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FP: 0 MP: 04


A chill suddenly shook Arya’s body as she laid. Her eyes were forced open by the shiver of her body, only to realize she was laying on a thick slab of ice in a dome of snow. All around her was white; even the fire in the center of the otherwise barren room. Despite it’s dancing flames, no heat seemed to illuminate from it, much to her disappointment. Across the room was a clear exit, a copper coat rack standing guard with a thick fur jacket.

Hesitantly she stood up, confused as to what was going on and where she was. She shivered; it was cold and that jacket looked so cozy. She walked over to the rack, slowly and reached out, touching the thick fur like a child might pet an animal. She put on the jacket, it would keep her from shivering. Then she looked at the exit and walked through. Wherever she was, there was no answers here. Just disappointment.

The blast of the sun off of the white landscape of snow temporarily blinded her. There was a yelp while her eyes adjusted and a helpful hand reached far up and turned down the brightness of the sun, “I’m so very sorry!” a voice as shivering as the tundra apologized.

If it all she was surprised by watch she saw, it wasn’t noticeable. What was noticeable, was that her eyes smiled as she said, ”Oh! That’s so much better, thank you...uh...do you have a name?” she inquired the bundle of coats.

“Of course,” The bundle replied, “I am Idnes, the God of Icebergs. Surely, you have heard of me?”

”Hmmm, no, I’m terribly sorry, my Lord.” she said politely while giving a small bow.

The Bundle puffed up, “It’s alright! Please, call me Poobah.”

Idnes paused, “Grand Poobah.”

Arya nodded, ”Grand Poobah it is!” came her excited voice, ”Say, do you know where I am?” she asked.

“I have a whiff of an idea,” Idnes replied, almost regally, “I would guess you were accidentally dropped off in my sphere on your way to a dream. It happens from time to time, you see.”

”A dream? A sphere?” she asked aloud. ”What are those?”

A gloved hand rubbed under where a chin might be, “Perhaps the other Gods thought it fit to keep this information from the… not Gods.” He sighed, “But, then again, they ignore me so. Perhaps I shall ignore their desires, I am a God too, after all.”

“You see, each God, as it were, has a home. Being the splendiferous beings we are, we call our homes our ‘spheres’, even if they are not spherical. As for a dream, I don’t know the answer to that. Most people seem to know what a dream is without ever being taught, you may be the first to ask.”

“But, but!” Idnes came to his own defense, “You cannot fault me, even in my divine Godhood, to not know how to answer such a question! If you could imagine, you must, most lives come from a birth of some or somewhat and then continue in a line or some such, and at no point in this line (except in cases of philosophy or general inflation of curiosity) does a being ever ask what a dream is, without first already knowing.”

Arya listened to the Grand Poobah, hearing what he said, and trying her hardest to make sense of it. Spheres were homes for gods, she got that but a dream was another beast entirely. Somehow, she already knew what a dream was and...and...she was dreaming?

”So, this is a dream then? That’s...interesting. Huh.” she said.

“Well, if it is,” Idnes thought out loud, “Then you are in the wrong place. You need to go to the Palace of Dreams, that’s where all dreams proper go.”

”Oooh! That sounds right. But, how do I get there?” she wondered aloud.

“That way!” Idnes pointed in the distance, and suddenly, as if she had ignored it before, the impression of a palace was pressed against the dark-blue sky. The Grand Poobah crossed his arms, “Just be careful, dreams are strange things. In fact-” The bundle shook his head, “Well, I shouldn’t say.”

Arya looked to where the Grand Poobah pointed, and she saw the impression of the palace against the sky. How had she missed that? She began to walk towards it, but when the Grand Poobah spoke again she stopped and looked at the bundle again.

She cocked her head and asked, ”Shouldn’t say what, Grand Poobah?”

“Well,” Idnes puffed up as if he was about to solve a great mystery, “Have you ever noticed, or at least, will you have noticed, that in dreams there appears to be such a seamless logic and understanding that so carefully mimics that of reality, even if it shouldn’t, and yet we accept it as real? Well, some days I wonder if this is all a dream and not reality,” He waved his arms as if presenting his sphere, “But who is to say? Good luck on your journey, Disciple of Iceberg.”

She was about to speak what the thought, but stopped. If dreams weren’t really real, but felt real, then that meant…

Her eyes grew soft, and when she spoke her voice was quiet, ”Goodbye...Grand Poobah. Thank you, for your help.” and Arya turned, leaving the bundle of coats behind.

She took three steps and suddenly she wasn’t in the land of snow any longer. In the distance the palace remained, but all around her was a marketplace open to the sunny sky, causing her to sweat under the jacket. Tufts of grass broke through cobblestone roads, and many colorful booths were set up with hawking merchants. Beyond the booths wasn’t much else, besides endless pine forests.

A strange, skinny man looked over at her from his multicolored booth. He himself contrasted his wares, as he was as monochromatic as the land of snow, and bore nothing but white hair, skin and clothes, with only a set of black eyes and a spiral about his forehead to say any different. A long cigarillo perched between his lips, a wisp of purple smoke drifting off its glowing end.

This wasn’t the palace, in fact, it was still in the distance. All around her were strange things and stranger people. Growing hot, she slipped the jacket off and continued, letting it fall to the ground without even looking.

She noticed the dull man and walked over to his colorful booth. The contrast was very apparent as she got closer and it made for a very odd sight.

She spoke at once, but as she did, no sound appeared and instead a large bubble fell out of her mouth and began to float. In response the man reached out with his cigarillo and popped it, her voice coming from the subtle pop, ”Hello! Can you tell me where I am?”

Arya was bewildered at such a display. A flash of the first time she spoke wandered into her mind and how she struggled to speak. When the man popped the bubble she was relieved, but still perplexed.

The man put his cigarillo back into his mouth with a clamp of his teeth, and took a long draw. As he spoke, tendrils of purple smoke escapes his lips, “Now, now, it’s bad business to be buying what I’m selling.”

He pointed a finger at his sign, the words Questions for sale, written across it, “So how about it?” He continued, “Want to buy a question? Very cheap, a single answer for a single question, and then you can keep it forever.”

She squinted her eyes in confusion and scratched her head as she tried to wrap her mind around what the man had said. Buying a question? But how could one do that if they didn’t know the answer...wait just a minute! If this was a dream, then she wasn’t really anywhere but her own head. Right? There was really only one way to figure it out.

”Yes.” she stated, her voice popping from bubbles. ”I would like to buy a question.”

”I am in my head.” she said. That was an answer right?

“Where do you think you are?” The man handed a card to Arya, while taking her answer from her in the form of a bauble. His eyes sparkled, as if expecting more.

So she was right after all. She then took the card and looked it over, the question he had just said and she had previously answered written on it.

”This place is just a dream.” she answered again.

“What is this place?” The man handed her another card and took her answer from her again.

Her eyes smiled as she received her question. She thought again about what to answer and quickly came up with, ”I am on a journey to the Palace of Dreams.”

“Where are you going?” The man asked, handing her another card.

This time she decided to say something completely random, ”The pine trees are green, the sky is blue and your name is Bubbado” she said.

“What are two truths and a lie?” The man questioned, card in hand.

Clever, very clever she thought. But Arya realized she could probably keep answering questions for a long time and never really get anywhere. It was time to move on.

”It was fun but I must continue on. Thank you.” she said.

“What do you think of all this?” The man handed her a final card and then leaned back to smoke his cigarillo, flicking the ash. Arya nodded and continued to walk down the path, eyeing the market place as she did. Up on the horizon, the palace still beckoned.

A few steps forward and suddenly there was a loud clang. Her eyes flickered for a brief second. Slowly a welcoming array of horns and tubas met her ears with a sweetness punctuated by timely thumps of a playful drum. Violins wailed quietly, tying the orchestra together into a playful, and mystical dance.

All around her flowery dresses spun and twirled with suited gentlemen. Orbs of emotion and thought bobbed between the dancers in their own waltz. The room itself was a large dome, vibrating with the lure of the somber trumpets, and the story of the gentle flutes. Center of the scene was a great throned dias, on which sat a gentleman, who sat in front of a large piano, his fingers stroking the many keys in such a fashion as to lead the orchestra in a melody of sound.

Arya’s eyes went wide as she took in the world before her. It was beautiful, it was so beautiful and loud and wonderful. She couldn’t help herself as a few black tears fell down her face. The music, the lights, the atmosphere, the dancers with their dresses and suits- it was all so… all so blissful.

Her attention at last fell upon the dias, and the throne where a gentleman sat playing an instrument she thought was so elegant and alluring. She wanted nothing more then to dance as the dancers did, and play like the instruments played but most importantly she wanted to know who sat upon the throne and how he orchestrated the magic that flowed around her. So Arya found herself upon the dance floor, letting her body soak up the melody as she tried to mimic the dancers in their steps but even as she failed she did not grow unhappy but instead relished in the opportunity.

She at last made her way to the center and walked up the man and it was there she said, her voice like that of a blissful child, ”Hello!”

“Hello,” A grainy voice swirled around the pair as the song changed to the next dance, one of a higher tempo and quicker pace, the gentleman’s fingers nearly a dance of their own as they made work of the keys.

”This is beautiful, so, so beautiful.” she said aloud, looking around the room as the tempo changed.

The gentleman turned his head, revealing a wide cheshire smile, “I’m glad you like it,” the voice returned, despite the gentleman’s smile never opening.

His voice was unique, and that smile was anything but unnerving. It was pleasant, as a gentleman should be. Whatever that was. Suddenly, Arya remembered what she carried and looked down at the cards. An idea came to mind.

”Here you go!” she said and handed him the cards, ”I know it’s not much, but it’s the least I can do for letting me be here, to enjoy this.” she said softly.

A gentle laugh bounced between the two, and the gentleman took his fingers off of the piano. He pinched the cards between his index and thumb, accepting the gift. Took a quick moment to flip through the cards, the laugh bounced again, “A stack of questions? Why, thank you, young miss.”

With deft fingers, the gentleman slipped the cards into his jacket interior pocket, secured with a pat, “Shall I answer them for you?”

”Of course! But only if I ask the question.” she said playfully. ”Okay, Okay… What are two truths and a lie?” she inquired.

The voice hummed for a moment before answering, “The past can never be changed, yet a person is free to choose their own purpose, but a dream is just a dream.”

Arya hadn’t been expecting that answer. It was compelling and she wondered what what the lie could be. She thought about it for a moment before asking, ”This place is just a dream?” came her innocent voice.

“No, but it is a dream,” the gentleman answered.

”Hmm,” she said, ”Alright, how about this one? Where are you going?”

“Nowhere,” The gentleman maintained his smile.

She gave a small laugh, ”Clever, but obvious. Let’s try this one. What do you think of all this?” she asked.

“In the words of someone I hold very dear,” The gentleman started, “I like it.”

”Short and sweet.” she said quietly, a pang of longing echoing throughout her, quickly buried by the atmosphere. She rubbed her chin, thinking about what else to ask. Perhaps it was time to go outside of the cards? Yes, that was a good idea.
”What is your name?” she finally asked.

“K’nell,” The gentleman answered, his fingers settling back onto the keys.

”K’nell...K’nell…” she pronounced the name, ”Kalmar mentioned your name once I think. So that means your a god and this is your home...your sphere.” she let her voice drop to a whisper. Arya then sat down on the steps and looked up at K’nell.

”Can you teach me to dance, like the dresses and the suits, one day? I’d like that very much.” she said softly.

“If you want to learn, you will learn,” K’nell began to press his fingers down on the keys in melodic rhythm, “Just don’t forget to dream.”

”I don’t think I can. Forget, I mean. I think the words of the one you hold close describe my feelings best. I like it. I do.” And Arya listened to K’nell play and she watched the dancers dance and all was good. K’nell gave Arya a knowing look, and as the final song ended, her eyes opened.

0 MP/0 FP



Orvus stood in silence beneath the Mar Tree. It’s motes of decay danced around him as if they were attached to strings, but this was not his focus. He faced away from the tree, to the place where she had been born. He still couldn’t quite wrap his thoughts around how she had come to be, or what had given her life, but Orvus knew she was of him. A small part anyway. Her appearance was the only thing they shared in common, that much was true. For in the brief moment she had stood before him, Orvus realized he would only bring her pain and suffering if he remained in her life.

