Avidan had been out of the loop for years, knowing nothing of the comings and goings of politics throughout the Kingdoms. He cared little for them to be honest, but he was no fool to know that many of these 'nobles' would be far more informed then he ever would be. Speech-craft and flattery were not his forte, this was true, but what he lacked in all things nobility defined themselves with, he made up for in other ways. Traits he could guess very few now possessed. For now he would play it smart, no need to bring any more attention to his title of Father.
What a surprise it had been to hear that the Freyja people were openly inviting all of the Kingdoms to some festival or another. Avidan was also told that it was the first time that anyone could remember such an event happening. In his lifetime, there were no such pleasantries to be had with other people, even his own kind. It seemed wrong to him, but for Luthra to ever obtain glory, the festival might just be a chance to assess the other kingdoms and what they could offer. Strategy was everything when it came to these little games, hopefully he could think of one without becoming too aggravated.
Once the Luthra entourage had arrived at port, the large man exited the vessel on shaky legs. In his years of travel he knew two things to be most dangerous, the desert and the sea. He avoided them at all costs, but this time he was assured the trip would be safe, as long as a storm didn't come crashing down. The trip had been smooth for the most part, but Avidan still didn't like boats. When he turned his gaze towards Exodus, he visibly grimaced. The city was too much for his tastes, blatantly flaunting wealth like it was some sort of disease. In Luthra, such a display would leave you dead the next morning, your house as empty as your cold corpse. This place, Exodus, it made Avidan sick.
He kept his demeanor blank however, following Angeline a ways back behind her. Avidan did take note that the young prince was not accompanying them and he wondered if mommy and son were fighting again. Only time would tell to Avidan, and he had plenty upon this night. For he was in the home of the rich, and the rich seldom cared for the poor.
Personality: Actions speak louder then words, and Avidan has carried this motto throughout his entire life. Words do little to impress him or supplant him. He his a hardened man, intimidating and cruel. He cares little for others outside of the people that call Luthra home. His voice carries a grimness, a sense of dark foreboding.
History: Avidan was born into a time of chaos and uncertainty. By the age of ten, the virus was claiming victims without thought or care, but only through sheer will did he cling on to what little life offered. When the dust settled and the world ready to be claimed once more, he was one of the first to fight and kill for what he wanted. The world was a lawless place, anger and fear were rampant while people starved. Kill or be killed.
However, he was of Thanatos, death was but an old friend and one that beckoned to be joined, but Avidan wanted more in life and it was this strong will that once again kept him alive. By twenty, Avidan had made a name for himself in the land known as Luthra. Though it pained him to say it, Luthra was his home, his birthplace, and he owed it everything. The harsh environment forged him into a fierce warrior, and an even crueler man. By the time the whispers of diplomacy had entered his lands, Avidan was growing restless and the talk of picking rulers only nauseated him. Luthra did not need a King or a Queen, whatever this Mother or Father title meant, he did not like it. They were not like the other kingdoms, why should they become like them?
As such were his thoughts and feelings, he left Luthra to find them a new home, one where they could live freely and without care. Many did not wish him to leave, many were thankful he was, and others only wanted him dead. And surely wherever his journey were to take him, he would not survive. So Avidan left Luthra behind, and wandered what was left of the world for years.
On one brisk day, a now older Avidan returned to Luthra and challenged the current Father to a duel. Caring little about the rules or proper procedures, he murdered him without hesitation, while talk of his return had only just begun. He had witnessed many things on his travels, many terrible truths and now, he had taken what he had wanted by becoming the next Father. Not for him, but for his people.
Weapons: A large iron greatsword, named Cutter.
Survival - Being born into a world that is cruel, forces one to let their basic instincts out, and Avidan is no different now then when he was a youth. He knows how to live in the world, whether through nature or people, he does whatever it takes to live.
Warrior - He knows how to fight, how to kill a man. He is no stranger to weapons and their deadly uses.
Idealist - Avidan only wants what is best for his people, and will do anything it takes to secure a future where they are powerful. His words can be both honeyed or brash, but they are not to be ignored.
