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Like I've said before ^.^ don't worry. It's been miserably hot here, so I didn't feel like writing anything at all.

Oh thank goodness! Yes my mom is a total pack rat, so I'm glad that you're like me in a way.

As for paint, oh man, I remember when I was little, and when my parents first got a computer. My brother and I used to argue over who would get to "draw" using paint.

I have noticed actually! :) I think it suits your RPs just fine that way, it takes a huge burden off of you that way.
Leif will nominate Solveig and Roze, women and children first eh? Plus Roze is injured, and Leif wants to put himself into a positive light with Solveig.

Sevine will nominate Rhasha'Dar, and Do'Karth, because Rhasha can't swim, and Do'Karth doesn't like water.

These are final for me. I will have a post up tomorrow.
Sweltering rays of sun made every footfall Grace took, an agonizing step. Her boots were filled with sand, and a river of sweat ran down her face, dripping off the tip of her nose, or stinging her in the eyes. The hat she donned kept the glare of the sun out of her eyes, but did little to provide any cooled shade. Her white blouse, while typically loose, clung to her back as it were slick with sweat. Even the seat of her pants were damp from the overbearing heat. Leading the group, with the map rolled tight in one clenched hand, the mentality that kept her going, was the sole idea of reaching the Palm. Emmett had settled down, more or less, once they tied him to Othen, and for once, her ears obtained a rest, as she wandered in front, no more whining pipsqueak. Hopefully the heat had exhausted him to some degree. They had traveled for some time, and when Grace thought about stopping the group for a short rest and water break, she noticed the sand beneath her feet moving. At first, she thought she must be suffering from a bout of dehydration, or an onset of a heat stroke, for the ground underfoot, felt as if it had...rumbled. Her gait slowed considerably, and then it happened again. Another rumble. The beating heart within her chest cavity started pounding vivaciously, the blood flow to her hands and feet ventured away from her outer extremities, giving her the sensation she danced on the verge of passing out; of course, this was not the case, rather she felt fear. She had heard in tales from the men to the east, of how the ground moved, quaked, and opened up, often times swallowing cities, or destroying entire villages. A sharp cry made it past her lips, but not before she felt herself plummeting downwards. Grace tried in vain to stop her descent, alas, there was nothing that she could grab a hold of.


What she expected to be a hard landing that ended in the chance of broken bones, Grace found that she had landed on her back. A tightening in her chest made it difficult for her to inhale, and it was then that she realized that the wind had been knocked from her lungs. A black array of pinpricks and bright colours filled her eyes as she stared up into nothingness. She could still hear, that was not lost in the fall, for she heard Emmett crying in fear. While she waited for her vision to clear, and to regain the breath in her lungs, Grace remained spread-eagle on the floor. Her rucksack had taken the brunt of the sudden fall, and when her vision began to clear, she felt the odd, sandy texture beneath her feet. Yet, this sand bore no resemblance to the sand above on the desert floor. It was black, like ashes. She remained on her back, as the pain in her chest had no subsided so easily, and found herself gazing back up at the world from which they were walking just moments ago. A patch of blue sky hung above the cavity in which the company had fallen into, making it easy for her to discern the different colours in the side of the sandy walls, transitioning from a soft tawny hue, into a charcoal black, Grace questioned if this cavern had underwent some form of catastrophic change in the soil, such as a burning.

By the time breathing became more acceptable to her body, Grace caught wind of Emmett's words, apparently the boy lost his vision, as well as witnessed some woman, who apparently stole his sight away. She couldn't decide if it were his hallucinations from the withdrawal, or if there truly was a woman. When Emmett so graciously addressed her as Madam Matriarch, she found the strength to utter a short laugh.

"Ha!" Grace forced herself into a kneeling position, her lungs still straining for air as she tried to speak, her voice coming out in a raspy strain. "Don' ye worry, nah. I didn't die in the fall, as much as ye would like for me to. If ye don' watch yer mouth ye little brat, I'll show ye what kind o' business I can stir up. So don' ye fookin' test me. Besides, ye would've come to this eventually. Better now or never, Emmett."

"Got the fookin' wind knocked outta me, give me a damned minute, eh?" Kneeling with her hands balled into fists on her knees, Grace encouraged her lungs to recover.

"Is anyone hurt?" She asked, it was imperative to know if anyone had suffered any form of injuries, as they would have to attend to that first before they could even consider finding a way out. Oddly, she felt a cool breeze in the area, one that she took to identifying as some passage way or tunnel nearby.
Nah, Sevine is gonna jump ship my bitches. She's nominating DK. That's what's up.
I will have a post up tomorrow, guaranteed.
Just a question for my next post. I could use some insight of you all.
Floure keeps some of her medicine etc in glass bottles and jars, would they have survived the fall into the abyss?
I mean we all survived due to some miracle but it would make sense for some of those things to break right?

