Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by lordmidget
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lordmidget The Ancestor

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Minah was surprised to see the guild so empty, as she doubted everyone would be on jobs again. “Weird it’s almost like everyone disappeared or maybe... they never existed in the first place. What if...THEY WERE GHOSTS! No that’s stupid, ghosts don’t use magic, I must’ve just imagined them, or they died, or they actually did disappear. Well, whatever.” She thought to herself as she wandered over to the job board, glancing over the requests on it. “Slim pickings…” She muttered when she realized there was only two requests left. “I can probably handle the monster job on my own, but that would be boring. I wonder if there’s anybody left hanging around the guild, there was Elliot, and that one girl but I don’t know how much of a help they would be in a fight. There is always this Scepter thing, but what even is a scepter? Is it food? I hope it’s food, it’s probably food, yea it’s food isn’t it. It’s settled then,” She thought as her mouth curved into a W shape. “I will acquire the Delicious Scepter with Elliot and that one girl! I think her name was Emmy...or was it Erica...or maybe Amy? I have no idea! But, together we shall acquire this delicious Scepter and eat it!” Her hand forming a fist in front of her face which bore a look of unshakable determination.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by dirkinz


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Well it's good to hear your ankle will be fine." Elliott said, having caught his breath. When Amelia mentioned water Elliott realized he was a little thirsty but he saw the look on the girls face. "You know, I'm not too thirsty yet but thank you." Elliott remained quiet for a few moments before he asked "Something on your mind Amelia? you look kind of out of it." He rolled down his sleeves and looked up to the sky.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

"It was some think Raka asked me." Amelia said, shrugging before thinking about. She guessed it wouldn't hurt to talk about it and Elliot had treated her nicely do she wouldn't mind telling him." Rika asked me were I came from... my origins. But I couldn't answer her because... I honestly don't know where I was born or if I should even consider that place to be my origin."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jangel13 said
thank you I must ask you to please respect our honored dead" the old man said as he closed the door behind us.I nodded a little and walked over to the crypt nearby and you could hear the strange noise, although what it was I hadn't the foggiest idea. "well no time like the present. so how do you want to do this? should I set my electricity to stun or kill?" I asked with a little laugh as a joke. "if it is bones I knock it out and you freeze if its alive with flesh you slow them down and ill stun them" I said offering some ideas on what we would do if we faced an enemy

Sasha followed after Angelo, prepared at any moment to launch into an attack. As they neared the crypt, she hesitated, listening to the strange noise. She listened to Angelo's idea, and nodded, "Alright" She said, continuing to the crypt, and opening its door, shuddering slightly. She swallowed, nervous and a tad frightened
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Angelo sighed softly walking in first as he produced a small ball of electricity to use as light as he walked down the stairs into the crypt "lets go sasha remember were phoenix wing, a noise doesn't necessarily mean its a monster" Angelo shrugged smiling waiting for her down the stairs, one thing was for sure was that he understood why the old guy was worried about this place, it did sounds like a monster was in here. although he was hoping they didn't bite off more then they could chew on this mission
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ostarion
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Ostarion The Skeleton King

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

One of Aedius' skeletons had ventured too far from the rooms which it's brethren waited. It was the size of an average person, and it held a saber in it's right hand. Making an audible clacking noise as it moved. It was a restless - as it should be; Aedius required his summons to always be active in the event of an intruder.
It had only neared the stairs which led to the entrance when it noticed the arrival of two potential wizards. Were they citizens from Valford? Mages from a guild?

It didn't even matter.

The creature pointed the sword in the direction of the two intruders, and charged, waving it's weapon in a maniacal manner. It had no technique in it's swordplay, and probably wouldn't need it in most cases. The simple fact that a living skeleton exists would have likely been enough to scare the average Valford citizen away.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sasha nodded, "I know" She said softly, "We'll be fine" She glanced about, seeing the skeleton. "We were right. Looks like bones of there is eager for a fight" She grinned, "Lets give him one"

She stepped forward, hands forming what she needed, "Ice make: Floor" Sasha could use basic tings like floor and freeze, but otherwise, her ice make magic was a combination of moving and still objects.

SHe moved quickly, "Ice Make: Bird bomb!" The air above the skeleton was filled with birds, that literally dropped through the air towards it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Caits said
Sasha nodded, "I know" She said softly, "We'll be fine" She glanced about, seeing the skeleton. "We were right. Looks like bones of there is eager for a fight" She grinned, "Lets give him one" She stepped forward, hands forming what she needed, "Ice make: Floor" Sasha could use basic tings like floor and freeze, but otherwise, her ice make magic was a combination of moving and still objects. SHe moved quickly, "Ice Make: Bird bomb!" The air above the skeleton was filled with birds, that literally dropped through the air towards it.

jolt magic: Zeus spear!" I called out throwing a lightning bolt to keep it in place for the bird bomb to hit as it spasm out as I grinned "if this means what I think it means then we got a lot of bodies to put back in the ground" I growled knowing that if their was one that their had to be more
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by dirkinz


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Elliott leaned back and lay on the path, legs still dangling into the pit. "to not know where you come from." Elliott said quietly. "I cant even imagine not knowing my past. I'm sorry you have to deal with that, Amelia." Elliott paused for a few moments and closed his eyes. "Well if I can do anything to help you find your past they please do not hesitate to ask. I owe you one anyways."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by dirkinz


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

whoops, posted a double, sorry.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by dirkinz


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Make that a triple post
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by dirkinz


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

oh god, four of them, sorry again
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ostarion
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Ostarion The Skeleton King

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The skeleton had taken the impact of both the ice-make magic and lightning magic, which made it disassemble to the ground and essentially disappear into dust. Aedius sensed this, and was not pleased with the fact that there were in fact, intruders in the crypt (other than himself, of course). He had found his desired spell already, and would begin casting it in just a moment. But first, the young necromancer would take the initiative to deal with the intruders. He already had many minions guarding his 'throne room' and were readily prepared to attack on sight, but Aedius would take the initiative to deter the intruders himself; picking up his staff, he spoke into it. His voice became significantly deeper, and echoed through the crypt almost as if he was omnipresent.

