Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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"I fell into a pit he made." Amelia said as she let Rana do what she could, letting the mage do what she could for her ankle" But uh... he got kind of scared for it earlier so I don't think he should get any punishment for this. That might be going a bit far for a sprain... though how he got scared involved going a bit far.

And uh... thank you for doing this, even if isn't much. I hope it isn't that much of a bother Rana."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Sorry for the double.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by dirkinz


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"A pit?!" Rana said with a questioning look. "I dont know what punishment he got but im going to give it to him myself. To hurt a child." Rana just shook her head exasperatedly and kept on with her spell. "Oh but dont worry about it, this is why I'm learning Healing Magic." She looked back down and mumbled "He really made a pit" After a couple minutes she sighed and removed her hands, the glow quickly fading. "Well, thats all i can do with magic I suppose. Just dont use it too much for a couple days and it should heal up. Now I have to go have a talking to with Elliott." She said rather sternly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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"Rana, it okay. IT's not like me meant to hurt me on purpose. If I hadn't landed on my feet, I might not even be hurt." Amelia said, her tone a bit nervous due to Rana's anger. To test out the healing done on her foot, she slowly got to her feet and carefully put her weight on the injured one. It still hurt a lot but it wasn't unbearable. Sadly, she wouldn't be able to go out and do any jobs with this injury. Looked like she would be confined to the guild for the next couple of days." Just leave him alone please. I think he feels guilty enough."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by dirkinz


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Rana looked towards the door for a moment more before sighing and turning back, the anger melting away like paint in the rain. "I'm sure you're right" she said taking a seat. "He always is too hard on himself. Anyways, I haven't talked with you much Amelia, Where do you hail from?" She asked looking up. Seeing Amelia standing she also asked "oh, how does it feel?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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"It still hurts. I probably won't be able to take any jobs anytime soon." Amelia said, sitting back down again" As for where I come from... well..." Amelia had to really think about this one. She had no idea the town she was born in was called. She also had no idea what forest she had grown up in until Ellis found her. She didn't even know the name of the town she and Ellis had lived in before moving into the guild. In other words, Amelia had no idea where she came from, something which upset her slightly. Still, she decided to answer Rana honestly."... I don't know. I don't want to talk about it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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Jangel13 said
Just as we suspected it's to check out a noise although I don't think you read the part about it being next to the estate was an actual crypt. " Angelo said knowing that where they're was noise in a crypt it would probably mean skeletons. It's obvious really and that makes sense for such a high jewel rate on it. They wouldn't pay do much if it wasn't already scary to go in the first place. At least Angelo knew that sashas ice make magic would do well against them so he wasn't to worried

Sasha nodded, "right, so walking skeletons" She said, "Lovely" She chuckled to herself, giving him a smile. "you knock the skeletons down, I'll freeze them, if it is skeletons" She said, shrugging, "its just a noise, what could it be?" She knew she'd regret those words, but it did seem like an easy job for 90,000 coin.

"I've never been in a crypt before" Sasha said thoughtfully, "have you?" She asked, looking to Angelo
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Caits said
Sasha nodded, "right, so walking skeletons" She said, "Lovely" She chuckled to herself, giving him a smile. "you knock the skeletons down, I'll freeze them, if it is skeletons" She said, shrugging, "its just a noise, what could it be?" She knew she'd regret those words, but it did seem like an easy job for 90,000 coin. "I've never been in a crypt before" Sasha said thoughtfully, "have you?" She asked, looking to Angelo

um you do know who your talking to right? I lived in dumpsters for years, you tend to stay close to places that will either have people that will take pity on you or literally by a dumpster to check for food. why would I have had any reason to go to a crypt" I asked with sarcasm sighing softly trying to forget those days but they always bubble at the surface and I hate it but he still would never go back to where his father would nearly kill him on a regular basis. I let my crow fly away and I bowed my head still remembering my mothers face, the saddest part about that is that I never remember if she smiled at all
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Sasha flinched. She hadn't meant anything to it, and didn't thin that such a reply was necessary. "I'm sorry" She said softly, "I guess I wasn't thinking" She fell silent, continuing to walk. She sighed, and shoved her hands in her pockets, pleased she had worn pants. Her hands were in fists, and she was digging her nails into her palms.

"I just thought...people end up in weird places and all...You never know" She fell silent again, wishing she had never asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Caits said
Sasha flinched. She hadn't meant anything to it, and didn't thin that such a reply was necessary. "I'm sorry" She said softly, "I guess I wasn't thinking" She fell silent, continuing to walk. She sighed, and shoved her hands in her pockets, pleased she had worn pants. Her hands were in fists, and she was digging her nails into her palms. "I just thought...people end up in weird places and all...You never know" She fell silent again, wishing she had never asked.

