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So I was looking through the Skyrim Workshop and found this little gem:


10/10 best mod in dreamsleeve

Mace of Molag Ballsack

@gcold Can we please have this as a rumored weapon floating around in-game?

Kidding, but @Frizan, thanks for the much needed laugh ;^3^;
Miraculously, Vera found the ability to lead the both of them in a slow dance, much like an easy two-step, and he managed to avoid stepping on her toes, and she his. While her nerves were strained to their maximum limit, and her heart pounded like a war-drum, she couldn't help but notice how Shay hardly ever broke his gaze, in most cases, she would have felt...anxious, or nervous, but there was something different about him, one that allowed her to feel more at ease in his presence. Was it the fact that he was everything she had imagined in a gentleman? Good-natured, courteous, witty, humble, and kind? Or was it the fact that he had practically saved her life that night almost a week ago now? Whatever it was that made her feel that way inside, she had to admit, that as they moved across the dance floor in a fluid manner, she didn't want this feeling to end. Sam's need to speak with her could wait, because for once, she wasn't serving the rowdy patrons of the Tawdry, and as a rare opportune moment such as this, she wouldn't let it go so easily.

Soft vibrations from the saxophones, and the even softer notes of the piano keys lulled her into a romantic mood, or at least the atmosphere certainly denoted one of such nature. When Shay spoke, she snapped out of the reverie that had ensnared her, and listened to his words. Unlike before they had taken to the dance floor, Shay's words were not hurried, though perhaps a bit hesitant this time around.

Her eyes widened in surprise, to hear him thanking her sounded odd. Then again, they had thanked one another quite frequently during the past days. Yet as she gazed back at him, searching his own cool blue eyes for a sign of deceit, she found none, it was a genuine statement. A warm smile came over her as she replied, "There's no need to thank me." Moving so close together, provided with the solace of the gentle music, she hadn't need to raise her voice higher than a whisper.

"I think... I needed this too."

Rather unexpectedly, the arm she had curled around the exterior of his suit jacket, tightened, or rather, unseemingly pulled him in a little closer to her. While Vera did not notice right away, she became aware of his scent, whether he wore cologne, or the smell of his aftershave, perhaps even the smell of the suit, she could not tell which, lured her in. Like Hades to Peresphone. Now, instead of holding his hand in hers, her fingers wound themselves in between each of his, until their hands were clasped together.
Howdy, folks. Long time no see.

I am sorry

I do not have the words possible to express my sorrow and apology for my absence and the disruptions it may have caused, though briefness is something I wish to employ here. School and life were the focuses for a while, and at some points it was simply a matter of anxiety flaring up and rendering me useless.

Should it be at all possible for forgiveness and welcome to exist, I would like to return to the roleplay as soon as effectively possible.

That being said, it is understandable if there is sourness about my name due to the unannounced absence from before. I can only promise to give warning and keep to my word on these matters for the future.

I think it would be safe to say, that we would all be happy to have you back here with us, and for you to resume under your characters (: I'm glad that life has settled down enough for you. We all understand, because stress, anxiety, physical health, and of course, all forms of IRL matters occur.
<Snipped quote by Dervish>

Team Falmer blasting off again!

@MacabreFox, not sure poetry or rap.

I just now noticed this as well xD a little bit of both perhaps? Y'know, Leif's always wanted to be a bard, maybe his subconscious attempt at trying to weasel in some poetry while keeping it real...

Will fix this though! No more poetic-rap battle for Leif!
<Snipped quote by MacabreFox>

No problem. I'm gonna get a short Keegan piece in too. Dervs should be moving us very soon.

Alrighty, I left my post open-ended in a way, so if there are any more Falmer or Chaurus, you can add them in.

As I have it now, Tsleeixth and Sevine have finished off the last three Falmer archers. Although, I didn't write how Tsleeixth would take care of his Falmer @Mortarion, in case you wanted to get in a piece for our Argonian friend.
Before she had the chance to warn Sagax, much less scold him on the ignorant idea of rushing past the safety of the front line to pursue the archer that had struck down Leif, the scrawny Imperial came crawling back, more or less, with his own falmer arrow lodged in the muscles of his forearm. At least he took care of the archer, but for his sake, like Leif, she prayed that the arrowhead didn't have a coating of poison to make matters worse. However, as a string of profanities exited from an injured Sagax, surprise overcame her, forcing her to cast a quizzical glance in his general direction. Such profane words to be heard slipping out of his past certainly caused a raise brow, for he himself, was a soft-spoken fellow, one that she never quite expected to swear so much. Then again, he just finished wrenching out the arrowhead from his arm, so she couldn't quite judge him. Keeping an amused smile hidden from Sagax behind the rim of the shield, she spotted a familiar figure, make that two, responding to her call for arms. Roze vanquished another Falmer archer as it emitted a strangle gargle, one that sounded all too familiar like that of an arrow finding their foe's trachea.

"Don't worry boys - us women will protect you." Roze's witty remarks, and her playful wink brought a grin finally, to Sevine's lips.

" 'Course we will, after all, some of you are thick in the skull, and need a woman's touch around here." Sevine returned with her own sly smile.