She had a soul, she had happiness, she had emotion. But most importantly, she had a desire to be everything he was not. That was why he had said those terrible things. That was why he made her cry. Why he made her feel so wrong. She couldn’t stay on Veradax, it would have killed her, the Mar Tree would have killed her, but perhaps the greatest threat to her life, was in fact himself. So he sent her away, to Galbar, easing the otherwise hard journey. An act of kindness, for though he told himself she would be better without him, it still hurt to watch her go.

Her screams for him were still haunting, but day by day they lessened. In time, maybe they would fade, but he wouldn’t forget her. No, because if he did forget, Veradax would claim her for its own, and that was a fate worse than death. Still, he was troubled. The dream constantly reminded him of what he wanted most- to feel and to be happy, but he knew it could never be so. She could have provided that comfort, but would have suffered for it. For fate was cruel and unkind, and he was growing tired of feeling.

Orvus turned around to the tree once more, and reached out his hand to touch it, but halted when a new voice spoke in his mind. Kalmar, God of Hunting wanted to talk? Orvus could only imagine why but he was in no mood to speak. Just like before, he sent message of his own, weighted down by his negative emotions and dark thoughts. Kalmar would feel just how uninterested Orvus was.

”Orvus,” Kalmar repeated, so unphased by the dark thoughts that he kept the exact same tone, ”We need to talk.”

So, it seemed his siblings were all stubborn. First Arae, now this one. Perhaps a more direct approach was necessary?

”I am uninterested in talk, Kalmar.” Orvus said without emotion.

”We need to talk anyway,” came Kalmar’s response, equally emotionless.

Growing irritated, Orvus spoke again, ”Then speak and be done with it.”

”We will speak face to face,” Kalmar insisted. ”On the northeastern corner of Galbar’s largest continent there is a tall mountain. No traps, no tricks, no fighting. I am waiting there.”

There was silence between the two gods for a very long time as Orvus contemplated. He had no great desire to travel to Galbar where he was weaker, and at the same time, he did not trust this one’s words. Yet, he was intrigued. Here was a god that matched him in tone, and commanded, not asked, for what he wanted. Did he have any idea who he was talking to? Or did he simply not care?

”Very well.” Came his short response, and with nothing else to stop him, he summoned the storm winds and they carried him up, off towards the gate. His return, for better or for worse.

Kalmar had not expected that to work. Yet it had. Interesting. All there was to do now was wait for Orvus to arrive, if he truly was on his way. So, wait he did. He considered the possibility that the god lied only to get him to stop talking, but decided Kalmar instead to give Orvus the benefit of the doubt.

When he arrived on Galbar, Orvus immediately realized that his gateway had been confined to one location. By who, or what, remained a mystery but it did little to calm his aggravation. In fact, he grew angry that such a thing had happened. It was meant to do what he could not in absence and such an affront would have to be corrected, but not now. He other duties to attend to as he fell to the ocean floor, and began to walk.

It did not take him long to find the correct heading, and so he walked, noting the new life that flourished beneath the waves. Oddly enough, he did not see any Leviathan Anglers, but it was inconsequential. They were merely an experiment and as such, he did not care what became of them. He made landfall at dusk, and so he walked on with purpose. Behind him, dark storm clouds followed in his wake. It would not be long now.

Kalmar felt the first drops of rain strike his hair and began to frown. Perhaps he would not come. Or perhaps he was deliberately taking his time. The thought annoyed Kalmar. But then, in the distance, a dark figure approached.

He saw the mountain first, then a top it, Kalmar. Up until that point, his body had been dull. The only illumination were his eyes, and as he neared, he erupted once more into his original form, painting the world before him with a small glow as the storm arrived. At the base of the mountain, his head snapped up to look up Kalmar, unphased by the rain. For a moment he stood like that before bending his knees, and jumping. The mountain was tall, so Orvus had to dig his weigh into several times as he used the momentum to fling himself up.

When he reached the peak, he landed with a consider thunk and slowly stood to his full height as he looked down upon Kalmar with an unwavering gaze.

”Speak.” he uttered in an aggravated tone.

Kalmar didn’t even blink. ”I am not here to coddle you, or to tell you that you are misunderstood,” he said, rather bluntly. ”I will not claim to understand you either, because I don’t. But before we begin, I have some questions. Why did you attack Phystene?”

Lightning flashed around them as the thunder rumbled behind. Orvus listened, his apathetic stare did not move as Kalmar droned on. But there was a certain way he spoke, blunt and to the point, that Orvus almost respected.

Curious, so this one knew what had transpired between he and the nature Goddess and it only confirmed to Orvus that they were plotting against him. But then why talk at all? After a moment Orvus spoke. His tone cold, ”Phystene created life that I cannot feel.” he paused, then added, ”I wouldn’t expect you to understand what that’s like.” before the rain was the only sound that could be heard again.

Kalmar was not sure what Orvus meant. ”Why did that anger you?” he asked. ”If you cannot feel it, that means you do not know what you are missing. So why?”

”I know exactly what I’m missing.” he said bitterly. His thoughts briefly turning towards the dream and his mood soured further. Why was this so important to know? Was it not obvious? ”Phystene represents life. I represent destruction. Must you know more?” he stated flatly.

”Yet destruction can be productive,” Kalmar pointed out. ”I am proof of that. And you do not even need to represent destruction. You can learn other skills.”

”Destruction, no matter how productive, is still destruction. Look to the moon, there is your proof.” he paused, letting the thunder reverberate around them. ”Balance. That is what Arae called it. I must represent what I was tasked with chief and foremost. Whatever would the Architect think of me if I did not perform to my utmost ability?” he said with a hint of sarcasm.

”Everything Phystene creates is intended to serve a purpose,” Kalmar told him. ”If you want balance, then your destruction needs to serve a purpose as well. Destruction for the sake of destruction serves no purpose.”

”You do not understand.” he said coldly. Lightning flashed, illuminating his body against the torrential rain for a brief second, ”I did not say I wanted balance, Kalmar. My destruction can only serve my own purpose. For each and every one of us, has their own perception of the word.”

”But how do you perceive the world?” Kalmar asked. ”What is your own purpose? Destruction may have been the first power you adopted, but the Architect also gave us free will. The power to grow and change. You can become something else, or you can take what you already know and apply it differently. Why not?”

Orvus was silent for moment, the air becoming palpable as it grew. The word, echoed in his head over and over again- purpose. It led to a choice. Creation, or destruction. That was what K’nell had asked, that was what he had asked himself. Now, Kalmar asked him the same.

”I can’t.” he said.

”You can,” Kalmar cut him off. ”This is your struggle. We all have struggles. Overcoming them is how we grow. It is how we survive. If you give in to your struggles, if you admit defeat, you lose.”

”And now, you understand.” Orvus said softly. ”We all lose in the end.”

Kalmar nodded. He already knew that. ”True. But small victories can be found before the final defeat. We must not give up. We must continue to exist. To give up is against our nature.”

”Our nature?” he said rhetorically. ”No, your nature. Come now, Kalmar. Don’t you see how ironic your words are? The God of Hunting, one whose purpose is exactly that- To exist. Do not preach to me of victories, of nature. It is meaningless to me. We all lose, and if I can speed up that process, the world will be better for it. Then we can all die and fade, together.” he spat vehemently.

”No it won’t,” Kalmar told him. ”Destroying something does not make it better. And not everyone wants to die. Most want to live. Why do you need to drag everyone down with you? Why not end yourself, and let the rest of the world move on?”

”I am selfish. I do not wish to end, not here, not now. Not until the world is quiet.” he spoke softly, his eyes expressing a terrible sadness. ”You wish to know so much, but I will answer all of your questions with this- My Soul is broken. Frayed. I cannot feel that which is whole. So I will not drag them down with me, they will be swallowed and broken and frayed and they will come willingly.” he finished.

”They will not.” Kalmar told him, eyes narrowing. ”Life resists. Life adapts. Life prevails. The entire universe could burn and something would still cling to existence. If your soul is broken, then fix it. If you can’t feel, then learn to feel. Otherwise, you are an obstacle and a threat, and I will kill you.” Lightning struck again. There was anger in Kalmar’s eyes, but he continued. ”You want to live, but you don’t want to admit it. This goal of destroying everything is just an excuse to justify your continued existence. Stop the excuses. Find another purpose, or die.”

Orvus looked away from Kalmar and up into the rain. He watched the droplets, they reminded him of souls in a way. So many, so vast, but the storm would end eventually, and when it did, the rain would come to an end. Once again, he was at the precipet of the choice. He was denying the truth, Kalmar was right in that regard. He wanted to live, that was true, but not like this. He could not fix his soul, and he could not feel because of it. Could that change? Could he find another purpose?

There were so many emotions, and thoughts, and desires, and choices, all spinning around in his head like a whirlwind of pain. What was stopping him from changing? What was stopping him from his purpose? What did he want? What did he truly want?

‘Creation or destruction. Creation or destruction. CREATION OR DESTRUCTION!’ screamed in his mind and he couldn’t take it anymore.

He looked back down and to Kalmar, his expression wide, portraying a variety of conflicting emotions. He was trembling ever so slightly, his lights growing brighter and brighter.

But then there was a flash of lightning and when the thunder boomed again, Orvus was gone, leaving Kalmar alone atop the world.

0 MP/0 FP




Time passed, as Kalmar taught Arya the basics of survival. He taught her how to craft a crude mundane spear from wood, and then showed her how to fish with it. He taught her how to make a fire and cook. He even trained her on the basics of combat. He crafted a bow for her by hand, and showed her how to shoot it. “Every kill must serve a purpose,” Kalmar had told her. “You should use as much of it as you can, and you should never kill just for the sake of killing.”

“I believe you have mastered the essentials,” Kalmar finally told her one day.

”Are you sure?” Arya had asked, standing taller than ever before. She felt a bit of pride even. She had learned so much from him, and for that she would forever be thankful, even indebted. Kalmar had shown her kindness when she needed it most, and through the long nights she had even found a semblance of companionship, but something in her heart told her it wouldn’t last forever. So each and everyday, she had gotten the most out his teachings. And then that day came.

”There is still more to learn,” Kalmar continued. ”But I cannot teach it to you here - this land has only a swamp, a river, a lake, and a marsh,” he confessed. ”And it will be a long time before I can add anything more.” He paused, letting her digest that information. ”But there is another land to the southeast, with more ecosystems, and more to experience. If you want to continue learning, it would be best to go there.”

With a solemn expression in her eyes, she had nodded approvingly even if in her heart she wanted to stay. Kalgrun had grown on her in an odd way, it felt homely. But it wasn’t really her home, was it? Just as quickly her expression had changed to that of joy and she spoke excitedly, ”I understand. So when do we leave?”

”I will not be going with you,” Kalmar told her. ”I have another task to attend to,” he said, thinking of her father. ”We will meet again. But for now, I want you to practice what you learned without my help. Arryn will accompany you, and I will find you when my task is complete.”

Her eyes expressed sadness by the time Kalmar had finished talking, but once again, she understood. ”Very well, I will practice and I shall win. Thank you, for everything Kalmar.” She said, looking around for Ary. A nickname she had started calling the avatar.

Kalmar nodded. Arryn was perched on a nearby tree, and let out a sound to catch her attention. ”Grab your spear, your bow, and your arrows,” Kalmar instructed her. ”And I will leave you with one final lesson. Out there, you may feel fear. A feeling that you can’t handle what is in front of you, that you don’t know how to proceed. Do not listen to this feeling; if you do, then it will come true. Stay calm, remember what I taught you, and you will succeed.”

Arya nodded in return, grabbed her items and looked back at Kalmar as she raised her hand for Ary. She was happy, a nervous, and maybe even a little scared, but if she was ever going to get back to her true home again, she needed to grow.

”Kalmar,” she started as Arryn began to swoop down, ”You should smile more. I like that smile.” And then the avatar grabbed her, and the journey to new lands had begun.

Kalmar gave his thin smile as he watched her leave, and then felt a strange tug in his heart. It was… sadness? Worry? He tried to shake it off. She would be fine, and if she wasn’t… well, he did what he could, and she couldn’t stay with him forever. Yet still, the feeling did not go away. Instead he turned his gaze south, in the direction of the nearly erected, still barren continent, and took flight on a course of his own.

As Kalgrun became a blur beneath her feet, and the vast ocean sprang up to meet them, Arya couldn’t help but laugh, ”Come on Ary! Let’s go on an adventure!”


