@Kho Oh they will be fighting their Perfected Siblings soon. I am currently working on the sheets, for both sullied and unsullied. And once the next turn happens and Larwen has a bit more might, we might even see a hero pop up.
Edit; Should also say if there is anything wrong, or needing to be fixed on my part please let me know!
Swordson Level Two God of Weapons(Swords) .25 Might
The Corrupter
Level Three God of Perfection (Corruption)
"What is your name?" Larwen whispered to the Perfected Unsullied. They had left the Forge of Purity, and now walked through the black corridors of the mountain. The unsullied was non responsive for a moment, as if contemplating the question.
After a moment of silence, she responed, her voice whispy but still retaining an semblance of her old accent, "My name was Rowan, but now it feels all wrong mi'lord."
"As it should child, for you have been born anew, forged into purity upon this earth. Rowan is the past, a time when you were not enlightened to true perfection. A new name you need, and I know it. But it must first must leave your lips or hold no meaning. Think upon it, and come to me when your search is complete."
The now nameless Unsullied paused, then looked at Larwen, "Thank you, this gift... it is a true blessing. I will not dissapoint you, mi'lord." She then bowed and left him.
Larwen reversed course, and went back to the Forge, where he would wait to see what the Zalsarix would bring back.
As Telum dei flew over the continent, he saw that the other gods had been very busy, creations littered all about the land; like a child's discarded toys. As he reached the mountain range, he saw the first signs of Larwen's corruption, slowing to a halt, he surveyed the defiled landscape. Throughout the twisted, warped, and distorted land, large chitinous.... monsters could be seen abducting any form of life that did not fit their master's definition of 'perfection'. Without a doubt, these hulking beasts would be Telum dei's ticket to finding Larwen. Landing softly on the ground, he carefully suppressed his godly presence, and materialized a large grey cloak to hide his glowing form. Slowly approaching one of the corrupter's creations, Telum submitted himself to be taken prisoner.
And so Larwen's Zalsarix came after a long time, bringing forth all manner of unnatural life and beings who did not need to exist as they were. It seemed many of the Fae were battered and burned, with many missing wings. It was unfortunate that so many were mutilated, but it was still better then them being whole and disgusting.
"This pleases me,"Larwen said in a silky voice as he watched the Zalsarix toss their victims into the Forge, "Forgive my siblings dearest creatures, for they created you in their image. Imperfect and unnatural, against my order. And you, Seihdhara's Fae, I pity you the most. But fear not, for soon, you will be free from their curse upon thy flesh."
And more perfections emerged from the Forge, mostly Fae, but a few other creatures as well. And as the line grew shorter and shorter, as the screams came less and less, there at last came a figure different from the rest. It stood taller then the others, wearing clothing to conceal what lay beneath.
"Stop there my child," Larwen motioned to a Zalsarix pushing the being forward, then floated over to them. "What is this? This smell... so familiar but not the same. Almost like... her. And his mood soured, for he did not care for anymore uninvited guests.
"What might you be then?" Larwen asked the bundled God.
After seeing the horrors spawned of Larwen's 'forge of purity', Telum had to know why... why create such abominations? How is this perfection? How could anyone, especially a god! Justify this?
Raising his head slighly, "How could you do this?" Telum asked Larwen, "Is creating such horrors truly noble? How could becoming subject to your will be benevolent? What warrants the creation of these bastardizations?"
Larwen smiled. "I do not expect such a lowly cretin to understand the whims of my will. But I will enlighten you. Firstly, my children you call horrors are anything but, for you are the horror in their eyes. In my eyes. They were without purpose before I made them perfect, before I made them whole. Without my guidance, my will, they will be forgotten in a world that is lost to true beauty. My siblings and their ilk, their spawn, their very creations, they must be shown the true path of purity. It is the only way. It is a gift, one you shall see." Larwen then motioned for the Zalsarix to begin prodding the cloaked figure towards the forge.
As the Zalsarix went to prod Telum dei into the forge, he turned, and lightly pressed his hand against the tip of the sword, and the sword would no longer move; rather, it refused to be moved. Turning back towards Larwen Telum spoke once more, " It saddens me that you are so deluded, driven to believe your vile deeds are that of grandeur, if this is a perfection you wish to share, to show the other gods that you are right, is there not another way?"
The Zalsarix tried in vain to move his sword, and Larwen seemed perplexed all the same, but when the man spoke again, Larwen's mood turned to that of anger. "Deluded? Vile? These are the words of an imperfection. A blight upon the universe, not needed to be believed by anyone of true sense. Little cretin, how can you understand? There is no other way. Not until my dear siblings are gone, or shown the truth of my ways. Now, I believe we've had this little chat long enough. It's time for you to change, Seihdhara spawn." Larwen then grabbed the man by his left arm, pulling him to the edge of the Forge.
Suddenly, with a jerk, Larwen's forward motion halted, "Tis a pity you would not listen, and choose a better path, but you have forced my hand." with that, the large grey cloak concealing Telum's divine glow burned away; before Larwen stood not a man, but a god.
Larwen was decieved, but not entirely suprised. Regardless, he let go of Telum and snarled, "I should have known, you reek of her. Always my siblings finding ways to meddle in my affairs. But you are not one of my siblings are you, nephew? This is not a surpise, I knew it would happen eventually. It was inevitable, but for her to send you here? Now, that was foolish my dear boy." Larwen then summoned Willbreaker to his hands, "I've been curious to see if my Forge would cure a God. How perfect that you might stand here before me, now. Shall we see?"
"I'm afraid not uncle, your arrogance will be your downfall... Telum said with a chuckle, a bright light turning into a nodachi in his hands, and slowly sliding his feet apart into a wide combat stance " Are you sure you wish to fight me?"