I would think so, yes, but it depends on a few factors.

1. Where was her pack when she fell? On her back, in her hand? How did she land? On her back, face down? It would make sense if she fell on her back, and she carried her pack there, that then some bottles would break.

2. Since they landed in sand/ash, the impact could be lessened considerably, when in regards to how she landed. I would suspect that even if she landed on her back, some bottles would be broken.
That's right ^.^ kind of why I wanted to do a thread vs PM, so far, I think it's working out great!

Oh noooo don't say that D: that sounds like my mom. For example, she bought a compound bow over ten years ago, and it still sits in the same corner where she put it after Christmas. Then again, I do sewing when I feel like it, which has been very rare as of late, but it's been almost a full year since I've created anything with the oodles of fabric I have stashed away in a plastic bin.

Well if you know anything about digital art, Paint is the most primitive program that comes for free on the computer, it's difficult to do anything >.> most of those hours were spent lolly gagging around on the inter webs trying to figure out how to show relationships between family members.

I figure I would do just the same were I actually a GM for an RP of my own, I have in the past, but nothing this intense.
With promise of retribution by the Roughers, Vera put the incident of old, prejudicial Leonard at the back of her mind, and focused on the trip to the market. For three hours, Vera and Shay scrounged around picking out food for this evening, and tomorrow's breakfast; she even found two dresses that would be suitable for the meeting with Mr. Tindall, and another for the luncheon like Samuel forewarned about the possibility. Combined, the dresses cost half the fraction of the price Shay purchased his suit, relatively pleased with her thrifty finds, her mood became lighter.

Climbing three flights of stairs, Shay revealed to her, his humble lodgings, and apologized beforehand. Yet, when she stepped inside the room, she stifled a laugh before she could cause offense; what she found so entertaining is the fact, asides from his bed with no box spring, their living accommodations were near identical.

"Oh Shay, if you get the chance to see my own place of living, you'll realize that you and I are one in the same, it feels just like I'm at home. Of course my bed has a box to support it, but even the wallpaper..." Vera's voice drifted off as her eyes lingered near the ceiling where the white and blue striped paper bulged and peeled away, no concern to the landlord, as was common in the boroughs like these.

"I feel quite terrible that my brother has forced me upon you like a terrible burden. But, I will say this, despite all that has happened today, from my release to the market just now, you have been quite the admirable companion. And you have a knack for playing pretend." Setting the books down on the table that she had found at the market, and draping her dress carefully over the back of the dining chair, she turned to face him, hand gripping the same chair, with her hand knuckled upon her hip.

"Shay..." She began, searching desperately for the right words to say next, but settled with what came to mind most prevalent, "I just wanted to say thank you for being so kind to me today." A kindred gleam appeared in her eyes, as if fully seeing Shay for the first time.

"Yes, actually I am quite hungry. Now that I think of it, all I've had today is whiskey and a mint julep. If you'd like, I can help you with dinner, but if you don't need me, I'd like to have a nice hot bath. Vera offered, more than willing to be of help any way she could. "Um...you wouldn't happen to have any whiskey, would you?" Her eyes darted about the room, the simple fact that she had her opium sitting heavily in the coat pocket of her winter coat, though without a pipe it was useless, weighed upon her mind, like a nagging conscience; but she felt that it would be inappropriate for her to commence with her normal nightly routine under Shay's roof, as once again, she did not wish to cause him offense.
@MacabreFox Excellent post. 1 thing I must point out though is that the ratio of Mages to non-mages is FAR bigger than 11:1. Is more like 500:1 , or even higher (possibly even 1000:1). Mages are a high minority in Formaroth. I haven't come up with a exact figure yet but I will work on a exact amount alongside my magic guide.

Yes, I'll change it right away. I wasn't sure what a decent ratio would be. I think that 1,000 may be too high, or so I feel. I would think that out of 500-750 people, 1 would be a Mage. Albeit, it all depends on their skill as a Mage.
Well yeah x) I just read through Shay's CS again, I couldn't recall either if you had mentioned his mother, or sister's name off the top of my head, so it helped.

That's quite alright ^.^! For example, I could never solve math problems while listening to music, it provided a huge distraction, and I would always forget how to do the problem, and so on. Writing, that's a different story. In fact, I have several playlists that I listen to while writing. For example, I have one called, Writing Inspirations. Another is Nature's Song (quite literally, bird songs, thunderstorms/rainstorms, wind, ocean wave, etc.), and my favorite is Everything Zen, aptly named after the Bush song, but it's similar to the aforementioned playlist, except this is just zen music. I like the ambience when I'm writing. Although, Writing Inspirations isn't ambient music, it's composed of actual songs. I keep my music low, so it's just background noise to me.

I'm glad you like it ^.^! It took me a good few hours today to get it just right. I tried searching for a generator, but failed, so I just went with Paint, and it'll do for now. At least we know who is who, and how they're all related!
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