Valter strolled through the streets of Vizima quite casually, despite being surrounded by so many humans who would have his head if they had the means, had they known his true nature. This, of course, they did not. Not even a Witcher's pendant would give him away, such was the nature of his species. As it was, he walked as a mortal in appearance, though his clothing was closer to that of the Nilfgaardian Nobility than the peasantry which surrounded him.
The blood in the throngs that pressed against him and around him seemed almost to beat communally, as if the city's populace was all one massive goblet running over with his sanguine tempter. Luckily for him (and perhaps more so for the civilians around him) Valter had gorged himself in the palace dungeons the previous night, forcing his bestial urges down with copious blood from the murderers and rapists of the city. At the moment, the thought of a draft of blood made him slightly queasy.
And so, he moved toward the meeting spot described in the notice for a Witcher. He of course, was not a Witcher, but the notice reeked of foul play. Firstly, if there had been a spell-slinging Sylvan in his territory, he'd almost certainly have known. Valter made it a point to introduce himself (a polite way of saying threaten) to any creatures who entered his territory which may disrupt the delicate balance of his ecosystem. That was not the only trouble he had found with the situation, either. He had noticed at least two Witchers in the city, very likely here pursuing the same contract that he was investigating.
Valter felt as if a greater force was at work here, and couldn't help but consider the implications of such things in relation to the recent Second Conjunction Of The Spheres. Was this a trap? After the Legendary Geralt of Rivia's various successes against Eredin and his cronies, most non-human creatures had held a newfound respect and fear of Witchers. So, was it possible that some intelligent non-human creature had set all of this up, in an effort to make the Witchers in the area show themselves? Valter smirked. Of course it was possible. He had just thought of it, so certainly some more malicious entity could do the same.
His musings were interrupted abruptly by a distinctly feminine scream. He turned in the direction of the scream, his supernatural inhuman senses all focusing in that direction. The throngs of people around him began to rush pointedly in the direction opposite the noise, but not Valter. With so much going on in the city at the moment, he couldn't risk something of import unfolding without knowing what was happening. He began to move against the crowd, toward the scream, which would have been difficult if he wasn't subtly using his supernatural strength to force his way.