Scar(s): He has riddled with scars, large and small, every part of his body has a deformity from the desert storms he was foolish enough to get caught in.
Tattoo(s): The large symbol of Luthra has been tattooed on his back.
Here we are. Let me know if anything needs changing.@Aamaya
Name: Avidan, The Father
Age: 50
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Race: Thanatos
Kingdom: Luthra
Occupation: Father of Luthra
Personality: Actions speak louder then words, and Avidan has carried this motto throughout his entire life. Words do little to impress him or supplant him. He his a hardened man, intimidating and cruel. He cares little for others outside of the people that call Luthra home. His voice carries a grimness, a sense of dark foreboding.
History: Avidan was born into a time of chaos and uncertainty. By the age of ten, the virus was claiming victims without thought or care, but only through sheer will did he cling on to what little life offered. When the dust settled and the world ready to be claimed once more, he was one of the first to fight and kill for what he wanted. The world was a lawless place, anger and fear were rampant while people starved. Kill or be killed.
However, he was of Thanatos, death was but an old friend and one that beckoned to be joined, but Avidan wanted more in life and it was this strong will that once again kept him alive. By twenty, Avidan had made a name for himself in the land known as Luthra. Though it pained him to say it, Luthra was his home, his birthplace, and he owed it everything. The harsh environment forged him into a fierce warrior, and an even crueler man. By the time the whispers of diplomacy had entered his lands, Avidan was growing restless and the talk of picking rulers only nauseated him. Luthra did not need a King or a Queen, whatever this Mother or Father title meant, he did not like it. They were not like the other kingdoms, why should they become like them?
As such were his thoughts and feelings, he left Luthra to find them a new home, one where they could live freely and without care. Many did not wish him to leave, many were thankful he was, and others only wanted him dead. And surely wherever his journey were to take him, he would not survive. So Avidan left Luthra behind, and wandered what was left of the world for years.
On one brisk day, a now older Avidan returned to Luthra and challenged the current Father to a duel. Caring little about the rules or proper procedures, he murdered him without hesitation, while talk of his return had only just begun. He had witnessed many things on his travels, many terrible truths and now, he had taken what he had wanted by becoming the next Father. Not for him, but for his people.
Weapons: A large iron greatsword, named Cutter.
Survival - Being born into a world that is cruel, forces one to let their basic instincts out, and Avidan is no different now then when he was a youth. He knows how to live in the world, whether through nature or people, he does whatever it takes to live.
Warrior - He knows how to fight, how to kill a man. He is no stranger to weapons and their deadly uses.
Idealist - Avidan only wants what is best for his people, and will do anything it takes to secure a future where they are powerful. His words can be both honeyed or brash, but they are not to be ignored.
Scar(s): He has riddled with scars, large and small, every part of his body has a deformity from the desert storms he was foolish enough to get caught in.
Tattoo(s): The large symbol of Luthra has been tattooed on his back.
The Beautiful (II), The Queen (III), The Temptress (I)
In the forests of her birth, Maeve had gazed into the room where Elabeen and Fylmira once held court, a now desolate place full of broken dreams. She held such contempt for that place, it unhinged memories of a different time, ones that were now all to painful to remember. So Maeve destroyed the chamber, shattering it into a thousand pieces, then she destroyed the very tree it had roosted in. When this was done, she told her subjects to build her a throne that was worthy of her presence, one that would be suitable for their Queen. Only then could she be satisfied in the old Unsullied forest.
Aina was sent away for the time being, to the Sullied forest, where she would oversee it's rebuilding. Maeve in the meantime had summoned Nessa to her, and the Fae had come without pause, now waiting and bowing low. Maeve watched her from where she lounged about on a large blackened branch, her back against the trunk of the tree, her shadow casting long as the sun dwindled. Maeve had thought long upon what Nessa had told her, and it was unnerving to say the least. That a God could call their Corr flawed, and imperfect. It made her think, and she was thankful for having a task to be focused on, else her mind wandered.
