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8 yrs ago
Ah nostalgia...my old friend. Listening to the old pokemon soundtracks is just so relaxing
8 yrs ago
Ah good old Tears to Tiara II. Only took three or four hours to play the first chapter XD Only another billion to go XD Thankfully that was only because most it was story, onto the gameplay! XD
8 yrs ago
I hate my roommate and his cat right now
8 yrs ago
Bloody laptop
8 yrs ago
Bloody hell Date a live might've been a horrendous adaption of the light novels, but f*ck it's got a fantastic soundtrack
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Currently looking for Fairy Fencer F (FFF for short I suppose XD) Roleplay actually

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You mean Auriel right? XD
Stephanie Irwin

Well, she had to give Freya credit here. She didn't think she looked all that strong, but maybe it was the size difference? Guess it helped that Steph didn't weigh much either, but regardless it was impressive that she managed to reign her in with how much thrashing and flailing the girl was up to. And not only that, she managed to throw her aside! Steph might've gotten angrier if she wasn't impressed by the feat....though whatever admiration or anger that was left quickly evaporated as she could do nothing but look blankly at Freya.

This was the same girl right? The same girl she had just been talking to? That Freya? She was so...Kapoc right now it wasn't even funny. But suppose that most certainly cemented the relation, if the confirmation from Freya herself wasn't enough anyway. But this presence, the way she just tore shreds off of him like a pack of hungry hyenas with her brutal verbal assault, you only had to meet the professor to know this familiar reaction. Well, Steph mostly only ever got a blank look from him but he didn't seem very nice to other people otherwise!

But back to reality, all Steph could do was watch much like everyone else as she challenged Tristan to a battle before storming off outside. Following the crowd outside, she found a nice little shady spot under a tree as a keen observer of the battle. If both Freya and Tristan were supposedly 'chosen' trainers by Adriane, then Steph figured they both must have some innate talent for battling. It was best to get a proper view of her potential rivals skills in action now while she could! Though she wasn't even sure if Tristan would have the...oh he did have the guts to actually turn up after that tongue lashing he received. Well, at least he salvaged something of a reputation; he might be a pretentious dickweed, but at least he wasn't a spineless one. That was actually a pretty big tick in Stephs book.

Anyway back to the battle, and any form of respect he had hoped to gain from those watching was quickly washed after in a matter of seconds. The battle had barely even started and already Freya's growlithe had dealt massive damage to his Murkrow; so much so that he was quick to throw in the towel. This left her shocked just as much as King was, like seriously?! Maybe he really was spineless...to give up so easily, jeez. But she wasn't as harsh as some might be in her shoes; no, as an avid watcher of the Galar league she could see the difference in skill between the two. It made her look over to her shoulder at Dusk for a moment, then down to the ball that contained Dennis.

If she was to battle Freya right here, right now for example....she might actually have done what Tristan just did. Freya just had this aura of experience and awe about her. At the very least, even if Steph was too stubborn to surrender it's not like the result would've been any less embarrassing. So despite how much she really, really, really wanted to, she fought back the urge to challenge Freya. She hadn't even had her first battle yet, no way would she even stand a remote chance. But she had to get Freya's contact info at the very least, so they could organise a battle at a later date. If Freya was this strong, then Steph would need to test herself against her eventually.

Luckily, or maybe unluckily?, she seemed to be looking for Steph anyway so sitting up, she waved over to the taller girl as she approached.

