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8 yrs ago
Ah nostalgia...my old friend. Listening to the old pokemon soundtracks is just so relaxing
8 yrs ago
Ah good old Tears to Tiara II. Only took three or four hours to play the first chapter XD Only another billion to go XD Thankfully that was only because most it was story, onto the gameplay! XD
8 yrs ago
I hate my roommate and his cat right now
8 yrs ago
Bloody laptop
8 yrs ago
Bloody hell Date a live might've been a horrendous adaption of the light novels, but f*ck it's got a fantastic soundtrack
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Currently looking for Fairy Fencer F (FFF for short I suppose XD) Roleplay actually

Most Recent Posts

Rivia Silvermane

Oblivious to the rib jabbing Ferr was receiving from Cole, she just nodded her head. So, it was decided then? It seemed like Ferr was happy enough to agree, as was Cole. She was about ready to go to the dance floor with Ferr when her ears shot up, her body tensing up at the loud voice. She seemed to quickly relax though her eyes darted around for a moment. It seemed like the rest of the party goers attention had also turned to where the voice had come from, but considering the feel of the room there didn't seem to be danger? She looked at Ferr, following his gaze to the blonde, winged woman approaching. Even from afar, Rivia could tell this person wasn't like the majority of those here. The way she carried herself as she walked, her stature...there was no doubting it. She was a warrior. She just gave off that feel, that aura. There was also the slight stench of blood emanating from her, confirming this thought of Rivia's. Well, that and the spear she was carrying helped with this deduction of Rivia's.

And she was approaching?

As she began conversing with Cole and Ferr, Rivia's gaze wandered around the room for a moment before snapping to attention when she heard her name being mentioned. Wait, this was the other member of their party that Cole and Ferr had been mentioning was on their way? "Yes, Rivia can introduce herself." Tilting her head, Rivia seemed to study the other girl for a moment before nodding. For what reason she didn't seem to make clear. "Rivia Silvermane. You are friend correct? Rivia hopes to get along with you...same with Ferr and Cole." And she continued nodding as she talked, though her attention moved to Cole now.

What was he talking about? Bounty office person? And what was wrong with a dance? Was Auriel Ferrs mate or something? She wasn't sure on this, it was hard to get a proper read on this situation despite her best efforts at trying to. It didn't seem like that? But humans were weird...not that Auriel was human with those wings. Unless all humans had wings and Rivia didn't know? There was much she didn't know about humans so maybe?

Once more her attention snapped from the confines of her mind by one of the heroes voices, this time the voice belonging to Ferr as he spoke to her, nodding in agreement. Looking at his outstretched hand for a moment she reached out with her own and grabbed his with a surprisingly strong grip for someone of her stature. Or maybe it wasn't surprising considering her upbringing and behaviour up to this point? She didn't seem to know how to hold someones hand properly without crushing it though. "Rivia will be fine. Two left feet can't be any worse than wrestling a cream alligator."

With her no doubt guided to the dance floor, with the observations she had made she stepped closer to Ferr, a hand on his shoulder as the other stayed gripping his hand perhaps a little too tightly. "This is how it goes yes? Rivia isn't too sure."

I'm not too sure where the misunderstanding started, but they haven't really moved from their spot in the corner where Cole first lead them lol Most of Rivias post was her observing the dancers lol
@WhoamiA little late to the party :D

Sorry not sorry Fer XD
Rivia Silvermane

Oblivious to Fers dilemma, it was only Cole grabbing her attention that saved him from an awkward explanation. She wasn't sure who she wanted to dance with first, so she tucked the thought away for now at least as her attention was moved from the sword hero to the dancers around them. Flashy, colourful dresses. Constant swaying and spinning. It was certainly a lot of motion, though she wasn't sure why they were spinning so much. Wouldn't you get dizzy and fall over? She felt dizzy just from trying to track them, so just shook her head as she looked away. The main thing she had gotten was that they were moving to the beat of the slow music filling the air. She didn't have much of a clue what he meant by 'lead' till she looked back, cocking her head to the side as she now noticed the first one to move was indeed the ladies, with the gentlemen following suit and the motion flowing on from there.

Tapping her chin thoughtfully, she supposed a dance always sparked off from one individual and then the rest flowed on from there. But they were so close, it would be hard to do as Cole said to do; avoid stepping on one another, no? Suppose that once again came down to the rhythm, the motion of the dancers. Moving like flowing water across the dancefloor.