"Who enters the crypt? This place is sacred, and honors the dead. Those who enter the crypt, die by the crypt. Leave now, or your hearts will explode."

Obviously, Aedius had no idea how to make someone's heart explode, nor did he find this place to be sacred. He found a certain tranquility here, but that was merely because it was an area which complemented his magic. Aedius put the staff back down, and prepared to cast a spell. Recited an incantation, and stood still. Two green magic seals appeared on the ground - both on the opposite sides of his throne, and would stay there until the spell was complete, it would take a long time to channel the spell, and in that time the intruders would be able to continue to the first room, it was barren, nothing was in it, as the single skeleton which guarded it was already dead...again.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

"It's not that I don't know my past. I just don't know where to say I come from... I've had so many places to call home, some more so then others but... which of them is my true home I don't know." Amelia said, looking rather disheartened now" I don't even have anyone to talk about it with since Mama's missing... What would you do Elliot? Who would you talk to?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by dirkinz


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Elliott sighed stared at the clouds floating above them. "Life's hard isn't it." He said to no one in particular. He rolled his head over so he could look at Amelia. "I suppose I can't really relate to what you are struggling with and so I can't give you a lot of advice but what I will say is that you don't call a place your home because of the things there but rather you call a place your home because of the people there. So isn't Ellis your home?" Elliott said not really expecting an answer. "But I suppose that isn't much condolence.... " Elliott paused and looked back to the clouds for a moment. "I can't imagine what you are going through with her out there but I promise I will help you find her if she doesn't come back."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

"Ellis was the... she was the person who found me and gave me a real home again." Amelia said, looking upset now with tears forming in her eyes." I... I don't like talking about my past... but I'll tell you about it if we can talk somewhere... more private and if you promise not to tell anyone. Of course that's if you're even willing to hear me out. It's not like anyone really cares in the end."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Ostarion said
The had taken the impact of both the ice-make magic and lightning magic, which made it disassemble to the ground and essentially disappear into dust. Aedius sensed this, and was not pleased with the fact that there were in fact, intruders in the crypt (other than himself, of course). He had found his desired spell already, and would begin casting it in just a moment. But first, the young necromancer would take the initiative to deal with the intruders. He already had many minions guarding his 'throne room' and were readily prepared to attack on sight, but Aedius would take the initiative to deter the intruders himself; picking up his staff, he spoke into it. His voice became significantly deeper, and echoed through the crypt almost as if he was omnipresent. "Who enters the crypt? This place is sacred, and honors the dead. Those who enter the crypt, die by the crypt. Leave now, or your hearts will explode."Obviously, Aedius had no idea how to make someone's heart explode, nor did he find this place to be sacred. He found a certain tranquility here, but that was merely because it was an area which complemented his magic. Aedius put the staff back down, and prepared to cast a spell. Recited an incantation, and stood still. Two green magic seals appeared on the ground - both on the opposite sides of his throne, and would stay there until the spell was complete, it would take a long time to channel the spell, and in that time the intruders would be able to continue to the first room, it was barren, nothing was in it, as the single skeleton which guarded it was already dead...again.

I couldn't help but laugh at that "your such a bad liar! We coming to kick your ass out!" I called out knowing their was no spell to make someone's heart explode especially if the voice did know a spell to blow up a heart it could only be done at close range so I called his bluff but we had to find him first." Sasha we need to move in as fast as we can before he call more skeletons" I told her already moving in first
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WrittenFaith


Member Offline since relaunch

Deanna sauntered into the town that was home to the Phoenix Wing guild. Her whole hearted determination to join the guild faltered slightly as she realized she hadn't planned out how exactly she would even attempt to join the guild. She didn't want to just barge into the guild hall, that would be weird. Plus she had no clue what to say when and if she did walk in. She groaned and stopped in front of the building she intended to call her guild. "I should have thought this through more thoroughly." She muttered to herself adjusting the bag on her back. Sighting she walked back a couple paces to a tree near the hall. She took her bag off and set it on the ground then she sat on the ground leaning her back on the tree.

She had notice two people a couple more paces back and wondered if they happened to be members of the guild. She hadn't paid much attention to them. As she sat she closed her eyes and extended her sensing magic. They were definitely mages, their magic energy was stronger than most. She wondered if they were part of Phoenix Wing.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by dirkinz


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Oh dear, i'm terrible with cheering people up Elliott thought but was determined to try all the same. "Hey! I care. do I not count?" Elliott exclaimed somewhat jokingly. "But of course I'm willing to listen, Amelia." Elliott got himself up off the path and reached down a hand to help Amelia up as well. "I know a quite private spot in the woods just a few minutes away." He said.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Amelia looked surprised when Elliot said he cared but the words brought a smile to her face
"Yeah... I guess you do." She said as she took his hand and slowly stood up, avoiding putting as much weight on her injured foot as possible. It was proving a bit harder for her to keep her balance then before so she held onto the back of Elliot's shirt with one hand as she listened to him tell her about the little spot in the woods he knew." I was thinking a house but that sounds nicer. Please, lead the way."
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