
FP: 0 MP: 04

A chill suddenly shook Arya’s body as she laid. Her eyes were forced open by the shiver of her body, only to realize she was laying on a thick slab of ice in a dome of snow. All around her was white; even the fire in the center of the otherwise barren room. Despite it’s dancing flames, no heat seemed to illuminate from it, much to her disappointment. Across the room was a clear exit, a copper coat rack standing guard with a thick fur jacket.
Hesitantly she stood up, confused as to what was going on and where she was. She shivered; it was cold and that jacket looked so cozy. She walked over to the rack, slowly and reached out, touching the thick fur like a child might pet an animal. She put on the jacket, it would keep her from shivering. Then she looked at the exit and walked through. Wherever she was, there was no answers here. Just disappointment.
The blast of the sun off of the white landscape of snow temporarily blinded her. There was a yelp while her eyes adjusted and a helpful hand reached far up and turned down the brightness of the sun, “I’m so very sorry!” a voice as shivering as the tundra apologized.
If it all she was surprised by watch she saw, it wasn’t noticeable. What was noticeable, was that her eyes smiled as she said, ”Oh! That’s so much better, thank you...uh...do you have a name?” she inquired the bundle of coats.
“Of course,” The bundle replied, “I am Idnes, the God of Icebergs. Surely, you have heard of me?”
”Hmmm, no, I’m terribly sorry, my Lord.” she said politely while giving a small bow.
The Bundle puffed up, “It’s alright! Please, call me Poobah.”
Idnes paused, “Grand Poobah.”
Arya nodded, ”Grand Poobah it is!” came her excited voice, ”Say, do you know where I am?” she asked.
“I have a whiff of an idea,” Idnes replied, almost regally, “I would guess you were accidentally dropped off in my sphere on your way to a dream. It happens from time to time, you see.”
”A dream? A sphere?” she asked aloud. ”What are those?”
A gloved hand rubbed under where a chin might be, “Perhaps the other Gods thought it fit to keep this information from the… not Gods.” He sighed, “But, then again, they ignore me so. Perhaps I shall ignore their desires, I am a God too, after all.”
“You see, each God, as it were, has a home. Being the splendiferous beings we are, we call our homes our ‘spheres’, even if they are not spherical. As for a dream, I don’t know the answer to that. Most people seem to know what a dream is without ever being taught, you may be the first to ask.”
“But, but!” Idnes came to his own defense, “You cannot fault me, even in my divine Godhood, to not know how to answer such a question! If you could imagine, you must, most lives come from a birth of some or somewhat and then continue in a line or some such, and at no point in this line (except in cases of philosophy or general inflation of curiosity) does a being ever ask what a dream is, without first already knowing.”
Arya listened to the Grand Poobah, hearing what he said, and trying her hardest to make sense of it. Spheres were homes for gods, she got that but a dream was another beast entirely. Somehow, she already knew what a dream was and...and...she was dreaming?
”So, this is a dream then? That’s...interesting. Huh.” she said.
“Well, if it is,” Idnes thought out loud, “Then you are in the wrong place. You need to go to the Palace of Dreams, that’s where all dreams proper go.”
”Oooh! That sounds right. But, how do I get there?” she wondered aloud.
“That way!” Idnes pointed in the distance, and suddenly, as if she had ignored it before, the impression of a palace was pressed against the dark-blue sky. The Grand Poobah crossed his arms, “Just be careful, dreams are strange things. In fact-” The bundle shook his head, “Well, I shouldn’t say.”
Arya looked to where the Grand Poobah pointed, and she saw the impression of the palace against the sky. How had she missed that? She began to walk towards it, but when the Grand Poobah spoke again she stopped and looked at the bundle again.
She cocked her head and asked, ”Shouldn’t say what, Grand Poobah?”
“Well,” Idnes puffed up as if he was about to solve a great mystery, “Have you ever noticed, or at least, will you have noticed, that in dreams there appears to be such a seamless logic and understanding that so carefully mimics that of reality, even if it shouldn’t, and yet we accept it as real? Well, some days I wonder if this is all a dream and not reality,” He waved his arms as if presenting his sphere, “But who is to say? Good luck on your journey, Disciple of Iceberg.”