The explanation of it being romantic or not was lost on Rivia for the most part though. Whether they even had the same standards and values for such a thing remained to be seen. "Rivia wouldn't mind dancing first. Rivia wants to try." Such nimble movements, coordination, the deft, subtle changes to suit both the partner and the pace of the song. There was no doubt about it. It would make a fine training exercise as well if she can get the hang of it! And this seemed like as good a time to learn it.

Plus there was always food later. Unlike how worn her current attire was, she wasn't exactly struggling to get by on food. She was a good hunter and excellent forager after all. If anything, the current swirling and mixing of scents and aromas was a bit off-putting when it came to the food. Less because most were a mystery, but mostly because it just seemed...strong. There was nothing wrong with a lightly seasoned meal...

"Umm...suppose Rivia will dance with Fer first? Then Fer can go and eat while Rivia and Cole dance. Moving on a full stomach is bad. Causes great pain after all." Nodding her head and crossing her arms over her chest, she seemed quite proud of herself for knowing what was a common fact for them in their worlds; stitches existing. Not that such a world existed among her tribe. Especially if Fer ate as Cole said he did; then he could become immobilised almost entirely!

@vancexentanIn my defense half of those was waiting on the Omni post from ten days ago lol
Which came at an awkward time for me, as I work with seafood and the week of Christmas is very busy. And then Christmas happened obviously, so been busy the last couple weeks but should get to sit down the post sometime in the next few days. If not today.
Rivia Silvermane

"Mm-hmm! Rivia is happy to teach Cole and Ferr! Rivia was bad at first as well...but Rivia kept at it so Ferr can do it too!" Nodding eagerly, it would seem the dance lessons would have to be on hold as Cole was quick to shut it down. It didn't damper her mood one bit, though she was now uncertain. She wasn't sure she knew any of the 'outsiders' dances. At the mention of not swapping partners, the demi-human took a moment to consider the fact that there were dances that didn't involve more than one partner, squeezing her eyes shut from the effort of trying to imagine it. Nope, wasn't working. She couldn't even begin to visualize it, it was far too foreign a concept for the young wolf girl. Perhaps if she looked around instead of looking within, she would have had more success but the thought never crossed her mind.

The comments on being a beast girl and the nobles in general flew over her head. She didn't understand human hierarchy or their discrimination against the demi humans, nor had she been around them long to have really experienced it. So she just nodded as if she understood. Suppose she could at least understand that humans had a vastly different thought process to both dancing and having fun. Well, there was only way for her to properly understand then.

Glancing down with that now familiar tilt of her head as Ferr interlaced their fingers, she stared down at their hands. Why was Ferr doing that with his fingers? Was he trying to break her grip or something? She didn't think she was gripping him that hard, but her father had always told her that she had a habit of not minding her own strength. Giving the man a quizzical look, their eyes locked and in that moment as she went to open her mouth, Cole spoke. Much louder this time.

It wasn't like an angry rising of his voice, it was more a...well Rivia wasn't quite sure how to describe it. Heroic was probably the right term, but the term was unknown to her. So to her it was more like her father addressing the hunters before a hunt. Inspiring? She wondered for a moment if that was the correct way to think of it. But as he spoke, the girl feverishly nodded her head as she absorbed by his every word. "Rivia too! Rivia will crush the waves as well. Will hunt down every monster."

She wasn't entirely sure what a zombie was, but she was certain that a hero of legend would have no troubles dealing with such a weak sounding creature. Indeed, the heroes were more than worthwhile to follow if his words were anything to go off of. If he even got close to the mantle of the strongest in the world, then Rivia would have the chance to grow strong as well! That was all she truly wanted. She needed to become strong to get payback on the waves however she could after-all. But there was one pressing matter to deal with. While they could deal with the waves and becoming stronger soon, this was something she had to defeat now.

"Then can Ferr and Cole teach Rivia? Human dances that is. Rivia wants to fit in and not be a nuisance or hassle. It's what Father always wanted." She looked between the two of them as she spoke. "And if we can't dance together...then could we take turns?"
I'll look to post sometime over the coming days. If not tomorrow then probably either the Sunday or Monday as I'm busy on Saturdays lol
Second what Omni said. Doing a great job out there, so stay safe :)
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