@Timemaster Depends on what you're going for. They're all valid and have different flavors. Did you have something particular in mind in terms of flavor?
I just wanted to voice my interest in this. I've already created a very basic character which I'll likely edit fairly heavily.
I am wondering if this is going to be a full TTRPG experience or whether you're going to lean into the 5e system as you need.
@Lucky I do have a question about the history of Eiden. When was the last war or the most historic battle fought? It might help me decide how old Myrm is. I imagine he is old in my mind just don't know how old. He was built to serve as an infantryman to shield others and protect (I'm using the Soldier background btw). I decided to not take gaming set proficiency because it doesn't make sense.
@Lucky I'd say 40% familiar. I've played one ages ago.
Had a thought about it and I think it would be better for me to stick to what I know than try to explore for now. I'll go to my usual go-to and then if needed, branch out.
@Lucky Nvm I'm dumb, how do I calculate the average of the gold? Fighter is 100gp right?