The skies drifted lazily across the sky as the falcon rose and dove in accordance with the air currents. The air grew warmer as they floated eastwards, the steam of the Saluran Mendidih influencing the air even up here. The distant greens of the Nanhe jungles bloomed across the horizon, contrasted by a black column of ash and smoke from Mount Eldahverr cutting the horizon short at its very edge. The very southern tip of the continent betrayed a grey, barren spot - thankfully under assault from the surrounding forest, slowly being re-consumed by the unyielding life.

Her world was vivid canvas of new colors, sights and smells as Ary flew over rock and stone, plant and life. The small girl was completely astonished by everything she saw. Such things Kalmar had never told her about were even more so impressive. To the strange, distant steam rising from the sea between the vast rocks, to the distant smoke that rose up, up and up! But with all the life, she was taken aback by the large, ugly stain of destruction she saw that marred the land. For some odd reason, she felt a connection to it, but as she saw the swathes of green that slowly encircled the stain, even breaching it in places, she felt relieved and the connection faded.

“How peculiar,” a disembodied voice thundered around the duo, or more specifically - from behind. A flash of gold and glitter that nearly rivalled the sun blasted past the two, nearly casting their shadows onto the empty air in front of them.

Arryn stopped, hovered in place for a few moments, and turned Arya around.

Behind them was the colossal, snarling head of a dragon, coated in gold leaf. The head’s neck stretched downwards underneath what could only be described as an enormous ship’s hull, perfectly crafted with multiple shades of mahogany. The dragon’s head was flanked with golden railings adorned with pearls and small, draconic statues, and behind it rose first a tall spire, backed by a taller spire - both bejeweled with gold and stones to the point of redundancy. To crown this creation of divine excess, the roofs of the towers consisted of green jade tiles, with more golden dragon statues at the corners. On top of the dragon’s head stood a tall, red-scaled, serpentine humanoid and plucked at its braided beard.

“I have seen many sights throughout creation, yet none quite like this…” it said, evidently amused judging by the following chuckle.

The voice had startled Arya, and had broken her attention from the world below, up to what was around her. Then all of a sudden something massive flew by them, and for a brief moment Arya remembered the monster in the sea, and her eyes went wide. Could there be monsters that flew as well? But Kalmar’s words echoed in her head, she couldn’t show fear! She had to face it!

And when Arryn turned around, Arya came face to face with a monster! Its visage was horrific, but even though it wanted to eat her, because that’s what predators did, she noted how beautiful it looked. But then nothing happened, it didn’t attack her, or come any closer. It just sort of...died and she was curious. Looking past the dragon’s head, she saw what the monster truly looked like and slowly, she began to laugh, high melodious notes. It was not in fact a monster at all, but something else entirely, the ship Kalmar had mentioned! Then that meant…

And as Shengshi spoke, for that was who he was, her gaze turned to him and she marveled at his body. It was completely different then Kalmar’s Arryn’s and even her own. Not one to be rude, she spoke aloud merrily, ”Oh! Hello!”

There was a long quiet pause, the kind in which the air fills with a seething fume that alerts a possible transgression of norms. There was a long inhalation sound, the wiff-through-the-nose kind, and a pensive hum from the bow of the ship. The snake frowned in the girl’s direction.

“... Mortal,” he hissed. “Tell me, are you a gift, by chance?”

Arya cocked her head when Shengshi asked her that question. It was a strange one, and it brought back some memories. Unpleasant ones.

”Well…” she began softly, ”My father wouldn’t call me that. Quite the opposite, actually.” She finished with a hint of dejection in her voice.

There was another hum from the ship, then a snap. Suddenly, a limb of water shot out from underneath the ship, soaring towards the two in the blink of an eye. What happened next was a blur. Arryn tried his best to bank away from its course, but could not quite escape the grasp, and his right wing was caught a large fist of water. The two were carried towards the ship and gently placed down on deck.

One minute they were hovering in the air, then the next a stream of water grabbed Ary and pulled the both of them onto the ship. Once she landed, Arya immediately grabbed Ary and like a worried mother, began to soothe him.

”Oh Ary, are you alright! Are you hurt?” she mewled softly to the bird, before looking up at Shengshi, her eyes now expressing anger.

”That wasn’t nice! You could have hurt Ary!” she said upset, ”Why would you do that? If you wanted us on board, all you had to do was ask!” she finished, rocking the avatar like a swaddled child.

Arryn was quite alright. He shook free of Arya’s grip and flew up onto her shoulder, glaring at the lizard and protectively raising one of his wings. His master had told him about this creature, and though the lizard had not been described as a hostile threat, it had not exactly been a glowing account. His duty was to protect Arya, so that was what he would do.

The snake sneered at the girl, but cupped his hand in an inviting gesture. “I apologise from the bottom of my heart, young one,” he began, “I was perhaps a little rash in my action - I merely wanted you aboard so you could conserve your strength. Now, if you would be so kind as to humour me by answering three questions, my gratitude to you would be immeasurable.” He bowed to her to demonstrate his statement.

Arya was happy to see Arryn fly to her shoulder, he seemed quite alright, which was a relief. What would she tell Kalmar if something happened to him? Hopefully that would never happen. And so she listened to the snake speak, and she squinted her eyes, something wasn’t quite right about this one. He seemed… insincere yet blanked the air with an apology. How odd.

”Hmph.” she let out before saying, ”It’s nicer to ask instead of using force. Please remember that. Now, what are these questions of yours?” she asked while stroking Arryn’s cheek.

The snake dipped even lower for a moment. “Of course, young one - your anger is certainly justified. My action was unacceptable and I pray I may be forgiven in time.” He straightened himself back up, a blank expression tainted perhaps by a slight frown engraved on his face.

“Now, if you do not mind, I shall ask the first question.” He cleared his throat for effect. “Who are you?”

She nodded approvingly, still not quite believing the snake. He seemed, unhappy about something. But that was no excuse for not being polite.

”Well, that’s simple,” she said, ”My name is Arya, and this here is Arryn, but I like to call him Ary.” she stroked the bird again.

The snake nodded slowly, shooting the bird a particularly suspicious glare. “How splendid. What are you doing here?”

”Currently, I’m answering questions.” Arya mused.

There came an audible sigh that bordered on a groan from the snake, but apart from a slightly shaky fist, the creature remained unmoving. He even cracked what could generously be called a smile.

“Hah. A jester, I see,” he mused coldly. “Very well. I have one last question, if you would not mind.” He gave her a malicious wink.

Kalmar’s words echoed in her head once more, she couldn’t be afraid. But the snake was doing a very good job at making her frightened. She had to stand up to him as well it seemed. But first, she needed to ask her own question.
”Are… Are you going to hurt me?” she asked innocently.

The snake visibly recoiled with an audible scoff, placing a palm on his chest. “Hurt you? Oh no, no, no…” He slithered a little closer, his hands gathering behind his back. “That would be poor etiquette - a little bit like ‘not answering a question’, yes?” His forked tongue stabbed at the air mere inches from Arya’s face.

”Oh okay!” she exclaimed. ”Your scales are really pretty this close. So what was your final question?” Arya asked.

“Why, thank you,” he said and chuckled. “You are cute, I will admit as much - yet the final question remains.” He pulled back a little and looked to the side. “Do you know who I am?”

”Of course! You are Shengshi, God of Rivers and this is your beautiful boat! I don’t know it’s name though. Kalmar told me about all the gods when he found me but I guess he forgot to mention that. What do you call this place?” she asked cheerfully.

Shengshi’s face contorted into a mixture of every possible emotion, though the most evident ones were rage and confusion, as displayed by unevenly raised brows and grinding teeth.

“So, you mean to tell me that you were completely aware of who I was - and you still held that demeanor?” The snake’s voice could not decide either whether it wanted to scream in rage or inquire quietly.

Arya watched Shengshi’s face contort into rage, and her own expression became one of concern. She began to speak quickly, ”Oh! Are you okay? What did I do! Please, please don’t be angry! I don’t know what you mean. What demeanor? I’m sorry.” she began to tremble.

”Show strength,” Arryn’s voice - a voice he rarely used - advised within her head. ”He sees your fear.”

At once she felt calm, and her trembling stopped. She relaxed, and tried to reassess the situation. She couldn’t show her fear, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t be compassionate. The snake looked like he was hurting, and she hated to see that.

She took an audible breath, and spoke again. ”I apologize for any offense, Shengshi. I did not have time to think about any sort of demeanor after being forcefully dragged onto your ship. My priority was Arryn.” she finished, hoping she said the right thing.

The snake placed two index fingers on his lips and let out a long, very long sigh. “No, no, you are not at fault here, young one - you simply (how to put this delicately?) received your education from the wrong source.” His scowl turned to a warm smile. “You would naturally not know how to properly act towards-”

”Hold your tongue,” Arryn spoke sharply, not telepathically, but out loud.

The snake ran his eyes up and down the bird’s figure, letting out a single cold scoff. “I thought I smelled the unwashed spawn of that barbarian. Does he send spies my way to ensure my loyalty, now?”

”Hold. Your. Tongue.” Arryn repeated, the edge in his voice rising, with a hint if outrage. ”You had no right to drag us here, and you have no right to insult my creator.”

Arya was highly confused at the sudden outbursts on either side, so much so it did more to frighten her then anything else.

”S-Stop!” she said meekly, but neither of them seemed to notice.

“An interesting claim - ‘no right to insult my creator’,” the snake mused. He repeated it a few more times as if tasting the words. The ship had, at this point, already descended to the point where it was a mere hundred metres off the river surface of Nanhe. “Your creator, bless his heart, may be skilled in chucking spears and rocks and setting animal waste aflame...” The snake closed in on the two, completely ignoring the poor, little girl. “It should be no secret to him nor his creations that what love I have for him is cordial at best. He is more than welcome at my table; however, know this, little bird-” The snake stabbed a clawed finger into the air in front of the bird’s beak. “- My holy body will be rotting for eternity and my soul shattered into a billion fragments before I consider your creator anything above scum. Now… Get off my ship before I send him another carcass to skin.”

The bird glared back. A few tense moments passed, as Arryn locked eyes with Shengshi. ”Arya,” he said, his voice telepathic once more, so that only she could hear. ”When I strike, run to the edge, and jump. There is water beneath us. Do not hesitate, and do not look back.”

Arya had listened to Shengshi with black tears streaming down her face. He words were so… so cruel. What they both said was rude to the other, and she had no idea why they would act in such away. But it came obvious as Shengshi went on, the two Gods did not like one another, that much was true. They seemed to hate each other. And though she was afraid of Shengshi, and thankful for Kalmar, she saw the look in the snake’s eye. The rage, the anger, and behind it all- sadness. As to what she did not know, but she wanted to find out. Kalmar had taught her how to survive, and she wasn’t going to survive with a baby sitter, as much as he was cute.

So, Arya placed Arryn on the ground, then walked in front of him, in between the two bickering divines.

”No Arryn. You beautiful creature. No. I know that Kalmar wanted you to watch over me, and I know that you would faithfully, but how can I survive on my own if I have help? How can I grow? How can I learn if I have a guiding hand?” here eyes smiled softly as she paused, ”Please, go home Arryn. For me? It’ll be alright. I’ll...I’ll be okay. Tell Kalmar that… That I’ll win.” she said before turning around to face the snake.

”Do not speak ill of Kalmar, please.” she said defiantly, ”He took me in when I was lost. When I was afraid. When I was alone… He taught me how to survive, but his lessons only went so far. So I will ask you this, Shengshi, God of Rivers- Teach me. Teach me what he could not. So that I can learn more. So I can face my fears.” she asked as her eyes softened.

Arryn was betrayed. A moment ago, he had been ready to put his life on the line for the honour of his master. He would have clawed out the lizard’s eyes and presented them to Kalmar as a trophy. He would have gotten Arya away from his toxic influence. Yet Arya had turned on him. Shocked and devastated, he could find not words. He knew there was some truth in her words, and perhaps his master would have even approved of some of it, yet to leave like this...

The ship landed softly on the river. The snake’s bloodthirsty glare moved from the bird to Arya’s face like the face of the moon: menacingly slowly. However, at the mentioning of Arya’s loneliness, it seemed that something with those blazing eyes stirred, a movement that expanded outwards until all the fury in the snake’s visage had given way to pity. He let out a sigh.

“You are a piece of work, young one,” he said. After a short pause, he snickered softly and turned to give the bird a stern scowl. “Bird.”

”My name is Arryn.” The bird hissed defiantly, despite his heartbreak.