This nameless God was a mystery to her, she only knew of Larwen by name, but the existence of others was not entirely unknown to her. The God had taken interest in the Corr, why would he do that? Furthermore, he had said that the magic had potential for a great amount, that he could change it to even alter sins. Maeve only wished he had come to her, and not the arrogance of Nessa. If he had wanted, the God could have killed her with ease, and Maeve would never have come about to this conversation. Yet he let her go, and Nessa had proven herself by coming to Maeve, though perhaps not by her own line of thinking.
Regardless, the God's words set doubt within Maeve. If the Corr was flawed and imperfect, how could she perfect it? If only Larwen had not vanished...
"You've done me a great service by telling me about your encounter, Nessa. My only wish is that it had gone differently, but we cannot change the past, now can we?" Maeve's voice dropped to a whisper.
"No, we cannot my Queen." Nessa began sadly, "P-Please forgive me your majesty, I am a rash, arrogant fool."
Maeve shifted slightly on the branch, "All is forgiven my dear, but remember- It is not in my nature to forgive twice. The next time, I will not be so kind as I was when we first met. Now stand up and look at me."
"I understand, my Queen." Nessa said before she slowly stood, and looked at Maeve. The Fae was a tall one, taller then even Maeve had been, she also had several scars covering her body, some still fresh.
"I've a task that needs doing, Nessa." Maeve began in an alluring voice, "Go to the desert to the East, see if you can find what's happened to the lesser's, or anything else of note. I've seen greatness in you Nessa, do this for me, and I will know where your true loyalties lie."
A fierce determination sprang across her face as she listened to Maeve talk, one that needed to be unleashed upon the world. Maeve's voice helped this process, for her words were that of honey and Nessa was as a bee. "I will not fail you, my Queen!" Nessa said excitedly.
"We shall see, Nessa. Now go, may Perfection guide you." Maeve finished, Nessa bowed and floated off into the night.
Maeve is back in the Unsullied Forest, where she destroys the tree where her court was once held. She tells her subjects to build her a new throne, one worthy of their queen. Aina is away and at the Sullied forest, overseeing it's rebuilding and perfecting. Maeve contemplated about what her followers told her about their meeting with Uthum, a god whose very name escapes her. But Maeve has a grasp on what he wants. She finds what he said concerning and ponders on what to do about the Corr's imperfection. A conversation occurs with Nessa, and Maeve sends her on a task to prove herself loyal to Maeve
Maeve: The Beautiful (II), The Queen (III), The Temptress (I) +2 Prestige Starting -2 Prestige for leveling The Temptress to level (II) +2 Prestige for having a main post = +2 Prestige
The Beautiful (II), The Queen (II), The Temptress (I)
Aina stood proudly behind Maeve, who was now trying to talk some sense into the Zalsarix. The once small Fae in the meantime, marveled at her new body. She felt powerful and for once in her life, capable of acting on that power. Her senses were enhanced tenfold, the touch of her body was exhilarating, her soul, was now truly perfect. Maeve had 'awakened' the dormant power she held, and like a seed, she germinated into something truly special, the first of her kind- a Handmaiden. Aina adored Maeve, and loved her above all else, even her own life. For Maeve had given her a mighty gift, one she could never repay, a gift that was for life.
"You must listen my brothers, please!" Maeve shouted to the Zalsarix. After trying in vain to get them to stop trying to move the stone, Maeve was beginning to loose patience with the firstborns of Perfection. It seemed that without Larwen to control them, they did not listen to anyone, and Maeve was growing angry at the thought of being ignored. It was not in her place, and if Larwen was truly gone, then it was she they would have to listen too.
"I will not ask again! Stop this madness now and listen to me! I have need of you!" Maeve growled at them, but to no avail. The proud creatures deemed her unworthy of their attention, and to this Maeve turned a dark shade of crimson. "Stand back Aina." she commanded, and her handmaiden quickly withdrew to a safe distance. Maeve's clutch on Willbreaker tightened as she thrust it into the sky. The Mace was a divine weapon, gifted to her by Larwen himself, it's only purpose in life was to dominate the minds of those it touched. It had worked on the lesser Fae, and it would work on the Zalsarix as well!