She was about to speak what the thought, but stopped. If dreams weren’t really real, but felt real, then that meant…
Her eyes grew soft, and when she spoke her voice was quiet, ”Goodbye...Grand Poobah. Thank you, for your help.” and Arya turned, leaving the bundle of coats behind.
She took three steps and suddenly she wasn’t in the land of snow any longer. In the distance the palace remained, but all around her was a marketplace open to the sunny sky, causing her to sweat under the jacket. Tufts of grass broke through cobblestone roads, and many colorful booths were set up with hawking merchants. Beyond the booths wasn’t much else, besides endless pine forests.
A strange, skinny man looked over at her from his multicolored booth. He himself contrasted his wares, as he was as monochromatic as the land of snow, and bore nothing but white hair, skin and clothes, with only a set of black eyes and a spiral about his forehead to say any different. A long cigarillo perched between his lips, a wisp of purple smoke drifting off its glowing end.
This wasn’t the palace, in fact, it was still in the distance. All around her were strange things and stranger people. Growing hot, she slipped the jacket off and continued, letting it fall to the ground without even looking.
She noticed the dull man and walked over to his colorful booth. The contrast was very apparent as she got closer and it made for a very odd sight.
She spoke at once, but as she did, no sound appeared and instead a large bubble fell out of her mouth and began to float. In response the man reached out with his cigarillo and popped it, her voice coming from the subtle pop, ”Hello! Can you tell me where I am?”
Arya was bewildered at such a display. A flash of the first time she spoke wandered into her mind and how she struggled to speak. When the man popped the bubble she was relieved, but still perplexed.
The man put his cigarillo back into his mouth with a clamp of his teeth, and took a long draw. As he spoke, tendrils of purple smoke escapes his lips, “Now, now, it’s bad business to be buying what I’m selling.”
He pointed a finger at his sign, the words Questions for sale, written across it, “So how about it?” He continued, “Want to buy a question? Very cheap, a single answer for a single question, and then you can keep it forever.”
She squinted her eyes in confusion and scratched her head as she tried to wrap her mind around what the man had said. Buying a question? But how could one do that if they didn’t know the answer...wait just a minute! If this was a dream, then she wasn’t really anywhere but her own head. Right? There was really only one way to figure it out.
”Yes.” she stated, her voice popping from bubbles. ”I would like to buy a question.”
”I am in my head.” she said. That was an answer right?
“Where do you think you are?” The man handed a card to Arya, while taking her answer from her in the form of a bauble. His eyes sparkled, as if expecting more.
So she was right after all. She then took the card and looked it over, the question he had just said and she had previously answered written on it.
”This place is just a dream.” she answered again.
“What is this place?” The man handed her another card and took her answer from her again.
Her eyes smiled as she received her question. She thought again about what to answer and quickly came up with, ”I am on a journey to the Palace of Dreams.”
“Where are you going?” The man asked, handing her another card.
This time she decided to say something completely random, ”The pine trees are green, the sky is blue and your name is Bubbado” she said.
“What are two truths and a lie?” The man questioned, card in hand.
Clever, very clever she thought. But Arya realized she could probably keep answering questions for a long time and never really get anywhere. It was time to move on.
”It was fun but I must continue on. Thank you.” she said.
“What do you think of all this?” The man handed her a final card and then leaned back to smoke his cigarillo, flicking the ash. Arya nodded and continued to walk down the path, eyeing the market place as she did. Up on the horizon, the palace still beckoned.
A few steps forward and suddenly there was a loud clang. Her eyes flickered for a brief second. Slowly a welcoming array of horns and tubas met her ears with a sweetness punctuated by timely thumps of a playful drum. Violins wailed quietly, tying the orchestra together into a playful, and mystical dance.