“I could write ten classics about how little I care. Your protectee has made her request - and we will both honour it. We may both share little but spite for one another, but she is guilty of nothing but being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Her wishes are above our feud.”

Arryn was silent. His will to fight was gone, and he wanted to leave, yet he also could not do so without another show of defiance, some sort of last word. ”You were of a different mind not ten seconds ago,” he said, and then he took flight.

The snake sighed, a tint of regret plaguing his voice. “I know… The river adapts… And I am sorry.” He turned to the girl and put his hands behind his back.

“You are certain about this, then?” he inquired softly, his face betraying nothing but weariness.

Arya had watched Arryn fly off until he was but a speck in the sky. One of her only friends, hurt beyond measure, because of her. She hoped what she was doing was worth it. She turned around as Shengshi spoke, fresh tears falling down her face.

”If I ever want to return home…” she said, glancing up at the moon, ”I have to learn and grow and win. So yes, I am certain.” Arya said with confidence.

The snake nodded somberly. He slithered closer and bowed before the mortal. He straightened back up and eyed her up and down.

“Three things before we begin: One, in my domain, there is only -one- religion: Hierarchy. I, your lord, am at the top. Where are you?”

”Beneath my lord.” she said, catching on quickly.

“Very good. Two, only the lord is worthy of addressing oneself as ‘I’ or, for the fancier lot, ‘we’. The servants, that being you, will address themselves as “this servant” or “Your servant”. Say ‘I agree’ if you understand.”

”I-” she let slip out before shaking her head, ”This servant agrees.” That was close, too close. She’d have to watch herself. That was going to be difficult.

The snake smiled warmly. “Very, very good. You are quite the quick learner, dearest. Thirdly…” He plucked at his beard. “You will need a new name.” He hummed ponderously. “Arya is coarse - painful on the tongue.”

Arya stood up straighter at the mention of a new name. Her eyes expressed a profound sense of sorrow. She liked Arya. She was Arya. Then again, Kalmar had also said that a name was just a name. One could take others, she would have to do the same. But in that moment, she promised herself, she would never forget Arya- her first name.

The snake snapped his fingers. Two water globule servants stormed out the gates of his palace with a sheet of rice paper and a calligraphy brush, already tipped with ink.

“Your name already has two syllables. That is a good number.” He let his pencil dance across the surface of the paper. “Your role is that of servant, but for your willingness to serve, you shall be granted a name befitting your sacrifice.” He wrote down two characters and then handed the paper to Arya.

Arya was surprised to see the water servants appear from seemingly out of nowhere, and produce such strange items for Shen- For her master. After a moment, he bestowed upon her the thin piece of material that held strange, black tears on it’s surface. She looked at it, very, very hard. Then back to Shengshi.

”This...This servant...is...grateful?” she said unsure of herself. How exactly did this pertain to a new name? It was nothing to her but strange.

“You will learn to read posthaste. For now, I will read for you.” The snake held his palm over her head and commanded proudly: “I welcome you into my court, my servant, and bless you with the name Anxin - ‘heart of peace’. Serve me well and endless wealth shall be yours.”

Oh! That made sense, somewhat. She had no idea what reading was, but it sounded like something one should know, but more importantly she had a new name. Anxin. It was… strange, but just like Arya, it fit.

”Anxin…” she said aloud, letting the words echo about her, before looking up at her master. ”This servant is humbled. Thank you, my lord.”

The snake nodded. “You learn fast, my dear. The servants will show you to your room. I advise you to rest up before we begin your lessons.” With that, the snake turned and slithered into the palace.

Arya watched him go, then looked back out across the horizon. As the water servants began to shuffle her away and inside, she let out a sad sigh, ”I never said goodbye…”

And then the ship swallowed her.

The Hunter’s Flight

The coast of Kalgrun vanished behind him, and the coast of Atokhekwoi came within view, though Kalmar did not know the continent’s name as of yet. He soared over it, flying up and down, scanning the fresh barren rock, searching for a suitable location.

He found one in the continent’s northeastern corner. A vast mountain. He did not know it, but it was called Mount Chop. The Hunter flew up to its peak and set himself down. From here, he could see in every direction. Nothing would surprise him. Content with the summit’s defensible position, he closed his eyes, and focused.

”Orvus.” The God of the Hunt said, reaching out telepathically, ”We need to talk.”

0 MP/0 FP

A nameless war raged in the quiet of Veradax. Amidst the scarlet lightning of fierce clouds the battle ensued as ash danced. It was a great struggle that only a few could truly see. For there were no combatants in this war, yet there was still casualties. The pull of the Mar Tree was not as great as the vortex, but then again, this soul ash was not yet decayed and so the tree beckoned them. It did not whisper sweet nothings, or promise power, it simply called them to join and such ash was easy prey. But not all came so easily. A few, resisted.

It was one such piece that fought for something greater. It had danced the dance of the pull, and ever closer it descended with countless others who it shared kinship with. For they had all burned anew in the pyre’s had they not? But this piece, whether it knew what was happening to its siblings or not, was destined for something else. A possibility.

And so it struggled against the pull, desperately without thought. As it came closer to the crown of the Mar, when all hope seemed lost and futile, a gentle wind carried away, past the tree. Down, down it went. Past a crippled God too consumed by thought to even notice such a small speck. Something glistened in the twilight upon the cold earth, multiple somethings, but one was far greater than the rest. It’s call was sweet and sincere, while the others were cold and sorrowful. That was were it landed, upon a tear cast aside, and then everything changed.

Movement. It was so subtle, he barely even noticed, but when Orvus looked to see if his eyes were playing tricks on him, he eyes widened. Before him, small things stirred in the dark. Little fragments of light...and he knew what they were- his tears. They were grouping together, faster and faster, each adding a small plink to the mass as their light grew in intensity. Orvus watched, perplexed by this as the light became blinding. He stood up, shielding his eyes with a hand. Was it some sort of attack by one of his siblings? He began to walk towards the light, fearing the worst before whatever it was doing reached fruition.

Then all at once, the light faded. Hesitantly, Orvus lowered his hand, preparing to go on the defensive. But he froze when he looked upon the figure that was before him. On its hands and knees, the core of its body glowed a soft white to its elbows and knees, were then it’s skin was inky black...much like his own. It had a small body, a trembling body, with short curly hair a top it’s head, draped down to cover its face. Hair made of the same glowing white. And then slowly it sat up and it- no she looked at him with large, inky black eyes. His own eyes, but of the opposite color, reflected back at him with an expression of confusion, mixed with fear. She was smaller then he, much smaller, and her body was that of a lithe figure. She blinked once, twice and began to stand up. But her legs were that of a new fawn, and quickly she began to fall but Orvus caught her before she fell completely. And when his fingers touched her skin, he felt nothing…

Her head was spinning. Maybe it hadn’t been a good idea to stand after all, but at least her father had caught her. His touch was frighteningly cold, but it was only a small relief when he let go, and she fell to her knees on the hard ground. Somehow, it was even colder. She looked up at her father, for this was who she knew him to be, somehow. Her eyes expressed hurt, while his were distant, painfully so.

There was a tense silence between the two of them, a silence she absolutely despised. It was too quiet, how could anyone think with all the quiet? She needed to break the silence, and so, she did.

”I-I-I-I-I!” Soft and high her voice shouted out. Her eyes seemed to grin as she bathed in the excitement of her own voice. But she noticed her Father’s watchful gaze, and now it was full of disappointment.

”I-I’m sorry for my outburst father.” she said softly, ”I’ve never spoken before, it was rather...exciting. I don’t know how you manage the silence, it’s so...so quiet.” she finished squinting.

The God before her said nothing for a moment, ”Daughter…” he whispered softly. His eyes briefly expressing wonder, before returning to the same impassive look as before. ”You should not be here.” he stated emotionlessly.

The words struck her like a physical blow, and she recoiled. Confusion welled up inside her and she began to stammer, ”W-What? What d-do you mean?” Why did her father not want her to be there?

”D-Did I do something wrong?” she asked.

He took a step back, ”Yes,” he said, ”Y-You exist.” he then turned around, and began to walk away.

She sat there, stunned, not really knowing what to say, or what to do. Something began to cloud her vision, something black that fell from her eyes. She tried to stand again, but fell and this time he did not save her from falling. She had no idea why she felt the way she did, but she knew it was something she didn’t like. She existed, and he did not want her.

What happened next, she barely understood. She saw her father underneath a great black thing, with twisting limbs. Each limp contained something that looked like a ball of some sort. The tree then pulsed, and the motes of light began to leave the branches. Her father looked up at the tree, then he looked back at her, his eyes going wide. The motes began to float towards her, they were very pretty but then a gust of wind grabbed and she felt herself being carried away.

She screamed his name, a wail of desperation but he did not answer. Up and up she went, the clouds opening up to reveal a distant sun, and then she entered the hole in the clouds and suddenly she was falling. Falling through another storm’s eye, down into a deep blue. She braced herself for the impact, but it never came. Another gust of wind caught her, and ever so gently guided her down into the water. When she entered, she felt warmth for the first time, and amidst the calm waters, she floated. Temporarily forgetting what had just happened to her. And it was there she was the moon for the first time, her home. Where her father was.

How was she ever going to get back?

0 MP/0 FP



MP: 7 | FP: 17

Arae’s voice was but a whisper in Orvus’ head, and one he barely believed to be real at first. His mind was clouded down by a great weight, it was hard to actually think about anything, other then ways to simply not exist. But Arae was a familiar name, one he vaguely knew to be more then some falsity. Thus he listened, and his foggy mind began to spin about and focus on what she was asking. She wanted his time? For a chat?

Orvus did not move from under his tree as he began to send her his own message. It was simple, and yet profound. Nothing words could convey, but feelings. An intense wave of anger, malice, and dread would wash over her for the briefest of seconds before vanishing into bone numbing sadness as it ended. For Orvus did not want to talk, nor did he want to do anything. He simply wanted to be alone in the quiet, where his thoughts might devour him whole.

As Arae emerged from the Dragon’s Crown, a plethora of negative emotions struck her mind as Orvus’ message reached her. She recoiled from the initial shock, but soon recovered, her mind filled with even more worry than before. Was Orvus… rejecting her? This would not do. She had to reach Orvus. Fortunately, Arae still had his familial bond to follow, so he was not difficult to track down.

What she had found, though, was rather unsettling. Arae had found the Gateway to Orvus’ sphere, but what encompassed it was a rather massive whirlpool and storm. It would be unpleasant to go through, but it would not stop Arae. She made the plunge into the center of the storm, passing through the Maelstrom.

Arae finally emerged into Veradax, seeing the land of eternal twilight for the first time. Normally, Arae would be glad about visiting a godly sibling’s Sphere, but this was not such a pleasant time. Veradax was also certainly not a cheerful place, and Arae had little time for such thoughts. Continuing to follow the familial bond, it was not long before she found Orvus himself. “Orvus,” Arae said as she landed close by, her voice full of concern. “What troubles you? Please, talk to me.

This time the voice was far more present in his mind, oozing with concern and disturbing his quiet. It had seemed his warning to Arae had gone unnoticed, or rather, ignored. Mentally he reached out to feed her more images, but he abruptly stopped when her presence was far closer then he could have ever imagined. She was on Veradax, and right before him.

Slowly his eyes began to glow white, refocusing his vision so that he might see. For though Orvus would never sleep again, his eyes had been shut and blinded to the world before him. Now they looked with crystal clarity at the Goddess before him. He began to stand, placing a hand upon the Mar Tree as he did, without ever looking away from Arae. His eyes expressed an emptiness, devoid of any feeling.

When he spoke, his voice was as equally unemotional, ”Why are you here? Was my message not clear? Must my quiet be interrupted by the likes of you?” he finished, and though his voice was flat, there was a certain spite that followed. He looked to Arae expectantly.

Of course I got your message, that’s why I’m here,” Arae said. “You are part of my family, and as a family member, I cannot ignore you. Three of our siblings, Ashalla, Kalmar, and Phystene, have developed unfriendly relationships to you, perhaps to the point of forming a whole alliance against you. I cannot aid you, though, without at least hearing your side of the story.

Orvus listened to the dragon talk of family, siblings, alliances… At least his suspicions were correct, others were coming together to plot against him, as they should. It was a natural occurrence that the weak unite against the strong and dangerous. But Arae did not know all, it seemed. She wished to know his story and if that meant she would leave, he would gladly tell it.