"Jayz Freya thaht was fuckin brutul...boy would Oy hyte t' be on yoah bahd soide huyhahha." Running her hand through her hair, she held up her pokedex after fiddling around with some buttons on it. "Sao haow do yah add someones cawntahct aw whuytevah ih' was cohled t' thiies doovuylahcky? Oy wahnted t' add yah buh' Oy dunnao haow."
@Omni5876 she’s not happy XD
Stephanie Irwin

Wait why did Freya also seemed so annoyed? Like not just with this walking shit stain here, but with her it seemed as well. It took a moment, in fact several moments as she looked at Freya, down at her pokedex, back to Freya, back to the pokedex, back to Freya, back to-wait a goddamn minute! "Oh....Oooooh. OOOHHHHH." It suddenly clicked to her, as did her fingers at Freya. "Yaw hiies leettle seestah roigh'? sohry beow' daht, Oy deedn't mayn nawthin. It's just haow we oolwhys addraessed the professah neah wheah Oy leeved was ooll." Suppose she couldn't use that nickname for Kapoc anymore then, she would have to think of a new one if it was going to annoy Freya. Or at least not use it around the taller girl.

Ok now there was a difference between being a stuck up rich kid and whatever fucking shit this bloody deadset mongrel was trying to be. Even Dusk gave him an annoyed look when he wriggled his fingers at him, like the kind of look that said 'don't you rope me into this shit'. As he pushed her pokedex away, she took a deep breath while she put it back into her pocket while he continued prattling on and being a pretentious little shitter.

When he finished, she exhaled quite loudly and there was an eerie calmness about her. All the previous intensity seeming to suddenly die as she stared at him for a moment. Freya would probably be able to work out what was going to happen next, so unless she grabbed Steph in time then the fist she suddenly wound back would probably connect with that smug shiteating face of his. Now Steph was no slouch when it came to hitting things, as Dennis had come to find out she was reasonably strong thanks to her farming background, coupled with the fact that she was almost always roughhousing with her older male cousins, she most certainly knew how to land a strong right hook so he better pray to Arceus the taller girl could stop Steph from landing this.

"Yah knaow, the bah was oolraydy incredeebly laow and yaeh', heah we are, leembao dahncin weeth the devil yah absolutely praetentious bootleeckin payce of shiieh'. Oy'm one of yoah duyahct rivuls? Oy would rahthah be pushin up diseees thahn be the rivul t' a pawmpous reech twaht loike yoahsself. Yah wahnt t' fuckin foigh'? Oy'll bryke every gawddahmn bone in thaht praecious leettle bawdy of yours, sao come on puh' thaem up sao Oy cahn puh' yah wheah yah fuckin belawng; the fuckin duht." If Freya didn't stop the first one or grab her, she would go to give him a second one just for good measure, completely uncaring for the commotion this was causing as she yelled at him. And if she did, she would most certainly attempt to worm her way out.
Sorry for the delay, I couldn't connect to the guild for awhile there. I've been having weird disconnections from the guild lately.
Rivia Silvermane

All seemed to be well with the group as the duo returned, though Rivia seemed a little disappointed for it to end so soon. She thought she was just starting to get the hang of it but suppose she would have a chance to do with Cole now. Or at least that was the plan, but as she went to talk to Cole after he was done speaking Rivia suddenly clamped her hands over her ears. What was this sudden debilitating noise? Rivia let out a mix of a growl and a whimper as herself and everyone around her felt their bodies suddenly become lethargic. What in the goddamn hell was this screech? Now Rivia was no stranger to music, but this melody was something demonic to her as she dropped to the ground, curling up in a ball as she desperately tried to keep the noise out of her ears. She barely even heard the follow up explosion from Rin's ability, it was only when the entire area became a lot more lit did she finally strain her eyes open, pain evident on her face as she blurrily saw someone attacking Cole.

Ferr was quicker to move than her, getting between Cole and Rin by attempting to slam into the bow hero. Finally getting her bearings back, she felt something far more intense than the pain in her ears. Anger. Adrenaline. With another snarl, as Ferr slammed into Rin Rivia would scramble to her feet, drawing her dagger in the same instance before winding back and chucking it at the bard. Even as the sharp projectile made its way to the man with the accursed musical instrument, she began to rapidly close the distance between her and that screeching annoyance. If he was the one causing this pain, then he was her target. She was sure Cole and Ferr could handle whoever the hell it was attacking Cole. She ran across tables, her movements more akin to a wild animal than any form of finesse as she just kept pulling out more daggers and continued her assault on the bard even as she closed the gap.