I sighed softly 'great now I made her feel upset' I thought to myself knowing she didn't deserve that "look im sorry but I only been in the guild for a month the scars of living the way I did are still fresh. believe me I didn't mean what I said I didn't want to make you feel sad." I said softly and I put my hand over my chest to feel for my gold angel necklace " I still remember everything I did just to survive before I meet you guys. its just going to take some time is all" I said giving her a small smile so she would know that I didn't blame her for anything
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Sasha glanced over and shrugged, "We all have our own scars" She said softly, "But you have a chance to have a...family. To have people you can trust, and work with, and maybe share those scars with" She said, looking over.

"My parents and brother died when ice broke as we were ice fishing. I was a kid" She said softly, "And all alone. I've done things to survive too" She said, "We all have. You aren't alone" She said, "don't worry about it. Being in a guild like Phoenix Wing means that we can snip at each other, and still forgive"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Caits said
Sasha glanced over and shrugged, "We all have our own scars" She said softly, "But you have a chance to have a...family. To have people you can trust, and work with, and maybe share those scars with" She said, looking over. "My parents and brother died when ice broke as we were ice fishing. I was a kid" She said softly, "And all alone. I've done things to survive too" She said, "We all have. You aren't alone" She said, "don't worry about it. Being in a guild like Phoenix Wing means that we can snip at each other, and still forgive"

if I ever came close to crying it was in that moment and I smiled at that "thank you, I really mean it. im just glad I don't have to deal with it anymore." I said softly smiling and I went over and hugged her "thanks, and don't call me a baby for hugging you like this" I said with a small chuckle. in all honesty most my life I had very little if any kindness given to me from what my family was like, even her small amount of empathy was enough to get me emotional about it
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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sasha smiled, and returned his hug. "its okay, come on, lets continue" She said, starting to walk again, giving him a smile as she did so. "We'll get the job done easy peasy, and head back to the guild" She said brightly, positively as she walked. She tried to be positive, tried to make it so everything was alright. She enjoyed it when other people were happy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Caits said
sasha smiled, and returned his hug. "its okay, come on, lets continue" She said, starting to walk again, giving him a smile as she did so. "We'll get the job done easy peasy, and head back to the guild" She said brightly, positively as she walked. She tried to be positive, tried to make it so everything was alright. She enjoyed it when other people were happy.

I smiled sighing softly relaxed and half fire a change as he walked with her until they got to the estate mentioned in the request "well let's go meet the client before we go into their crypt. I'd rather we not be mistaken for grave robbers" I said smiling knocking on their estate door
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by dirkinz


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Rana looked at how Amelia stood and said, "Yeah, sorry I cant do more for your ankle. I haven't gotten very good yet." Amelia gave an unexpected answer to the question about her past but one that Rana could respect. "Then I wont ask anything more about it." she said with a smile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

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Amelia remained silent for several seconds before slowly standing up
"I'm going to check on Elliot." she said before slowly walking out of the guild, having a slight limp because of her ankle. Once again her mind was occupied as she made her way down the road towards the pit, only this time it was less with spirits and more with her origins. Everyone else in the guild knew theirs but her origins where just... it was either a big blank or rather varied depending on how you looked at it. As she traveled down the road she had to make sure to snap out of her thoughts incase there was another hole. When she finally arrived to the ditch she had fallen in she sat at the edge and looked down into it" Elliot?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Sasha nodded, waiting for someone to answer the door. She thought on how she should address the quest, and the person that had asked the guild to undertake it. She looked up when there was an answer, and said, "Hi, we're from Phoenix wing, about the job" She said, taking out the job flyer to show it, and smiling, looking to Angelo, "I'm Sasha, this is Angelo. The crypt is making noise? We can go check it out and deal with it"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Caits said
Sasha nodded, waiting for someone to answer the door. She thought on how she should address the quest, and the person that had asked the guild to undertake it. She looked up when there was an answer, and said, "Hi, we're from Phoenix wing, about the job" She said, taking out the job flyer to show it, and smiling, looking to Angelo, "I'm Sasha, this is Angelo. The crypt is making noise? We can go check it out and deal with it"

thank you I must ask you to please respect our honored dead" the old man said as he closed the door behind us.

I nodded a little and walked over to the crypt nearby and you could hear the strange noise, although what it was I hadn't the foggiest idea. "well no time like the present. so how do you want to do this? should I set my electricity to stun or kill?" I asked with a little laugh as a joke. "if it is bones I knock it out and you freeze if its alive with flesh you slow them down and ill stun them" I said offering some ideas on what we would do if we faced an enemy
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by dirkinz


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There was no answer to Amelia's words at first but then after a few moments Elliott came from behind the tree, grunting under the weight of dirt in his shovel. Not until he had dumped the load into the pit and looked up did he see Amelia. "Oh." He said out of breath, "How are *pant* you doing *pant* Amelia, how the *pant* Ankle?" He shoved the shovel deep into the earth and sat down on the edge of the pit himself, wiping the sweat and dirt from his brow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

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"It hurts but I'll live through it. It's not like it's the worse pain I've every experienced in my life." Amelia said, her expression still troubled from Rana's question. Still it changed to concern when she saw Elliot in his current, tired state." Are you alright? If you get tired you should take a break and get some water. If you don't stay hydrated you'll get hurt. Do you want me to get you any?"
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