Avatar of Lunarlord34


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8 yrs ago
Ah nostalgia...my old friend. Listening to the old pokemon soundtracks is just so relaxing
8 yrs ago
Ah good old Tears to Tiara II. Only took three or four hours to play the first chapter XD Only another billion to go XD Thankfully that was only because most it was story, onto the gameplay! XD
8 yrs ago
I hate my roommate and his cat right now
8 yrs ago
Bloody laptop
8 yrs ago
Bloody hell Date a live might've been a horrendous adaption of the light novels, but f*ck it's got a fantastic soundtrack
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Currently looking for Fairy Fencer F (FFF for short I suppose XD) Roleplay actually

Most Recent Posts

An Arknights rp is tempting indeed...

Welcome, to the city of Mahoukyo! While to most outsiders, the city may seem to be one of the more peaceful, under control cities in the world it is far from it. Within the city's innermost parts, a secret war is being waged. Tension raises by the day, even amongst those sworn to defend the city from the very forces threatening to pull it apart at the seams. At some point, everyone will have to choose a side, the Isamu or the Rikimaru. Which side will you choose?


In a world not dissimilar to our own, filled with the wonders of magic, lies a city built upon a curious Island off the coast of Japan. This Island is the culmination of magic and science, crafted over many a decade, and slowly expanding, evolving to the world powerhouse in Technology, health, and sustainable fishing.

Much like the rest of the world, the populace here too seems to treat the lucky, or unlucky, few that are granted powers that we can only dream at birth with extreme prejudice and disdain. Others are granted such powers by exposure to a rare resource, only found in peculiar events that happen upon this Island, known simply as Soul Essence. Utilizing the power of Soul Essence is a dangerous business, however, and as such experimentation upon the energy is strictly forbidden outside of Government compounds.

Within this city lies two families of prominence, each one desiring to contain and harvest these events for a variety of reasons; the Isamu and the Rikimaru. While the Isamu wish to research these events upon request of the government, in exchange for their magical bloodline to be tolerated within the city’s perimeter, the Rikimaru simply wish to harness the energy to crush the ‘normal’ majority and establish their superiority with their powers.

Tensions between the two have only been rising as the Isamu seem to be the only ones capable of handling the rampaging Rikimaru, with fears that the increased activity of the gang will soon escalate to the point where 'war' is inevitable.

As such, teams handpicked by the 8th head of the Isamu family, Maylis Opal Isamu, have been formed to deal with the gang whenever they crop up as well as deal with the oddities that are called Zero Time, peculiar events that can generally be predicted and are the main source of Soul Essence.

You find yourself placed in one such team run by Dieter Gunnar, Team Three, and must solve the mysteries surrounding the city as well as defend it from threats, both from outside and within. All while this very city you defend scorns you.

GM's Hello/Notes

Welcome, Lunarlord34's the name and being a terrible writer is my game. Been on the guild for a while, and this is my attempt at rebooting an RP which had the unfortunate timing to start as the pandemic hit. Not the most experienced or organized GM going around, but I like to think I'm pretty flexible and willing to help out players whenever need. And at least I'll have my co in Leslie Hall to keep my chaotic methods somewhat in check. Anyway, let's get onto the sweeter details.


1. GM's words are final. If I say you can't have this or do that then that's that. I am happy to debate things though, but be aware that I will just resort to this if needed.

2. Take any drama or NSFW stuff to pm's, don't want to deal with it. However, if you need me to solve any issues, once again just PM me.

3. There is no limit to the whacky magic/powers you can have. So long as I approve of the idea, you can have it. I want an open power system with whacky powers that either match or contrast personalities. Also, whacky character ideas would be pretty cool. There will however be a limit on how strong I'm allowing people to be, which will be a balance between the three rankings, which when you take the numbers into account tends to be around the 10-12 mark.

4. Ideally, we'll be taking 9-12 players and you may play multiple characters if you wish, to a limit of three (though this may change for less or more at a later date and peeps can only make one to start with). This limit doesn't count towards characters of 'NPC' status though. Also, if you don't make the final cut if someone drops I will leave it open to you to join later if you so wish. May also increase the limit depending on interest.

5. The only currently joinable faction for players to join is the Isamu, though depending on how things develop I may open up the opportunity to join the Rikimaru or even somewhere else.

6. If you need help with anything, don't be afraid to ask. More than willing to help accommodate players' ideas, and if you have subplots or similar ideas I'm generally more than happy to hear them as well.

