Galador II

Galador is a son of the line of Imrazor, and heir to the principality of Dol Amroth. Though fairly young, at the age of twenty-five, he commands the Knights of the Silver Swan, and is an accomplished warrior and tactician. He and his knights were responsible for escorting the surviving citizenry of Minas Ithil back to the safety of Osgilliath, and slaying any pursuers. The blood of Numenor runs strong in Galador, and his features and mannerisms reflect this. He is calm and collected, level-headed even in the thick of a melee. Coming from a place as steeped in tradition, ritual, and pride as Dol Amroth, he can come off as a bit haughty, though that is not usually his intention. He is a kind man, and a natural leader.