Avatar of Lunarlord34


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8 yrs ago
Ah nostalgia...my old friend. Listening to the old pokemon soundtracks is just so relaxing
8 yrs ago
Ah good old Tears to Tiara II. Only took three or four hours to play the first chapter XD Only another billion to go XD Thankfully that was only because most it was story, onto the gameplay! XD
8 yrs ago
I hate my roommate and his cat right now
8 yrs ago
Bloody laptop
8 yrs ago
Bloody hell Date a live might've been a horrendous adaption of the light novels, but f*ck it's got a fantastic soundtrack
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Currently looking for Fairy Fencer F (FFF for short I suppose XD) Roleplay actually

Most Recent Posts

"W-wait! I seriously need a hand!" The look on the girls face was priceless as Dragonheart turn his back on her. He was kidding right?! Surely he was! Just as she was about to call out to him again though, the man turned around with a wide grin on his face. That scoundrel was teasing her! She wasn't sure if it was the blood rushing to her face from embarrassment, or simply because she was hanging upside down so gravity, but the red-faced girl awaited her ally to cut her down-albeit pondering for a moment how he would achieve the feat. She was a fair bit up above, so she doubted he would be able to-

"Eh?" Her thoughts were cut much like the strings of her parachute by the blades he flung at her. In the time it took her to let out a shriek much the same as she had been doing aboard the VTOL earlier, Dragonheart had moved into the dropzone and caught the lightly built Vulpo rather easily. "D-Don't scare me like that!" Even redder than before, the girl let him know her displeasure at his little 'joke' and subsequent sudden cutting down-though admittedly the second part she had literally asked for.

Though she quietened down rather quickly, despite the pout and obvious irritation she showed, as he began to explain their options though. She would give him an earful later on how to treat a lady! Right now, as he quite obviously had found out, she was hurt, they had little idea of where they were, limited supplies due to the sudden nature of their evac, and that was just to name a few of their problems! Well duh the storm wasn't normal! Well that's what the girl wanted to say, but instead kept her outbursts bottled up in her as she gave him a smoldering glare to accompany her pout, especially when he offered to carry her. She would never be able to live it down if the others found out she had to be carried! She was treated like a kid enough as it was!

After a moment to consider the options, she wriggled out of his arms, landing with her arms and tails outstretched and letting out a little groan. Ok, that hurt a little. But nothing a mature woman couldn't handle! "I'm fine! A little beat up, but nothing a little dressing won't fix. The uh real deal is a lot....more intense than I could've thought hahaha." Accompanying her nervous laugh was the constant anxious swishing of her tails as she surveyed their surroundings for a moment. "Option 3 is a no go...this place creeps me out." Shivering as to prove her point, she patted down at her clothes as if to make sure everything was still in one piece. No immediate pangs of pain, she could move ok-so nothing serious then!

"For now, I think we should start heading to Riventor. We might be able to run into the others along the way, and I'm sure that wherever they ended up they're probably heading that way yeah? Anyway, I'm Will-O-Wisp, and you're uh Dragonheart right?" Forever the optimist, unless she had seen her teammates and fellow operators demise, it seemed unlikely anyone would be able to sway her to think any differently. She went to take a step forward when a sudden snapping sound filled the woods around them. Almost immediately, Kit's ears and tails stood at attention, her little body swerving to face the source of the sound. Well, her face wasn't red anymore was the positive to be find here. The bad news? Well, that was because she was as pale as a ghost at the sight that was closing in on them.

Larger than her with jet black fur, teeth glistening in the dimly lit forest as she knew that it's piercing red gaze had settled on her-some sort of monstrous wolf had found them, singling her out as his prey. She seemed frozen in place as her mind frantically began to go over her training. Ah yes, of course this was the answer!

"On second thought, please do carry me!" Almost immediately the girl turned around and leapt back into his arms, tails wrapping around him for support as she curled up against the larger man. She was no chance of outrunning this beast! And this way, they would be able to flee faster! A genius plan if she said so.
Accepted move her on over
@Polaris North@Styrgwyr@Zuko@Not Fungus
With that we'll be looking to get started, the others will look to hopefully join us later. Looking at starting sometime this weekend if all goes well.

Unlike Dragonheart, Kit was unable to get even a moments rest. Aboard the VTOL was the constant Swish-swish, swish, swish, swish-swish of her multiple tails excitedly whipping about around and behind the younger infected girl, unable to keep the anxious, hopeful grin from spreading across her youthful face. Bouncing about in her seat, she seemed unable to contain the pent up emotions within her. And could you blame the girl? This was her first official 'mission' with the Institute! Of course, she had been on training missions and the like, but this was her first dispatch for anything like this! She had hoped to be able to talk to her new teammates along the way, but it seems they were busy either sleeping or talking some official nonsense she didn't really care for amongst themselves. Boo! They were boring!

But she would be damned if that put a damper on her mood! The turbulent weather before hadn't, so this wouldn't either! There would be plenty of time once they reached their designation to be able to get to talk to the others, and there would be other teams there as well! At such thoughts, the swishing of her tails seemed to increase in frequency, another reason why her teammates were currently avoiding her. They didn't want to get slapped god knows how many times because the girl couldn't contain herself!

