It began with a cell, a small cell, then two and so on and so forth, multiplying and growing within the womb it called home. This home was both nowhere and somewhere, because it existed, yet it knew not anything of its current place. Eventually, with what felt like eons pass, the being inside the womb began to hum a simple note. It was not elegant, nor pure, nor even beautiful- but it was perfect. And this perfect resonance rang out across the nowhere its womb was growing in. But this proved to be a fatal mistake, for somewhere in that nowhere place a creature came. Dark and terrible, fixated upon the hum within, it sank its teeth into the womb, and the hum became a scream.
That was how Larwen came to be.
For by devouring the fetus of an unborn god, he took upon himself intelligence, and thought. And in this thought he became aware of the power he now had. It was perfect, he was perfect, and the urge to spread his perfection was overwhelming. But in that nowhere place he resided in, this could not be done. Not a star shone any longer, for the creature he had consumed was the last vestige of a dying universe. The last bit of light that could have begun creation anew, but no more.
He was alone.
Or so he had thought, for not soon after those thoughts, a door opened. And he heard her, a summons to partake in creation. A new universe. It seemed that such creation could not be done without him. It needed his perfection after all.
The Coming of Perfection
For any who gazed at the door in that moment, they would see a large hands, darkened and vile grip either sides of the door. Followed by Larwen's head, his red eyes glowing even in the light of day. Without anymore hesitation, the new god pulled the rest of his body through and he stood upon the sand at his full height.
Already he loathed what he saw, these... siblings of his, they were not perfect beings. But for now he would let them be, he wished not to provoke them in a gathering such as this. There would be many more opportunities in the future, that he could see. He began to walk away, but paused after he saw fungus. He knew what they were almost immediately. Tantalizing, to be a soul for lesser things, so imperfect but at the same time needed. He could not corrupt them all, that would only anger the others, especially she who created them. For now he was content to take a few specimens for later use, preferably away from prying eyes.
He began to walk again, but the water beckoned to him. He had to show them something, his siblings dearest. He peered into the blue waters and took a few fish, small things but he imbued them with his perfection. The resulting creatures he named, Goldari. Twenty foot in length, and a taste for flesh. Satisfied, he then began to walk away.
Gifted with godhood nowhere, but somewhere. He responds to the summons and enters the Oasis. He takes a few fungus that Kap Gam created. 1 might spent to corrupt prefect a few fish, the Goldari.
@Stitches Sorry to hear that. I will ask however, how exactly did I handle it in the wrong way? it had been 14 days since you last posted in this thread, and you had been on in between that time. You could have said something, even a sentence would have sufficed and I would have understood. But oh well, I hope things go well in your life.
@Pyromaniacwolf I mean yeah, everyone has different experiences. I would be fine with either decision really, but this is what the OOC section is for ya'know.