All around her flowery dresses spun and twirled with suited gentlemen. Orbs of emotion and thought bobbed between the dancers in their own waltz. The room itself was a large dome, vibrating with the lure of the somber trumpets, and the story of the gentle flutes. Center of the scene was a great throned dias, on which sat a gentleman, who sat in front of a large piano, his fingers stroking the many keys in such a fashion as to lead the orchestra in a melody of sound.
Arya’s eyes went wide as she took in the world before her. It was beautiful, it was so beautiful and loud and wonderful. She couldn’t help herself as a few black tears fell down her face. The music, the lights, the atmosphere, the dancers with their dresses and suits- it was all so… all so blissful.
Her attention at last fell upon the dias, and the throne where a gentleman sat playing an instrument she thought was so elegant and alluring. She wanted nothing more then to dance as the dancers did, and play like the instruments played but most importantly she wanted to know who sat upon the throne and how he orchestrated the magic that flowed around her. So Arya found herself upon the dance floor, letting her body soak up the melody as she tried to mimic the dancers in their steps but even as she failed she did not grow unhappy but instead relished in the opportunity.
She at last made her way to the center and walked up the man and it was there she said, her voice like that of a blissful child, ”Hello!”
“Hello,” A grainy voice swirled around the pair as the song changed to the next dance, one of a higher tempo and quicker pace, the gentleman’s fingers nearly a dance of their own as they made work of the keys.
”This is beautiful, so, so beautiful.” she said aloud, looking around the room as the tempo changed.
The gentleman turned his head, revealing a wide cheshire smile, “I’m glad you like it,” the voice returned, despite the gentleman’s smile never opening.
His voice was unique, and that smile was anything but unnerving. It was pleasant, as a gentleman should be. Whatever that was. Suddenly, Arya remembered what she carried and looked down at the cards. An idea came to mind.
”Here you go!” she said and handed him the cards, ”I know it’s not much, but it’s the least I can do for letting me be here, to enjoy this.” she said softly.
A gentle laugh bounced between the two, and the gentleman took his fingers off of the piano. He pinched the cards between his index and thumb, accepting the gift. Took a quick moment to flip through the cards, the laugh bounced again, “A stack of questions? Why, thank you, young miss.”
With deft fingers, the gentleman slipped the cards into his jacket interior pocket, secured with a pat, “Shall I answer them for you?”
”Of course! But only if I ask the question.” she said playfully. ”Okay, Okay… What are two truths and a lie?” she inquired.
The voice hummed for a moment before answering, “The past can never be changed, yet a person is free to choose their own purpose, but a dream is just a dream.”
Arya hadn’t been expecting that answer. It was compelling and she wondered what what the lie could be. She thought about it for a moment before asking, ”This place is just a dream?” came her innocent voice.
“No, but it is a dream,” the gentleman answered.
”Hmm,” she said, ”Alright, how about this one? Where are you going?”
“Nowhere,” The gentleman maintained his smile.
She gave a small laugh, ”Clever, but obvious. Let’s try this one. What do you think of all this?” she asked.
“In the words of someone I hold very dear,” The gentleman started, “I like it.”
”Short and sweet.” she said quietly, a pang of longing echoing throughout her, quickly buried by the atmosphere. She rubbed her chin, thinking about what else to ask. Perhaps it was time to go outside of the cards? Yes, that was a good idea.
”What is your name?” she finally asked.
“K’nell,” The gentleman answered, his fingers settling back onto the keys.
”K’nell...K’nell…” she pronounced the name, ”Kalmar mentioned your name once I think. So that means your a god and this is your home...your sphere.” she let her voice drop to a whisper. Arya then sat down on the steps and looked up at K’nell.
”Can you teach me to dance, like the dresses and the suits, one day? I’d like that very much.” she said softly.
“If you want to learn, you will learn,” K’nell began to press his fingers down on the keys in melodic rhythm, “Just don’t forget to dream.”
”I don’t think I can. Forget, I mean. I think the words of the one you hold close describe my feelings best. I like it. I do.” And Arya listened to K’nell play and she watched the dancers dance and all was good. K’nell gave Arya a knowing look, and as the final song ended, her eyes opened.