Avatar of Lunarlord34


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8 yrs ago
Ah nostalgia...my old friend. Listening to the old pokemon soundtracks is just so relaxing
8 yrs ago
Ah good old Tears to Tiara II. Only took three or four hours to play the first chapter XD Only another billion to go XD Thankfully that was only because most it was story, onto the gameplay! XD
8 yrs ago
I hate my roommate and his cat right now
8 yrs ago
Bloody laptop
8 yrs ago
Bloody hell Date a live might've been a horrendous adaption of the light novels, but f*ck it's got a fantastic soundtrack
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Currently looking for Fairy Fencer F (FFF for short I suppose XD) Roleplay actually

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I just wanted to check if this was still open? It does say it does but just thought I would check lol
Hmm could be interesting, I'll see if I can muster up a sheet.

@Sanguine Rose
Phoenix Wing Guild Hall

Ah, of course, serving people individually or in the same manner as a waiter during a ball wasn't Mark's style at all. Too much effort. Not that she was calling lazy or anything of the sort of course, just that he preferred the methods that caused less fuss and didn't involve more effort than needed. Though of greater importance to herself right now was the bowl of food that was offered to it by Markovis at this moment in time. "I-I see. Thank you." Gratefully accepting the much-required sustenance with a quick bow of her head, the blonde had to physically refrain from drooling all over it. Though the exceptional aroma that wafted from it made it quite a task indeed.

"W-well if there's anything I-I can do to help, please don't be afraid to ask." Jasmine watched as Mark left to go find and serve some food to Trinity, eager to begin eating her own portion of the dish and brought a spoonful of rice up to her lips and blew gently on it.

Sometimes food never tasted anywhere near as nice as what they smelled, though this certainly wasn't one of those times as she took a moment to appreciate and savour the taste, as any cook or food lover, in general, would when indulging in a good meal. Not that she ate it slowly, oh no. If anything, she ate it the opposite of slowly. It hadn't even been a minute yet and she had already devoured more than half the bowl, part her current starved state and part because the food was that good.

Though a thought occurred to her as scooped out the last bits of the rice from her bowl. How long had she left Rajah unsupervised?


Wolven Pyre Guild Hall


Shiro watched unfazed, if not a little annoyed, as Hagar rose back to his feet. "Tch." Guess it wouldn't be that easy huh? Oh well, if he wanted some more punishment then the young woman was more than happy to dish it out. "I've been called such, and worse, but ruining the fun of some lowlife poacher scumbag worries me about the same as your bathing abilities." To make her point known, she covered her nose though without changing from the cold, deadpan look she gave him.

Not even the activation of his spell seemed to cause any change in her body language, the only reaction it brought forth was a glance around as her eyes actively studied their movements. Henri's feeble attempt to disperse some of the blades was surely noted, or rather the reaction of the swords. It was of little concern to her, she was confident of being able to blink back out but thought against it as she glanced over to Henri as he took a stance.

"No need to take this worm so seriously Mr Baptiste, we'll-no, I'll wrap this up in under two minutes, maybe three at most." Even more brazen than the words that left her mouth was the way she started walking towards the poacher, no guard, no intent coming off of her at all. Just a casual little stroll. Then, in the blink of an eye, she was gone. Almost instantly she was within his guard, her forehead crashing against his with a sickening thud as her sudden movement no doubt left him startled, Shiro hardening her skin already in the inevitable event of a counter-attack as she began to deliver a series of six or seven punches aimed at his chest, neck and head before moving to start deflecting the blades to minimise the damage she would take when he began to get his bearings back.

Hopefully, while she did this, the no-good squid over there could capitalise on the opening she was trying to give him.

While she didn't seem convinced this was the best course of action for Zhulie's sake, Manami couldn't fault sending her to help the stressed out other younger girl. Especially with only Bullet there to try and help comfort her. Manami wasn't quite as...dismissive of Bullet as others, namely Shiro, but for as much as he tried...he uh was a bit brash.

"If you say so...but I'm honestly out of my field of expertise here." Healing medicine she was at least familiar with, but not all of... this. Not that it was going to stop the former dark mage from helping, she could at least follow and listen to Meredith's instructions after all. Though she looked now at the small copper cymbals that the older woman gave to her uncertainly. What was she meant to do with these exactly? Suppose there was no harm in her trying though right? If there was, surely Meredith wouldn't hand an amateur these right? So after a moment of watching the older woman movements around the two younger witches, Manami took a deep breath before stepping forward.

She wasn't entirely sure of what her actions were doing, but the soft glowing that seemed to intensify with each successive clang from either herself or Meredith lead her to believe whatever they were making required some magical energy input, which this step must be about. She seemed hesitant again at the thought before quickly shaking her head. This didn't count, no it certainly didn't. Besides she was only offering magical energy to help someone in need. A worthy cause if nothing else. After the brief moment of hesitant, she went back to clanging the cymbals, hoping it went unnoticed.