Larwen let out a sickening laugh, "Arrogance? I think not dear nephew." Larwen then swung his mace at Telum.
Catching just below the head of the mace with his sword, Telum pushed the mace slightly to the right, and sidestepped left in one fluid motion, "I am Telum dei! Son of god and sword! I shall not be taken lightly!" he declared, throwing a hard kick into Larwen's side.
Telum's kick landed, the momentum of the blow made Larwen stumble to his side. He quickly rebounded with haste, moving his body in unnatural ways to once again stand before Telum. "You should not have come here, Telum Dei." Larwen flatly stated. He then attacked again, swinging the mace at Telum's side, but fainting the attack midway, hoping that Telum would go to block it, then use is free hand to claw Telum in the side.
The feint caught Telum off-guard, and Larwen's well timed strike sent him tumbling back. This was going to be a tougher fight than Telum thought, " You caught me off-guard, but now, my eyes are open." Telum's blinding eyes snapped open, creating a crimson glare off the bottom of his straw hat, as he took a defensive stance at the exit of the chamber.
"Foolish child, you are in my domain. Your eyes might be open, but they cannot see." Larwen then vanished into the shadows of Pervanon, the only thing remaining were the ominious glowing eyes of the Zalsarix and the other perfected creatures, staring at Telum from across the Forge. It grew quiet, the air heavy with silence before the very mountain erupted. Telum would be assualted on all fronts by the very power of Larwen's corruption. A shadowy mist seething with hate and anger, finally unchecked to do as it pleased. All light would be snuffed out, even the Forge's green glow would cease, and the stares of monsters would be but a distant memory.
This tactic disgusted Telum, an honorable opponent would never resort to such trickery, he would be back, but for now he would bide his time, until Larwen would finally return from the shadows. Rocketing out of pervanon's depths, Telum once again resumed his search for heroes worthy of his blades; it will take an army to challenge Larwen's forces, and he would be ready.
Larwen talks to the Perfected Unsullied about her new nature. Telum flies to Pervanon, acknowledging all of the God's creations on the way. Telum then sees the Zalsarix capturing creatures, so he disguises himself and gets captured himself. Back in Pervanon, Larwen watches his army grow, but stops the Zalsarix prodding Telum towards the Forge. Still disguised, Telum laments on how Larwen is evil and bad fellow. Larwen then tells it to him straight. Telum doesn't agree so he reveals himself. A Battle Ensues! Larwen eventually get's Telum to GTFO, but Telum swears he'll be back and with an army.
After spending a great deal of time brooding over his failure with Lasis, Larwen had finally gathered the Zalsarix before him. They illuminated the darkness with their bodies, casting a eerie glow upon the Perfected God. He held Willbreaker in his hand, having thought upon the powers of the weapon and its abilities- deeming it worthy of its title. Not only was it quite destructive, but those in its presence would succumb to its effects. For the Willbreaker was a very literal meaning.
Now, Larwen knew that the insectoids would be multiplying, growing in strength to challenge him. He could not allow this, but he could not intervene for the moment. In time he would, but for now Larwen was content to go about his scheming. For he needed an army and to build such a thing he first needed captains, those pure of soul to command.
He would teach the Zalsarix to wield a weapon, for all captains needed tools for war. He gifted to them the knowledge that would allow them to tap into their energy and summon forth a blade. Their very bodies were powered by unholy fire, their very souls manifest, and now they would know to control that flame for a purpose. They would be near the top of the hierarchy that was too come.
Then Larwen used his might to break apart the ground before him, molding the stone into a large, shallow pit. Once this was complete, Larwen took one Zalsarix and broke the creature in half with Willbreaker, then poured its blood into the pit. The Zalsarix did not move as their kin died, but watched with fixed expressions as the broken Zalsarix's bodily fluids coalesced at the bottom. Larwen then willed the rest of his might into this blood, and the thick green liquid bubbled and grew hot as it rose up to the pit's edge. It gave off noxious smell, and illuminated the cave even further.
Satisfied, Larwen spoke, "This is the Forge of Purity, and we shall use it to great effect mine children. Stay here for but a moment, I shall return."
Larwen then left Pervanon, searched throughout the mountains, once again ending up in the valley of the cabin. Here he found what he was searching for, imperfect creatures, some resembling his siblings but in smaller stature. As he came before them they shrank in fear, some flying away while others stared at him. Larwen simply smiled, and snatched up one of the Fae. A fairy with bright red hair, she struggled in his grasp but Larwen simply whispered to her, "You remind me of her, O'Unsullied mine." For upon his touch he could feel Seihdhara's influence. This was her creation, how perfect.
Larwen flew off with the Unsullied, back into Pervanon he went. He could have corrupted the young fairy within his grasp, but why waste his newest creation? It was time for a bathe. By the time he was in front of the pit, the fairy was screaming and biting his hand. "Watch now my Zalsarix, watch and see." Larwen then placed the Unsullied into the pit, as she fought desperately to escape. But there was no hope, for her perfection was at hand. After only a moment of being submerged, a new creature emerged, and she was truly beautiful.
Larwen turned to the Zalsarix, "Bring anything of imperfection to the Pit alive, we shall build an army in my visage." As the Zalsarix left, Larwen looked upon his newest Perfection and smiled.
After brooding in Pervanon, Larwen comes up with a grand idea. First he gifts the Zalsarix with the ability to conjure unholy swords from the energy within their bodies. Unholy flame sword -1 miracle Next he creates a pit using the blood of a dead Zalsarix and imbues it with the rest of his might. The Forge of Purity -1.75 might Then he goes out and captures a red haired Unsullied Fae and perfects her within the forge. Larwen tells the Zalsarix to go out and capture more creatures for the Forge.
Might Summary Larwen Level 3 0/5 Might left 0 Miracles 3/6 to Level