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8 yrs ago
Ah nostalgia...my old friend. Listening to the old pokemon soundtracks is just so relaxing
8 yrs ago
Ah good old Tears to Tiara II. Only took three or four hours to play the first chapter XD Only another billion to go XD Thankfully that was only because most it was story, onto the gameplay! XD
8 yrs ago
I hate my roommate and his cat right now
8 yrs ago
Bloody laptop
8 yrs ago
Bloody hell Date a live might've been a horrendous adaption of the light novels, but f*ck it's got a fantastic soundtrack
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Currently looking for Fairy Fencer F (FFF for short I suppose XD) Roleplay actually

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Stephanie Irwin

Now, Steph had seen enough battles in the Galarian league growing up to see the basic strategy the man was using. But there was a problem. Knowing how one and seeing how it worked is one thing, experiencing it is another thing. She also had no clue how to utilise it with a Litwick. Could a litwick even be mobile? Well, maybe not as much as Sneasal but maybe?

"Don't let it confuse you Dusk, blast the Ice Shard out of the air then slam into it and use Smog!" It may come as no surprise, but Steph seemed to have a more aggressive approach to battling. Hopefully Dusk could learn the timing and whatnot of the Sneasals movements to actually make that second part easier, but maybe he could get it through the small explosion of the two moves colliding.
My internet seems to hate guild for no reason lmao
I had to write that up in a google doc, then copy and paste it with my phone to post lol
Rivia Silvermane

Brushing off the Princess's concerns, seeming to have no clue who she was and she was far too occupied with going after Ferr, it didn't take long for the wolf demi human to catch up to him in the halls of the castle. Not that the bleeding from her cut had stopped, but it didn't seem to be a concern for Rivia. Was she even aware of it? Well, that remained to be seen.

When Ferr turned around, he would find Rivia looking at him with that same tilted head and possibly even more confused face that she had shown during their earlier conversation. Seeing as he was continuing walking, Rivia moved to walk beside him and listened as their steps seemed to echo throughout the empty hallway. In a way, this was partly distracting for Rivia. She didn't like how she could hear their own footsteps, but listening to Ferr was a main priority right now.

"But why are the heroes fighting?" She nodded her head as he spoke, seeming to follow along for the most part though she still seemed confused by the bow hero's antics it seemed. "Rivia understands training and growing stronger. But Rivia also knows a King is the alpha, the chief. So if the King says to do something, don't the heroes have to listen?" She seemed almost in pain as she tried thinking over this in her head. Yeah, nope she couldn't understand this bow 'hero' at all. She really didn't like her, or that fellow with made her ears hurt with that music and magic.

Though at the mention of sparring, her mood immediately lifted. If the way she perked up her head wasn't enough of a clue, then the way her tail began wagging like a dog about to go on a walk did. He had barely even finished answering the question and she was already immediately nodding her head frantically in agreement.

"Mhmm! Rivia would love to spar!" She didn't even seem to mind if the bow hero or her lackeys decided to join. Not that the thought came to her mind, but if they did then that was even better. More foes, the better. And she could pay back that annoying bard as well, it would all be wins in her book. So she happily followed him to wherever he wanted to lead her. That might be a slight concern seeing how easily it was to lead her along, but maybe it was just the faith and trust she placed in a hero.
Stephanie Irwin

As the man spoke, Steph looked like she was about to blow a gasket. He was just lazily tossing the very expensive equipment that was the pokedex up and down like it was a tennis ball. Work something out? With a scumbag like him? Yeah right, the only thing they had to work out was how broken his nose was going to be if he didn't return her-

Holy fucking shit.

Watching as the sneasal was ordered to attack her, she barely had a moment to react let alone think of what to do before the shard of ice was hurled at her. Though before it could land, or Steph could think of what to do as naturally as one might do in this situation she panicked a little, a flickering light on her shoulder would catch the mans attention. Then an small explosion as a small light crashed into the advancing ice, causing small, harmless pieces of ice to cascade around the alleyway.

Dusk had jumped off of Stephs shoulder and launched an ember to intercept the ice shard if one needed a brief explanation as to what had happened, and was now between Steph and the treacherous duo. "Lit, Litwick!" If a Litwick had hands, it seemed like it was ready to throw them as it looked back at Steph, seemingly ready to receive some orders.

"Oh roigh'....laeh''s taych thiies crook a laessawn indayd pahtnah!" Seeing Dusk eager and ready to go snapped Steph out of the shock of being attacked. Right, she had Dusk now. And Dennis to a lesser extent, but that was a bridge to burn for another time. She was ready to counter attack. "Just kayp usin embah on thaht snaysahl! It's yoah baest sheow'!"
Yeah Rivia didn't go anywhere near Cole/Auriel and the new npcs. She was kinda just standing where the fighter dude had intercepted her on the way to the bard for the entirety of the talking with Rin then followed Ferr.
Stephanie Irwin

Considering the difference in their strides, it probably wouldn't be difficult for Freya to keep up even with Stephs minor headstart. Though Steph was pretty pissed off right now, her vision tunnelling on chasing this pokemon down that had dared to take her pokedex. She doubted going back to say 'hey someone stole it' was going to go down well; let alone day one! So she had to get this back.

There was no doubt this man would hear Steph coming before he saw her. The fury in her eyes almost as bright as her hair. As she came storming down the alleyway, one thought might come to mind. Damn this girl could run fast. The next would be; oh fuck she's really mad. It wouldn't take much of a genius to put two and two together. Now Steph didn't actually get a good look at the pokemon that had stolen from her bag, but she recognised the reddish feather for sure as she came to a stop just short of the man, glaring and pointing down at the Sneasel.