A smile spread across his features as Amaya accepted his outstretched arm to hang onto, making sure not to walk too fast for the shorter slayer as the other two followed after them shortly after. That and he wanted to enjoy this simple little moment. "Well anything I can do to help, I'll gladly do Amaya. Everyone has their own flaws they have to work through after-all, it's what makes us human." These were words he himself was trying to apply to his own mindset when he went about doing things. Everyone had their own strengths and weaknesses, but weaknesses were less of an issue with friends as they could cover for them and offer their own strengths. Like actually having a reasonable build to not be trampled by crowds, his training certainly improving his physical attributes.

As they moved through the town, it was inevitable the crowd would seem begin to form. And that was before the festival and subsequent exhibition match were taken into the equation, especially as they got closer to the newly built stadium. He couldn't help but laugh at the antics of the fiesty little furball atop his head, looking down with a grin at Amaya. "When isn't she bossy I suppose huh? Every time I've seen her she seems to be telling someone what to do." Now he was teasing the exceed slightly, but honestly it wasn't far off the mark. But he also did understand she was doing it to try and give the ice slayer some space, which he was more than happy to let the exceed do if it made Amaya more comfortable.

"I don't know, she seems quite comfortable up there." Glancing up atop his head as Joshua came over as he spoke, Cody looked around as they entered the stadium for a place for their group to sit at. Upon spotting a good little row of seats that weren't too crowded yet were also in a good vantage spot to watch the event, he would lead the others over there but not before letting Josh know where they were sitting in the event he broke off from their group.

It would seem they turned up at a good time though, with the introductions beginning shortly after they sat down. Seemed like it was showtime.

Visible relief came over the transformed mage as Menzai was quick to agree with her assessment. Though she didn't seem to be, she was putting on a bit of show about her relief for the rest, even Alina was only human. It had been close to 16 hours or even longer since they had set out for the flower delivery, and like most things she was rather particular about various aspects of her schedule. She wasn't a fan of the idea of throwing out her sleep cycle too much just for one little job like this, and her mind was growing weary as well. It would not do to slip up in front of Menzai now just because she was tired.

"I'll gladly take you up on that offer."
As they came to a stop in a nearby clearing, Alina took a moment to stretch her arms up above her head. "And it's fine Mr Isanami, if I earnestly needed a rest sooner I would've mentioned it. It had just slipped my mind that it was so late and the store would be closed was the bigger issue at hand, another hour or two of travel would've been fine. This form is reasonably fit." But even so, it was still human. It was surely noted that demi humans seemed to have a higher base stamina than humans though.

Now, while she was capable of sleeping while transformed, it was still a fair bit of a chore to do so. So while Menzai went about erecting his barrier she took the chance to transform back to her normal state, the clothes she was wearing now sagging off her much smaller and lighter frame as she reached back into her pouch to quickly procure a set of new, more suitable clothes. It was just a black skirt and red shirt, as it was more a matter of wanting to change while Menzai was busy so as to not have to ask him to turn around or the such later, but it would serve the purpose of serving as sleepwear at any rate. The matter of being cold was also not an issue.

While there had certainly been a chilly air about before, very easy to notice even before she was basically naked in it, it had seem to disappear as Menzai spoke up. Well, that explained what he had been up to at any rate. The barrier was pretty hard to miss and it didn't take anyone of any remotely respectable level of intelligence to concur that this was a result of what Menzai had been doing. So this was his magic then? Intriguing indeed. Curiously, she just couldn't help herself, she walked up to the edge of the clearing and cautiously tapped on the barrier. She was fascinated by the water-like rippling response it gave off, and it was quite obviously sturdy.

"This is quite a useful magic indeed Mr Isanami." She mused aloud, stepping back as she let out a yawn. "It's quite fine though, if anything I can sleep easier knowing our location is secured like this. It's quite reassuring." Between Menzai keeping watch and a barrier, one might be feeling quite certain of their safety indeed. At least of anything in this area at least. But even so, Alina wasn't one to let down her guard irregardless, even when asleep.

"Don't be afraid to wake me up if you want a few hours of sleep before we get back into Crocus. We can head to the store first thing in the morning after that." Pulling and laying out a sleeping bag from within her pouch, she quickly got settled within before shortly thereafter seemingly nodding off to sleep.

@Sanguine Rose
Phoenix Wing Guild Hall

Trinity was upset? Wait, it wasn't because of what she had said was it? Jasmine knew that Rajah was a...handful to deal with and that she wasn't particularly well-liked, but she was still her partner. She wasn't just going to let her be collared like that, that was just degrading and humiliating the poor kitty! In saying that, the blonde couldn't really deny that she was a pain...

