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<Snipped quote by MacabreFox>

Couldn't resist dem Oprah memes tho. But a cookie from Putin is well earned... right?

Post is up.

The diminutive Breton woman’s words did not fall on deaf ears, for Sevine weighed the consequences of diving into the freezing ocean waters versus boarding the dinghy. However, Asper had other means of evacuating the impaired ship. For all she knew, Asper’s survival instincts kicked in, and he assumed that plunging into the icy waters below yielded a higher chance at survival than staying aboard the Courtesan. Dancing on his hooves, the dark bay stallion reared up onto his hind legs, ripping the halter lead free from Sevine’s hands. Had she not caught herself in the fall, she would have rolled down the deck. She cried out in dismay as she staggered to her feet, realizing that from the sound of a loud SPLASH!, Asper had leapt overboard. Reluctantly, with a heavy hearted sigh, Sevine climbed into the dinghy, just as an unconscious Solveig was loaded safely into the boat, Orakh cut the rope, plummeting them into the waters below. Trius and R’ihanna provided the man-power behind the wooden oars, the gentle dip of the oars into the wave were the only thing she could hear. Sevine remained silent during the voyage to the shoreline, her eyes glued upon Asper, that horse swam faster than the dinghy rowed at that rate, and he would reach the shores before they landed. Strangely enough, as the tiny boat packed full of those that had not perished like the mages, neared the shore, a discerning outline of cave became clearer, as did the flickering of orange lights from torches. Her eyes swept down the course of the beach, and discovered a chitlin ship moored several yards away. Already, the adrenaline began to course through her veins at the thought of a dangerous encounter approached in her mind. Who did the ship belong to? Why were they moored here? Were they seeking refuge from the stormy weather? These questions would soon be answered.

As the dinghy slid into the beach, the frothy water swirling around their knees as they clambered out of the boat to hoist it ashore, bone-chilling water filling her boots, Sevine’s concentration and concern for Asper were broken by a shout in a language unbeknownst to her. While she had left her rucksack behind on the ship, she had not forgotten her axe, as she had slept with it each night, fastened to her belt with a leather tie. The Dunmer elf, the one that had rowed one-handedly while the other hand grasped an ebony sword, revealed who the armed Dunmers were, Armigers. Whatever that meant. She possessed little knowledge of the Dunmeri culture, and even smaller knowledge in the concerns of any Mer culture. Trius, as she had discovered his name during the course of the voyage, attempted in vain to coerce the others back into the boat and row away. A group of bonemold warriors spilled out of the cave like an army of ants, weapons brandished. Moving out of the water’s grasp, her thumb untethered the tie within seconds just as an Armiger descended upon her, weapon drawn. Worried for the safety of those that had yet to disembark from the boat, Sevine back-pedaled, drawing her attacker away from them, and further inland to the beach. She had little time to catch herself this time, as the heel of her boot hit a rather large rock, unbalancing the huntress as she fell backwards onto the wet sand. The Dunmer wielded the sword high above his head, aiming to drive the blade straight through her chest. Were it not for her quick reflexes, developed through the course of the civil war, Sevine’s life would have come to an untimely end. However, she rolled away in the nick of time, and stumbled onto her feet. Without the protection of her shield to ward off potential blows, Sevine understood that each swing would require precision, precision that she had not used in a lengthy amount of time, not since the attack at the redoubt that is.

The Armiger again, descended upon Sevine, his crimson eyes burning with the intent to end her life as his sword swung at her head, aiming to decapitate her. She ducked, though she could have sworn that a few strands of crimson hair were littered on the sandy beach. Holding fast to the hilt of her axe, Sevine thrust the lip of the axe-blade up, where then edge met edge. Gritting her teeth in quiet desperation, the hold between the two weapons did not last. The two warriors stood so close to one another, she could see the sweat beading upon the Armiger’s brow. Again, quick reflexes came to her aid, as she hooked her foot around the knee of her foe. Toppling to the ground, Sevine rolled away from the reaches of the Armiger, before he had time to regain his weapon. Hoisting the axe up, high above her head, Sevine brought the blade down, aiming to return the favour of decapitation to the Dunmer. Yet, just as she had avoided the blow of death, the Dunmer too, avoided his death by lurching to the side. Scrambling to regain his lost weapon, Sevine rushed the fallen Armiger again, swinging her axe low for an upper-cut, letting loose a blood-curdling war-cry, Sevine brought the axe down in one swift motion. Blood sprayed out from the stump of his hand, as it lay limp beneath him. With the loss of his hand, the Dunmer reeled backwards, clutching the remnant of his hand, which was cut clean off, save for the bone that poked out from his wrist.
I will have a post up tomorrow.
From some of the great rps I've participated in, the GM never revealed any secrets to us outright, rather made clear what the goal was for the group to accomplish, that way it kept everyone on track, avoided speed posting, and everyone knew how to move their characters along. Such as, have all characters get from point A to point B in their posts. And when it came to suggesting key points in the plot, they would make tiny hints in the OOC. Very obscure hints, leaving us to wonder what the next post would entail. I've noticed that this keeps the interest of the players equally gauged for the duration of the rp. Just a tip from my extensive years of role playing.
Great post as always!

