Rise & Shine
Lucia awoke slowly to the rising sun, but the warmth on her face was not the only thing she felt. Sanya was pressed against her back and she let out a happy sigh, so content to stay wrapped in her strong arms. She could not help but smile from ear to ear. It had been some time since that first kiss, and many more had followed as they made their way through the highlands and into the prairie. She had forgotten what it felt like to be in love- a true love where everything was reciprocated. Small touches, reassuring words, hugs and more intimate displays.
What was there not to love about life?
Lucia wiggled her way free of Sanya, trying her best to be as gentle and quiet as possible. Once free, she covered Sanya with the blanket and watched her peaceful face for a minute or two. Then Lucia used the embers of last night's fire to start another, and rummaged through her pack for some food. The deer had lasted them a good long time but now it was back to small game. They had been lucky enough to find some prairie birds, ones who used the tall grasses for cover. Now, Lucia prepared one with a split.
As she worked, she looked out over the landscape. They had picked a good spot, one of several rolling hills that made for good vantage. She could see a herd of bison and even a lone elephant drinking at a river. It was peaceful and she loved it, but she also knew this would not be where they would find themselves. Lucia scrunched her nose as she put the bird over the fire. With any luck, the smells would wake Sanya up. She stood up and placed her hands on her hips as she looked out again.
The prairie was a nice place, yes, but Sanya deserved better than grasslands. Lucia was really just swinging it, going due south west. Maybe they would go to the coast? She knew that desert was over there and that other mountain range, plus ocean. Maybe they could find something in between? She shut her eyes, picturing a small home beside a tranquil lake. It would have a beach, a sandy beach with clear blue waters. Good for swimming and fishing and berry bushes would be all around it and the birds would come in the spring and fall and eat and sing. She smiled again and from her lips there came a small poem.
”Oh what beauty there will be,
Taking it all in with quiet glee.
Wrapped in her arms beside the water,
Watching the world become a bit calmer.
It’s what I want and what she requires,
To be at peace for all time, our desire.”
Taking it all in with quiet glee.
Wrapped in her arms beside the water,
Watching the world become a bit calmer.
It’s what I want and what she requires,
To be at peace for all time, our desire.”
She let out a breath and placed her hands on her cheeks, shuffling in place with childlike excitement. She put a finger in her mouth and bit it to stop herself and she looked back at Sanya. There was a part of her who knew how foolish she had always been, and a part of her that knew it was all alright now. She still kicked herself for not having tried so much sooner, but as the saying goes, time heals all wounds. And even after lifetimes, Sanya was still here, not beside her forever. At least she hoped. There was no one else for her, this she knew. Meghzaal was… She was grateful to him for what he had done for her and she would never forget him but now, now her heart was for Sanya and Sanya alone.
Lucia went back to the fire and turned the bird. If Sanya didn’t wake up soon, she would have to do it. Maybe with a couple of kisses on her cheek? She went and sat down beside her, but let her sleep some more. A cranky Sanya was never too much fun.
Then again…
Lucia brushed some of Sanya’s hair out of her face and then bent over to plant a soft kiss on her forehead. ”Sanya…” Lucia cooed, twirling a finger in her long black hair. ”Oh Saaaanyaaa…” she gushed. ”Will you sleep the morning away?” she smiled.
Sanya groaned quietly as she stirred from her peaceful slumber. "Did we win?..." she murmured just coherently enough to be understandable. When her mind followed her back into reality, she drew a long breath and squinted at the looming Lucia. Tired still, the warrior smiled.
The wooden beam was heavy enough to require a full hand to steady and a shoulder lift to carry, but Sanya was determined to get it in place without help. She swung it around slowly before hefting it up and sliding it into place above the archway to their fledgling home on the lakeside.
After Lucia had confided her dream home to her, Sanya had done all she could to drive the journey forwards to match dream with reality. She'd crested countless hills, talked to hundreds of prairie-folk, and refused to stop when Lucia suggested they settle in a place that wasn't what she'd fantasized about. At times she had felt the sting of Lucia's emotions, but Sanya had settled before. This was something beyond the temporary. It needed to be right.
Her persistence had paid off; they had found a grove on the edge of what could reasonably be called the prairie, within which a majestic lake spread itself beyond and into thicker forests. Clear water and light brown sand combined in a calming display, and life seemed to flourish all around it. It had been like walking into a paradise far from human influence.