Although Mark's response to it elicited a small giggle, her lips curling slightly into a small smile. Typical Mark, though he seemed so indifferent to it all he really did care. She closed her eyes for a moment as she seemed to be recalling something before shooting open with a realization."I-I guess I've heard something similar...umm 'Food is the ingredient that binds us together' I think is what my mother liked to say?" Nodding as she spoke, the aroma wafting in from the spoon caused her stomach to quite audibly growl and her face to resemble a tomato as a result. Gah, she should've really eaten something before coming back to the guild after all! Luckily for her, at least it was only Mark and no one else here to share in this embarrassing moment.

A taste test? She was sure just by this fragrant aroma that the rice gave off, and previous experiences with what he had cooked, that this hardly needed someone to taste it. It smelled just absolutely amazing! But she was hungry, so hardly needed to be asked twice, and only nodded before leaning towards the spoon offered to her. Almost immediately upon opening her mouth and the taste hitting her tongue, her eyes lit up. It had a nice kick to it without being overly overpowering, was this how Bosco cooking was meant to taste? She wouldn't know as this was her first time having a dish from Bosco, but what she did know she expressed to the emotionally challenged young man. "T-that's really good Markovis! I'm sure the others will think so as well!"

It wasn't just empty praise either, but what Jasmine really did think. She wished she could cook this well...maybe she could ask him for tips or lessons some time? Or at least the recipe for this, uh Bosco Rice was it? Yeah Bosco Rice. Although all this little morsel served to do was increase the hunger she felt, and well since his plan was to share it amongst the guild anyway....

"Do...you mind if I have a little more? I-I can help you serve it to the others first since it seems a little much for one person to serve by themselves if you wanted."


Wolven Pyre Guild Hall


Fiesty? Shiro hadn't really thought of herself as such before, she had certainly meet far more fiesty people than herself. A certain fire mage came to mind at that thought but was quickly shelved, now wasn't the time to dwell on the past. They had an objective at hand and a limited time one assumed to get it done. Which was why she didn't really try to stop Argus as he passed her and out the door when he was making some exclamation about going ahead, it wasn't that she had some sort of confidence in his abilities. In fact, it was honestly the opposite if truth be told. But worst case scenario, he could at least buy them time to catch up.

"Argus has a smaller brain than Henri, but he's durable. He'll be fine." Shiro affirmed, heading out the door with Regan and the others as she spoke. That was at least one thing she couldn't argue against the young man for; his sheer meat shield capability. Sticking close to Regan as the group moved and the older woman talked, Shiro simply nodded to confirm her thoughts and the objectives she laid out. "Either the lanterns or one of the guild members, whichever you see at the time." Was all the younger woman thought to add, shrugging before going silent. It wasn't until the sounds of the poachers and Talos's struggles became quite audible that Shiro spoke up again as she came to a stop by the edge of the clearing.

"Let's hang back for a second." Despite her earlier words, the girl seemed quite content to now stay where she was. The other guild members rushed in with gusto as Shiro's eyes gazed around the 'battlefield', taking in the situation. Henri was quick to rush what seemed to be the leader of the poachers though it seemed like he was either being overpowered, or caught off-guard. She wasn't sure which to be honest. But Talos was still a potential problem, it seemed to be a lesser priority at this stage as he was keeping to himself a little further away. "Keep an eye on Talos, I'll help out shit for brains there before he gets himself killed. Lady Manami would be most displeased if I let that happen without at least trying to help." Whether or not Regan listened to Shiro was a different matter altogether though as the younger mage seemed to vanish almost immediately after she spoke, but there wasn't much use in everyone getting involved at once.

The only reason Shiro even felt the need to interfere right now was a mystery to her though. Maybe she just wanted to vent on the poachers? Yeah that was it for sure. There was no way she actually felt concerned for anyone here, right? As she reappeared a short distance away she was quick to vanish again, weaving and 'blinking' her way through the mess of magic, bodies, both human and animal alike, as well as the trees themselves that seemed to come to the witches aid. Though as she got closer to Henri, the animated blades of his assailant came to crash down on her in a flurry of blows that as they connected, just made a loud, almost metallic clanging noise that was no doubt drowned out by the chaotic noise all around them as her skin hardened momentarily. Not caring at all for the swords, she rushed straight through them and grabbed Hagar's fist as he wound back to strike at Henri again.

"Can you do anything right you brawny good for nothing? Jeez, you're pathetic." Shiro grumbled in annoyance before pivoting slightly to bring her leg up and slam her knee into the leader's skull with a resounding and powerful thud. She wasn't holding too much back either, she was aiming to blast him into the treeline with the sheer force of this attack.

