Name:** Adair Kroll**

Name - Adair Kroll
Race - Human Magic-born
Gender - Male
Age - 39
Weight - 79Kg/12.4 stone
Height - 5ft 11"
Affiliation - Magic-born Revolutionaries
Birthday - February 11th
Adair, renowned and infamous around all of Valkier as one of the main leaders in the Magic-born Revolutionaries. He does not remember where he grew up, the only thing he remembers of his childhood is a decade of slavery, forced to work in the smoldering mines of Karu for many years until he turned on his captors.. by manipulating the blood in their veins to cause multiple cerebral hemorrhages. Adair had the opportunity to release his fellow miners, but instead collapsed the mine, killing dozens upon dozens of innocent men and women for no particular reason. Adair specializes in Blood Magic and Fire; when it comes to killing his enemies he likes to be spontaneous and unique, often igniting the blood and causing it to combust as a 'finishing move', per say. Adair loves his colossal weapons, though they're mostly just for show, he forges his weapons himself, he creates them to intimidate his opponent, he isn't often seen using his blades, only when the situation becomes dire enough that he has to use his sword for protection.
At the age of 24, living in Three, tensions began to rise between his people and the Technology users, resulting in mass terrorism in both parties in order to get eachother to leave, these tactics failed as their plots grew dull and meaningless, and thus dawned the Magic-born Revolutionaries, Adair caused a mass riot among the city, either forcing the Technology users into the wastelands or slaughtering them like pigs. Either way; Adair is not a man you would want to piss off, for if you managed to do so, you would be seeing what your intestines looked like for the first time.