dirkinz said
Hey so ive been kind of busy the past few days, sorry about that everyone. I see the new applications and I will get to going over them on Monday (tomorrow for me) but I need to sleep now. Also, to Joshua, Ill be more available to RP then and i wont just leave you hanging like i did (sorry about that). And lastly, Im sorry to hear that you are leaving Dusk but good luck in all your future endeavors.
I also need to apologize as I've been a little busy and also have been lacking motivation from so many people leaving the RP, but I have since regained my motivation and will resume posting with renewed vigor! Also Dusk, It's been a good run and I'm glad we had you with us, I wish you much success in life.
Expolar said
Just wanted to say that this is a interesting RP for Fairy Tail, or Phoenix Wing if you prefer lol, But ya, I was thinking of making a character that wasn't part of the guild yet but felt like introducing him in the Valford's Plea quest or another quest and somehow having him join from there. Would that be okay?
Possibly, PM dirkinz and I with more information and we can probably work something out.