her mouth, bathing her opponents in hot plasma and even causing explosive damage if concentrated enough. It's strong enough to push back and/or stagger most foes.
Atomic Punch: In her human form, Nautica can charge atomic energy into her fists and unleash a stronger punch.
Atomic Pulse: Firing a concentrated shockwave of atomic energy from her spines, Nautica can easily knock back any opponent who attempts to restrain her movement or abilities. However, this is usually used as a last desperate effort, as it is extremely draining to her, taking hours if not days to recharge at full strength if used too often.
A primordial entity created by unseen makers hundreds of millions of years ago, Nautica was considered by many to be an essential guardian that protected Earth and all life on it. She was both well respected by her allies and revered by her opponents, rising to power as one of the most powerful titan guardians on her world. Amongst her legendary feats, Nautica had battled hordes of demonic titans on multiple occasions, surviving various mass extinctions, and even fended off invading extraterrestrial "gods". She had always risen against every obstacle and usually comes out victorious, with early humans proclaiming her as a "goddess" and "Queen of the Monsters". Her appearances would often be far in between, as she normally rests at the bottom of the ocean in deep hibernation. It's there where she gathers her strength, feeding off the natural radiation emanating from geothermal activity and feeling the currents of any particular disturbances. But whenever trouble would rear its ugly head, the saurian titan would always rise to the occasion and usually come out victorious.
Yet amongst her most recent appearance during the 21st century, Nautica would encounter an opponent unlike any she had ever faced. As humanity began experimenting with technology and forces beyond their comprehension, they would unintentionally bring about one of her most infamous opponents. Through the experimentation of black holes, the Titan queen's own DNA, and newly acquired "space crystals" from a rare meteorite, a freak accident would result in the release of an inter-dimensional demon - one who decided to take a twisted form of Earth's greatest defender. This demonic vassal acted as the polar opposite of Nautica; an intergalactic destroyer of worlds. As it called upon horrific monstrosities from different dimensions to take over this new green world, Earth's Gojira rose to defend her territory as the two "god-beings" clashed in a battle that shook the very Earth to its core. The battle was long and brutal, both sides suffering significant wounds, yet at the very end it would be abomination that ultimately came on top. But instead of killing its rival or implanting it as its minion, it instead threw Earth's fallen guardian - it's last hope for salvation - into a portal, where she would randomly find herself in a new separate dimension.
Much time has passed since that faithful day. Nautica has made this new world her home, enough to keep her satiated. Still, if there was an opportunity for her to return to her world, she vowed to destroy her twisted doppelganger and bring vengeance upon what she'd been wronged.

"King" Makata Kong
Unknown; Several Thousand Years Old
Godzilla Alt Universe
6'2" (2.03 meters) / 20 Ft (6.1 meters) "min" - 360 Ft (109.8 meters) "max"
198 lbs (89.81 kg) / N/A (min) - 90,000 Tons "max"
Sandbox Starting Location:
Gotham City
Kong is a battle-hardened yet humble warrior, molded by the elements on his universe's Skull Island, with the scars to prove it. While usually keeping to himself in stoic solitary, both in work and peace, he has grown more wary of the unfamiliarity the new world has offered him. Kong's cautious of nearly everyone he meets, wanting their respect and trust to prove that they are both on the same side. If that fails, the ape will do what he must to ensure his survival.
Kong also has a deep respect of nature and to all who protect it benevolently. He will help any creature that he deems unjustly wronged by the elements or by those seeking to harm it, often with altruistic concern.
Battle Axe: A weapon made from a Gojira Nautica's dorsal spine, it can absorb energy from highly radioactive sources, allow it to become more powerful in battle. This blade can be utilized both in human and titan forms.
- Titan Morphology: Utilizing the power of a titan, Kong has access to incredible power and durability even in his human form. He can lift large objects and opponents twice her size, being capable of throwing them several meters away.
- Titan Transformation: Kong's gijinka heritage allows him to transform into a giant brown-haired ape, who's height and weight depends upon the opponents/plot-points that he faces (See Stats for "Minimum" and "Maximum" sizes).