In contrast to the frantic pace of the chase and fight going on elsewhere, the calm yet still tension-filled guild-hall was arguably feeling just as much pressure, maybe even more. Having followed Meredith with Zhulie tailing not far behind up to the greenhouse, the former dark mage nodded as Meredith issued her orders. It was easy enough to follow so there was no need to rush, last thing they needed was to lose composure under pressure like this and stuff everything up after all. But it wasn't like she was going slow either, calmly moving over to cabinet that Meredith had pointed out and grabbing one of few vials inside. Honestly, Manami wasn't sure what asp venom looked like but assumed what she had grabbed from the near bare cabinet to be the ingredient Meredith desired, if not well she would learn soon enough when she gave it to the elderly witch huh?

Listening to Zhulie and Meredith talk, Manami kept silent, only occasionally glancing in their direction as she pulled out the clove alongside the mortar and pestle. She felt like she should say something to help settle the younger girl, but held her tongue. No, it wasn't her place to say anything, nor did she really deserve to console the younger girl. Not after everything she had done. Yet, she still couldn't shake this sinking feeling she felt, though her task did help to keep it at bay for now.

"...Her heart is in the right place you know, it wouldn't hurt to let her help right?" Manami pipped up after Zhulie had departed the room. Even if it was just bringing ingredients to them, just to make her feel like she was contributing was important wasn't it? It was a terrible feeling that; that sensation of helplessness when confronted by a situation out of your control, no matter how much you wished to be able to change it. "...or do we not have enough to actually help Talos, and you want to keep Zhulie in the dark over it?"

"I know James, which is why I'm keen to see him in action. Should be a good show regardless." The red haired mage smiled up at the exceed sitting atop his head as she spoke up. "Yeah yeah, you're a real slave driver you know?" With a soft laugh, he shook his head slightly, though he was careful to not throw the exceed off, at her words and stood up from the table. He turned to Josh as he spoke to him, nodding softly in agreement, once again careful of the exceed using him as her own personal throne. As much as he wasn't massively thrilled to say so, it wouldn't do him any harm in taking up Josh's offer and it would also double as a chance to get to know the older swordsman, maybe get rid of this lingering tension he felt around him.

"Sounds good Joshua. It never hurts to have someone around to pick up on any faults or flaws before they become habits, or at least someone to talk to for feedback." He winced slightly though at the comment of his overtraining habits. Well, suppose having someone else around would be handy for that as well, but it still stung a little every time he was reminded of it. "Yeah, the less they have to worry the better I guess." With that bit settled and the group ready to move out, there was but one issue remaining which he felt the need to resolve.

"Well we wouldn't want you being trampled or tripping over air then would we Amaya, allow me to escort you. I'll make sure nothing of the sort befalls you. At the very least, I can shield you from the crowds." With a small, courteous smile and laugh, he offered out his arm to the shorter mage in the type of chivalrous, gentlemanly manner James had taught him. His training wasn't just all centered on his ability to fight after all.

Once she had either accepted or rejected the offer, he would follow after James with the others to the new arena.

Dragon Fang Guild Hall


Wait, seriously? Almost everyone jumped on board with it, causing the pyromancer to wince slightly. Ok, maybe she should bathe a little more often...but it was hard enough to convince herself as it was! And using the guild bath was almost certainly out of the question. Last time she had used it, she hadn't found it hot enough for her taste and well....the details didn't matter ok. All that mattered was that she wasn't really allowed back in there for now. But that was a story for another day, and at Hunters declaration for them to get ready, she just nodded and stretched her arms for a moment. "Ya got it boss...already had my stuff packed and ready to go as I came to grab a job, but guess I'll grab a couple other things as well eh?" She hadn't anticipated going to a desert, and it wasn't like she had anything specific for deserts anyway. But she was sure she had some googles or something to protect her eyes or whatever.

"Guess I'll meet ya guys there then eh? Last ones a rotten egg and all dat shit." With a beaming grin, she was quick to make her way out of the guild-hall. All she had to do was swing by her place, grab her stuff and then she could head straight to the train station. So that was exactly what the pyromancer did, making sure she was the first one there, or at worst only being beaten there by Hunter.

It came as a fair bit of a surprise when Zen suddenly just stopped and knelt down to hug her. What brought this on? Did he think she was upset bringing up or thinking about her mother? In all honesty, Akemi wasn't sure how to think of her mother. On the one hand, she always heard people sing her mothers praises, especially her father. But on the other, Akemi never knew her. So thinking about her was just....more weird than sad. It was difficult to feel sad about someone you had never met before right? But Zen was partially right, the stories and other things she had learned about her mother made her want to be like her.

But his words seemed to confuse her. What was he talking about? "So you're saying I should be more critical?" Tilting her head as she looked up at Zen, she seemed to ponder for a moment before nodding. "I'll try...though I don't really get it." As Zen moved away, she thought about inquiring once more about why he left the knights. Was it related to what he was trying to tell her now? The only thing that stopped her from asking was he hadn't seemed to really want to talk about it last time she asked, and he wanted this to be a good day with good memories, so maybe it was best not to dreg it up now?