Orvus sighed softly, his eyes now expressing sadness. His voice remained much the same however. ”Your information is partially true. There is another that already…” he paused as the memories resurfaced, ”You forgot K’nell.” Orvus sat down then and placed his hands underneath his chin as he looked at Arae once again.

”You have fooled yourself into believing that you might bring some sort of assistance to me, Arae. Though I cannot speak for Kalmar, Phystene and Ashalla have every reason to hate and despise me. Did you know I defiled Ashalla’s realm with monsters? Or that I attacked Phystene for creating life that I may never touch? Or that I had the audacity to dream, only for it to be crushed before my own eyes?” Orvus paused again, letting his words sink in.

”So no,” he continued, ”I don’t believe you would have ever aided me, willingly or not. As it goes with families, there will always be favorites, and then those who are less desirable. Am I not right? Surely you cannot think us all equally? So tell me, which do you think I fall under, sister? A favorite, or a monster?” he asked quietly.

Arae listened to it all. The story of Orvus was not a happy one, but it was one that needed to be heard. When Orvus was done, a tear shed from Arae’s eye, falling onto the ground. She heard enough. “You are the one fooling yourself if you believe you are less equal or less important than anyone else,” Arae retorted, a tinge of sadness and anger in her voice. “You may have wronged our siblings, yes, but they have also wronged you. Just as they have been given their roles by the Architect, you have been given your role as the God of Desolation. You perform a duty that is just as important as theirs. While they create, you destroy, thus maintaining the balance between the two sides. It is a necessary evil that must be filled, whether our siblings like it or not. So don’t put yourself down like this, Orvus. You deserve a chance.

He listened to Arae speak, heard the anger and sadness in her own voice and sat silently, contemplating it all. She truly believed they were all equal, that their roles defined what they really were. And there it was again, the age old question that wouldn’t leave him alone. Create, or destroy? Worded like that was the only thing he would ever be capable of. Did she really think he wanted to destroy, or to maintain some balance decreed by the one who brought him here unwillingly?

No, Arae simply viewed things differently from his own perspective. She was blissfully unaware, almost childlike in her belief of family and roles. Thus, Orvus pitied her. He realized she would never be able to take sides, and she would suffer far more greatly then any of them when the fighting and conflict came. That was her role, to keep peace for all time and Orvus knew, it would break her eventually.

When he spoke, his voice was somber, ”K’nell showed me something in my dream, a possibility. I was a farmer, a mortal with a family and friends. A wife, children to call my own. And do you know what I did? I accepted it as my own reality as he forced memories of that possibility into my head, blocking out what I truly am. I had a life. I was happy and I knew what love was. And do you know what he did? He made me remember that it wasn’t real. That Rowan, Ava and Lily, weren’t real. Then he told me I had a choice. Creation, or destruction. And I awoke, wanting nothing more then to be with them in that false reality. He should have left me there, honestly.” his voice fell silent and he looked away to the floor.

He began to speak again but softly, ”I promised Phystene that we would die together, that’s why I was punished, because K’nell sees everything. But I realized something today, that would hurt you wouldn’t it? Probably far worse than either of us could inflict upon one another. For that, I am sorry.” he sighed once more, ”I didn’t want this, any of this, Arae. This existence. This constant torture. All I ever wanted was to fade away in the quiet of my birth. I tried to create, I did, but we all saw how that ended. So I came to the conclusion that I am meant to create things that destroy. Look at the monument before you. Do you know what it will do? It’s purpose is to fray souls, to bring about depravity. Soon enough it will.” his voice faded and he stood once more to face Arae within the shadow of the valley.

”Any chance I had, died when I entered this universe. I am evil, I am to be hated and despised, and I am unlovable. And I have embraced this. Now you know my story. So I shall tell you this: leave me alone in my grief of what never was. For it is better this way.” he finished with sadness in his voice.

Arae did not want to leave Orvus, but she wasn’t sure how she could help him at the moment. Her words would not reach him, and he would not reach out. She sighed in defeat, believing she should not push the issue now. It was time to go and let Orvus have some time to himself. Perhaps time was the only thing that could help him now. As she turned to leave Veradax, she muttered under her breath, almost inaudible even to herself, “You are not the only one to know suffering.” Then she took off, leaving Orvus to himself. The teardrop left by Arae on the ground continued to glitter softly under the dim twilight.

0 MP/0 FP

There was quiet on Veradax, crushing and final, like the depths of the ocean. Not even the wind dared to blow, nor did the dust feel like moving. The storm clouds grew thick and heavy with silence, further blocking what little sunlight from Heliopolis managed to slip in, while bathing the land in eternal twilight. The scarlet lightning held bated breath, incapable of etching the skies with its anger. As the moon mourned, deep within a valley sat a grieving god underneath a blackened tree.

Orvus had awoken from his dream, hand outstretched in the air, trying to grasp something he never knew he had wanted. He sat upon his knees upon the dry soil like that for a long time, motionless. As the lights began to fade from his body, he brought his arm down and looked at both of his hands, teary eyed. Shadowy black stared back up at him, not a hint of flesh and bone would there ever be. His hands balled into fists as he let his head fall down to meet them, and there he rested in agony.

He wept silently, his shattering tears forming a canvas of light that mimicked stars. His body became dull, there was no more light emitting from it, even his eyes dimmed to a dark grey, and the shadowy vapor coalesced to his form, then vanished, leaving behind a pale image of what Orvus had been. As his body seemingly shut down, his mind ran rampant with emotions, thoughts, and the memories of a life that were never his is own. It was all consuming, like being perpetually spun around in a whirlpool, fighting to break free, hanging on the edge less he be swallowed whole.

The memories haunted him and defied his logic. It had just been a dream in the end, but Orvus struggled with the thought that it had felt so real. What had K’nell done to him, to make him so...so happy and then for it to be stripped away so that he could be reminded of what reality actually was? He had had a family, a life, a home...but it wasn’t real.

K’nells cryptic words echoed in his mind above the chorus of pain, over and over again. Of promises, creation, destruction, possibilities, repentance, sacrifice, a… a choice… But amidst K’nell’s grainy voice came one sentence above all others.

“They exist.”

Something broke in Orvus, and he let out a desperate, bone chilling wail as he punched the dirt before him, leaving a small crater. For a moment his hand was coated in the tan soil, reminding him of the flesh that the dream had created. He stared at it, then wiped it away. They did not exist, they never did, and they never would. K’nell had lied to him and hurt him in a way even Orvus thought he was incapable of feeling.

Slowly the god pulled himself closer to the tree, and there he curled into a ball at the base of the glowing trunk.

His thoughts felt heavy, and he was empty inside. Numb. So numb. His crying ceased, he had no more tears to shed. SIlent contemplation was all that remained for him. His first dream had shown him to create things that destroy, his second wanted him to truly pick. Creation or destruction.




And that question would cripple his frayed soul to inaction, as he let himself be swallowed by the whirlpool.

0 MP/0 FP



A red winged blackbird trilled loudly amid the scattered sounds of the other morning birds. Each song easing Orvus awake. With a sleepy sigh, his eyes finally peeled open. He stretched, and then froze in confusion. He was staring straight up, a wooden ceiling above him, and his arms that were held up to stretch had hands stuck to the ends of them -- the flesh kind. His back was perfectly supported on a cushioned mattress and a pillow supported his head -- The kind with short black hair!

The morning sun peeked through his glass paneled window, filling his quant room with the rustic smell of sun soaked wood.

Confusion jostled his groggy mind to alertness, as Orvus looked around at the unfamiliar room he found himself in. He looked at his hands with disbelief, as he balled his fingers into fists over and over. This was not how he looked, not some flesh covered creature. Slowly he brought his hands up to touch his face, and he felt...he felt hair. His chin was covered in thick, coarse hairs. A beard? When had he grown a beard? How did he even know what such a thing was? He let his hand feel upwards, and they gently felt his flesh. His skin was sunkissed, but still retained a semblance of youth. Orvus went on to feel his nose, his ears, and finally the hair atop his head. He drank in the sensations like a fine wine before letting out a satisfied sigh.

His hands fell down upon silky sheets and he took in the room again with new perspective. It was… homely and quant. A pleasant smell wafted throughout, and at the foot of the bed rested a small animal, sleeping quietly. That was not the only thing at the foot of the bed however, something else lay under the sheets, and Orvus turned to see that he was not alone in the room.

Beside him laid a woman, who he somehow remembered, from her mahogany hair to the band of gold on her finger. As he stared at her sleeping form, memories rushed through his mind, from meeting on the old bridge for the first time, to a very special winter seven cycles ago now. A fuzzy feeling tickled his chest as he stared and eventually the woman turned to him and smiled, “we slept in.” Her voice was like honey, and as she spoke, her name materialized in Orvus’ mind.

Quickly his eyes snapped the the scene outside, her words resonating. It was merely fourthsday, by no means the day of rest and outside he could spot some of his neighbors and work hands already tending to his fields, the black coated oxen straining.

“It doesn’t feel too warm,” Orvus’ wife sat up, shaking out a knot in her hair, “probably going to be a mild one today -- what?”

Her eyes pierced his as she noticed him staring.

“I…” Orvus paused, before a smirk set upon his lips which turned into a smile as he continued to stare.

“Rowan.” He spoke her name, letting it flow out of his mouth. The mere thought of her name made his smile grow wider. He probably looked like some fool, but he didn’t care. Why would he with the one he-

“What?” she asked, returning a smile that gave him butterflies still, even after all these years. She was older now, but like a fine wine, she grew more beautiful each passing day. He leaned in, placing a kiss upon her cheek, before pulling back to look at her again with a soft expression.

“Oh, nothing.” Orvus said, “I just had the strangest dream. Waking up felt…” He paused, unsure of what to say but quickly continued, “I’m just happy to wake up next to you.”

“They happen to the best of us,” She smiled as she slid out of bed. Standing up she stretched, letting her hand rest on a slightly pronounced abdomen, Orvus remembering her pregnancy. Her face suddenly twisted, “should we eat breakfast or lunch?”

Orvus watched her lithe figure, and his excitement grew as he saw her belly. Having a third child hadn’t really been planned, but who was he to go against fate? Besides, maybe this one would finally be a boy. Not that he had anything against women, or his own daughters, but there was just something right about having a kid to continue the family line.

He shook his head, and got up as well. He wrapped his arms around Rowan’s belly, embracing her with a hug as he placed his chin a top her head.

He sighed, “Nothing for me right now, dear. There’s too much work to be done. Me and the boys still have to plow the south field and don’t even get me started on the other chores. With any luck, the twins have started have milked the cows, fed the chickens, and fetched some water.” He said aloud, before the both started laughing.

“You know them,” Rowan began, “They probably saw us sleeping in and decided to go play in the forest or get into trouble. They have too much of their father in them I think.” she said smiling.

“Oh? And what exactly is that supposed to mean?” Orvus said playfully before tickling her on the sides, her weak spot. As Rowan began to squirm with laughter, desperately trying to escape his grasp, Orvus spoke between his own chuckling, “Trouble you say? I think the only person here in trouble is you my dear!” And they both fell back onto the bed in a tangle that eventually ended up with lots of kissing.

When they finally calmed down after a long, deep kiss. Orvus looked into Rowan’s amber colored eyes and felt a connection unlike anything he had ever felt. He began to speak, “I l-” but was quickly interrupted by a knock on the front door. That was most likely Hank, his lead farmhand wondering what in the hell was keeping him so long.

He let out another sigh, “I should probably go. I don’t want too, but, I don’t think letting Hank run the place is the best idea.”

She squinted at him playfully, “get yer ass to work.”

He got up slowly, reaching the closet for some worn work clothes. As he changed he spoke to his wife with his back turned. “Now, need I remind you to not do anything extraneous or have my constant bickerings finally found a home in that beautiful head of yours?”

Before Rowan could answer, there was another heavy knock on the door and the woman pursed her lips, “don’t worry about me, go see Hank.”

He made his way to the door, before looking back at Rowan again. Orvus smiled, and she smiled back as he walked away to the front door. The knocking came again, and Orvus shouted, “Come on Hank, can’t let a guy catch up on some sleep!” before he opened the front door.

“Well I’m sorry if the plowing doesn’t want to wait!” A large bear of a man growled in a voice much lighter than one would expect, “not that I doubt there was any lack of that going on in here.” He squinted his eyes before cracking a cheeky smile, summoning a blush from Orvus.