Maeve unleashed Willbreaker to it's full potential, and all of a sudden the Zalsarix stopped in their tracks, one by one turning towards the Fae Queen. Their expressions were full of anger and hatred, and from their hands came swords of power. They charged her, and Maeve's anger only grew with each advancing step.
"Stop!" Maeve shouted, and the Zalsarix hesitated but still kept coming. Her anger began to fade into fear, as the giant creatures showed no signs of being affected. Was Willbreaker not working? Was her will not strong enough? Was she not a Queen? Queen's did not use anger to command, they used authority. The thought came to her suddenly, and it clicked. Maeve's crimson color faded back to white, she took a deep breath, unafraid of the danger now racing towards her. This felt right, she realized, anger had it's uses, but not now, now she needed to be firm and in control of her emotions.
"I said STOP!" Maeve commanded, her voice echoing forward, and this time the Zalsarix faltered, slowing down to standstill. Any closer and she would have been skewered. Slowly, the Zalsarix fell to their knees, and their blades disappeared as they looked at her with sullen expressions.
Maeve began to talk, a new air of authority hanging in the air, "Do you not see my brothers? Larwen is gone, Pervanon is blocked, your siblings are lost to you, but we are not. We Fae are the only ones you have left, whether you like it or not. I am Maeve, your Queen, Larwen himself gave me this title, and with it, Authority. I will not be ignored by you, for my word carries meaning, and with meaning comes purpose. Now rise my Zalsarix! You are coming with me and that is final. There will be a time to mourn what has been lost, but not now." Maeve finished, thinking of Tingalina...
The Zalsarix did not move for a time, but slowly one by one they stood and began to file away from the Mountain, following Maeve as they left back to the front of her domain.
They had not gone even a day into the journey when a small group of Fae stopped Maeve in her tracks, with an air of urgency. One by one they bowed, all except one. She stood, her head held high, even in the face of the Zalsarix and the beauty of her own Queen. Maeve floated towards this defiant Fae, towering above her, but she did not waver. "And what is your name?" Maeve asked her.
"I am Nessa." The Fae said arrogantly, while looking into Maeve's face.
"Nessa..." Maeve whispered, before unleashing her magic upon the Fae. The Fae screamed as she collapsed to the ground, the Corr ripping into her body. It was not enough to kill her, but to punish her. "You should learn to address your Queen in the proper way, Nessa. Defiance does not suit you, my dear. I see your strength, your will, it is great but without proper restraint you are little more then a savage. This will not do." Maeve stopped the flow of magic, and kicked Nessa in the stomach.
"Let's start over, shall we? Bow." Maeve commanded. By this point all of the Fae, even the Zalsarix were watching the exchange.
Nessa got to her hands and knees, bowing deeply in front of Maeve, the Fae trembled as she knelt there. Feeling satisfied, Maeve spoke again, "Now rise and address me properly, Nessa."
Slowly, painfully, Nessa rose, slightly hunched and clutching her stomach. "M-My Q-Queen. F-Forgive me, I mean to d-disrespect."
Maeve's tone changed to a kinder one, "Of course not my dear Nessa, all is forgiven. Now why have you come here?"
"T-thank you my Queen. We came here, t-to find you. We met something, or someone." Nessa said.
"Who did you meet?" Maeve questioned.
Nessa didn't answer at first, looking at he other Fae who she had came with before looking at Maeve again, "A god, my Queen."
Aina comments on her new appearance and how powerful she feels. Maeve talks the Zalsarix, but ends up having to dominate them to listen to her with Willbreaker. They then leave Pervanon behind and make their way back to the front, where the battle took place. Along the way, they meet a small group of Fae who were looking for the Queen. One Fae did not bow, or address Maeve properly. Maeve then decides to show her who is boss, and punishes the for her arrogance. Once the Fae has been punished, Maeve asks her why they were searching for her, and to that the Fae tells Maeve, because of a Godly encounter.
