Avatar of Lord
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    1. Lord 11 yrs ago


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Things seem pretty slow right now but just a reminder I won't be around till next Tuesday at the earliest.
Some part of him must have heard them too. When the sorcerer in white yelled his warning he was already making for cover. Delwyn was next to him.

He could feel it. The pressure building as the sound of his blood pounded in his ears momentarily silencing everything. His breath felt as if it froze in his lungs and he exhaled heavily. His eyes had closed. He didn't remember when, but he opened them now.

He peeked out assessing the situation. Gerhard had charged the archers and managed to trap them between himself and the strange man with his mystifying eye. Saira rushed a hollow intent on cutting down the friendly giant and three of the hollowed soldiers were moving towards where he and Delwyn were hiding, shoulder to shoulder their shields at the ready.

His eyes darted to the book that the sorcerer's hands grasped. “I hope you can use that”, he said, his voice monotone. The frost in his lungs chilled his words along with his mind forming an edge sharp as cold steel. Without waiting for a response he started drawing shapes in the air with his own catalyst, the metal talon where an index finger ought to be. Though the air remained unchanged the fluorescent glow of the symbols in his minds eye intensified, his physical eyes glowing with the magic. Flicking his talon towards the three advancing hollow the glow of the symbols flashed into existence momentarily then vanished. As the light faded the bellowing of a disembodied warrior exploded from behind the hollows. It was a phantom of sound and nothing more but it stole the advancing hollows attention.

They turned searching for the body of the bellowing cry. Drawing his bone dagger Lucas sprinted towards the group slicing at the hamstrings of the right soldier which fell to one knee. The middle hollow spun around alarmed but it's breastplate was made for a man not so withered and Lucas drove his dagger through the gap between flesh and metal piercing skin, just barely missing the heart. The dagger came free of the wound dark and wet. The dagger, which in truth looked more like a fang chiseled to form an edge and the base wrapped in tattered cloth, still bled the toxin of whatever creature it came from. A blow so close to the heart meant that the poison would circulate quickly causing wild spasms in the muscles before seizing. Knowing this Lucas retreated a few paces and then moved to position the kneeling hollow between him and the poisoned one. The third hollow sought to advance but the other began flailing uncontrollably, bashing him with it's shield. The third hollow made to defend itself from the flailing while Lucas slit the kneeling ones throat with minimal effort, its body making a heavy thud as it hit the ground. It twitched briefly and then was still.

Positioned behind the flailing hollow he ran forward tackling it into the other hollow. Both fell to the ground flailing. At that moment a light burst into existence from behind Lucas and he turned as Saira threw a bolt of lightning at a hollow archer on top of the nearby waterway. As the bolt impacted an explosion erupted in Lucas' mind.

“FECKING, FEEECK”, he yelled.

He felt the shaft of the arrow before he saw it jutting from his left shoulder. Where before the blood had been pounding in his head now it was thundering to the beat of the pain. His senses abandoned him drunk on a cocktail of adrenaline, pain, and head pressure. It dredged up something basic from deep within exploding from his throat in a snarl and a baring of teeth akin to a wolf's warning.

Charging the archer, his voice roaring as he squeezed the hilt of his fang. The hollow knocked a second arrow. With a twang the arrow whistled through the air, but this time Lucas saw it. He ducked, evading the projectile while sprinting on all four never slowing.

The hollow tried to knock a third arrow, but Lucas fell upon him before it could draw back the string, pinning the archer to the ground. There was no precision to it. The throat, an eye, at least seven to the chest. Up and down, in and out, the dagger drove on towards it's purpose. Each time he and it both a shade darker.

The hollow was limp when he dropped his dagger and tightened his hands around the hollows skull. He hammered it into the earth. Once. Twice. Thrice. Faster and faster. He howled and hollered as he bashed the hollows skull into the ground to the frenzied beat of the blood thundering in his ear.

When he finally pulled himself up from the corpse his breathing came in gasps, his face and torso covered in gore, his eyes wild and seeking. He roared.
I'm still here. I've been preoccupied with some other things lately though, mostly building my new desktop. Anyway I should have a post up within a day or 2.

Also as a heads up I'm going to be in Vegas for my birthday on Thursday till the 14th I believe.
Though the undead needed no sleep Lucas found comfort in mimicking the action at night, it was an old habit. He'd been coiled in a fetal position on the ground by the bonfire enjoying the familiar warmth it offered when he heard the roar. He perked up immediately, almost drew his dagger before he realized it sounded too far away to be an immediate threat. He sat there puzzled thinking back to all that he had seen in this land. What made a sound like that?

Nothing came to him. It must have been something big or very high up for him to hear it so loud and clear. He must have been thinking for quite a time because the others had packed up and started to leave. He noticed the majority had chosen to head towards the sound and a yearning to go with them took hold of Lucas. He wanted to know the source of the roar. Something that could make that kind of noise must be impressive.

He didn't have anything to gather. He kept everything he owned on him. So he stood waved good bye to the Firekeeper and thanked her for the stew. If she made any response it was hidden by her mask. He touched the ratty doll he kept on his belt, excitement blossoming within him. The doll had been his only companion for the longest time.

He ran after the group slowing to a walk as he approached. He listened to them talk as they went. Something about a bell or other. He didn't see any importance in a bell. Then came the names. Absently, he stroked the ring on his right hand. It looked to be set with a pearl that had ensnared a fog that swirled beneath it's milky, translucent surface. The hollow had ignored him more than usual when he first started wearing the ring. He wondered now if they noticed him.

Caution told him to be silent. Maybe he was feed up with silence. Maybe that roar had awoken a desire to make some noise of his own. He decided to start much smaller, and less threatening. He was about 3 paces behind the group now.

"And I'm Lucas" he said loud enough for them all to hear and with his child-like smile.
I'm also sorry about my absence. The good news is finals are done and I'm cooking up a post as we speak!
This is Dark Souls. I'm always prepared to die.

<Snipped quote by Unraveller>

We'll just catapult ourselves up to the bell tower until one of us survives and can ring the bell.

I would very much enjoy this, or riding on the dragon's back and landing up at the bell.
I'm looking forward to seeing who dies fighting the dragon. Time for some JOLLY COOPERATION!
You mean that dragon that completely annihilates just about everyone early game? XD but isn't worth nearly as much as the trouble it takes to finally kill it.

Sometimes sweet, sweet vengenance is the only reward you need.
The same will be true with me, or at least till next Tuesday. Let's go kick some dragon ass >:)
Sorry about the delay, my post is up now.


It's rumored Miyazaki is returning to handle Dark Souls 3. Though I don't think Bloodborne was really a hard game so that might not mean anything. I remember Dark Souls 2 being a lot tougher at release though, a lot of the bosses seemed to be made easier in the patches. Lost Sinner comes to mind.

The new mechanic where you sacrifice an enemy to invade other people's worlds though seems a little dark even for Dark Souls.


I too enjoyed Dark Souls 2 even though everyone complained it wasn't as good as Dark Souls 1. The lock on changes made a world of difference to me, and soul vessels, that I didn't really appreciate until I went back and played Dark Souls 1 again. And even though people complained about Dark Souls 2 it was the game people compared to Bloodborne, not Dark Souls 1, when they whined about it's short comings, in my experience at least.

I was wondering since we are able to die and come back how is that going to work exactly? In the games you respawn at the bonfire, but even though they make dying seem like a natural part of the game, they never really explain why you appear before the bonfire. Or if they did I never picked up on it. Is it something like you emerge from the flames like some sort of phoenix? Does your body get up and wander back to the bonfire drawn by the flame? I guess more importantly how will we handle it?
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