Big Hank waved a tree like arm, “come on, the new hands are shit and I gotta tell you my oldest’s dream he had last night, it’s a wild one.”

The two large men walked down the oak porch and onto a worn dirt path towards the large barn. As they meandered, he took in his little plot of land for the umpteenth time. It was modest but housed many green things. From apple trees, to berry bushes and a plentiful amount of sweet flowers. It was home and he had all he could ever want with it.

Orvus then looked at Hank, perplexed by the idea of another wild dream. He wondered if it was anything like his own, but that would have to wait a moment. There was other priorities to contend with first before stories.

“Hey you ain’t happened to see my own kids have you? Please tell me they did their chores, Hank. I don’t think I can handle another trip into the woods to find Lily’s missing doll. Only for it to be in the barn. I swear, those girls will be the death of me someday.” Orvus said warmly.

Hank furrowed his brow, “I think I saw them working on the chickens earlier, but then the new hand got his pants stuck under one of the screws on the plow and I had to go cut him loose, the moron...”

As Hank continued to droll on, something caught Orvus’ eye and has he turned to look, he noticed a dark figure sitting atop one of the grassy hills overlooking the cottage, a single large tree overhead.

Orvus stopped in his tracks and squinted to see who, or what was under the tree. Hank stopped with Orvus and then nodded, “Ah, yup, a wayward that one. Stumbled into town this morning, been enjoying the view ever since.”

Orvus looked at Hank, “Enjoying the view of my land? Of my house? Dontcha think that’s a bit… Oh I don’t know, strange?” he asked sarcastically. Still, he didn’t mind strangers as long as they kept to themselves, but he felt odd about this one. Hopefully his girls were somewhere out of his view.

“Eh,” Hank grunted, “Yeah, but he was awfully polite and yous are always saying to be nicer to travelers. Don’t you worry, old Keiran has been watching him from his rocker.”

“Not like he can do much else nowadays,” Hank muttered.

He felt a little relief at that fact and began to walk again, “Come on old friend, we got too much work to do to worry about that right now. Let’s just trust Keiran, for what’s it worth. I’m sure he’ll hollar if something is amiss, or he’ll falls asleep. Best not to worry about it.” Orvus finished with a half hearted smile. He couldn’t shake the odd feeling he had, but he couldn’t let it get in the way of the day.

The pair continued their walk, as they did every day, but instead of walking into the barn to wrangle the work horses, Orvus suddenly found his final footfall landing on a patch of grass. Confused the man looked around, he had unwittingly walked up the hill and now stood in front of the sitting man, he didn’t even remember doing it. Looking behind him he saw Hank in the distance, throwing a yolk over the beast of burden.

“W-What? How’d I get up here?” He asked aloud to no one, the odd sensation was growing stronger with each beat of his heart. He looked at the man and saw, a pale figure, dressed in gentlemanly black and wearing a big cheshire grin that unnervingly went up to his dark spiraling eyes.

“You walked, Orvus,” a grainy voice echoed between the two, though K’nell never opened his mouth.

“I walked...but I don’t remember…” He let his voice drop before asking, “Do I know you?” his voice suddenly unsure of itself, as he was slightly taken aback by the man’s appearance. Somehow, this man felt familiar to him, but he couldn’t quite place the voice, or the clothing.

“But of course. I’m K’nell, your brother,” The voice turned between them, “Uncle to your little ones, and In-law to your bride. I’m family.”

His eyebrows furrowed as the man talked. He was receiving some very unsettling vibes from the man. He was his brother? That wasn’t true, because Orvus had been an only child. No… wait… hadn’t he had a twin brother once? No, that wasn’t right either.

Orvus shook his head before speaking, “Look, you must be confused with someone else, I’m an only child.” He took a step back, “I… Uh… gotta get back. It was nice meeting you, K’nell.” he said shakening.

“You can’t leave yet,” K’nell shook his head, his grin never wavering, “you have work to do. A promise to fulfill.”

He stopped in his tracks, “Excuse me? I never made any promise with you. I’ve never even met you before! Now get out of here! I tried to be nice but I won’t be having this...this nonsense!” Orvus said angrily, barely recognizing his own voice.

K’nell sat unwavering, “It wasn’t a promise to me, it was a promise to yourself. I am here to see if you will fulfill such a promise, though I must admit I’m bias in my hopes that you don’t.”

“What are you even talking about? What promise?” Orvus asked perplexed. K’nell had ignored his request to leave. Perhaps if he heard him out the man would go.

“You had promised to destroy, to spread desolation and reverse all of creation,” K’nell answered, “befitting that of the God of desolation.”

As his words rang between the two, a sort of door was unlocked inside Orvus’ mind, and a tiny trickle formed across his subconscious. It was chilling and cold, but it was honest and true.

“So,” K’nell continued, “I am here to see if you will do such a thing.”

Orvus began to remember, his mind unlocking memories like the beginnings of a soft rain. He was a god. A being of destruction. But that wasn’t true! It couldn’t be! He fell to his knees, grabbing his head. He had a life here, he had memories. Good memories, happy thoughts. He was a friend, a husband, and a father! Not some...some monster.

His voice began to waver, “W-What have you done to me!” he cried out.

“I have given you an opportunity,” K’nell sat forward, “a chance. You made a choice once, you can now make it again.”

More memories flashed across his vision. Of anger. An asteroid. An explosion. A loss. A battle. Her screams. A...A promise.

He was Orvus. The God of Desolation, and he was crying. His hands fell forward and gripped the grass he could no longer feel. His voice broke as he spoke to his brother.

”N-No no no no… What… Wha-What have you done...Why have you...this- this isn’t real...why isn’t this real?” he cried softly.

“It’s a possibility,” K’nell answered, “it’s as real as your choice here and now. A seed of truth in every dream, a whisper of reality in every detail: but do you destroy or do you create?”

He waved a hand over the cottage, “do you live?”

Seemingly oblivious to K’nell’s comment, he spoke aloud anyways, .”Rowan...Lily...Ava…” his voice choked up, ”T-There not real. They never w-were.”

“They exist,” K’nell put a finger on Orvus’ forehead, “I found them.”

His mind was spinning with thoughts and emotions he had never even considered to be painful. Yet they were, and they hurt far worse than any physical blow. K’nell was...he was the god of dreams, so why then, did something that was going on in his head, hurt him so much? Orvus looked up at K’nell with raw eyes, tears still streaming down his face

”Why would you… how could you … to me? This dream… why? Why make me feel so… so wrong?”

“It is simply the result of a possibility. You now know both ends to both decisions,” K’nell stood up, “you could have all of this if you wanted, all it takes is one sacrifice, one repentance… but in the end... the choice. Is. Yours.”

3 MP/0 FP

There was a strange sensation, then a pop, and suddenly Orvus was upon Veradax in a thicket of dust as a fierce wind blew all around him. He could see nothing, but with a silent command the storm moved off, leaving him in blissful silence as he took in the view for the first time. He stood upon the broken remains of a sky temple, one he no doubt destroyed when the moon shattered. It now floated alone, above and endless expanse of grey and bleakness. He looked up to see Galbar, bright and blue with patches of land and green. It was a beauty he could never appreciate.

Orvus fell to his knees then and his hands stretched out on the cold stone. A single tear of light fell down his face and shattered on the floor, like glass breaking. He knew not why the tear had come, only that it had, and just like that, it was gone forever. His thoughts turned to the battle with Phystene, how he had made her scream and his promise. They would die together and if not, then he was nothing more than a lier. But such a battle would have consequences. There were other deities who were inclined to nature, to life. And they would create beings with souls, creatures he would never be able to feel or touch. Was it intentional? Did they even know the depths of their cruelty? Or perhaps… Perhaps he was simply petty. Jealous even. That they could create such life willingly and bask in it’s radiance, it did nothing but sicken him.

Orvus knew, deep down, that his purpose was to destroy. To end creation. So why go against it? No, it was time to truly embrace what he was, no more second thoughts. So his mind turned back to his siblings, and he found himself in even more questions. Would they band together? Would they come for him? His hands clenched into fists as he let the word, the dreaded word, escape his very being.

”Yes…” For he knew, and speaking it only validated his belief.

However, his hands unclenched after the word had gone. It left him with a new perception. He would welcome them with open arms, and strangle their bodies in his cold embrace. He would make them suffer just like he suffered and if they were to kill him, he would make sure that their victory would be for nothing. He was selfish, he did not want to die, but there was a simple truth he faced. He was but one, and many they were. That meant he needed to act with precision to achieve his goals, and well out of way of prying eyes.

The god of desolation stood up, and gazed out at Veradax again. There was no better place suited for the work that needed to be done. In the quiet of the moon, where no God would willing go.

He jumped down and began to walk.

Orvus eventually came to a mountainous region, and it was there he found a deep, twisting valley. The mountain’s walls were jagged and sharp and rose high above his head, further encasing the valley in a deep shadow. Almost as black as night. The ground was not covered in dust here, giving way to the natural color of Veradax’s tanish soil. Large cracks ran through the dirt like ravines, but Orvus forged his own path through the winding trail until he at last came to the end.

There was nothing there of course, no secrets or forgotten treasure, just a dead end. Never one to be disappointed with his own wanderings, Orvus had walked through the valley with purpose. Ever since the battle with Phystene, and the powers they had unleashed, Orvus had been fixated with the creation of the anglers. He had seen them with his own eyes, and he had felt their pain. Their hunger. Their insatiable appetite for souls. What had made them so special? What was it that allowed him to feel them? Their endless pain was but an extension of their being, no it did not define them.

It was their souls. They were but a rope, fraying at the ends. Unraveling, losing one’s self, one’s purpose. He had promised Phystene that they could not die until every soul was wiped from existence. He lacked the means to truly purge every soul, but he could accelerate the process.

This gave way to a new line of thinking, upon the origin of souls themselves. From what he could remember, he and his kin were not the only ones to enter the universe, that much was abundantly clear, but there was no life then, no vessels to inhabit. So what had happened to them? Orvus widened his perception once more, opening himself so that he might see reality for what it was. He looked around but saw nothing. Veradax was a truly bleak place it seemed, even devoid of life. He looked up so that he might look to Galbar once more, but his view was obscured, however, he did see something perplexing.

Ash. Motes of ash, silently floating past Veradax and upon closer inspection, Orvus knew what it was. The remnants of a soul, burned to ash so that it might be reborn. There was a certain poetry to it, one that could be admired but Orvus was not one to admire. So too could he see the great pyres, burning in the distance like pinpricks of light. That would need further investigation, but for another time.

This soul ash would prove most useful for what was to come. A stepping stone for greater projects. He raised his hand, and the ground before him shook as cracks grew larger, providing the first sounds to admonish Veradax with sickening finality. From the dry earth a blackness rose, twisting and elongating at the top. It grew taller then he and had a thick base. The object began to reverberate a deep hum, and when it at last stopped taking shape, it pulsed once with a white glow. This glow seeped into the structures cracks, giving off an otherworldly glow. Before Orvus sat a tree of orvium, a monument of decay. It held no leaves, but twisting branches coming into sharp points. It was everything Phystene’s trees were not but yet so much more.

It’s purpose began upon the onset of its creation, and the soul ash from up above, were pulled into it’s mighty trunk. In time, it would bear its fruit. For this, Orvus would have to wait. It’s creation had drained him surprisingly and he was tired. Why was he so tired? Slowly, Orvus made his was to the base of the tree, and sat against the trunk. He shut his eyes as his last thoughts were what dreams would haunt him.

7 MP/5 FP



Orvus walked for an age and as he meandered aimlessly, the murky blackness gave way to lighter waters. The crushing weight of the depths lessened with each slow step, not that he could even feel such a difference anyways. So too did the cold water turn warmer, and with such warmth, came creation. He noticed first the microscopic plankton, and was intrigued by such small beings. What purpose did it they have? Then he came upon fish, colorful creatures that swam up to him with curiosity, only to flee as he tried to reach out for them. This game continued on as he walked through rocks bursting with life in the clear waters. He cocked his head, having not a clue what any of it actually was. It was all so alien to him.

Then Orvus felt a presence, one he had not felt since Seihdhara had come after him. This one was not Seihdhara, but another of his kin. He knew her name, for that had been one of the only gifts the architect had decreed they should be given in this miserable existence. She was Phystene.

