Avatar of Lunarlord34


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8 yrs ago
Ah nostalgia...my old friend. Listening to the old pokemon soundtracks is just so relaxing
8 yrs ago
Ah good old Tears to Tiara II. Only took three or four hours to play the first chapter XD Only another billion to go XD Thankfully that was only because most it was story, onto the gameplay! XD
8 yrs ago
I hate my roommate and his cat right now
8 yrs ago
Bloody laptop
8 yrs ago
Bloody hell Date a live might've been a horrendous adaption of the light novels, but f*ck it's got a fantastic soundtrack
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Currently looking for Fairy Fencer F (FFF for short I suppose XD) Roleplay actually

Most Recent Posts

Stephanie Irwin

God she was bored. How long was this gonna take? Did it normally take this long? She thought it was like, just a bit of music and a few seconds in a machine and bam done. Suppose that sounded too much like the convenience of a game huh? Maybe there was someone she could-

Drawn out of her thoughts upong hearing someone talk to her, she turned to face the voice and found herself having to look up. Like a fair bit up to see their face. Now Steph wasn't short, but damn this girl was tall. And pretty as well. Maybe she was some kind of supermodel? She was going to assume she was some sort of model, but man would she make a decent basketball player if she added a bit more muscle. And man she seemed pretty kind offering to help a stranger out, all in all she would probably make a great missus to a bloke one day.

"Oh thighnks mite, fohgawt abeow' thaht!" Gladly accepting the help, she just held out her arms to give the girl an easier time. Steph had had enough scrapes and knocks from rough-housing with her cousins, so she was used to the stinging sensation that accompanied any form of disinfectant cream or ointment. She had even experienced a spray before, which honestly was the worst of the trio. She didn't even really know, it just felt the worst. So she was no stranger to the stinging sensation that followed the application of the ointment the girl had pulled out, not that it didn't stop a slight grimace from Steph even though she toughed it out for the most part.

After the ointment and bandages were applied, Steph brought her arms back and admired the design of the bandages for a moment. They were pretty cutesy, honestly matching the girl that had approached her so far from what little she had learned of her. Oh yeah, speaking of which she didn't catch her name yet.

"Thighnks aguyn mite, Oy'm Steph whaht's yoah nuyme?" Was she also a fellow trainer? It was hard to tell seeing as nothing immediately stood out, but considering she was at a pokecenter there was every chance she was.
Stephanie Irwin

Walking over and flicking the Pokeball up into the air with her foot, she snatched it out of the air and stared intently at the red and white orb before glancing down into her other hand where her pokedex was making a racket. Oh right right, money for a catch, the recording of said pokemon and all that jazz. Even though she had only been told just minutes ago she had already almost forgotten it all. Though suppose that's what happens when you zone out whatever you're being told. At any rate, as she glanced at Dusk, who seemed rather unhappy for some reason, on her shoulder and down at the pokedex in her hand she seemed to mull over something before sighing.

"C'mawn nao nayd t' sulk, ih' ooll ended up waell in the end roigh'? And we gawt oursaelves a new mate as well! Cawnsoiderin haow much of a maenyce thiies sheettah was, Oy'm theenkin Dennis buh' whahtcha theenk Dusk?" The Litwick continued to give her the cold shoulder, causing the girl to sigh again. Suppose she should've at least given the little bud a warning first huh. In her excitement she had might've gotten a little...overzealous. She would have to make it up to her partner later, but for now, she should head on down to the Pokecenter and get these two back in tip-top shape before going anywhere else. So she did just that, unless something of particular note cropped up along the way. She would try to explain to the nurse joy on hand what had happened when she handed over her pokemon, but upon receiving what was no doubt a blank look she just shrugged and went to sit down while she waited. Maybe start up a conversation if anyone seemed interesting enough.

Of note as well was that she had forgotten to deal with her scraped arms though, nor did she seem bothered by it. Though something did seem to be stinging....

Placing his sword atop a spare seat to save it for Josh, Cody settled in beside Amaya to watch the spectacle about to unfold before their eyes. The fight was truly a clash of powerful magics and exquisite swordplay. Even Penny was using a sword now! Though he himself was less of the violent type, he could appreciate the skills and power on show by their S-Ranks. Though his attention was now grabbed by his mentor's elbow lightly pressing against his side. Though even that was enough to bring a slight grimace from the young man. He really had been training too long this morning hadn't he....

"A scythe user?" He asked, confused for a moment as he looked towards Amaya before snapping his fingers. He felt like a lightbulb had just been switched on in his head. "Oh right! Her....well umm the best way to counter them would be to get within in close and personal no? Then they can't swing their weapon without leaving themselves open. It's a weapon that gives you extra reach but is difficult to swing and use up close with an opponent."