Maeve: The Beautiful (II), The Queen (II), The Temptress (I) +3 Prestige Starting -3 Prestige to level up the title [Queen] to III +2 Prestige for having a main post = +2 Prestige
The Beautiful (II), The Queen (I), The Temptress (I)
Aina stood behind Maeve on her right side, having completed the task her Queen had asked of her some time ago. It had not been an easy one, finding suitable lord's and ladies to claim the new territory, telling them what Maeve demanded in her new realm, fortifications, honing of abilities, creating new Fae. The list went on, but Aina had proven faithful and returned to Maeve not three days ago. Now Maeve and her small entourage floated at the base of Pervanon, watching a miserable sight, and one that filled them with raw emotions. The Zalsarix clawed at the base of the mountain, ripping out stone and trying in vain to enter their birthplace, their very home. For Pervanon's entrance had been caved in, large boulders, double the height of the Zalsarix blocked the once great entrance.
Many of the Fae with Maeve fell to their knees, weeping silently- the implications of such an event were staggering. Maeve stood tall above them, though this reveal racked her soul further, almost to the breaking point of despair. Truly there was no victory but pain and numbness, now even more prevalent at the base of Pervanon. She shuddered slightly, trying to regain focus, everything that was happening was going to fast! It wasn't fair, but then, what was? Maeve snapped herself out of it, focusing on what needed to be done at hand. She turned to Aina, the smaller Fae also stood, watching with fixed eyes at the mountain.
"Aina." Maeve stated.
The small Fae took a moment to respond, but she looked at Maeve and bowed slightly, "Yes Queen Maeve?"
"The mountain is lost to us, our stronghold, and the birthplace of our race. Larwen has..." Maeve paused the air growing silent, "I no longer feel his presence, his whispers have grown silent and Pervanon is shut. I fear the worst has befallen our God..." Maeve said the words, but she did not believe them, not entirely. Had Larwen been killed? Surely she would have felt such a thing? No, deep in her heart, she feared the one thing that was in abundance in her pitiful life- Had the God of Perfection abandoned them?
"My Queen, what do we do?" Came Aina's soft voice, bringing Maeve back the situation at hand. She realized how good it felt to be focused, being lost in her thoughts was maddening at times.
"We continue on." Came the voice of the Fae Queen, "We continue to grow, to build this land in Larwen's image. The Forge of Purity is lost to us, yes, but there are other ways to Perfect lower lifeforms. I will show you, in time. Firstly, you must grab the Ley, the mushrooms of souls, we must spread them further across the land. Secondly, we must grow in strength, Aina has set this task in motion, but it is paramount we are able to fight when the time comes. Thirdly, we shall form our own grand court and from the dust of the old, we shall build anew, greater then ever before. Now go, return to our siblings, spread these words to the wind, and let all now that Perfection is strength!"
With that, their heads held a bit higher, the Fae began to get to work, but Maeve was not done, not yet.
"Aina, come hither."
Aina had been floating away, but the voice of her Queen stopped her, and she obeyed. She floated towards Maeve, and looked upon her beauty.
"You have done much to please me, for this I am thankful of a dutiful servant. I have thought upon it, and deemed you worthy of a gift, will you accept?"
For once, without hesitating, Aina blurted out "Yes." and feeling ashamed, she looked away from Maeve.
Maeve placed a hand upon Aina's shoulder and whispered softly, "Do not be ashamed my Fae, it is our nature to crave power. Now," Maeve bent over and whispered into Aina's ear seductively, "Awaken, my Handmaiden."
Maeve and a small entourage arrive at Pervanon, and see that it is blocked. The Zalsarix are desperately trying to move rocks but it is all for naught. Maeve almost gives into despair again, but barely manages to hold on. She realizes that something has happened to Larwen, or he has abandoned them, something she leans on more. She then gives a rousing speech to her people. She sends some of the Fae on her way, but keeps back Aina, who we know completed her task given by Maeve. The Queen see's a great amount of potential in Aina, so she gifts her with power, calling her a handmaiden.
Maeve: The Beautiful (II), The Queen (I), The Temptress (I) +5 Prestige Starting -2 Prestige for "Awakening" Aina. -2 Prestige to Level [The Queen] to level II +2 Prestige for having a main post = +3 Prestige