Just as Orvus had felt Phystene, she too had detected him. She started to make her way towards him, not rushing but definitely with purpose. The sealife flocked towards her and, unlike with Orvus, seemed contented to remain in her presence, some even touching her as they swam by. The goddess enjoyed their presence for a few moments before telling them to disperse. She didn’t know Orvus’ temperament and didn’t want to put her creations in unnecessary danger. Narzhak, probably without even realizing it, had crushed numerous plants just a few hours ago.

“Orvus?” Phystene called out as she neared the other deity. “What brings you to this area?”

He heard her voice before he gazed upon the form of his sister goddess. He had never seen such green before, for her body was ripe with it. It was her eyes that intrigued him most, glowing as they were, just like his own. He stopped a far distance away, motionless in the water. Orvus digested her words, and after a long, tense moment, he spoke.

”You are Phystene?” he asked quietly before continuing without waiting for an answer. ”What is… all this?” he asked again with a hint of curiosity in his voice. He avoided answering the second question, there was no point in reminding himself of failure.

“I am.” Phystene answered, tilting her head to the side slightly at his second question. She slowly looked around in an effort to find something that felt out of place, something that Orvus would have cause to question, and found nothing. After a moment she answered “Water?”

Orvus stared at his sister, his eyes empty of expression as he listened to her three words. He tilted his head, then looked around again. He knew what water was, had he not been specific? What had he done wrong?

”No. This.” Orvus said before gesturing to the coral, and the fish. ”Do you know not what these are?” he asked.

“Ah.” Phystene’s eyes widened slightly as Orvus pointed at her latest creations. “I’m sorry. They felt so natural to me that it didn’t even occur to me that they were what you were asking about.” She looked at the new coral reef, a warm smile spreading across her face. “They are plants and animals. My gifts to this otherwise barren world.” She shifted her gaze back to Orvus as she asked “Are they not beautiful?”

Orvus listened to Phystene intently, taking away all that he could from her answer. Plants. Animals. Nature. So Orvus looked upon the fish and coral again, suddenly having the urge to know them. He saw that they existed as they were, as they always would be and unsatisfied, Orvus delved deeper. For a time there was a long silence as he focused. A flicker of light here and there caught his attention, with more and more popping on all around him and at last, his entire vision became one of light. Thus he perceived their very souls. Orvus took a step back as he took in the raw information. The fish pulsed with vibrancy, like blips of light swimming all around. The coral were but a mass of lights, flickering with color and humming with existence. Even the plankton housed a soul of their own, dainty as they were.

It was all blinding to Orvus and he closed his eyes. His thoughts were a jumbled mess of information and his own opinions. As he went over everything, he realized that he would never be able to feel such creations, or the life they carried with them. The warmth, the blissful ignorance of the world all around them. It was not for him, and he grew jealous of this fact. Of this life. What made them so special? And at last, it clicked. It was the soul.

Their souls. His own was not… was not like theirs, if he even possess such a thing anymore. He was a being of ichor and essence, they were not. Even Seihdhara, she must have had a soul. It would only explain...Yes...that meant...all of his siblings had souls. He could not feel any of them unless it was of pain.

His eyes snapped open as he spoke in but a whisper, ”No…Why is it all so wrong? He turned his head to look at Phystene directly. His eyes now expressing anger, ”What have you done?” he demand.

“Pardon?” She asked, her momentary confusion evident. “There is nothing wr-” A look of steel entered her eyes as she gazed into his. “What have I done?” She quietly echoed, her voice belying none of the anger she felt. “I have granted them” She gestured towards the fish, coral, and seaweed, “the greatest gift of all. Life. I have helped turn this barren ball of rock and water into a vibrant place. Look around you. And I mean really look. Can you truthfully say that this world would be better without my creations?”

”This universe would be better without anything. Without anyone. Without even me.” Orvus said sadly, beginning to tremble slightly. “You have… You have diluted them with this… life of yours. You have created them so that I cannot feel them. Do you have any idea how cruel that is?” he said with a mix of anger and sorrow in his voice.

The steel in Phystene’s eyes faded away, only to be replaced by pity. “How much… less this universe would be without us. Without you. I know not why you you cannot feel my creations, but it was not because of any desire or malice on my part. Come here,” She held a green hand out towards him, “and let’s see if I can show you the universe from my point of view.”

Orvus looked at her outstretched hand, and for a split second his eyes expressed longing but they flashed back to hatred. He began to shake his head, he did not believe her. He couldn’t. His siblings were everything he was not, and that made their existence a lie.

His trembling increased, and the stars on his body began to grow with intensity.

”No…” he whispered. ”Don’t you understand? You would never be able to show me your view. Intentional or not, your creations are wrong. They always will be. But I am fortunate sister. For I can show you my world. I can show you what it’s like not able to feel. To be touched.”

His aura then erupted around his body as he began to walk towards Phystene, instantly vaporising the sea life in close proximity to him. That which his aura it did not destroy outright, lost all of its color, turning grey and lifeless. Even the water itself began to turn foul. The coral became brittle, the fish… the fish withered. He paused, an idea springing to his mind, but Phystene’s voice caught his attention.

“Enough!” Phystene demanded, her voice taking on the austere tone of a mother about to severely punish a misbehaving child. The hand she had offered Orvus now clenched in a fist. “You will cease this madness now or,” She took a step towards him, “I will make a point of filling every square inch of this universe with life. Not just Galbar, not just what lays beyond it. I will follow you to your own demain and fill that with life if I must. Cease and leave my presence before I decide that’s necessary.”

His eyes expressed malice as Orvus listened to Phystene speak. When she finally finished, Orvus replied in kind, his voice having taking a spiteful tone, ”You do not understand, sister he stated as he began walking towards her, ”This is not madness. I shall not leave. You can create your life as you please, but know this- Desolation will never be far behind. Go to Veradax, see what you might create there and watch it wither and die.” He paused, his voice full of hate. ”Don’t you see? We are opposites you and I. You create and I destroy. This...This is the only way.” he finished with a hint of sorrow echoing in his words.

“I suppose we are” Phystene agreed, her voice almost a whisper. “But you forget how resilient life is.” She was an embodiment of life. Where she willed it plants grew and she now focused on her will in the area around Orvus. Seaweed appeared around Orvus, only to disintegrate a moment later as his aura overtook them. Phystene’s eyes narrowed for a moment, but then her face took on a serene expression. “Life is… more resilient than you believe.” If her natural powers were not enough, she would simply have to adapt. The space around her began to crackle with energy as she gathered some of the power the architect had loaned her, intent on making its power her own. The plants of the ocean began to grow quicker, becoming more resistant to the desolation around Orvus, although none could come close to his person. The other sea life seemed to be doing better as well, although this really only allowed the fish to survive long enough to swim away to safety.

As the cycle of life and death continued without end between them, Phystene asked “So… are we simply going to stand here and continue this till the end of time?”

Orvus was intrigued as the aura around Phystene grew. The seaweed attacked him with ferocity only to turn to die in the black waters. He was impressed, for truly she was his opposite in power and ideology. He said nothing however as he walked closer. He cared not for the resiliency for life, for no matter how much it could fight, it would still die.

Then their aura’s met and their was a great struggle as plant and desolation fought for dominion over the other. Life grew and died and then grew again in the blink of an eye, becoming warped with both conflicting powers. The very water became virile with divine energy, giving life to desolation. The coral erupted with cancerous growths, as seaweed was murdered over and over again, only to come back as ghostly reminders of what they once were.

Their powers slammed against each other, hurling fragments up to miles away to explode into the ocean as Orvus and Phystene’s contest of wills continued on. The waters in the surrounding region become more turbulent as life exploded into being, only to be snuffed out a moment later. Two fragments of power, one of life and the other of desolation, landed in the same part of the ocean, twisting together. These warring powers overtook a school of fleeing fish, the animals writhing in pain as they were broken down, only to be repaired moments before death over and over again. And with each repeat of the cycle they changed. They grew larger and larger, but with each growth the light of life in their eyes dimmed just as much. They continued to grow, their bodies contorting until they were unrecognizable. The light of life fully disappeared from their eyes as a new, ghostly light appeared at the end of a rod, dangling before their monstrously large teeth. Any fish that saw that light felt compelled to swim closer, only to meet oblivion in the giant fishes’ mouth.

These new forms of life, if they could even be called that, didn’t escape Phystene’s notice. Her mouth hung open as she turned her attention towards them, a mixed look of disgust, shock, and even terror on her face. “What… are those?”

Orvus struggled against the power of Phystene but the creatures did not escape his notice either. He looked to them, and he knew them well. He focused his attention back at Phystene and spoke with each step. ”They… Are… The… Future!” He then descended upon Phystene as their Aura’s screamed.

He tackled her head on. Orvus gripped her body as they rocketed out onto dry land, crashing into the earth as rocks exploded outward. Phystene screamed in pain as Orvus’ powers tore into her, her flesh dissolving only to be immediately replaced by her own powers. She kneed him in the torso, the act likely doing more damage to her than him as the flesh there dissolved as well, only to regrow a moment later. Orvus grunted at the kick, but did not let go.

“What... are you doing?!” She demanded as she kneed him again. “How do you expect this to end?” She focused a bit of her power on a nearby tree, urging it to move to her will. To grow so quickly that its roots shattered the nearby rocks, and for its branches to bend, pick up the largest boulder, and throw it at Orvus.

Orvus felt the pain. The glorious, blessed pain but he did not let go, he couldn’t. For he knew the truth.

”Phystene...You must realize...The only way this ends… Is by one of us dying.” he whispered forlornly. He was suddenly hit be a large object, and Orvus was flung away from Phystene as the boulder crushed him into the crater’s wall. Not a second went by before the boulder exploded into a thousand pieces of gravel and dust. Orvus stood in the hole, his eyes menacing.

“Even if you kill me there will be other nature deities ready to take my place.” Phystene looked down at Orvus from the rim of the crater. “And you must know that I would be able to cause enough damage to you even in defeat that another could easily dispatch you. Then life would be free to spread uncontested, just the same as if I were to defeat you. Even in victory you will still taste defeat. Return home.” She said, a plea in her voice. “That is the only option you have that won’t result in complete defeat.”

Orvus took a step, then hesitated, coming to a standstill. He soaked up her words and came to a conclusion of his own.

”There is wisdom in your words, dear sister. You are right, neither of us would live long without the other but you lack foresight. The life you create is but a vessel. A vessel of blood and flesh. Plant and fiber. It contains the one thing that life needs most to flourish. A soul. Truly, what is life without a soul? Look at me and you shall know the answer. Thus, we shall die, together- but only after there are no more precious souls. This, I promise you.” Orvus said emotionlessly. He walked to the center of the crater and looked up to Phystene again. ”As you wish sister, I shall return home. But first… a parting gift.”

He raised a hand, and the sky grew dark. A fierce wind picked up, howling through the trees as it whipped their limbs to and fro. Twigs snapped, leaves were lost to the void and dust began to fall. A storm had come, dark and terrible to behold and unlike anything seen in Galbar before. A flash of scarlet lightning struck a tree to ash, then another and another. More trees were uprooted from the dirt, casting off into the expanse of darkness that plagued the sky. Flowers, and other plants not strong enough were simply wiped from existence. Animals fared no better as the storm continued.

As the storm’s epicenter came over the two gods, Orvus’ disappeared, but his voice could be heard on the wind all around Phystene.

”Veradax beckons.”

Then as quickly as the storm came, it vanished, leaving behind a scar of ruin and desolation.

Phystene stood still as a statue, staring at the space Orvus had disappeared from. When she was finally confident she was now alone she allowed her facade to fall away. She crumbled to the ground, her body trembling in pain has her mind succumbed to emotions she had never even conceived of.

7 MP/5 FP

A voice brought awareness to Orvus’ senses, and he opened his eyes to blackness. He was in the nothingness again, and the overwhelming sense of peace he once had, washed over him like a gentle wave. He had longed for this moment the minute he had entered into… The Architect’s moon… He looked around, suddenly aware that this wasn’t right. He was not in the nothingness, he lay at the bottom of a crushing ocean. Unable to move because of the shame he felt. Because of the moon…

Just as it came, his peace abandoned him. Disrupted by a peel of laughter. High pitched and infuriating in tone. Orvus spun around to see himself. Four of himself to be precise, each a different color, and one was oddly shaped like a female.

There was a blue Orvus, a red Orvus, a purple Orvus, and the female Orvus was an inverted version of himself, color wise. They sat around a circular wooden table, suspended in the space before him. The table was bare, except for an odd dagger. It looked so familiar, but Orvus couldn’t quite place it. Each of these Orvus’ had different expressions in their eyes.