7. Now because I'm sick of dying RP's, I will be doing something of a check on players who wish to join as a warning. Mostly for activity and whatnot. There'll also be a semi-strict posting policy, which will vary in length though no shorter than a week, or I'll just skip you if it comes to it. If you want to drop, or are too busy to post then just tell me. In the case of the latter, I will look to accommodate you. I know sometimes you just can't post and I don't want to stress you out.

I think that should cover just about anything. As I said, any questions just ask. Anyways thank you for reading this far and I hope to see you in the big city.

Discord (ping me when broken): discord.gg/WrZVMP

How long did it take to find one person in a guild hall? Akemi had been waiting around for a hilariously long amount of time the past couple of days, taking a seat by the front door as she would wait anxiously for hours for Zen to show up, only to leave disappointed. Now she hadn't actually brought much money with her, her ride here having burnt most of it up. So by the end of the 2nd day, things were looking a little troublesome. Luckily she had been approached by a kind older girl (Ria was her name?) and after a brief chat, she soon found herself talking with the guild master Torys about the prospect of joining the guild.

This was why she now found herself sitting at one of the tables, softly nibbling away at a loaf with small, anxious bites. Three days. She had been here for three days, and while she had caught glimpses of Zen, some group of people always seem to get between them and then he would vanish! She had no idea where he was going off to, or maybe she was just seeing things. Was he even here? She could barely hold a conversation up with some of the guild members, so asking around had been a real issue. Her communication skills were barely what you would expect from a 10-year-old, let alone a 16-year-old. The most fruitful talk she had had was with another older girl, who had even brought a meal for Akemi and let her stay with her for the night. Her advice was to take a mission and make a name for herself at the guild, then finding her 'brother' would become far easier. How so, the younger girl had asked to which the older redhead had simply responded that if he heard she was there, then he would surely come looking for her himself? The girl had become enamored with what she thought to be a genius idea.

So after a good night's rest, she had turned up today, stomach-churning from the anxious anticipation she felt running through her. Though the delicate-looking girl didn't look unsettled, far from it with the almost robotic, blank facial expression she wore. She had already read over the job board, though a problem had quickly arisen. Besides the sheer amount of activity surrounding the board, which threatened to overwhelm the poor girl, even she worked out that most of these missions would require teaming up with other mages. But who did she even know here? She hadn't found Zen yet, so obviously he was out of the question.

Looking up from her half-eaten loaf, she glanced around at the nearby occupants of the guildhall. Lots of large groups between her and the bar blocked her view from that side of the guildhall, so the first person she settled her unnaturally cold gaze on was Ria, sitting alone at a table, seemingly lost in her own thoughts. Akemi's mind flashed back to the previous day, her chat with the older girl still fresh on her mind. While the talk didn't really get anywhere due to Akemi's sheer social incompetence, they were at least remotely acquainted...so it was the best Akemi had at this point. She also seemed nice enough to at least point her in the direction of potential teammates, as she had offered to point out some members of the guild during the chat.

A brief nod as if to convince herself of her decision, the girl slowly stood up with the chunk of carbohydrates wedged in her mouth, her soft and pale hands pushing away from the table before she began to weave her way towards Ria. A few people were between the girl and her designation, so by the time she had gotten over there Leon had already joined her and was midway through his explanation of the situation. Though to be honest, most of what was being talked about went in one ear and out the other. She had no idea what they were talking about and didn't seem to process any of it, bar the fact that should luck have it they needed some help for a quest, and so she stood a little away from the table, nibbling once more on her now nearly finished bread. Politely waiting for the duo to finish talking, she polished off her bread and softly began licking away at her fingers. It wouldn't do to talk to people with a mouthful of food right? She was raised with better manners than that.

"ummm...Excuse me..." Without a moment's hesitation, the girl slid onto a chair by the table and looked towards the two wizards with an air of expectation about her and a respectful, quiet tone about her voice. While the younger girl wasn't entirely sure what their quest involved, those details didn't matter much to her compared to the thought of being able to be of help to someone in general, she was aware they were looking for help from what she had caught of their conversation. Though she paid Ria more attention, somewhat awkwardly acknowledging Leon but was unsure how to talk to the older boy. Should she introduce herself first? Or was the right thing to wait to be asked?

Wait a minute...this man was also in the paper. What was his name again? She hadn't learned any of their names before coming, which in hindsight was probably the least of her worries when it came to her rather rash and rushed plan to see Zen.
"I believe I can help...if you wanted?"