"Hmhm." Nodding in agreement, it wasn't long after that they came upon the gates that led into the royal garden. Normally they were under lock and key, the public barred entry and anyone that tried to break in was no doubt severely punished. But now, it was a bustling hive of activity as obviously, they weren't the only ones with the idea to visit a place that was normally off-limits. As much as Akemi was also bristling with excitement, she reigned herself in and stepped closer to Zen, holding onto his sleeve so as to not get separated. Last thing either of them wanted was her to get lost in the crowd.


@MarshiestMallow@Sanguine Rose
Phoenix Wing Guild Hall

Well, Penny was right. Jasmine was indeed disappointed in her response after being basically on the edge of her seat for most of the time the older girl spoke, taking in every word gleefully till the comment on people hiding their magic. But not because of a lack of stories or magics to tell about. No, this was more about what Penny spoke of and it made Jasmine look away for a moment. She could get that people were afraid, of being judged, or perhaps of their own power. Jasmine was still grappling with that fear herself, or more precisely a very similar fear. "I...guess I understand why they would. B-but magic is a wonderful gift! People shouldn't hide it...." She sure hoped that this match would serve to aid in the that cause.

"W-wait, rumours of Phoenix Song?" Now that was something that brought out her curiosity and energy back. That was wonderful news indeed! "T-that must mean there's another Phoenix or slayer right? I'm sure Jarvis will be able to get to the bottom of it anyway. H-he's super reliable and helpful after-all!" But of course, Jasmine was sure that Penny was aware of this. Everyone in the guild would be, he did a lot for them. Though some might say that's to be expected of a (co)guild master, he really did go above and beyond that. And not only that, even if he couldn't, he had a lot of connections to get most things done anyway.

Even though they had just gotten to talk to each other after so long, it seemed like their reunion was short lived now that Damian was calling Penny, Nolan and Rose over to him to prepare for the match. Jasmine really wanted to talk to Penny more, hear more about her trip in detail or tell Penny what she had been up to while she was gone, but she also understood she couldn't really just keep Penny here any longer. "I-I guess you should go, wouldn't want you to get in trouble because of me. M-me and Rajah are going to go get something to eat anyway and we'll see you at the match or after to keep talking if you wanted?" Standing up, Jasmine would wait for Penny's response before parting ways with a brief farewell. She would see Penny later anyway, would be plenty more opportunity to catch up.

Though instead of heading to the bar to order, she instead went out back into the kitchen with her exceed partner in tow. It would be quicker if she just cooked something up herself, and she could find something to keep Rajah out of trouble for at least awhile like a fish or a watermelon or something for the exceed to eat. Of course, she would still pay or at least help out in there or at the bar later, but for now she pushed open the door to the kitchen only to find someone else also seemed to have the idea of cooking.

"O-oh hi Markovis." Blinking in surprise for a moment as she lingered in the doorway, the aroma of rice and spices causing her to pause and sniff at the air. She didn't need her keen sense of smell to know that this scent was delicious, but it certainly helped in enjoying the aroma as she realised she was just standing there awkwardly and now moved into the kitchen with a floating Rajah in tow, who flew straight over and sat on his head, peering down at the food he was preparing.

"Whatcha making-HEY! Whatcha doing?!" Rajah was suddenly dragged off of Mark's head by Jasmine, who had to jump up and really stretch to even reach that far to begin with, and was as impressed as expected. "Y-you can't just sit on peoples heads Rajah! We've talked about this! S-sorry Markovis but umm, you know Rajah...just uh take this and wait outside Rajah." Bowing her head at the taller boy, she took Rajah over to the fridge and handed her a couple of fish, some apples and a whole watermelon. That would be enough to keep Rajah quiet for a while at least.

"S-so what are y-you making?" With Rajah out the door, Jasmine wondered back over though kept a respectful distance away from Mark as she spoke. "And,uh, aren't you umm...making a little too much?"

Phoenix Wing Guild-Hall


It was all a blur to Ethel in all honesty. or rather, it was all fluff for the younger girl. Just setting her sights on the fluffy tails that Ariel was currently flaunting was enough to make her mind go blank, let alone basking in her soft fluffiness. As such, the bouquet wasn't exactly caught by Ethel, well conventionally at least. It kinda just smacked her in the face and she caught it on reflex, snapping back to reality for a moment before once more being drawn back in by the warm fluffiness. Even if Ethel had noticed that Ariel was just walking off, carrying her in her tails with little effort, the girl wouldn't care. Who would complain about being abducted in such a manner as this! And when Trinity joined her with Ariel, she just gave the older girl a wave and went back to nuzzling against the tails. It was actually kinda fun, not just the fluffy tails, but just the sensation of almost bouncing around. It was like one big fluffy ride!