The blue Orvus held one of emptiness and sorrow, while the red Orvus looked perpetually enraged, while he fidgeted in his seat. The purple Orvus looked joyous, his eyes seemed to be smiling and both of his hands were interlocked upon the table. Almost as if he was expecting something. When Orvus looked at the female version of himself, her black eyes expressed boredom and as if she would rather have been anywhere else. These Orvus’ confused Orvus to say the least.

The Purple Orvus then spoke. His voice was perpetually delightful, and Orvus found it highly irritating.

”Well, what are waiting for you? Take a seat Orvus! We’ve been expecting your arrival for some time now.” The purple Orvus gestured to the spot between the blue and red Orvus. Orvus hesitantly sat down upon the wooden chair, and faced purple Orvus with a blank stare. Purple Orvus didn’t seem to connect with Orvus’ expression and continued talking.

”Who would have thought that talking to yourself would get so boring? Well, spoiler alert, it certainly does! But now that you’re here we can finally begin and I must say, I do hope you will enjoy your time with us. In fact, I might be so bold to say that you are the life of this little party. How would I even know that? Well, it beats me. You see, we couldn’t actually start without you, but now we can! Isn’t that exciting! I think it is! Can’t speak for them oh no, no no no! Can’t do that, it would be highly unsightly for me to speak for them, ya’know? They each have a voice, blessed as they be, but most times I can go on and on and on with myself for eons without a bit of a peep from those guys. Oops! And gal! I always forget about little miss Orvus. We can’t be too discriminating nowadays. Everyone matters and agendas can’t be forced, Orvus. At least that’s what they tell me, or that’s what I tell myself? Ahaha! Isn’t that deliciously confusing? Let me explain! Like I said just a little bit ago, they hardly ever speak, so then how would I know what I know? By talking to myself of course! Not like what you’re thinking, but like how I’m thinking! Get it, Orvus? Oh of course you do, fine fellow like yourself. So dapper in that suit and tie of yours. Hey look! Don’t we all just look fantastically fantastic?” the purple Orvus paused, his eyes seemed to smirk.

Further confused, Orvus looked down at himself to see that he was wearing clothing. A suit of the purest white, and when Orvus looked up the others were wearing suits and ties as well. Even female Orvus was wearing a fine black. The other three Orvus had the matching color to their bodies, and purple Orvus somehow had a cane. Surprisingly, the clothing didn’t bother him, but when purple Orvus began to speak again, he was bothered. It was no wonder the others didn’t speak, why add fuel to the fire when it was burning fine all the same?

”Tentatively tenacious as always Orvus. Why this reminds me of the one time red Orvus decided to fight a rubber duck wearing only his birthday suit. Can you imagine that? Orvus in his birthday suit? Ahahaha, how preposterous! Being in the nude is only acceptable for procreation, or for a nice warmth bath after a bit of lunch on a sunny day after having enjoyed a picnic with the misses and kid. Maybe kids if you’re feeling frisky. How stupendous! But why, you might ask, not take a shower? Well, let me tell you. It all begins with a flaming pe-”

”ENOUGH!” boomed the red Orvus as he bashed his fist into the table, shattering it instantly into small pieces. For a brief second, all Orvus could see were splinters, but he blinked and the table was back to how it was before, unscathed. The knife was still there as well.

Purple Orvus began to laugh uncontrollably, and the blue Orvus began to cry. This prompted the red Orvus to start pestering the blue Orvus, calling him a wimp, and baby for letting his emotions out of control. Oh the irony. Their exchange was one sided, with red only wanting blue to man up and take control of his own actions. Orvus was beginning to feel as if something was wrong. There was only one of him, wasn't there? And when exactly had they ended up above Galbar? Orvus looked around, everything looked as it should have been, and Veradax was there as well. He looked at his beautiful sphere with satisfaction. His moon still flashed with scarlet lightning, all across the orb. It truly was perfect, but somehow Orvus couldn't help but feel that something was missing. Hadn't a part of his moon exploded…?

”Shut up! The lot of you! You’re embarrassing yourselves in front of Orvus.” echoed a female voice, which brought Orvus’ attention back to the table. He cocked his head as he looked to the female version of himself. Her voice was different then the others. Bittersweet and soft, but laced with spite, it just was. All eyes were on her, and the quiet was godly. She turned to look at Orvus, her black eyes glowed softly in the waning light of the sun.

”Do you know why we are here, Orvus?”

He shook his head no.

”We’re here to play a game. You see that knife there?”

He shook his head yes.

”That knife is called H̸̡̧͇̪̜̟̃͌͛̋͒̒̋̃̅͒̑̊̽̎͆̀͝ơ̷̯͙͈͖̯̜͂͌͑͌̅͛͛͑́͝p̴̟̳͙͙̼͉͍̂̍̅͛̍̽͊͘͝͝e̸̛̫̅͒͐̑͐̐̓̕͠͝. Do you understand?”

Orvus didn’t understand, whatever she had tried to say came out a garbled mess, but before he could say no, she continued on.

”Good, Orvus. We are ready to begin. Now spin the knife.”

All eyes were on him, holding mixed expressions. Tentatively, he reached for the blade and grasped the metal with his hands. He felt compelled to spin the knife, and he didn’t know why, but he did.

Each Orvus watched the knife spin with anticipation. It began to slow down with each rotation, and at last when it stopped, the blade pointed at the purple Orvus.

”Ah, what a bother.” The knife, guided by an invisible hand, then lurched forward and planted itself in his chest. Purple Orvus began to fall forward before his body turned to dust. The knife was mysteriously at the center of the table again.

”GOOD RIDDANCE!” boomed the red Orvus.

”H-He was like a-an Orvus to me.” came the weak voice of the blue Orvus.

”That was fun, now time to spin again.” whispered the female Orvus, before reaching forward to spin the knife.

Unlike before, the knife spun once before stopping on the blue Orvus. He bowed his head as the knife lurched forward, turning his body to dust.

There was silence this time, not a word spoken. Orvus began to feel… afraid. There was three of them left, and he did not want to be next.

The red Orvus spun the knife this time. Orvus watched it like a hawk, but it kept spinning and wouldn’t stop. Perplexed at this, he looked up only to find that the red Orvus remained and he was looking at him with malice.

”You’re probably wondering where she went.” red Orvus spoke, his voice no longer booming. Instead it was calm, collected and but a whisper of ill intent.

”She doesn’t exist. She never did. None of this does. It’s all going on inside your twisted little head, Orvus. How tragic, in the end, you’re so alone that you must dream up company. And poor company at that.” The red Orvus rose, towering above him like a mountain.

His words were as sharp as any knife, and Orvus began to tremble. He no longer knew what to think. What even was a dream? Before he could think more, red spoke down to him.

”Look at you. You’re so weak. So scared. So alone. So rejected.You poor thing.” Red sneered.

”S-stop…” Orvus whispered. Just like blue had.

”S-stop,” the red Orvus mocked as he swiped the table aside with a massive hand. ”Do you even hear yourself? Pathetic!” red exclaimed before slapping Orvus aside like a toy.

He was sent sprawling, on a cold hard stone. He looked up, to see smoke and flame engulfing the edges of his vision. Red Orvus stood before him, smaller now but no less intimidating. In his hand, was the knife.

”I have never met a more worthless creature in my life. Everything you touch turns to dust. Your first impulse was to destroy! Not create beautiful things with your siblings, but to destroy them.”

”Stop!” he cried out as he trembled on his hands and knees. He didn’t want to hear it anymore. But red did not stop talking as he walked closer.

”How sadistic and cruel. Is it really a wonder you can’t feel anything? Who would EVER want to be touched by you? Look what you did to Seihdhara! You brutalized her as if she were nothing. You threw an asteroid at her because you were angry. You’re a monster, Orvus. You don’t deserve kindness, or compassion. The only thing you deserve is a dagger to the heart.”
Seihdhara…” Orvus whimpered. Tears of light began to fall from his eyes, each time he blinked they fell to the stone and shattered into pieces that could never be put back together. Everything red told him was true, and he could not bare such thoughts. He was a monster. He tried so hard to create, to feel anything but negativity, that he had already scarred the universe with his influence. With his desolation.

”Tsk tsk, still coming to terms with it all Orvus? Even in the face of death, you are powerless. I’m not even surprised. You, a being of destruction, to be feared be all! Cowering before me, a dream, like some mongrel dog. Bah!” red chastised, now standing above him.

”Why don’t you look at me!” red shouted as he kicked Orvus in the side, sending him sprawling across the floor like before.

”Just this once, stop pitying yourself and face me like a GOD! Get up and fight, or die like the nothing that you are!” red screamed, before charging at Orvus.

Orvus was going to let himself die, it only seemed right. He was destruction and served no purpose in the grand order of things. But before red was upon him, he had a selfish thought. He didn’t want to die.

And so Orvus looked up at red, his expression no longer sad, but full of rage.

”I! SAID! STOP!” and his aura erupted from his body and the flaming world was quenched in dark.

Suddenly he was floating before an unmarred Veradax. He looked around and did not see red, but instead the female Orvus. She floated nearby. A sense of relief washed over him at the sight of her presence. Her expression was blank, lie at the table but Orvus didn’t notice. Instead, he floated towards her.

”I...I thought you didn’t exist? That you weren’t real?” he said, no longer sounding so unsure of himself. No longer sounding like he was slow, or struggling to speak. His whispered voice was layered. It was low, dead sounding and yet still there was a trace of soft, honeyed words.

The female Orvus looked to him and spoke much the same as she had sounded before, ”Exist? I do, but only in here.” she gestured before her, ”I am more of a possibility. Something that could come to pass, or not, thus I remain.”

He floated next to her now, staring deep into the abyss of her eyes. ”Where is here? None of this is… real, is it? I remember Veradax shattering and yet, there it is. Unscathed.”

She sighed, ”Here is inside your head. Red wasn’t lying, you know. You are asleep Orvus, and have taken a journey to the Palace of Dreams. This is K’nell’s domain. Wasn’t it obvious?”

Orvus thought for a moment in the quiet, and it was obvious all along. He had simply been blinded by what he hadn’t wanted to see. ”Yes...I suppose. So why are you here?”

”You called me here. You know why. You wanted an escape from the torment of Red, thinking me to be any better.” She paused, and looked towards Veradax. Orvus followed her gaze as she spoke again, ”Red is the rage, the anger, the hate that dwells inside of you. Blue is the sorrow, the sadness, the depression. Purple was the joy, and the annoyance. There are others, but even you have not seen them yet.”

”I see... and you are the possibility.” Orvus stated flatly.

”Yes.” she said. ”Red wasn’t wrong Orvus. You are weak, scared, alone, and conflicted.”

Orvus began to shake his head in disbelief, this was not what he had wanted to hear from her.

She turned to look at Orvus again, her expression almost conveying something, but not quite.

”You are never going to be able to create like they do Orvus. Look to Veradax, the perfect example of why you shouldn’t try. Trying will only cause more pain, more suffering. You went against your inherent nature and the price was great upon you.” she whispered softly.

Orvus turned his gaze upon her and back to Veradax, where he watched it explode like before, powerless to do anything about it. He sank to his knees, utterly defeated as the weight of her truth crushed him.

She knelt down beside him, and placed an empty hand upon his back. ”You’re still not seeing the bigger picture Orvus. Look at me.” she said in a commanding voice.

Orvus hesitated, not capable of wanting to listen, but listen he did and so he looked upon her face.

”Your problem, is that you won’t embrace your nature. You are the end of all things, Orvus. The destruction of body, mind, and soul. A desolation. You can create things Orvus, but only that which is destined to destroy. You excel at it, you have no greater equal. You are better than them, for only you know true suffering and yet, still have the will to fight on. This is your purpose, Orvus. To create things that destroy, to bring about desolation. Make the architect suffer for disrupting your peace. Make them all feel as you do. Now wake up.”

He felt a sharp pain, and looked down to see the knife’s blade protruding from from his chest.

Not a moment later, his body erupted into light in the murky depths of the ocean. His mind was abuzz with mixed thoughts and gnawing emotions but one thing was abundantly clear, his confliction was no longer so overpowering. His sense of purpose was defined, and as much as he had hated that dream, it had given him precisely what he had sought since the moment of his arrival.

He began to walk, with no destination in mind. It mattered not where he ended up, for he would bring desolation to all.

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