Alina listened to Jasper with an amused look about her. A bit of a scaredy-cat huh? Even someone like Alina could find the humor in the irony. Though it was entirely justifiable when looking at it from the eyes of a young 'boy', strange people shooting off strange and powerful magic. If one didn't come from certain backgrounds, then the blatant use of magic like this would be startling. Even Alina couldn't really think of anywhere quite like Fenixtear with all of its oddities and equally odd individuals within. Fascinating really how Torys managed to gather this band of misfits, even more complexing how it worked. At the mention of Lilliana, the mage took a moment to quickly shift through all the guild-members she knew. That was the girl with the mask, wasn't it? Another one that intrigued Alina, but then again just about everyone here had some exaggerated, interesting personality that Alina could use one way or the other.

After a moment, Alina just leaned back, sighing as she shook her head. "There's not much to fear here, I'm sure they must have confidence in their magic if they're slinging it around like that. I'm sure you'll be fine regardless, they wouldn't want to harm a cutie like you." Looking back at Jasper with a gentle smile, she reached into her pocket and pulled out a couple of different items. One was a pen, the second was a journal and the third was a bag of assorted sweets. After what looked like a quick scribble into her journal, she opened up the bag of sweets and popped one in her mouth before offering it to Jasper.

"Have a few, tell me about yourself Ummm...." Pausing deliberately to give him the chance to introduce himself, after all she knew his name already but this was all part of the act, Alina sighed again. "Oh right, I should've introduced myself before asking. Where are my manners? Do forgive me, my name is Alina Bloomfield, I'm new here and I assume you are as well."

It had been three long, long weeks since Alina had first arrived at Fenixtear. She had followed the rumors of a new, small guild starting up in Crocus, and initially, the girl had jumped on such an opportunity. A small up and coming guild, with whatever few members they have eager to prove their worth? A perfect place for her to use as a stepping stone to put her name up in lights and finally break free of the tag 'The Bloomfields daughter'.

While it wasn't the most surprising, she hadn't expected the guild to have been empty that day. Well almost empty, just a single young looking girl. Alina had dug up enough information on the fledging guild beforehand to know that this girl was indeed the guild master, Torys Lusitania. A suspiciously kind individual who, despite running a guild, still had the time to spend on actions that Alina could only think were to bring a good reputation to Fenixtear; running the local orphanage and even some homeless shelters being the more prominent information. To Alina, that smelled of someone just wanting to keep their image clean...or simple naivety and foolishness if they gained nothing from it. What was even fishier was that she was unable to glean much else from her, admittedly brief, investigation into the guild.

She didn't find much about the guild nor some of its members. Most seem to have only come to the area after joining Fenixtear, so the locals were little good bar learning a few names and some bits and pieces of what kind of personalities lurked within the walls of the guild. Her conclusion thus far? They were, at best, a group of oddballs. At worst? Possible mental health treatment center. Her chat with the guild master did little to enlighten the girl either, there was little fanfare beyond some oddly simple questions. Like, why did it matter to a guild what her favorite color was? Baffling indeed. Regardless, it seemed like Torys had nothing against the girl joining the guild so the matter went as smoothly as Alina could've hoped. The issues arrived very quickly, however.

What issues, you ask? Well, she hadn't expected the reason to the guildhall to be empty that day because the entirety of the guild had gone off to fight a flipping dragon. Not only that, but they had suceeded in beating the beast. The first thing she had awoken to the next morning was Fenixtear on the front cover, some armored mage, whom from her previously mentioned brief gleam into the goings of Fenixtear she deduced was the one called 'Holly', standing atop the corpse of the creature in a pose one could only imagine from a novel. While she had anticipated them wanting to make a name for themselves,....this was way out of her possible theories as to what they would try. As a result, the guild's popularity just absolutely exploded. Quests and potential members flooded in, the only silver lining for Alina being that she managed to join before such a hilarious amount of people wanted to.

The big problem though? It became very hard very quickly to approach the original members, as almost every newer member seemed to swarm them. It made looking into them almost impossible, let alone trying to get close to them to learn more that way. Yet, she couldn't just leave the guild so soon after joining, least she looked like a fool, at best. She couldn't even use the newer recruits to glean anything useful even, all they were were a thorn in her side and a setback to her plans. No matter, she would simply need to play the patience game and bid her time, in the meantime she got herself settled into Crocus. Finding a place to stay was high on her list, only staying at the guild temporarily before finding herself an apartment not far from the guildhall, a small one-bedroom that was just a ten or fifteen-minute stroll away and next to a lovely little cafe she would visit in the morning before going to the guildhall. It was a gossip hub, the young lady who was the barista a surprisingly reliable contact for the goings-on of the city. Even if some of her chatter was...over the top and exaggerated to a point.