At the talk of magic and a case, Ethel peered over. Should she say something? She was kinda just third wheeling here and wasn't really sure what they were talking about, so instead reached down into her jumper and pulled out the ever so fluffy Chu to also indulge in some fluffy tail fun, pulling out a brush and brushing both Ariel and Chu.

It seemed like Zen really didn't Kaden, which Akemi was just getting more curious about. Like she had said, he seemed nice enough when she had spoken with him earlier. "So if I just wear shorts he won't flirt with me?" At his comment of flirting with anything wearing a skirt though, she looked down and patted at her pale legs. Getting out wasn't just good for in the sense of exploring the city, but the girl really did need to get some more sun time. What was wrong with flirting anyway? Not that the younger girl knew the first thing about flirting, it was likely to fly over her head if anyone tried to do so. "But if he does something like that, you'll the first to know I guess?" Another unassuring answer for sure, but it was something, and it wasn't like much really bothered her to be honest.

"Hmhm they should be indeed. I can't wait." Just the faintest smile could be seen forming as she happily skipped alongside the older Zenith. She really couldn't wait to see the Royal Gardens, surely with everything one associated with royalty that there would be all sorts of rare, exotic, and beautiful flowers and various plants about. Almost certainly there would even be ones Akemi had never seen before in her life, in fact, she was already beginning to vividly imagine what sorts and colors there could be, passing several stalls without even giving them a glance. The only thing that snapped her back to reality was Zen speaking up about how things weren't clear-cut?

"Hmm? How so?" Giving him a tilted look, Akemi blinked up at him, completely oblivious to his rather obvious meaning. "Bad guys do bad things, that makes them black. Good guys do good things, which makes them white. What else is there to it? Grandfather even said so himself when he read me stories. It's also how all the books and stories I've read ever go. It's why I want to get stronger, to help others like you do! Like...mother did."

Hmm, he was a tougher and stranger individual to understand than even her reconfigured expectations had taken into account for. There were no obvious cues or signs on him, the main trait was one anyone with half a brain could work out. Cautious, he was quick to put up his guard and approach things with a ten foot pole if he even remotely thought of them as a threat, a wise mindset really. After-all, there was no way to really prove what she was saying was a lie or not, for all he knew she was lying through her teeth. Not that it was really her style to do so, no, blatant lying becomes too complicated and tedious to keep track of and can become...predictable and easy to see through. While a complete lie was always an option, she much preferred to mix them up, twist things here and there. But when she said she wasn't sure if she even could turn into him, it was the honest truth. She had no idea if she copy him or not, and while her curious side was dying to find out, it was probably wise not to try. For now at least.

"Oh that is splendid news indeed!" She (he?) broke into a beaming, toothy grin as the two of them began to push the cart along. It was actually lighter than she had expected it to, perhaps this lad was stronger than she had thought him to be? Or maybe it was the fact there were now two of them pushing? She wasn't entirely sure as to why, but it didn't really matter. "Normally people learn of my magic and want nothing to do with me...Especially for a reason like you're starting now. Though in saying that, it's both a blessing and a curse I cannot copy memories. It would make for a rather convenient ability in gathering information a lot easier, but...well, some things cannot be unseen right? Could be all sorts of memories, unsavory ones to be more specific."

She did honestly wish she could gain the memories of those she copied though. That would make her job soooo much easier if she could, so much easier to infiltrate, keep herself in character more, etc, etc. However, she did work hard to make up for that by learning all she can about them anyway. Observation, scenario play-by-plays, and more till she worked out the perfect way to 'become' them. Suppose there was a satisfaction to be gained there, but it still would make her life so much easier.

"You really think so? I've always viewed it as more of a burden I guess, but when you put it that way...I suppose it's really something?" Alina mused out loud. Now of course she already knew this all, even though her parents were always stern and strict on her ability still not being enough to be the perfect assassin, she had the potential to get there if her magic continued to evolve and grow. But with the role she was playing, this wasn't the case. "As do I Mr. Isanami. I'm sure it'll be a fruitful discussion."

With that, they fell into silence. They would be able to make good time with the both of them pushing, especially with the added strength of the man she was currently impersonating to aid in Menzai's neverending stamina. Though in saying that, hers wasn't. While her magical reserves were fine in keeping her transformation active, it was a very long day for the red-head. It would eventually get to the point where they were close enough to keep pushing on, but also she was getting weary. And a thought occurred to her now. "Perhaps we should stop for the night...the shop will be closed when we get back won't it? Might be inconvenient to put this cart in the guild."