@Sanguine Rose
Phoenix Wing Guild Hall

When Mark returned, she was already beginning the washing up of her dish along with the ones he had been cooking with. Hearing his voice startled the girl for a moment, causing her to nearly drop one of the pans and juggle it for a moment before sighing in relief as she managed to stop it from crashing onto the floor. He had caught her while deep in her thoughts, so any sudden voice was bound to startle her. It was a common occurrence for the water dragon slayer to be daydreaming or otherwise preoccupied with the inner workings of her own mind. Sometimes people even caught her talking to herself, not that this was one of those times.

"O-oh r-really?" Trinity had already left for the event? Seemed odd she would leave without Neil and Mark, the trio seemed almost inseparable at times, but maybe something had come up? She wasn't privy to the details so suppose there was no point in thinking too much about it. While she didn't care much for the prospect of a fight, let alone watching one, she was however excited to see the magic involved in said fight. Penny with her Phoenix Slayer magic, Rose with her shadow magic, Damian with his sword magic....even Nolan and his God Slayer magic, as much as he terrified her she adored the prospect of seeing such exotic and powerful magics on display. When was the last time she had ever seen some of them in use after all?

"Yeah I plan on going! I can't wait to see Penny in action after all this time! Her magic is so warm, comforting and pretty to watch! It's been two years so I'm sure it's become even more elegant and beautiful than before, oh-oh maybe she's even developed a few new spells to show off! Admittedly I've not seen Rose in action, but from what I've heard her magic is some form of darkness magic? I can't wait to see her take on such a often misunderstood magic! Oh and can't forget the cool-headed Damian and his sword magic. I saw a bit of him during the Grand Magic Games but I can't wait-" Starry-eyed, she excitedly grabbed Marks hands as she began to ramble on and on, speaking a mile a minute before she seemed to realise what she was doing.

"O-oh sorry Mark...I um...got a little excited...." Burning bright red, she looked down at the ground. Could someone strike her down please? Pretty please? She just wanted to curl up in a corner somewhere and die. Whenever she thought about magic in action she always found herself becoming so childish over the prospect. She needed to change the subject...uh what had he just asked again? Oh right, helping him serve! "I-I would love to help you....b-but I may get a little distracted with the show....so um if that's ok..."

Damn, she had beaten by Hunter after-all. She had been hoping since she always travelled light she could beat him here, but suppose he wasn't just S-rank in strength but preparation as well. Catching the parcel tossed her way, she glanced it over as he talked.

"Eh I'm sure we'll wrap it no problems, but doesn't hurt to be prepared." Tossing the parcel from hand to hand for a moment, she slid her backpack off her shoulder and shoved the rations inside before turning back to Hunter. "So I know it's a mysterious beast and all, but any idea on what to expect boss? Don't think I've ever been to this desert so like, any particular monsters we gotta keep an eye out for or anything else I need to know?"
Stephanie Irwin


She hit that smug flying feathered rattata right out of the air with one clean strike with Dusk. Seems like the games her and her cousins set up to deal with boredom at times paid off for this moment. That poor Pidove just didn't stand as it fluttered slowly back down to the ground, she suddenly realised one thing. How was Dusk getting back down?


Blankly she looked up for a moment before bolting towards where the Litwick had begun to fall, diving outstretched at full length to catch the poor candle pokemon before it hit the ground. Sure it was a ghost type, but considering she could touch it that meant it had a physical form! And rather than have it become a splatter on the ground only five minutes after she had received it, she figured she could instead catch Dusk. Did she think about the consequences of diving on concrete? No, of course not. She did at least have the presence of mind to bring her arms back in after catching Dusk and roll before hitting the pavement. Was it a pleasant experience? Not at all.

First of all the jarring impact of hitting something that solid wasn't fun. Secondly, the burning sensation it left after sliding along it for a couple of meters was even less fun. Thirdly, the blood that dripped from her scraped elbow? Well that part was actually the least painful and concerning. It wasn't anything major but she would have to patch it up later. Once she dealt with that feathered shithead.

"Sohry beow' daht bud, buh' bloody oath yah diied a gem of a jawb. Oy'll tyke ih' frawm heah." Walking over to where she heard the exceptionally loud and excessive cooing, she took a moment to put Dusk, who's eyes seemed to be swirling around in its head, back atop her shoulder and lightly pet its side before tossing a Pokeball at the Pidove.