Makata Kong is the last remaining member of an ancient gijinka species on Skull Island known as the "Kongs", who transformed into gigantic apes. They were worshipped by the indigenous Iwi tribe as protectors of their Island, relying on them as the first line of defense against danger. The Kong species were made up of several tribes, each sporting an expertise in a particular subject. Some tribes acted more within a warrior-esque heritage, either as powerful warriors or making impressive tools and weapons; while others were more peaceful, being builders, storytellers, or shamans. They were all vital and useful abilities within a hostile world; one filled with tribes of other species willing to slaughter them to take the thrones for themselves. However, for the past 8 centuries, each tribe would be united underneath a single ruling tribe, one who promoted strength and equality for their people and harmony with the island.
Makata Kong was born in this ruling tribe, under one King Brunoka and Queen Ratana respectively. For the past 3 centuries, these Kongs had kept stability and prosperity through their tribes, leading into a golden age. Makata Kong aspired to be a powerful warrior, just like his father, while also having much respect for his mother, who was a storyteller. For roughly 15 years, Kong lived a relatively happy life, where the future seemed bright as the Sun above.
But then the Kongs found themselves at war with the malicious "Skullcrawler" hordes - a horde of violent reptilian gijinkas that ruled Skull Island prior to the Kongs' arrival. They were forced underground through a large pit that lead into a subterranean environment, where one would eventually reach the "Hollow Earth". Lead by the infamous general "Ramarak the Wrathful", he initiated a rapid-fire campaign to take back Skull Island after a thousand years of "unworthy rule". While the Kongs were able to keep the hordes at bay and ultimately force them back underground, it came at the cost of nearly the entire Kong species; with Makata Kong being the only survivor.
With his parents and the rest of his family dead, the last Kong assumed the duty of acting as the island's guardian and ensured that the Skullcrawlers remained underground. It was a daunting task, one that those in his tribe claimed could never be done. Yet through the teachings of his late father, as well as his own personal experiences, the young Kong proved himself to be a worthy protector - even having help and respect of the surviving Iwi tribes - as the Alpha King of Skull Island. They would keep the savage tribes contained and prevented most of the adult Skullcrawlers from reaching the surface, save for a few juvenile or teenage gijinkas.
This has been Kong's duty for the past several thousand years, all the way into his adult years. Yet his biggest threat was keeping his island safe from outside invaders, those who didn't call it home. And one of those invaders would be an single individual... one whom he only heard stories and myths about until now. A primordial entity spoken through myths and legends, who was supposedly also the sole survivor of her kind:
Gojira Nautica.
The two would cross paths multiple times, where they either left each other alone or fought for territory. Despite his battle-hardened experience, Makata Kong would find himself in the losing bracket of their engagements, in some cases barely escaping with his life. Despite this, he had succeeded in driving her off a few times - with one engagement even having him break one of Nautica's spines. It was through that action that allowed Kong to create a powerful battle axe, one that could even harness Nautica's own atomic breath to become temporarily stronger.
Kong continued to prove time and again that nothing can keep him down for good; not without him putting up a fight.

Samus Aran
Metroid Post-Fusion/Pre-Dread
6'3" (1.91 meters)
198 lbs (90kg)
A serious, no-nonsense bounty hunter, Samus Aran has been hardened by her countless missions she endured over the years. She has shown unparalleled willpower and resourcefulness, succeeding where thousands failed and stopping at nothing to save the galaxy from any threat that may arise - even willing to sacrifice herself on multiple occasions for the greater good. While she is a warrior loner with few words, Samus' prefers to rather speak with her actions. Even so, within her cold armor exoskeleton, she is also known for her compassion, and has consistently stood up to secure the helpless and downtrodden.
This incarnation of Samus Aran represents her between the events of "Metroid: Fusion" and "Metroid: Dread".