Wolven Pyre Guild Hall


"Shiro..." As Henri leaped up, yelping from the pain of the hot tea poured on him, Manami was rubbing her temples. Rightfully, the man was a little upset, but what could Manami say or do about this really? Tell Shiro off? There was no point, surely everyone knew that. Get her to apologise? Like they would get a proper apology from the apathetic girl even if they held her at gun point. "I'm so sorry Mr Bapiste, Shiro here tends to overreact over nothing." Was all she could really say here. What else was there to say? Normally she might've healed Henri for what Shiro did to him, but she wavered for a moment as her gaze moved to Meredith only to look away almost as quick towards Argus.

"W-well if they were, I'll happily pay for their replacement or cleaning. It's the least I can do for Mr Bapiste here." All she could really muster up was a strained smile as she talked to the younger man. "Though to answer your previous question, we were just taking a stroll through the woods when we came upon Miss Pesta and Miss Hadou at the doors there with young Mr Bullet. I'm afraid I'm not entirely sure of who Miss Hadou is, but Miss Pesta seems pretty eager to show her around so you never know?"

As Manami sipped at her tea, Shiro just shrugged at Henri. "What can I say, my hand slipped and I couldn't see you properly. Half blind and all." Tapping at her eyepatch to emphasis her point, she couldn't help but roll her one eye at his comments on a hex. She already lived with one curse, what was another to add? Though she didn't even pay Meredith a glance as she sat down. There was no need to, the older lady was pretty much fuming before Shiro pulled her stunt so she was probably glaring daggers at her childish action. But it was all Shiro could really do, normally she would've snapped his neck but Manami had gone through, at incredible detail and length, how she wasn't allowed to do that here. Like, at all. Gah, and she was so certain she could just snap him easily enough too.

With the situation seemingly calming down, Bullet left to go to the kitchen as Manami decided to apologise to Meredith for the ruckus. But as the mage went to open her mouth, the doors burst open. It certainly was a shock as the lady that stumbled in, blood oozing from a large gash on her leg, so much so that the guild's chatter seemed to stop almost instantly. Manami was quick to get up to examine the wound as Meredith came over with the healing ointment. It certainly was nasty, was the ointment going to be enough? Biting her lip, she stayed silent as they gave the run-down of what had led to this wound. Her magic would be able to heal this wound pretty easily, but....no she couldn't. She just couldn't bring herself to, besides Meredith seemed to have the situation under control.

Looking over her shoulder as someone approached her, she noticed it was their guest and listened to what Regan had to say before taking a moment to think. "I'm not really in a position to order anyone around here, but I'm going to stay here and help Meredith. I'm sure the other team will take any help they can get, especially since they don't know what they're up against. Shiro, accompany Miss Hadou and the others as well. I trust that you'll be on your best behavior while you're gone?"

Shiro hadn't gotten up from her seat by the bar after she had sat back down, only now looking up from her tea and almost looking bemused at Manami's words. "Why of course Lady Manami. I'm always on my best-.....ok fine." Shiro sighed as Manami narrowed her eyes at her long-time friend, standing up and stretching her arms up towards the ceiling as she ventured over to Regan. "I don't need to show the same restraint for the poachers though, right?"

Shiro didn't really care at all about the situation at hand. Not about this direwolf, nor about the sobbing injured woman, or what these poachers had done, all that mattered to her was she could finally do something that she wanted to and wouldn't be reprimanded for. "I'm just going to warn you once though Miss...Hadou was it? I would recommend staying out of my way, for your own safety. Just like, stop any stragglers from getting away or something." Her tone was ominous, almost threatening despite the casual manner in which she approached and spoke with, like saying such things was no different to breathing to her. Though as it stood, she was actually just trying to give a fair warning now so that Manami didn't chew her head off later for not doing such if something happened. With her piece said, she was ready to go now as Manami wandered over to Meredith.

Calmly, Akemi nodded along as Zen briefly explained what else a 'date' would mean. So it wasn't just a fruit, but also a social event that may or may not have romantic implications depending on the overall context of the situation? How peculiar really. Now that she thought about it, didn't date also refer to a specific time as well? Such as a specific day and whatnot? Thinking on this all was really beginning to hurt her head, simply shaking it softly before turning to Zen as he went into a bit more detail. "Take advantage of? A one-night stand?" She echoed back, blinking slowly as she tilted her head slightly. "So you're saying there are bad people who'll try and 'date' you for their own gain?" Tapping her chin thoughtfully, she let out a sigh as she shook her head again.

"I...don't get it...but ok, I'll be careful then. You and Ria are safe right? I can tell, you have the same light and warmth about you both; both white." Since Zen said not to worry about it now, then Akemi would keep it tucked away for later questioning. Didn't want it getting too late before getting to the gardens after-all. Instead, she almost seemed to be beaming though her lips didn't even quiver or threaten to turn into a smile as she walked beside the older boy.

