Avatar of LostDestiny


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Somebody owes me a new cinnamon roll!
1 yr ago
@Lord Wraith Yes I beleive the words I used were "Thank you, I don't want it right now but I will eat it later." That was yesterday at around 4pm, he ate it sometime between 11am and 8pm...
1 yr ago
If your roommate bought you food and you decided to save it for later, what is the acceptable time frame for it to be in the fridge before at is fair game? Discuss.
2 yrs ago
Spring break! Means lots of time to write. ^-^


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Aura climbed onto the wagon beside the minotaur and nodded to him. She normally would have some sort of snarky banter but she was lost in thought. There were many reasons why she felt like she was being watched, paranoia, someone was sneakier than she was, someone was magically keeping an eye on her. No matter the reason she hated it.

When Bull and Aura made it to the rest of the party she managed to shake herself out of her thoughts and look to the rest of them. "Tada, a wagon, are we ready to go?" She questioned as she motioned to the wagon she pulled up in.

Yea sorry been busy. Ill get a post up probably later tonight or tomorrow.
"Much appreciated." Aura waited patiently for Bull to get the cart and horses ready, having an idle mental conversation with Hawk as she waited. Anything to distract herself honestly. She wanted to get back to the group as soon as possible. After what felt like forever of waiting, but was probably only about a minute she sent Hawk back toward where she had left her companions. The pseudodragon landing on Rala's shoulders as Aura began to speak through him.

"I got us a wagon and two horses as well as a week's worth of feed for them. I will head to you guys as soon as I have everything." The a little quieter toward Rala in particular. "Got this weird feeling I was being watched but couldn't find the source, just keep an eye out." She knew having an extra set of eyes out would probably be a good idea and at least it would make Aura feel a little better about the situation. Aura waited only a few moments to see or hear Rala's response before pulling back into her own senses and continuing to wait.
Aura nodded. "I think that is enough for the intended purpose. Can we also purchase some feed for the horses. Ya know, beast gotta eat too." Aura dug around in her pouch and pulled out the required gold plus a little extra for the feed just in case. "Do I pay you or?" She wasn't entirly sure seeing as this didn't seem the place to purchase such things, but then again it was likely she was buying directly from the Highway men's supplies. It could go either way really. "I have kegs of booze that need to be picked up so if everything could be ready as soon as possible. I am ready to get the heck out of here. No offence intended of course just don't like staying in one place for too long." She still couldn't shake the uneasiness the feeling of being watched got her.
@BirdboyCon was okay. It was the first Comic-Con held in my area so it wasn't all that eventful. Maybe they will do it again and it will be bigger.

I have posted sorry it took so long
Aura shivered as she looked around and failed to find where the source of the feeling was comming from. Paranoia once again creeped into her mind, any number of people at this point could be watching her. What is the invading forces hadn't all left? What if someone from her home town had spotted her? What if the Hag they dealt with was spying on her somehow? She quickly shook the thoughts from her head as she spoted the Highway Men's leader.

"Excuse me, sorry you bother you again but our group realized we may be in need of a wagon and a beast of burden or two to pull it. Would we perhaps be able to procure one and if so where?" Aura asked as she approached, hoping this would be a quick conversation and she could get out of this camp as soon as possible.
Sorry been busy. Had a Con and Dnd as well as other things. I will post as soon as I can.
The Ball

The day carried on with the aristocrats going about whatever they had planned for the day. Eventually the time came where they needed to head to their respective quarters to get ready for the ball that was to be held. It was the last opportunity for the Princes and Princesses to get to know one another before selections would need to be made the following afternoon. All eyes would be on them in the coming hours with all the guests at this ball pondering who would be paired with who.

Eventually Annalise had to leave the bubble she had created in the library to head to her room and get ready for the ball. A bath had been drawn for her and she spent as long as she possibly could soaking in the water before allowing her handmaids to wash her. She could faintly hear an argument about the dress she was going to wear between the handmaids who were to dress her. Something about the dress she was to wear no doubt. The Princess did her best to ignore the conversation and take in the scents that had been selected for her. Some combination of Lavender and vanilla, with a hint of something she couldn’t quite place. Perhaps something native to the Prince’s more Northern lands She wasn’t quite sure.

The moment Annalise exited the bath she was swarmed by various attendants. She had given up years ago attempting to convince them she was not so frail that she couldn’t dress herself. The image of her had been long since established and there was nothing she could do about it now. She had other things to focus on anyway.

Before she knew it Annalise was standing in front of a mirror staring at herself in a color she had never worn herself at least not these shades. The girl she saw in the mirror was not the one she was used to looking at. Gone were the light blues and soft pinks she saw in her everyday clothing. Replaced by more cerulean blue and silver of the royal family crest. Annalise had worn similar colors before but her stylist chose to lighten the colors to match her skin tone, and maintain the frail appearance of the first born daughter. Now she wore the true colors of her family and her country. The women around her looked more than pleased with their work. The dress was primarily cerulean blue but had more than its fair share of silver branch and leaf like accents, similar to the stag’s horns on the crest, though obviously with some creative differences. Her hair, for once, was left almost completely untouched. Save for two braided pieces in the front that had been pulled back and pinned with a similar branch and leaf-like accessory though she hadn’t seen much of it when it was put into place.

After spending a few moments of admiring herself in the mirror she finally headed to the ballroom. She was sure some of the guests would have already arrived. She could hear the sounds of music echoing through the hallways. Her father would not be making any big speeches tonight. It was time to celebrate what was to come so the festivities would have already started in order to entertain the early arrivals. There were always those who wished to be the first to see the royal family or speak with the King.

Annalise slipped into the ballroom from one of the servant’s entrances so as to avoid being announced. She hated the attention it got her even if there were only a few guests present at this time. She quietly placed herself next to where her father was standing speaking to some of the court members, smiling at them politely as they noticed her. The conversation quickly shifted from whatever they were speaking to her father about to how stunning she looked in her attire and how either of the Princes would be lucky to have such a beauty for a wife. As if there were not many other reasons she would make a good wife other than her looks. She was, of course, used to these comments. Most of the court members refused to acknowledge that she was, in fact, the crown Princess. The one who held the most claim to the throne, the one who’s heir would take the throne when the time came. The one who would likely hold the throne until such time as Annalise had no intention of allowing whichever man she married to take her country from her.

She said nothing, simply smiling at the comment and looking around the room at all those who had arrived. It wasn’t many, but the room would quickly fill. It seemed the first to arrive had been the members of the court, the Lords who would bear witness to the selection the following day. Likely wanting to get a feel for who each Prince would choose before the actual day. She had no doubt the Lords of the court had some form of wager on the matter.

Soon enough Annalise’s attention was taken by other guests of the ball and she was no longer watching the door for the others to arrive. Distracted by socialization and maintaining the friendly, delicate image for the onlookers.

"Might as well get the fine beer. No sense toating around the common stuff. Make the effort worth the reward." Aura chimmed into the conversation. It's not like they would be hurt for money if they splurged a little. After all they had just been paid. "Ill go see if I can get us a cart and a beast of burden from somewhere, while you all work out the booze prices." She didn't really give anyone much of a chance to respond, simply turned on her heel and headed back to the leader to try ask about the extra supplies they needed. Looking around to see if she could find something herself on the way so she didn't have to bother anyone else.
Remember that as long as Aura can carry it she can store some stuff in her Vessel. As long is it isn't somthing the group needs on the regular cuz for some reason RAW you can only enter your vessel once per long rest which I get but also it kinda sucks.
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