Gojira Nautica
Unknown; Millions of Years Old
Godzilla Alt Universe
6'8" (2.03 meters) / 35 Ft (10.668 meters) "min" - 393 Ft (119.8 meters) "max"
224 lbs (101.60 kg) / N/A (min) - 99,000 Tons "max"
Sandbox Starting Location:
Hot-blooded and temperamental, Nautica demonstrates herself as an unpredictable force of nature. At best, she may tolerate you for a moment, or pummel you into the ground with brutal efficiency at worst. She prefers to live and travel alone, unencumbered by the responsibilities of "babysitting" those under her care, and being rather impatient if others take too much her time. Her active lifestyle as a nomadic traveler has her constantly on the move, constantly on the hunt for food or some poor-titan she wants to take her fury out on. While only a few titan allies/acquaintances can call themselves "allies" with the Monster Queen since she was a youngling, Nautica prefers these conversations with them to be brief and to the point.
In battle, Nautica is known for having two distinct fighting forms: an all-out brawler or a strategical opportunist. The former has her going all out on her opponent, overpowering her opponent with sheer brute strength and/or firepower to quickly get the job done. However, if her opponent is able to resist her onslaught, Nautica is also capable of studying her opponents, allowing her to potentially pick up on certain patterns or weak points and have her use these "hints" against them.
Allying with Nautica is considered a difficult task, especially with her rebellious and somewhat stubborn attitude towards higher ups, however not impossible. If there is a threat that threatens both the titan and those recruiting her help, chances are she'll set-aside her differences to take on the overarching threat; albeit in her own way.
Titan Morphology: Utilizing the power of a titan, Nautica has access to incredible power and durability even in her human form. She can lift large boulders and opponents twice her size, while throwing them several meters away.
Titan Transformation: Nautica's gijinka heritage allows for her to transform into a giant saurian-vessel, who's height and weight depends upon the opponents/plot-points that she faces (See Stats for "Minimum" and "Maximum" sizes).
Irradiation Invulnerability: As a being who relies on radiation to heal and fuel her abilities - whether they are of natural or artificial origins - Nautica is impervious to the side affects of radiation sickness.
Amphibious Nature Nautica is shown to be a very adapt swimmer, often swimming for miles in large oceanic bodies and even lying on the seabed for extended periods of time. This is true for both her human and titan forms.
Atomic Breath: Nautica can fire a blue energy beam from her mouth, bathing her opponents in hot plasma and even causing explosive damage if concentrated enough. It's strong enough to push back and/or stagger most foes.
Atomic Punch: In her human form, Nautica can charge atomic energy into her fists and unleash a stronger punch.
Atomic Pulse: Firing a concentrated shockwave of atomic energy from her spines, Nautica can easily knock back any opponent who attempts to restrain her movement or abilities. However, this is usually used as a last desperate effort, as it is extremely draining to her, taking hours if not days to recharge at full strength if used too often.
A primordial entity created by unseen makers hundreds of millions of years ago, Nautica was considered by many to be an essential guardian that protected Earth and all life on it. She was both well respected by her allies and revered by her opponents, rising to power as one of the most powerful titan guardians on her world. Amongst her legendary feats, Nautica had battled hordes of demonic titans on multiple occasions, surviving various mass extinctions, and even fended off invading extraterrestrial "gods". She had always risen against every obstacle and usually comes out victorious, with early humans proclaiming her as a "goddess" and "Queen of the Monsters". Her appearances would often be far in between, as she normally rests at the bottom of the ocean in deep hibernation. It's there where she gathers her strength, feeding off the natural radiation emanating from geothermal activity and feeling the currents of any particular disturbances. But whenever trouble would rear its ugly head, the saurian titan would always rise to the occasion and usually come out victorious.