Now they had made it theirs, though they'd been careful not to disrupt too much of the surrounding wilds, just enough to build a home that could overlook the lake. Sanya was used to living off of the land, and she doubted Lucia would ever get tired of the splendor of natural beauty. The crusade to find the perfect place had ended, and now they’d celebrate their second anniversary - something Lucia appeared to put great stock in - in the comfort of a home built by their own hands.
Sanya allowed herself a break to rub her hands and inspect her handiwork from outside, a foundation ready to be covered with a roof. Between her strength, endurance, and Lucia’s tattoos that continued to surprise her in new and exciting ways, construction and carpentry had been a lot easier than expected. Of course, it wasn’t Sanya’s first home construction, but beyond a few borrowed techniques for stability it was mostly fresh territory. She was convinced any living space would be adequate so long as they remained together. It had always felt like that, she mused to herself. Lucia had a charisma and warmth that made the outside world less important, a smile that let Sanya forget the memories of fire and war, even if only for a day at a time. The dark-haired warrior drew a long breath and found herself smiling ever so slightly.
Content with her work, Sanya rubbed at her cheek and stalked over towards the lake, where Lucia was hard at work with another important addition to a liveable home - furniture. After their first tour of the space, Sanya had watched her point and talk excitedly about her vision for how the interior would look, and had given Lucia free reign to install whatever she thought they needed. She wished she had the same spritely exuberance towards something like carpentry and living arrangements, but fortunately Lucia had enough positive energy and creative vision for both of them. Sanya paused halfway between the unfinished building and Lucia’s outdoor work space, watching the tattooed woman work with a unique blend of flippancy and dedication. No doubt it took endless mastery to guide her swirling tattoos to obey her into manipulating the world around her, yet it effectively gave her extra hands for tasks like these, which seemed to give her a strange opportunity to both be entirely focused on her work but also barely need to physically strain herself. Sanya watched her for a time, happy to just watch her partner and enjoy the simplicity of their shared existence. She stood dormant for too long, and Lucia caught sight of her with a simple glance towards the house. The dark-haired woman averted her eyes with a flush of embarrassment, before moving up towards Lucia properly, completing her journey.
Her hand slid out to touch gently on Lucia’s back as she stepped up beside her. She had tried to become better at touching; she could see Lucia’s mood rocket up towards the sky when she affirmed her affection. "Just the roof left, now.” she mused calmly, gaze sliding between Lucia and her work.
Lucia finished the last of her work on a chair before she set down her tools and her tattoos slipped back onto her body. She then gave her full attention to Sanya with a smile. ”It looks sooooo good Sanya! Why I could kiss you all over.” She bit her lower lip and moved closer. ”I suppose I can…?” she mused, reaching out and wrapping her arms around Sanya’s waist. Their lips met and for a time, neither the furniture or roof were tended to.
Lucia sat outside, underneath a shade of an oak tree that overlooked the lake. She and Sanya had frequented that spot more times then she could count over the years. It gave such a wonderful view, even now. She smirked, remembering the first time they sat in the shade and an acorn fell, hitting Sanya in the head as they…
A cool breeze rustled her long golden hair, she hadn’t cut in years and now it reached down to her lower back. She pulled her legs in tight and wrapped her arms around them. She wore some soft leathers and furs, but soon enough that would change. The leaves were beginning to turn colors. Into reds, yellows and oranges- which meant fall was fast approaching. It was her second favorite season, just after spring. All the colors of the trees were fantastical and she had written many poems about them.
Why, Sanya always liked those poems. She let out a sigh, looking around the lake to see if she could spot her. It was no use. One thing she had learned living with her, was that if she didn’t want to be found, you wouldn’t find her. But if she did want to be found, well, that was different. A memory of a night flashed in her mind. It was their seventh anniversary together and Sanya made a trail of flower petals that led into a small clearing in the woods. That was a magical night. Or their twelfth anniversary, where Sanya guided her down to the beach and they looked up at the stars. Lucia chuckled, remembering how Sanya had written a poem about her. It was the cutest thing and so, so beautiful. The next year, Lucia had to really think outside the box in what she planned.
That felt like it was days ago, not years though. They had lived happily together for so long and now… Well, fights are common in any relationship, right? They had small ones every now and then, easily resolved and worked through but this time... Lucia had never seen Sanya so, so… like she had been. But Lucia was not the Helgen so many thought her as. She was equally as to blame, if not more so. If she had just been a better listener, not gotten so worked up, perhaps it would have gone differently. Seeing the look of pain flash across Sanya’s face snapped her out of it, but by then Sanya was already out the door.
