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~Gay, polyamorous, I have a partner, and been playing games since I was 2 years old!~

"Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead." -Oscar Wilde

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@BurningCold@shylarah Okay! Wow, that was a pretty cool backstory with some of the commanders attacking the Lord Steward. I've yet to write much lore on him, but you'll get to know him soon alongside others. Anyways, feel free to move the CS to the characters tab - if you edit them in the future, just tag me real quick so I can have a look-see~ (^_^)
@shylarah Yeah, you're right. Sorry... been writing a lot and a lot of names get thrown around and I'm not the best with names. I know, it's really silly on me and I apologize. ^^

@BurningCold Ooohhhh, hadn't read the updated one yet - I'll do so now~
@shylarah@BurningCold Just curious... who's Varn? Also, I guess Geraint is the steward's name, huh? At the time he was just the brother of the king, but - yeah, the plot could've involved him being attacked too. I hadn't even gotten to the reason why the late king died. '^^
@Daxam Well, Stormhaven would deal with pirates pretty regularly, Greypeak Watch has a lot of really tough animals and magical beasts that attack trade caravans that go north, and Willowford Crossing probably deals with their share of bandits.

“In the darkest hour, when common swords falter and wizards run short of words, the knight commanders stand firm. Their runes burn with Solarin’s grace, and their hearts beat with a courage that even the gods envy.”
— Inspired commoner


Leia played by shylarah
Kalowick played by BurningCold
Vincent played by Daxam
Ame played by LucidRain
Caiman played by Bartimaeus
Astlo played by Archazen


Played by Lyla

@shylarah Great - I like the rune. If you think she's done, wait for me to make a post in characters and then you can add her. (^_^)

@BurningCold No, I got confused - don't worry about it, lol, your CS is fine. Eager to see it complete.
@BurningCold - I adore Kalowick. You did an amazing job of mixing the Old Ways and having an oath to the crown! I really don't have anything to say... other than, could you expand on the Everbranch Border Post? No need to edit the CS, just so I can add it as one of the key locations for the setting~ (^_^)

@shylarah - She seems lovely~ You've got a great start. The only critique I have is, can you explain more about her rune's spells? You listed force, but what does that entail?
@shylarah Ok... ages 12-20? I think that's pretty reasonable. It's not what I'd personally call an important detail, but some details matter~ (^_^)
@BurningCold Added one thing to the CS - that being rank / profession. As for your idea - there can definitely be a coven of druids that are exactly as your describe. The main point to Old Magic is faith.
@shylarah Academy for knights? Not so much - you request to be a squire at a young age and when the knight you're a squire of deems you ready, you take exams to become a knight (mix of martial and tactics probably). There are royal knights, those who stand guard at the castle instead of protecting the lands. I need to add towns, now that I think of it...

Anyways, that role (royal knight) is applied for after becoming a knight. To become a knight commander, it would be more ... like being elected by the current knight commanders and the king/queen (or steward of the throne), but the king/queen vote only counts as one - so some knight commanders do get in, even if they voted for no. A tradition that's been instated for generations.

General ages are what you might expect - 12-20 are generally the ages of squires, 18-26 are knights, and probably... 24+ for knight commanders. I know it's not the most realistic thing to essentially have generals be so young, but it's fantasy roleplay. =3

Hope that helps!
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