Avatar of LostDestiny


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1 yr ago
1 yr ago
Somebody owes me a new cinnamon roll!
1 yr ago
@Lord Wraith Yes I beleive the words I used were "Thank you, I don't want it right now but I will eat it later." That was yesterday at around 4pm, he ate it sometime between 11am and 8pm...
1 yr ago
If your roommate bought you food and you decided to save it for later, what is the acceptable time frame for it to be in the fridge before at is fair game? Discuss.
2 yrs ago
Spring break! Means lots of time to write. ^-^


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Images are easy to code, it's just [img] link to image[ /img] no space between the bracket and the forward slash
Finally finished I think. XD
Hmmmm, do I go scary looking half-orc woman or cute Harpy boi?

I use this approach sometimes when I DM. It's pretty reasonable as long as the fights aren't too short or too long, sometimes people are just hella unlucky for an entire fight, I have been there. XD So as long as you think you can balance it in a fun way then I am all for it. ^-^

We have lost Plasm too, I can't remember if they said they were out or not though, they have been MIA for 7 months accourding to the guild. I think we did have some people who were interested but I would hold off on replacing Rala for a few more days, maybe a week, just in case. And if nobody joins the Genasi gang it shall be :P
Ill make a character sheet sometime today prolly. Biggest issue will be chosing species, so many options. XD
On the topic of course of studies? Would "Magical/Mythical Zoology" be an apporopriate option? XD
Hmm. Seeing as I am in need of a SoL style RP (and love fantasy/magic vibes) I might put my hat in.

To be clear, all mythilogical/fantasy species are allowed? Within reason of course.
I am half tempted later to have Aura change Hawk's form to a Pseudodragon (Cuz she can with the chain pact warlock stuff) when Cascade isn't watching so that Aura can freak her out even more when it comes to the familiar XD
Aura thought for a moment before deciding where she wanted to go. She was definitly not a front lines type of person though she would enjoy the glory that came from it. She had already managed to gain a good bit of info for them but it could never hurt to keep an eye out. "I'm not really one for big battles, but I can at least provide some more intel and some cover fire for those farther in the feild. I'll hold the line and keep an eye on things with Hawk." As she said this the bird circled above her before landing on her shoulder.

"Wish I had some time to change you to something a little more hearty but you have been fine so far in this form so it can wait till later." She was once again speaking directly to the bird who's feathers seemed to fluff in anticipation for the comming battle. "I need you to continue to keep an eye on thing. I will pop in every now and then to get a look from your vantage point." Hawk nodded and once again took off into the sky.

After a moment of watching the bird fly off and making sure she knew where her friends were going to head she headed off, mentally comunicating to hawk to keep a close eye on Jormund who, of course, would be heading to the front lines. She had expected nothing else of him. From there she joined the blocked and began firing eldritch blasts as cover fire and popping in the occational true strike to ensure an easier target when one got too close. When she had time she would look through the eyes of Hawk and shout out positions of the enemy the bird could see, but as she had instructed most of the intel was around the areas Jormund currently was, so when she popped into the bird's vision she would occationally have him swoop down and give locations to enemies Jormund might not have seen otherwise.

Both Eldritch Blast and True Strike are cantrips so I didn't figure them into any number boost since technically they are zero level spells. :P
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