And yes, it was with the same intent and power as she had thrown Dusk just moments earlier.
Stephanie Irwin

As Steph stepped outside, she felt a shiver down her spine as a shadow flew overhead. Danger! Her senses were screaming at her, every instinct and fibre of her being telling her to move out of the way of an incoming threat. Commando rolling to the side, just moments a fresh heaping pile of Pidove shit hit the pavement where she had been just mere seconds ago. Looking up, it wasn't difficult to find the culprit. She could almost see the smug, shit-eating grin on this Pidoves face fade away as she ruined its shitting on streak.

"Oi yah fuckin drawngao, geh' daown heah and foigh'!" Shouting up at the heavens like an old man telling kids to get off his lawn, she shook her fist before a light bulb seemed to go off in her head. Of course, she had a Pokemon now! "C'mawn mite, laeh''s taych thiies sheettah a laessawn!"

Grabbing Dusk off her shoulder, she wound back her arm before launching the Litwick up into the air at the flying pidove without any warning. One could almost hear it screaming as it hurtled towards the pidove at break-neck pace.
No thank you
Rivia Silvermane

[color=003471][/color][color=003471][/color]"This is how it goes yes? Rivia isn't too sure." Gripping his shoulder and hand with her own with a surprisingly, or perhaps unsurprisingly, amount of grip strength the wolf demi-girl looked up at him almost expectantly. She was looking to him to lead the way, at least at first, seeing as she wasn’t familiar with this form of dancing.

The fact that the wolf girl looked…well like a wolf, helped some but now that he was so close, Fer could not help but notice that she was indeed…well a girl. Her strong hands rested on his shoulder and he gingerly placed his own on her waist, the other holding her other hand. He noticed how there seemed to be a small fuzz covering the top of her hands and the sharp nails as her hand (paw?) curled over his own.

He was thankful for the Catholic sisters that ran his rural school back on Earth that taught him how to dance for the Quinceaneras. Otherwise, his threat of having two left feet would have become very real. As it was, he was having trouble concentrating. He was an inch or two taller than Rivia so he looked down at her, the twitching furry ears of hers making him look and stare. The fluffy tail would swish and wag over his hand. “Yeah, I think so. You learn quickly.” The hand around her waist tightened when she started to lag behind just a smidge. Realizing that made him gulp nervously.

Rivia was too inexperienced in such dances to know if Fer was any good at them or not anyway, but she could sense the tension within him. Though she knew not what was putting the man on edge, one could tell by the way he gripped, the way he breathed, the slight stiffness to how he moved. Was Rivia the cause of putting him on edge? She wasn’t sure. It wasn’t the first time, nor would it ever be the last time if it was indeed the case.

Of course, she was thinking this for entirely different reasons than the one Fer was currently subjected to. Blissfully ignorant, she swayed somewhat out of time with him, her brows furrowing in annoyance. She was out of sync with him and out of tempo with the music. She at least understood this much, but she was also confused why this dance was so…slow? It was putting her off as she tried to go slow, but she could feel by Fers grip she was going a little too slow…wait could this dance be purposefully slow to allow one to train their timing? After all, not everything needed to be at a faster pace.

“Rivia always has been quick to learn.” Nodding to herself as she seemed to work out how to do this ‘training’ in her mind. She stepped in a little closer now, her eyes training onto his moving limbs as she continued to try to match him. “If you don’t learn quick, then you’ll die fast. That’s what Father always said.”

Her speech actually made Fer relax. The young Shield Hero did not know how old Rivia was exactly but when she spoke she sounded so innocent that he could not help but think of her as a little sister. This helped him relax and it actually helped with their tempo as he began to also become more fluid as they swayed and twirled. He chuckled at her example of death to those who did not adapt. The same was true in social situations. These sort of dances were how high class nobles also did battle.

“Well, I can say that you will learn the party dynamics pretty quick. You will certainly be of much use…unlike me.” He chided but there was a hint of truth. He felt that he did not apport much to the party. His quick gloom had caused him to misjudge the distance between them and another couple. In order to avoid a collision, he pulled Rivia hard against him using his strength to stop their momentum. He was not a hulking man but the enhanced strength given to him by the Shield would definitely be felt by the wolf girl as she was forcefully pulled. “Sorry about that Rivia. I was not paying attention.”

Fer used this as a signal that perhaps it would be best if the two of them took a break. “I think you have suffered my company enough. I am sure Cole will perhaps be a better partner.” In truth, he was more embarrassed about his private thoughts regarding his role in the party than the dancing. Still, he hoped that he and the demi human had bonded enough. “If you still feel adventurous, I may dance one or two more songs after you give Cole a try.” He smiled kindly at her. Yes, thinking of her as a little sister did help.