Though only a moment later, a high pitch cry filled the air as the sides of the VTOL seemed to be slammed by a constant marriage of wind. Who was screaming so loudly? It took a moment for Kit to realize it was her that was screaming like someone about to be brutally murdered and covered her mouth, face flushing red before she let out a much quieter scream as the VTOL shook again. It was hard to see if she was shaking or if it was the VTOL itself, but a moment later she squealed yet again as a large shard of Originum pierced into the cabin, and if not for her following the order to start evacuating, it would've skewered her where she sat.

Pale-faced, she slapped her hands against her cheeks and shook her head. She needed to calm down! She was sure that everyone else was panicking enough as was, her constant screaming wasn't helping! Doing her best to keep her footing despite the now failing and falling aircraft, Kit took the parachute offered from the team leader, glancing to her side at Dragonheart and shot him a grin, albeit a bit forced as the fear was evident on her face, before making the jump with him.

What happened next was probably just as terrifying as being aboard the vessel. The turbulent winds battered away at the girl, her hair and tails whipping about out of control around her. No one would've been surprised if her small, light frame would've just been picked up and tossed away by the winds. Even if the girl wanted to, she couldn't look back. If she did, all she could see was the storm and her own hair fluttering around. She was sure everyone else was fine and was following them now!

At Dragonhearts prompt, the panicked girl began groping about for her parachute cords. A moment later, her frail hands gripped onto it and gave a tug that was perhaps a little too hard, though it didn't seem to be a problem as it deployed smoothly enough. With the worst of the storm behind them, she took this chance to try and get all the hair that was currently in her face back into place as they descended. What the hell was that anyway?! She thought that they had avoided the storm! The last thing she heard the pilots say did stick in her mind, however. What had followed them? Was it perhaps the storm? No-no-no, that couldn't be right. Storms can't follow things! That was just silly, even for her!

Another prompt from Dragonheart brought her back to reality. Brace for what? Her eyes widened as she finally registered the forest beneath them. Oh, right. Landing. With a grimace, she tucked herself into as small a ball as possible, arms in front of her face and knees tucked into her chest, her tails wrapping around her frail flame before the painful impact. Even with the semi-controlled, slowed descent from the parachute, she wasn't quite prepared for such a rough landing! Smashing into dry, sharp sticks was about as pleasant as one could imagine-as in, not pleasant at all. She grimaced as several times she felt something cut through her clothes, by the time she had come to a stop she knew she was covered in scratches and bruises. She brought her hand up to a particularly nasty cut above her cheek, her hand soon becoming wet, sticky and warm as she brought back to inspect the blood on her still shaking hands. Well, she was in pain and bleeding, so at least that meant she was still alive and kicking!

Wiping the blood on her skirt, she could still feel it oozing out of the cut, down her chin before dripping down onto the ground and canopy-wait, there was no canopy now that she looked. It was all just thick branches of dead tree. That explained the painful impact with it. Squirming about in her harness as she searched for the buckle amongst her messed up clothes, hair and tail, a loud groan came from one of the limbs she had gotten stuck on.

Oh no.

With a loud squeal and a loud snap, she fell through the 'canopy' but luckily for her the cords got caught once more and instead of falling-perhaps with some rather unsavoury consequences-onto the forest floor, instead she was now just hanging off to the side above Dragonheart. Oh thank god he had made the landing as well! And she had found him already as well! Things were beginning to look up already!

"I'm fine! Just got to...gah get out of this." With a wide grin directed at the older infected, Kit would begin her search for the buckle to her harness once more. Though despite her positive attitude, one could take one look at her scratched, battered form, blood still dripping from the cut on her cheek, and could probably guess she hadn't had the greatest time of it all. But despite the injuries, none were particularly a problem so long as they were properly tended to as to avoid infection-well, the other kind of infection.

Unless Dragonheart intervened sooner, the girl would provide a rather amusing sight as she seemed to just get further tangled up in her parachute, the frustration visible on her face as her little legs flailed about like a child throwing a tantrum. "Any...moment....now...!" It was obvious the girl needed help, but seemed too stubborn to ask for it. Eventually, she began so tangled up that she was now hanging upside down, her limbs a tangled mess around her as she dangled above the man, the blood now running into her hair.

"Umm...can you cut me down please?" With a sheepish grin and a bright flush on her face, she finally caved in and asked for her teammate's assistance.
I've been thinking of what to run if I join and coming up blanks atm
I'm a big fan of Projekt Red though so might make something akin to/based off of her.
Zuko Roya is accepted, move him on over.
The story so far

Operation Essence Recovery:
@Polaris North
No problemos mate, other than my attention span and ability to remember to tell people they're accepted, move Rena on over.
@Styrgwyr@Not Fungus
I should've uh mentioned this a couple hours ago, but accepted so move em on over to the tab.
Reserved for shenanigans
I should also state that despite the misleading intro, the Rikimaru are currently not available for players to join. It's more referring to an event for later in the story.
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