If she could just look to the future and not the past… Sorrowsting was no longer needed in the life they had built. There were no wars to fight, no people to save, no anger or pain, just happiness and love. Lucia shook her head, it was a selfish request on her part. To ask Sanya to get rid of her past… Why had she even done that? Was it jealousy? Over an object? How silly was that?
She sighed. Now what was said, was said, and it could not be taken back. She was sorry, she just wanted to tell Sanya that and how much she loved her. Perhaps then they could work through it, like they always did…
For a long time it seemed like Sanya had gone for good; the forest was quiet beyond the occasional bird or rustle of leaves and branches. The warrior had gone from calm to hostile in mere moments, from a few innocuous comments. It hadn’t been the first time they had brought up the spear in conversation, but it was the first time Lucia didn’t let Sanya evade the topic. That seemed to have been enough to open a well-spring that had been closed for many years now.
But as twilight fell over the lake and the song of birds had grown quiet, another rustle from the underbrush caught Lucia’s attention. The silhouette was unmistakable - Lucia had burned Sanya’s shape into her memory by now. The warrior wandered slowly back towards the lakehouse, shoulders slouched and head low. In the growing dark it was hard to tell at first, but as the athletic woman made her way towards their home it became increasingly clear to Lucia that Sanya’s hands were empty; the spear now missing.
Lucia quickly collected herself and made her way over to the house once Sanya entered it. She was anything but slow and her tattoo’s pulsed in the darkening light. She reached the door and with little hesitation opened the door and stepped in.
”Sanya?” she called out. ”Sanya I’m sorry okay? I was… I wasn’t thinking! I shouldn’t have been so rash.” she said aloud, knowing full well Sanya could hear her as she walked throughout their house, trying to find her.
She found her stood in the central living space, between the curtained window and the space towards the bedroom. Sanya, who seemed to have been looking around herself, slowly turned to look at Lucia. Her eyes were tinged with a deep and sullen sorrow, as though she had cried a week’s worth in the span of minutes. That wasn’t so remarkable in itself, it was once how Sanya had always looked - a cautious and vulnerable woman who looked eternally displeased. What was remarkable was that that look had vanished over the years, only making itself known now through its sudden return. Sanya drew a long breath as she watched Lucia, then averted her eyes. "...I got rid of it.” she conceded under her breath.
Lucia’s eyes went wide, it felt like she had been struck by some terrible blow and guilt flooded into her. ”N-No…” she gasped. ”Oh Sanya, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have asked you that. I was being selfish!” her fists balled up and she felt anger towards herself. She saw how much she hurt Sanya, she looked so sad and it hurt. She took a few steps forward. ”We can go get it back. I-I promise I won’t say anything about it again.” she stammered.
She could see how her offer resonated through her partner, how gears turned in the sullen warriors’ head considering the words and an almost magnetic pull to accept and go back out to get the weapon. On cue her gaze shifted to peer out through the window towards an indeterminate spot in the forest. Her own fist clenched slowly, and she glanced away from the window. "No-... you are right.” she managed, although it seemed difficult to say. "If we… need it… I will go get it. Until then, it can stay buried with the… the past.” Sanya continued quietly, running a hand through her hair nervously. She glanced at Lucia with another look of hurt, though her words appeared genuine in their embarrassedly sullen manner.
Lucia took a few more steps closer. ”I can’t imagine… What you’re feeling. Our pasts are what make us who we are and I… I made you bury yours because I was jealous of a spear. Sanya…” she breathed her name, fighting back tears of her own. ”Oh Sanya, my love, I’ve made you hurt. I did not… I did not mean to.” She grew closer still.
Sanya produced a stiff shrug, averting her eyes. It was not often she actually cried - though she had once looked as though it was all she ever did - but now it seemed dangerously close to welling up. As Lucia drew closer, the warrior leaned in powerlessly as if expecting Lucia to steady her with her presence. "My past holds naught but pain. I want to-... I want to be here with you.” she confessed quietly.
Lucia all at once rushed forward and wrapped one hand around Sanya’s back and the other behind her head. She pulled her in tightly, tattoos peeling off from her skin and likewise, wrapping around Sanya, connecting them together in gentle warmth. Lucia whispered into her hair, ”I love you.” Sanya remained almost motionless for a while, simply existing in Lucia’s embrace. After nothing had been said for a long time, Sanya shifted her head up slowly, pressing herself forwards needily to search for a kiss, an expectant breath escaping her lips. Her own hands moved to grasp around Lucia. The time for talking was over, for now.