The movements she had no problem following, as she seemed to be light on her feet as they moved in their circular motion around the dance floor. It was really just a matter of the timing, which she was slowly getting a handle on as Fer seemed to relax more. At his comments, her ear twitched for a moment. She went to say something but at that moment, she was dragged in close to him.

It was so sudden she hadn’t even realised it had happened till her face was being smothered into his chest. Her attention had sorely been on the rhythm of their dance, long had she forgotten about the other dancers. So she hadn’t even realised they were about to collide and instead thought that this was part of the dance. Was she meant to pull on him back? Just as that thought entered her mind, he suggested they stop.

Her ears seemed to drop at such a suggestion but nonetheless, she nodded as she looked back up at him. Nodding as if agreeing with the words that followed, she began to speak. “It’s fine. Fer is good at dancing, Rivia can tell.” She wasn’t really one for flattery, so she meant it. At least she could convey that properly even without words. As they made their way back to the others, she felt the need to pipe up about one thing, however, having been cut off before.

“Fer is useful. Fer is strong, Rivia knows. Rivia can tell. Keep at it.”

The young hero did notice the drooping of her ears at having to stop. In her eyes, he could see that this was a challenge she meant to conquer. The wolf girl did indeed have much drive. Fer was certain that translated very easily into courage in the battle field. All of Rivia’s comments regarding battle and skill meant that she was a good warrior. So he did indeed feel bad about making her stop. “Thank you Rivia. It is kind of you to not berate my dancing skills. I would be glad to share another dance once you are done with Cole.”

He hoped that this invitation would make up for his abrupt stop of their current session. As they walked back, he could not help but notice again how regal both Cole and Auriel looked. They almost complemented each other. He would not say that Rivia and he were more alike. The wolf girl had an air of leadership. After all, she did say her father was the tribe’s leader. Humble she may be but she was as noble as any here. Only he did not truly fit in.

The hero was brought out of his musings by her encouragement. He chuckled and smiled at thankful for her praise. “Again, thank you Rivia. That is high praise coming from a warrior such as yourself. Dont worry, I will not cry myself to sleep over my shortcomings. I actually hope that I can learn some things from you.” Again he gave her a smile one would give a younger sibling.

The pair approached their other friends. “Well Cole, I guess it is your turn to share the floor with Rivia. I hope her feet are still in good use after suffering my two left ones.” He chided looking sideways at her and winking. Turning to Auriel he bowed and extended his hand. “Do you dare to rise up to such a challenge Auriel? We can see if your battle training has prepared you for this.” The mood was light. Few would think that the four of them would soon face the dreaded waves.
Stephanie Irwin

It had been a long journey from Galar to here, but it had been worth every minute of the wait. Normally loud and boisterous, she was instead quiet as she kept to herself for the most part. Not out of shyness or anxiety or anything of the sort, more because she was sizing them up. The rich kid seemed just that; some wimpy pampered brat who seemed up himself. The other bloke seemed like a ripper at least, at least in comparison to that other drongo, even if he seemed like a bit of a stick in the mud. The last one, who arrived a little late, was a younger looking bird who wasn't much shorter than herself who seemed like the larrikan sort. So two beauts and one mongrel? Not a bad little start to hang out with I suppose.

Following after Evelyn once she arrived, she rested her hands behind her head and whistled a tune to herself as she walked into Kapocs lab. Jeez what a groochy old mate. And he was even rude to the champion when she finally showed up? Wow. She didn't know what his problem was nor did she care. The same could honestly be said about whatever earbashing he was doing right now so she drowned him out, flat out ignoring him as she walked over and picked up her pokeball. Twirling it on her finger for a moment, she barely even glanced over her shoulder as she heard the flailing and screaming Tristan being picked up and 'escorted' out of the building by a hydreigon. What a complete dorb.

"Yayz does he nayd t' tuffen up aw whaht eh?" The girl commented, letting the ball slide into her hand as she made her way towards the exit. As much as Kapoc didn't want them here, she didn't want to be near this grumblebum any longer than she needed to. As she did, she popped Dusk out of the ball, picked up the flaming candle and placed it on her shoulder. "Oy'mma cohl yah dusk, thaht's foine boy yah roigh'?"

"Litwick!" Came the excited cry on her shoulder.

"Roigh' on, good t' heah cawbbah. haow abeow' we gao cahtch oursaelves some pahtnahs thaen eh?"

With a nod of her head to the candle, she went back the way they came, not even noticing whatever pics Faye would snap of her on the way out, and into the city proper.

Yeah that was a hold up on my end sorry, me and omni will do the dance collab over discord now
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