"Yah own thaht leettle fuckah?" Was the first thing she asked. She just assumed that since this Sneasel came running to the man he was its trainer. "If sao, yah hahve exahctly foive saecawnds t' retuhn moy pokaedex befoah Oy crahck bawth yah and thaht leettle crooks hayds tohgethah." And if he didn't own it? Well, she would probably still do it. Or battle the man, she didn't care at this point. She was mad, frustrated and wanted to take it out on this crook.

The only problem left though was one of great issue. Did this man even understand a word she said?
Meanwhile Rivia isn't part of either party, just the broader combined party lol
Rivia Silvermane

Well, it seemed like the bard quite rightly didn't seem too keen on letting Rivia reach him. Not with that murderous intent around her at the very least. Quite understandable really, what else would you do when you saw a wolf person coming to rip your throat out? However, as he launched the projectiles at Rivia, intercepting her own rather than be dissuaded by the barriage coming her way, instead as a chair came at her while atop a table, she shifted her weight to turn and jump towards and atop of it. You see, she had this great plan of launching herself off of it and over to the bard with a feat of superhuman strength and ability. However, she failed to take into account the bard could probably just drop the chair as she tried it. You know, just in case she could actually do it. So why wouldn't he?

Crashing to the ground with the chair, she grabbed it to deflect the other projectiles, growling in annoyance. Throwing the chair at the projectiles as the partygoers scattered from around her, she rolled behind a table to assess her next move before she heard and saw a hulking figure over her. One of stronger looking guys who had been with the bard and Rin had come over to intercept her it seemed. You see, she much preferred this to fighting some flying chair or bowl. Speaking of which, she had to roll out of the way before a bowl of hot soup crashed down where she was.

Eyes darting around, she got into a low stance, ready to fight the man and get to the bard to stop his annoying tricks when another loud voice filled the room. It was a voice familiar to Rivia, causing her ears to twitch for a moment before she stole a glance back. It was Auriel. Wait, wait, wait. That person attacking was a fellow hero?! Rivia was that shocked that she forgot about the projectiles until she realised a bunch of cutlery was coming at her, barely rising her dagger in time to deflect some forks and knives from hitting her. Though it did cut her cheek slightly. It was only once she heard the king telling everyone to stop that the projectiles did, though Rivia's eyes continued to dart from the bard, to the fighter and a glance behind her at Vincent.

Rivia was so confused. Why was Cole and Ferr in trouble? This mad woman was the one who attacked them! Rather reluctantly, Rivia lowered her weapons which no doubt caused a nice sigh of relief from the fighter in front of her. He didn't seem keen on fighting her, so suppose he lucked out here.

Now Rivia couldn't follow this conversation at all. It seemed like everyone was getting mad with everyone? Cole seemed upset, the King seemed upset, Auriel seemed upset. What on earth was this complex situation? For someone as 'simple' as Rivia, she mightn't ever understand politics and human dynamics. At least she was certainly hopeless with it right now anyway. All she knew was that Ferr was walking off. Unsure, she followed after Ferr as it seemed that Auriel and Cole were caught up with the king. Besides, maybe Ferr could explain what was going on to her?

"Ferr...what happened? Rivia is confused. Why is everyone angry with everyone? Why aren't we fighting anymore?" Catching up to Ferr, she grabbed at his sleeve the moment she could to try and get him to stop.
Stephanie Irwin

And that fear was probably very justified considering her seemingly short fuse and quick to violence approach to things. Which was on show once more as they were sitting around waiting for the bus, Steph having finished commenting on the battle felt a weird...disturbance about her. Turning back to where she had left her bag at the bus stop seat, she noticed a flash of redish movement as a small figure ran away. Was that a pokemon? Wait, it had just been rummaging through her bag hadn't it?

"Shiieh'." Running over, she quickly went through the contents. It seemed to all be there, but what caused her to utter such an annoyed curse was what wasn't there. Her pokedex was gone. Turning to Freya, she huffed out angrily. "Thaht leettle buggah waent and up took moy pokaedex." Standing up, she began to look around, seeing the similar figure dashing out down an alley.

Now Freya could probably see this coming behind it happened, but Steph snatched up her bag and began to chase after the unknown pokemon almost immediately without much else said. Well, there were a few more things mentioned, but considering the tone Steph was using maybe it was best that Freya didn't try to understand it.

She wasn't about to let this little shit steal her pokedex and get off scotch free.
Stephanie Irwin

With Freya giving her the rundown on technology that most people their age already knew, it suddenly seemed so...easy to Steph. It was really just typing in some numbers and a name? Guess her problem was actually getting to that stage....oh well guess some things really were just that simple. After exchanging numbers, Steph put her pokedex back into her pocket and stood up, making sure to keep Dusk steady on her shoulder who just seemed to be looking at Freya expectantly.

"Waell, Oy'm gaowin t' hayd on daown t' the dawcks if yah wahnted t' tahg alawng?" Steph offered, though she was sure Freya had her own things to do. She seemed like a busy gal, what with helping out strangers and all. Though from what Freya had just experienced, leaving Steph to her own devices could be hilariously bad. At any rate, if Freya decided not to tag along Steph would just big her adeiou and be on her way, and if she decided to tag along she might talk about the 'battle' along the way. Help make the mundane trip down to the docks a bit more exciting you know?

This was all assuming there was nothing that caught Stephs eyes on the way there.
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