Lucia woke with a start, eyes opening as light flooded her senses. She could hear birds outside chirping and she sat up, feeling strange. Perhaps a little sad, the same sadness she had felt for a while now. She buried the feeling, as she always tried to do, before turning to Sanya, who was still sleeping next to her. She watched her for a time, one of her favorite hobbies, it was calming in a way. She looked so peaceful when she slept, free of emotions that haunted her within reality, though they hadn’t had to deal with that for a long time. Lucia frowned however, and hoped that Sanya wasn’t feeling what she was, she hated knowing that she could cause her misery. She shook her head before stroking Sanya’s face with her small soft fingers. She then gave Sanya a small peck on her forehead.
A small smile crossed Lucia’s lips but it faded as she got up and got changed. She reassured herself, today was a new day, and spring had arrived for the twenty-sixth season. It was hard to believe they had lived in their peaceful solitude for so long but they were thriving. Each year something new was added to the house. Another room or storage areas and outside another building was being erected, this one a barn of sorts. A lifestyle of living off the land was fine for a while, but she had wanted to mix it up and perhaps grow a few plants, maybe raise some animals too. It took some convincing on her part, but Sanya came around.
Lucia came to their fire pit and began to get a fire going. She rummaged around in their cabinets and tables, cleaning a bit as the fire got warmer. Lucia then went to the larder and found the smoked venison. It was good as it was, but warm food was always better, plus with some greens, even tastier. They’d have to go hunting soon for some more meat though, as their stocks were getting lower. It really was a good thing spring had arrived.
She looked out the kitchen window, to the greening lands and the blue lake. It was a time of color, of happiness, of warm breezes and the blossoming of more life. Lucia sighed, she should have felt so happy, everything was going well, things were good, Sanya was her rock and their love deepend still every day but there was just one thing that she felt was missing. Something made her sad, and brought about her inner turmoil.
Lucia paused and felt a well of emotion spring up inside her. She couldn’t stop the tears from coming, and she put a hand over her mouth to stop herself from being too loud. It was so sudden, like a dam had burst. She knew then, at the mere mention of life and what it evoked. Whose name it evoked. It came with crystal clarity and she realized why she felt the way she did.
She missed her mom.
Her mother, who she had not heard from in years. It was silly, hadn’t she been silent for two thousand years? But now, after she knew she was back… What had happened? Shouldn’t she be angry? Then why did she feel so sad? Why didn’t she just call out to her? Was she afraid? Why was she like this?
Not able to bear it any longer, she called out to the one person who had been there for her. Her source of comfort over the years. ”S-Sanya!” she cried, coming to a rest on the floor as she gripped her head, tears blurring her vision. It was selfish, she knew. She knew her pain caused Sanya pain, but Sanya relieved that pain, helping them both in the end.
Sanya was up and at her side at record speeds, one hand settling on her back and the other beginning to rub Lucia’s arm. Whatever pain reflected onto her lover seemed to only spur her understanding, as she kneeled down to embrace Lucia. "What’s the matter?” she asked with a soft voice still fighting off the immobilizing drug of sleep, though Lucia knew she could tell different types of sadness apart. She had said as much.
Lucia gripped tightly to Sanya, burying her face into her chest as she found her comfort. After a moment of collecting herself, Lucia began to speak. ”I don’t know, Sanya. I’ve been so sad and today, it all burst out. I think I… I miss my mother. She’s been so quiet for years now and I don’t know if it’s my fault or hers. I’m afraid to ask.”
Sanya let her find comfort in her presence, letting silence rule for a while. Her arms wrapped around Lucia properly, sweeping her up in a whole-hearted and compassionate embrace, one hand gently stroking over hair and back alike. "We can call for her together? Divine or not, she’ll have things to answer for.”
Lucia’s tears stopped flowing and she sniffed, letting the sensation of Sanya’s hands lull her to a happy place. She really had found the perfect person all those years ago. She wanted it to last but knew if her problem wasn’t addressed, they would get nowhere. She peeled her head back and kissed Sanya’s lips for a second, then looked in her eyes. ”Okay. J-Just don’t be too mean.” she said with a playful smirk.
She took a deep breath. Then she prayed to Oraelia.
She heard nothing for several moments, even looking to Sanya for any sort of acknowledgement but the warrior began to shake her head. That was until a presence entered their minds, one of warmth but… It did not feel the same.