She had just left said cafe, The Coffee Seed, and was digesting the conversations between herself and the barista girl. Fenixtear's name just seemed to be getting bigger and bigger as more time passed, and as such more and more people came to Crocus. Either in hope of joining the guild, or simply hiring them for a quest or the like. But also other guilds had been sneaking into the city, or so the girl had said, to check out the fledgling guild. Perhaps some even to come and glean whatever they could to undermine it's growing popularity, or such thoughts went through Alina's head. That wouldn't do, as despite the alarming growth being a constant nuisance to the red-head, it would help cover her tracks for the time-being from those that may be on her trail. That, and it offered a secure place and steady pay which she admittedly had missed during her recent nomadic existence. She wouldn't let some other guild just come in and start meddling now, so she made a mental note to create some counter-measures in case such rumors turned out to be true.

It was surprising even to Alina how often even something like a Chinese whisper would turn out to be true, so it was best to take no chances on the matter.

Her walk seemed to go far faster than normal, perhaps due to the various machinations brewing in her head causing her to lose track of time, or perhaps the coffee was a bit too strong today...Nah definitely the former. At any rate, the young lady soon found herself slipping in through the front door as a couple of other members left and was soon bombarded by the noise that she was slowly beginning to accept as simply a part of the guild life. Numerous people holding numerous conversations, each one seemingly trying to compete with everyone else with how loud and obnoxious they could get. The constant clatter of plates, loud laughter filling the hall as food, and alcohol was exchanged with the chiming of glasses coming together for a toast.

In essence, the guildhall was a scene that could only be described as chaotic. Alina couldn't help but flinch at how loud the place was today. How could anyone bear this nonsense? Not that she would let such a small matter break her act. Every greeting she was given she would return with a smile, one of a gentle, innocent kind to keep with her current 'act'. That's right, right now she wasn't Alina Bloomfield, a former God Hand member, schemer, and manipulator. Instead, she was Alina Bloomfield, a gentle and kind soul that hailed from Crocus and had joined Fenixtear in the hopes of putting her magic to use for the sake of others...or whatever horsecrap she had fed the members and guild master here. Honestly, most people were so easy to trick with just a simple smile or a few words here and there, though others required a more detailed explanation, which she was more than happy to give.

However, even amongst all the chaos, her gaze fell upon a particular individual. Probably the smallest member of the guild, and most certainly the youngest. The one person that managed to bring a genuine smile to her face whenever she saw the adorable little boy; Jasper Elliot. He had joined not long after her, and for no ulterior motives whatsoever she dedicated a fair chunk of her time into investigating the boy. She wasn't sure whether it was the ears or the sincere lack of information she managed to find on him, but he fascinated her...and the fact he was also part cat just made him totally adorable! One could almost hear her inner fangirl screeching over him, but she was far too professional to let her personal feelings bubble to the surface. Instead, she simply wore the same smile she would give the others, though with far less effort than it would've normally have taken to muster it, and weaved her way through to the half-awake cat-boi. This was to be their first formal, official meeting, though she had taken the form of some other newer members before.

"You seem a little lost, everything alright?" Coming to a stop just to the side of Jasper, Alina leaned forward towards him and spoke in a gentle, polite tone that she had used so often it had become like second nature to the actress. Her body language was relaxed and open to not make the boy feel on edge in any way.

"Are you also part of Fenixtear? Or are you here on other business?" Taking a seat beside the exceed, she patted down her skirt and kept her smiling face fixed towards him. She already knew the answer, but it was for the sake of small talk. "Or are you like me, a bit overwhelmed with this all and simply waiting for the others to settle down a little before wanting to move on with your day? It can be rather exhausting trying to move through this crowd after all, and with how rowdy it can get it can become rather..." Her gaze slowly moved over to the scene playing out involving Gwen's posses of glorified stalkers. Honestly, they were an eyesore and were a disgrace to a following. Her next words drawn out as Lavivina came in and scared them off by firing off her magic. Her point ramming home harder than the missiles against the wall. "...hazardous at times."

that suffice?
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