Yet amongst her most recent appearance during the 21st century, Nautica would encounter an opponent unlike any she had ever faced. As humanity began experimenting with technology and forces beyond their comprehension, they would unintentionally bring about one of her most infamous opponents. Through the experimentation of black holes, the Titan queen's own DNA, and newly acquired "space crystals" from a rare meteorite, a freak accident would result in the release of an inter-dimensional demon - one who decided to take a twisted form of Earth's greatest defender. This demonic vassal acted as the polar opposite of Nautica; an intergalactic destroyer of worlds. As it called upon horrific monstrosities from different dimensions to take over this new green world, Earth's Gojira rose to defend her territory as the two "god-beings" clashed in a battle that shook the very Earth to its core. The battle was long and brutal, both sides suffering significant wounds, yet at the very end it would be abomination that ultimately came on top. But instead of killing its rival or implanting it as its minion, it instead threw Earth's fallen guardian - it's last hope for salvation - into a portal, where she would randomly find herself in a new separate dimension.
Much time has passed since that faithful day. Nautica has made this new world her home, enough to keep her satiated. Still, if there was an opportunity for her to return to her world, she vowed to destroy her twisted doppelganger and bring vengeance upon what she'd been wronged.

"King" Makata Kong
Unknown; Several Thousand Years Old
Godzilla Alt Universe
6'2" (2.03 meters) / 20 Ft (6.1 meters) "min" - 360 Ft (109.8 meters) "max"
198 lbs (89.81 kg) / N/A (min) - 90,000 Tons "max"
Sandbox Starting Location:
Gotham City
Kong is a battle-hardened yet humble warrior, molded by the elements on his universe's Skull Island, with the scars to prove it. While usually keeping to himself in stoic solitary, both in work and peace, he has grown more wary of the unfamiliarity the new world has offered him. Kong's cautious of nearly everyone he meets, wanting their respect and trust to prove that they are both on the same side. If that fails, the ape will do what he must to ensure his survival.
Kong also has a deep respect of nature and to all who protect it benevolently. He will help any creature that he deems unjustly wronged by the elements or by those seeking to harm it, often with altruistic concern.
Battle Axe: A weapon made from a Gojira Nautica's dorsal spine, it can absorb energy from highly radioactive sources, allow it to become more powerful in battle. This blade can be utilized both in human and titan forms.
- Titan Morphology: Utilizing the power of a titan, Kong has access to incredible power and durability even in his human form. He can lift large objects and opponents twice her size, being capable of throwing them several meters away.
- Titan Transformation: Kong's gijinka heritage allows him to transform into a giant brown-haired ape, who's height and weight depends upon the opponents/plot-points that he faces (See Stats for "Minimum" and "Maximum" sizes).
Makata Kong is the last remaining member of an ancient gijinka species on Skull Island known as the "Kongs", who transformed into gigantic apes. They were worshipped by the indigenous Iwi tribe as protectors of their Island, relying on them as the first line of defense against danger. The Kong species were made up of several tribes, each sporting an expertise in a particular subject. Some tribes acted more within a warrior-esque heritage, either as powerful warriors or making impressive tools and weapons; while others were more peaceful, being builders, storytellers, or shamans. They were all vital and useful abilities within a hostile world; one filled with tribes of other species willing to slaughter them to take the thrones for themselves. However, for the past 8 centuries, each tribe would be united underneath a single ruling tribe, one who promoted strength and equality for their people and harmony with the island.
Makata Kong was born in this ruling tribe, under one King Brunoka and Queen Ratana respectively. For the past 3 centuries, these Kongs had kept stability and prosperity through their tribes, leading into a golden age. Makata Kong aspired to be a powerful warrior, just like his father, while also having much respect for his mother, who was a storyteller. For roughly 15 years, Kong lived a relatively happy life, where the future seemed bright as the Sun above.
But then the Kongs found themselves at war with the malicious "Skullcrawler" hordes - a horde of violent reptilian gijinkas that ruled Skull Island prior to the Kongs' arrival. They were forced underground through a large pit that lead into a subterranean environment, where one would eventually reach the "Hollow Earth". Lead by the infamous general "Ramarak the Wrathful", he initiated a rapid-fire campaign to take back Skull Island after a thousand years of "unworthy rule". While the Kongs were able to keep the hordes at bay and ultimately force them back underground, it came at the cost of nearly the entire Kong species; with Makata Kong being the only survivor.