A voice cried out, ”Aha! There you are! Oh it’s been so hard to find you two. Neither of you pray too much and when you do I’m always having to deal with other problem childs. One of the disadvantages of being an avatar I suppose but hey, I am oh so glad to finally meet you Lucia, Sanya. I of course know pretty much all about you, as I have all of My Ladies’ memories. But oh, where are my manners, I am Rhiona, caretaker of the Goddess’ realm and I have been waiting for you!” Rhiona finished excitedly.
Lucia was taken aback, and had no idea what to say.
Sanya looked less surprised and more frustrated, a rare look for her these days save when the fish wasn’t biting. "Fair day to you, Rhiona,” she began, speaking out into the house with a curt and stiff tone. "We were expecting the Sun Mother. Is she too important for her daughter?”
Rhiona’s voice lost its luster as she spoke again. ”The Sun Mother is not well and has gone to stay with her sister, Lady Gibbou, within her realm. She tasked me with guarding her realm and answering prayers. I cannot say why she hasn’t reached out to Lucia but I can speculate that it has to do with her not wishing to worry her daughter about her wellbeing. But I was hoping you could help with that. The both of you.”
Lucia’s eyes went wide. ”Mother is not well? What happened? Is she alright?” she asked, gripping Sanya’s hand tighter. Sanya squeezed her hand back in an emphatic response, watching Lucia rather than a fixed point above them.
”She lost someone close and spiraled down a path that was… Difficult to deal with alone. Without Gibbou arriving and snapping her out of it, she would still be aloof. She is physically fine and on the path to recovery but, I think we can help her along a bit further.”
Lucia raised an eyebrow at Sanya. ”What do you mean?” she asked Rhiona.
”Why, I mean a visit of course! She can’t go to you, but you can come here. Wouldn’t that be wonderful?”
Lucia’s jaw dropped. ”W-What?”
Sanya seemed to be equally stumped at that; rarely did her eyes widen, but this was one of those times. "We can-... go to the land of the divine?” she queried, eyes ablaze with new consideration. "What-.. What would that entail?”
”Well from my knowledge, it has never been attempted before, at least by Oraelia. Shouldn’t be too hard though, just a portal, then a strange sensation and then, you’re here in her realm. What do you say?” Rhiona asked.
Lucia could hardly believe what she was hearing and once again turned to Sanya with pleading eyes. ”Sounds like an adventure.” Sanya managed to look somewhere between shocked and intrigued, eyes aglow with all the implications this new information carried with it. She simply nodded, giving Lucia the go-ahead to gather her courage with another squeeze of her hand.
”We accept.” Lucia said.
”Excellent!” Rhiona cooed.
Next to them, reality pulsed and a tear opened up to reveal a golden portal. Fresh air blew across them, carrying sweet floral scents. The portal stabilised a bit and they could make out a silhouette on the other side surrounded by flowers.
A voice came through it. ”Come home.”
Lucia stood up, her hand still holding tight to Sanya’s. ”Shall we?” she asked.
Sanya stared at the portal with visibly mixed feelings at first, but glanced away from the ripple in reality to focus on her partner instead. With Lucia’s confidence returned enough for Sanya’s contentment, the warrior offered a small smile. "I suppose the fish will be spared my cursing today.” she proffered wryly, and then nodded firmly.
The two stepped through the portal, with a little hesitation and the strangest feeling came over them. The world felt small, then large, then time seemed to grow longer before shrinking. Lucia held tight to Sanya’s hand, and with what felt like a lifetime, ended up being seconds, it was over.
Lucia collapsed into something soft and she opened her eyes to a great light. It took her several seconds before they focused and when they did, she searched for Sanya. She found her located directly beneath her, having cushioned Lucia’s fall back onto solid ground. She didn’t seem all that torn up about it, however, offering another small smile when their eyes met, as much as the warrior ever permitted herself or seemed capable of to smile. "After you.” she murmured quietly.
Lucia gave her a quick peck, then stood, pulling Sanya up with her. She looked around and it took her breath away. The land was pristine, teeming with flowers and thick with life she had never even seen before. Giant bees lumbered around in the air, birds flew in the sky with tail feathers so long, they looked like rainbows and up above them… in the clouds there flew vast creatures of light.
”W-Where are we?” Lucia managed to say.
Sanya stepped in close, running a hand around Lucia’s waist. Her gaze was on the horizon, trying to take in the world around her. "It doesn’t look like anything I’ve ever seen,” she professed quietly.
”You are in your mother’s realm, The Garden Under the Sun. Welcome, Lucia and Sanya. To paradise.” Rhiona’s voice spoke from behind them and Lucia turned around to view her.
Oh she was so tall.