But just for clarification... Those that aren't in the dinghy, that were left behind... Are we not jumping ship now? Cuz I really wanted to throw Sevine's ass overboard. But... If we ain't, that's still cool with me.
Agreed. Speaking of taking a break from writing... I started a story... three months ago? Haven't touched it since. Kinda lost my mojo for it. I scrapped it all and restarted, I think that's where I might have gone wrong.

Well, the plan was to buy a tent first xD and then camp. But when the time came, we kinda just jumped in the car and went, no tent in tow. Me personally, I've only caught two fish my entire life, and I certainly didn't catch any fish this round, then again, I personally didn't fish. It was my boyfriend and his brother. I put my feet in the water, and relaxed in the sun! I caught a blue gill when I was 7, and a small-mouth bass when I was 12, nothing since /: I kinda feel cursed. Like they know I'm coming, so they all swim away!

I should've!!! One time, before I moved my tv into my bedroom, I was playing Skyrim in the living room, and the door to her room was cracked open (we lived in a duplex, and we lived on the second floor, but there was an attic room that was used as her bedroom, so there was a set of stairs.), and her boyfriend came flying down the stairs and was rather surprised that I was sitting there. He asked me if I heard anything, and I said, "Course I did! But I don't mind, I'm just trying to level up over here... a little focused right now." I moved my tv the next day xD funny thing about that, when I was sick, they would check on me, and the only way they knew I was really really sick was when I didn't have a controller in my hand, and the blankets pulled up to my chin. They were like my adoptive parents in a way. She was a year older than me, and him... as old as my dad, but hey, we were all a bunch of nerds, so it worked out rather well.

I agree with you on that! I really want a cat so bad D: like it pains me Dervs. I watch all these cat videos, and read these cat memes, and it literally breaks my heart. I can't wait till we get our own house and I can have all the kittehs I want :'D!!!

Yes you do xD. Forester's is from Canada. But they offer products here in America, so I'm contracted with them. They're one of the oldest insurance companies in North America, about 145 years I think? But point being, they offer great products for people, if you're ever in need of life insurance, I strongly recommend them. And hey, avoid anything where you have to give blood or urine samples, when applying for coverage, because it will simply DESTROY your insurability. There are products out there where you don't have to get testing done, unless of course that's the only thing you can acquire coverage. I don't know if that's a problem up there, but it is here. I know so many families where they've applied with another company, and they've taken their medicals, kinda really screws up their chance at getting cheaper coverage in the long run.

All right xD enough insurance jargon over here!
I understand man >.>' been so fatigued these last few days, that I haven't given this much thought. RPG in general that is.

It's all good xD!

Well, I saw POOHEAD189, MiddleEarthRoze, and Peik that had expressed interest in the Interest Check when he put it up. Though, they haven't put any CS' up yet.

I actually didn't go camping ): but, we still went hiking, and fishing. Plus I got to see my first rattlesnake living out here. We got rained on, so I think it was a good idea that we didn't actually camp. We also don't have a tent, but we were planning on acquiring one, just never got around to it. We did catch four rainbow trout, haven't cooked them yet, but I'm looking forward to it! I've never eaten freshly caught fish.

Well, consider yourself lucky in a way xD when I lived with my roommate years ago, I would hear her getting drilled by her boyfriend, and let's just say...she was a screamer. So that kept me awake x), but hey, hopefully they're done moving shit in! And fuck their tiny dog >.> I used to have a Jack Russel Terrier, and when she got older, I think she was deaf, she would literally bark for 30 mins at any given time. Phone rang? Bark forever. Someone knocked on the door? Bark forever. Dropped a pan in the kitchen? Bark forever. I did love her, but we had to get rid of her when she bit my sister. Kinda her fault, cuz I warned her to leave the damned dog alone when she was chewing on a steak bone, but my fault too because I was babysitting her. Now my little sister has a toycup chihuaha and that thing is annoying as hell. I help families with life insurance and annuities, I actually work for several insurance companies, so I'm an insurance broker in a sense. Ever heard of Forester's?

I knowww xD I'll get on it.
@gcold Ah yes, I was going to say to TheMoatedGrange to remove one of their hiders to make it work, but by the time I posted it, it was fixed. So I didn't really need to say anything ^.^'!

EDIT: I ironed out some details in Athena's background and other minor things have changed as well.
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