With his parents and the rest of his family dead, the last Kong assumed the duty of acting as the island's guardian and ensured that the Skullcrawlers remained underground. It was a daunting task, one that those in his tribe claimed could never be done. Yet through the teachings of his late father, as well as his own personal experiences, the young Kong proved himself to be a worthy protector - even having help and respect of the surviving Iwi tribes - as the Alpha King of Skull Island. They would keep the savage tribes contained and prevented most of the adult Skullcrawlers from reaching the surface, save for a few juvenile or teenage gijinkas.
This has been Kong's duty for the past several thousand years, all the way into his adult years. Yet his biggest threat was keeping his island safe from outside invaders, those who didn't call it home. And one of those invaders would be an single individual... one whom he only heard stories and myths about until now. A primordial entity spoken through myths and legends, who was supposedly also the sole survivor of her kind:
Gojira Nautica.
The two would cross paths multiple times, where they either left each other alone or fought for territory. Despite his battle-hardened experience, Makata Kong would find himself in the losing bracket of their engagements, in some cases barely escaping with his life. Despite this, he had succeeded in driving her off a few times - with one engagement even having him break one of Nautica's spines. It was through that action that allowed Kong to create a powerful battle axe, one that could even harness Nautica's own atomic breath to become temporarily stronger.
Kong continued to prove time and again that nothing can keep him down for good; not without him putting up a fight.

Samus Aran
Metroid Post-Fusion/Pre-Dread
6'3" (1.91 meters)
198 lbs (90kg)
A serious, no-nonsense bounty hunter, Samus Aran has been hardened by her countless missions she endured over the years. She has shown unparalleled willpower and resourcefulness, succeeding where thousands failed and stopping at nothing to save the galaxy from any threat that may arise - even willing to sacrifice herself on multiple occasions for the greater good. While she is a warrior loner with few words, Samus' prefers to rather speak with her actions. Even so, within her cold armor exoskeleton, she is also known for her compassion, and has consistently stood up to secure the helpless and downtrodden.
- Varia Suit: After her original Chozo-made armor was fused into her by the "X-Parasites" - with the organic pieces of her suit fusing into her body - Samus was given a new power suit to complement her radical altercations. It faithfully recreated her original Varia suit - arm cannon and all - sporting orange and gold highlights on top of a sleek new white finish. The new power suit allows her to be faster and more agile compared to her old suit, while still durable enough to take a beating, as well as capable in withstanding superheated temperatures. However it does not protect her from superheated liquids, like magma, as well as extreme cold.
- Metroid DNA: Thanks to the metroid vaccine that initially rid her of the "X-Parasites", Samus' DNA has been altered to gain the Metroid's immunity to the X-Parasites, while consequently gaining their weaknesses to intense sub-zero cold.
- Morph Ball: Samus' suit allows her to morph into a ball, allowing her to crawl into extremely tight spaces. It can also drop bombs in this form.
- Charge Beam: Allows Samus to charge up her arm cannon to unleash a more powerful blast for more damage.
- Grapple Beam: Allows Samus to unleash a physical beam of energy that allows her to latch onto surfaces and hang for a significant amount of time.
- Homing Missiles: Allows Samus to fire missiles one at a time at enemies. These missiles can track opponents' heat/energy signatures.
- Screw Attack: Allows Samus to cause damage to opponents by spinning into them in the air.
- Speed Boost/Shinespark: Allows Samus to run at enhanced speeds; which given enough momentum can allow her to crash into breakable walls at lightning speed. Harnessing enough concentrated speed allows her to initiate the "shinespark" technique in a several second window - propelling herself in the said direction with a huge burst of power for a considerable distance. This is a heavily costly ability, that may cause self-damage if Samus doesn't properly stop in time.
This incarnation of Samus Aran represents her between the events of "Metroid: Fusion" and "Metroid: Dread".