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I small token of my gratitude to everyone who has remained with the RP so far:
@Sundered Echo@MacabreFox@Klomster@AndrewCooper

Art done by my Sister: [@TheIsabelMorgan]

@Hygswitch I apologies for your avatar not being in the picture as this was started before you joined the RP.

I'm digging the Fox alright ^.^!

Rising to her feet, Eris winked at Vera before giving his shoulder a gentle squeeze. "Let me know when you're ready to leave, and I'll fetch the valet to bring your car around, eh? You two enjoy yourselves." With that, Eris sauntered away with a shit-eating grin, which in return, only made her cheeks turn the very shade of her red lips. She tried in vain to hide her blush behind the narrow rim of the slender, crystal glass, letting the sweet taste of the alcohol give her much needed encouragement.

"And raising suspicions is something we ought to avoid." She replied, springing off the black leather barstool with a pep in her step, "Of course I dance, Mr. Alden. Any well-mannered woman knows a dance or two, or at least she should in circumstances like this." Here, she extended her hand for him to take, so as he could lead her out to the dance floor.

"I hope you do as well, so as not to embarrass either of us." Red lips parted in a teasing smile, the spirits had certainly given her encouragement after all, and soothed her strained nerves from having to put up with the Fraulein. As for standing so close to Shay, let alone dancing with his hand touching the small of her back made her heart flutter. Never in her life had she danced with a man that she didn't know, meaning, anyone that wasn't Samuel, as she subjected him to learn to dance for her sake, as well as his own, when they were children. She begged for her beating heart to still, and in the crevices of her mind, wondered if Shay could even see beneath the thin satin fabric of the dress she wore, her pounding heart, for it surely felt as if it would burst free from beneath cage of bones that held it in place.
<Snipped quote by Dervish>

"Everybody, CHARGE! We can totally take all these guys on!"

*five minutes and twelve arrow wounds later*

"Tis but a scratch!"


They'll get married! Or Lana will die trying to make it happen... XD

I'm down for a politically arranged marriage! (;
<Snipped quote by MacabreFox>

I'm happy to hear about sheet overhauls. I plan to do something like this to Sadri after he manages to arm himself.

Why thank you ^.^'! I had some spare time on my hands today, and I was busy reading through my character's sheets, which I felt were hastily written in my excitement to participate. I hope that I made Leif a little more human.

Also, Sevine's opinion's have been updated as well.

Get yer bloody arses over to Leif's CS as well you hooligans. That just went through some major over-haul. I completely edited his background, making it more... comprehensive? Emotional? Also, update on the appearance, and on the opinions.

Going to model Sevine's opinions after the way I wrote up Leif's just now.
<Snipped quote by MacabreFox>

I like to think she's the female Skyrim version of this awesome lil' bastard:

Couldn't have put it any better xD
@MacabreFox I was debating a female... We'll see if it fits the character I'm working on. I was looking at demographics while working on mine :p you also have 1 Altmer, 1 Dunmer, 4 Nords, 2 Imperials, 2 Bretons, 2 Argonians, and 2 Khajiit, I believe. I may have forgotten, but I counted earlier. No orcs, bosmer, or Redguards,

Go with what fits the character, and try not to worry about the demographics ^.^ but if you do make a female character.. It'd be cool to see an Orc, Bosmer or have a Redguard around. Maybe an Altmer even? Regardless, I always like reading over new sheets! It's nice to see some new blood around here >:}
@gcold Just curious, are you going to have a character of your own in this?
Alright! Updated Sevine's inventory, changed her picture, and edited the Opinion's section. Other minor edits are throughout the CS as well, mostly rephrased or spelling errors.

EDIT: Just noticed... we have 4 women, and 10 men. Starting to become a sausage fest in here, y'all.

EDIT EDIT: And that Roze is the baby of the group. :3
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