And if someone got in her way? She wasn't going to be afraid to either cut them down, push or shove them, or just simply wind back and knock them the fuck out. Her eyes never once left the bard as she fixated her entire attention on him, leaving no doubt she was coming for him.
I'll be getting to the post tonight at some point, just been busier than expected at this point of the weekend.
Stephanie Irwin

Dusk seemed quite happy by the attention that Faye was giving it, seeming quite fond of the chin do litwick even have chins? scratch in particular.

....huh? Was he ignoring her and just talking to Freya? Nah must've just been her imagination, surely this little prick wasn't that rude right? Obviously, he was just intimidated by Steph. She had noticed a lot of people had been taken aback by her, maybe she had been a little too over the top? She had been told by her aunt that she could be a little...overzealous. Suppose someone as scrawny as him couldn't help but be intimidated by it, so maybe she should try dialling it down a bit? Though she couldn't stop the exasperated sigh that escaped her as she gave him a look like he was one book short of a library. God, he was a real wally wasn't he?

Though once he was done boot licking with Freya and finally turned some form of attention back to Steph she just looked at him blankly. Why was he asking Freya for her name? Like sure they didn't talk at the lab, but wouldn't he have her name in his contacts thank to the quack and Adriane? And at any rate, shouldn't he be asking for Steph for it, not Freya? Why was he speaking like he hadn't met her before?

"Oy cahn introduce myself just foine yah yahbberin cruymohahnt, jayz." An eye-roll followed as she pulled out her pokedex and shook it around as if to jog Tristans memory. "The nyme is Staeph. yah knaow, one of the ones alawng weeth yoahsself thaht quack gyve thaese two loiterohly loike an aewah agao?" Oh yeah, speaking of the nutjob professor, it seemed like Freya was acquainted with him as well? Eh she could ask the relation later. For now, she was more focusing on trying to get this massive stick out of Tristans ass. How pompous could one person be? Honestly.
Stephanie Irwin

Luckily for Freya while she took her time deciphering the mess that was her accent, the nurse joy had come over to return her partners. A brief thank you that only earned another blank look from the nurse as she walked over, having no clue what Steph had said, she turned back to Freya as the girl spoke. A fellow trainer? Stephs eyes seemed to light up, putting Dusk back on her shoulder.

"Lovely t' mayt yah oolsao Fraya! Just stahted tuh-die myself, gawt invoited boy thaht quack and Adriane huhself." The girl stated as she went to stroke the side of Dusks face. "And thiies heah is Dusk, moy pahtnah. sie hoi Dusk." But all she got in response was what seemed to be a huff as the litwick gave her the cold shoulder. Not that she seemed perturbed, just shrugging it off. Dusk couldn't stay mad forever right?

"Anywhao, me and dusk just stahted tuh-die. Caught oursaelves a friend as waell." As she said this, she spin the ball that Dennis was inside on the tip of her finger for a second before looking down at the ball. Maybe she should check out the cheeky little shitter in here later. As she was looking past the ball though, a certain visage caught her eye. The guy she saw over at the desk seemed familiar, some boujee pompous looking little shit-oh wait she remembered him now. This was the cheeky cunt who got kicked out by that Hydreigon!

"Waell lookoy thaht, imuygoine sayin thaht chayky drawngao heah eh dusk?" Now she didn't expect a response from the litwick on her shoulder, but she addressed him anyway as she stood up. "Oy'mma gao sie t' a friend if yah wahnna join, he's oolsao a new triner ya know." And with that said, she expected Freya to follow otherwise she would make her way over to where she saw Tristan go to sit down and was currently reading something on his pokedex...phone...thing. Honestly what it was exactly didn't matter.

"Look whaht the meowth drahgged in eh? Fahncy sayin yah sao soon aguyn huh mite? Haows loife traytin yah ya chayky mighnkey?"
I’ll probably get something done on the weekend. Been a bit busy with other things and it’ll give people a chance to do whatever they want to first.
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