"Leon was much the same...is everyone else safe and white as well?" Pipping up again, she eyed a few stalls as they passed by them. She was mostly just stickybeaking around rather than showing any genuine interest, more curious as to what the stalls contained than the actual contents. One was a shooting target game, another a lucky bag store, another selling flowers. One even seemed to be selling....gemstones? Birthstones or something? Akemi didn't really get it, but ok.

"Torys seems ok as well, she didn't send me home after-all, as does Tone and Kaden. Maybe we should've invited Tone as well? He seemed rather down when he left." Off-handly she thought back to when they told Tone they had plans. Maybe he was upset to not be involved? So she was thinking perhaps they should've invited him? Oh well, he left pretty quickly so they didn't get much of a chance to invite him anyway. But they would definitely need to spar with him to make up for it, he seemed to really like sparring so that would make him happy yeah?

"What kind of flowers are at the garden anyway? Have you ever been there Z?"

His reaction wasn't unexpected in all honesty. She tended to avoid people knowing about her magic, the less who know the better. Besides Luke, Gerald and Torys, no one else really knew the nature of her magic, stating this as her excuse to Torys as not wanting the others knowing till she felt 'comfortable' revealing it to them herself. Honestly, it was mostly a cover to keep her magic on the hush hush. But it was either use her magic, or try and pull the wagon in her actual form and well....she knew which one was far more efficient. Though, she couldn't help but think his reaction was a little over the top right? She wasn't even aware of his magic, so she couldn't really be certain of this, but surely she wasn't a threat to him right?

".....Mr. Isanami, what kind of person do you think I am?" She asked after he jumped back, placing a muscular hand to her (his?) chest. Perhaps this was a chance for her to get him to become less distrustful? Regardless, she knew how to play this kind of situation as she allowed her to form to drop slightly, staring down at the ground. "Not that I can really blame you for your reaction....I honestly thought after showing this to Luke and Gerald that my magic wasn't that terrifying or weird. But almost everyone else who's ever seen this magic has reacted much like you Mr. Isanami...albeit they're generally more hostile, so I do appreciate not being attacked on the spot."

Placing the cart handle down gently, she brushed some hair from her face before she began to....shrink. Compress. It was a pretty grotesque sight really, her muscles and bones shuddering quietly as they changed shape, shifted their make-up once more. Her scent had become to shift back to normal as well, before last, her hair suddenly shot out and became its usual crimson color, loosely falling around her shoulders as she slowly brought up her saddened gaze towards Menzai as she held up the baggy clothes so as to keep her modestly intact.

"As you can see...my magic allows me to shift, transform into others I've come into contact with. But I'm nothing more than an imitation, a cheap replica if you would. Do not worry, my magic does not harm those who I replicate or become, nor can I replicate their minds. My mind remains my own, I am unable to gain the memories or minds of others...though sometimes I can replicate particularly strong personality traits and the like." Ok, that last part was a straight-up lie, but the rest was pretty spot on with what she knew about her own limitations through a significant amount of trial and error. She more added that last part to explain any situation he may happen upon her impersonating someone else, an insurance policy if you would. It would save possibly annoying and ill-timed questions later down the track. "....Though whether you believe me or not is up to you. As you may have expected, most who find out about my magic are...less than pleased by its nature. Often calling it and myself 'evil', 'dark arts' and the like. Hence why I waited till we were out here to use it, as you may be able to understand why it would startle those in the village correct? I've quite had it with becoming called a witch or a monster, as I'm sure you must know after coming into humans who are less....understanding about your appearance." She was pretty happy with her performance thus far. Normally she would give far more long-winded, back-story driven, tear-jerking speeches and references, but she figured condensing it into a far more practical explanation as such was the better route with what she had learned about Menzai.

Taking a moment, she began to transform once more into the burly lad. Once it was done, she picked up the handle once more and went to pull it, before pausing and half-turning back to Menzai. "One more thing Mr. Isanami...you need not worry about me transforming into you. I require a bit more than just a touch to do it anyway, and honestly, there is always a bit of compatibility as well. I can tell when someone or something is compatible, and I suppose fortunately for you you are not. Like I said, it's up to you to believe me or not, but we have a job to do. You can decide how you feel about me once we deliver these flowers I suppose, I'm not going to force you to talk with me or do jobs again...though I was I looking forward to our little chat about magic studies. Not many in the guild seem interested in that topic."

Gripping the handle tightly as a twinge of regret crept into her voice, she began to pull the cart along, leaving Menzai to decide what his next course of action was. Whether or not he wished to accompany her till the end of the mission, go back to guild by himself, or whatever else he wanted to do. As much as it pained her, she couldn't control the actions of others, no matter how masterful or moving her performances may or may not be. Though suppose that was what made it so satisfying when her plans fell into place, now the ball was in Menzai's court.
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