Avatar of Love Me Dead
  • Last Seen: 9 yrs ago
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  • Posts: 152 (0.05 / day)
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    1. Love Me Dead 9 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current ewe Butts
9 yrs ago
What's on my mind? Do you really want to know? Roleplay, roleplay is on my mind. eue


Oh look, it's a roleplayer yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.

I've roleplayed too much to even tell you about it all from fandoms to ocs, everything is great.

Most Recent Posts

The next day@Irisity

"Oh." he chuckled a bit and nodded a bit, "Yeah, I'm more into hockey. I used to be on a team." He unpacked one of his bags pulling out a set of weights setting them off to the side, "Hopefully there's a hockey team here somewhere around here." He seemed pretty happy to be honest sitting down on his bed. @Mr_pink
Angel and Dina Langar

After the meal Dina started off not wanting to go to her room yet and her brother followed interested on what she was thinking about, just wanting to talk about people with his sister, maybe she knew something about his future wife he didn't? Dina always seemed to know little things she shouldn't leaving him to wonder where she even got it. The walked down a hall together the woman turning to look at him raising an eyebrow, "Angel must you follow me around like a puppy?"

"Hey I don't want to be here either." he chuckled softly closing his eyes as he walked his shoes quiet on the floor, "People have been staring at you because of the suit you know, this is the most rebellious thing you've ever done, but why today?" Dina just put hands in the pockets of her pants her lip curling into one of her rare warm smiles, she now seemed happy, there was no doubt that she had been planning this for awhile.

"Well," she paused looking down at her feet, "I'm not letting dad embarrass me here but trying to hook me up with another man. I'm not interested in playing house and I'm certainly not going to pretend I'm straight." Angel gave a not understand where she was coming from, he was the only one she ever talked about women with and he knew how she felt about the thought of marrying a man. They just walked along in silence after that until Dina paused at the window looking at the view outside. Angel stopped with her and just looked out the window reaching up and brushing her hair with a hand

"I promise I won't ever expect what dad does." he gave a warm smile and Dina turned giving him a hug, this was a special moment considering Dina wasn't a person for physical contact.
Scott and Razzle Wester

Scott sighed as Razzle pulled him from the table once she was done with her food. His baby twin sister was far to excited for this and their parents shouldn't have brought her, she wasn't emotionally ready to be married and Scott however he tried to hide it was worried about how she would react, hopefully they would get along alright.

Razzle headed to their room wanting to unpack things herself, one of the few things she did was was organize her things, although it was mostly do to having slight OCD. Scott just followed behind her looking visually miserable.
Akoni Kelekolio

(I'll do this in a few hours)
Y Kim

She blinked a bit and chuckled, "This is a wig hun." She sat down and fixed it a bit and gave a smile, "My hair is just starting to grow back in, my dad decided to shave it off a few weeks ago, luckily they don't get visiting rights anymore." She messed with her tights pulling them down and off making sure their were no holes in them. @RhineQueen
@AristaOkay I have the Ouran interest thingy up
It's been five years since the last host at Ouran graduated and now there's a whole new crew of host to entertain the ladies!~<3

Anyone interested it doing this with me? We'd have a max of seven hosts and people could also be guests.
Y Kim

"My dad is the reason my head is shaved right now." Y just seemed rather happy that someone was dancing with her, this music was her soul and every word just kissed at the very fabric of her existence. Or rather she just loved all music but some just got to her heart. Stevie was beautiful and a few years ago that's all a young boy named Kyle wanted, to be a beautiful woman like Stevie. She closed her eyes as the song changed singing along with the words to Rhiannon, a name she'd almost taken for herself all those years ago singing at the top of her lungs when her parents weren't around. How she had came up with Y was just an impulse that seemed to stick, she just really liked just being called Y. @RhineQueen
Jace Taylors

After about ten minutes he grumbled a bit shutting the laptop and rolling on his back looking up at the ceiing. He was pretty much as social as a rock. He hated people in general just looking over at Tom but not saying another. It was like he was trying to figure him out without asking, not a very easy task to say the least. He closed his eyes pulling his blanket up over his shoulder mumbling out, "Welcome to pissvile." Chuckling at his own joke and shifted completely so he was laying on his pillow.

Abs Franklin

He blinked a bit looking over at him, "What are you talking about?" He then rubbed the back of his head opening another one of his bags up and pulling out something and shoving it under his pillow before setting medication on his nightstand, "I go by Abs by the way, ironic I know but just go with it. Now I have like, three rules. If I'm training to hard leave me be, if I'm being a little cunt punch me in the face, and if you piss me off I'll try not to fuck up your face. I've got pretty bad rage issues because of the meds my doctor has got me on."

He seemed to be looking around the room a bit before he stopped at the center just looking up for a moment, "Do you mind if I set up my punching bag here when my friend drops it off?" He seemed to be half in his own world putting hands up as if he were imagining it was there tossing a punch in the air, "This spot is so perfect."
That moment after you nap and you're really disapointed with a starter of sorts *internal screaming* I got this next time.
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