Then, in such circumstances as this, Tsleeixth the Argonian, made his way to the front line with them, he inquired after Roze, to keep the archer's distracted so that he could take them out. He soon slithered, wait, no. Slunk. Slunk off into the black shadows of the cave, Roze kept what archer's she could distracted, giving their lizard friend time to work his destruction. However, even as Sevine could hear, he must have stepped on something, bones or broken pottery, it was hard to tell in the inky abyss, this in return elicited the attention of the distracted Falmer to turn on Tsleeixth, their ears easily discovering his location. Swearing under her breath, Sevine turned to Roze and barked an order.

"Cover me!" Then she sprang off again, axe and shield readied as she disappeared into the edges of the darkness.

Leaving behind the last traces of the torch and magelight, Sevine entered a world in which she found the handle of both her shield and axe slick with sweat. With slow cautious steps, she closed one eye, keeping the other open, and when a few moments passed, opened the other; a trick Ralki the Bear taught their company when entering dark areas. Granted, it didn't give her night vision like her fellow Khajiits, it certainly didn't leave her blind as she entered the shadows. Soon, she could discern the outlines of the three Falmer and Tsleeixth engaged in battle. As leather boots crept towards his attackers, hesitant for alerting them to her presence, Sevine sheathed her axe and reached for her dagger, knowing that she could strike Tsleeixth on accident in the blinding pitch-black corners. She even went so far as to set her shield down with the same care on the ground, entering close-quarter combat again, the use of her shield would only hinder her movements. The ebony shadows unnerved her, leaving her feeling as blind as a newborn kitten, she could barely tolerate the surrounding darkness, yet a gust of wind near her face brought her back to reality. She had narrowly missed bumping into a Falmer intent on finishing off their lizard companion. Her free hand darted forward, searching the empty air until she found what she sought,and grasped firm, the shoulder of the Falmer, who then squealed, and alerted the others to her presence. Though short-lived, the squeal ended as she drove the dagger into its skull, resounding with a thickening pop as she drew the blade out again.

"Tsleeixth! Get back to the front lines!" She growled, her voice echoing in a menacing fashion off the rocky walls. One of the mages had made their way to the front, and sent off a ball of magelight, where it soon illuminated the area around them in a blue-green hue. They now had light to finish off the Falmer, and Sevine found herself engaged in the throes of battle again with the second Snow Mer, leaving Tsleeixth to deal with his own, at least he was no longer outnumbered. Without the use of her shield, Sevine was left exposed to any oncoming blows, and couldn certainly kill her. Lurching at her, falmer and huntress toppled to the ground where they grappled to gain control over the other. Sharp fangs gnashed in anger as the mer held her down with shocking strength, she had dropped her dagger in the fray, and was now left in an even more vulnerable state. Grunting with each struggle, she managed in one surge of strength, to overthrow the Falmer with a firm boot to the chest. With a pained screech, the Falmer hit the wall, and lay motionless for several seconds, giving her enough time to stumble to her feet.

However, it was not for long, before the mer sprang at her again, knocking her back to the ground in a desperate state to finish her off. They rolled across the cave floor, each with their hands coiled about the other's throat, trying in a vain attempt to smother the life force out. The lack of oxygen to her brain made the huntress weary and sluggish, a fog descended upon her, and she realized that she would soon lose consciousness. Fighting to stay awake, to stay alive, and not to succumb to the Falmer seated atop her, she reluctantly let one hand go, off her chokehold, and mustered what strength she had left, though quickly dissipating, and socked the Falmer as hard as she could in the temple. Disoriented, and in a split second, the Falmer loosened its grip around her own throat, letting precious oxygen to travel up to her brain. The last hand curled, tightly still, around her opponent's throat, with her free hand she grasped for anything that might serve as a weapon. It was then, that she found a decent-sized rock, and snatched it up before the opportunity disappeared. The Falmer had seemingly recovered from the punch to the temple, and resumed its snarling disposition, along with a renewed vigor to choke the very life out of her. Turning her torso, rock in hand, Sevine and the cave mer rolled again, this time she ended up on top. With the chance to kill the Falmer, Sevine did not waste a second, and began clubbing the Falmer with the rock, and even when the Falmer had succumbed to its head wounds, she continued to beat the creature until she was certain that it would not move ever again.

Rising to her feet, Sevine looked for Tsleeixth, and found him finishing off his own Falmer. Sweat and blood stung her eyes as she hastily wiped them away. As the magelight lingered, she could not find any other foes in the recesses of the shadows that lay beyond. Yet, that of course, did not mean that there weren't more of them, lurking in those shadowy depths, waiting for the opportune time to spring another attack. Allowing Tsleeixth to deliver the killing blows to his own opponent, Sevine retreated with heavy footsteps to the safety of the front line after recovering her shield and displaced dagger. A shaking hand touched her throat gingerly, and she winced in pain, she knew the area where the Falmer's clawed hands had choked her would leave a bruise.
If you guys don't mind, I'm going to get a small post up in response to Roze and Tsleeixth coming into the scene.
I'm fine if we down-size a bit, and re-assign roles (:
@gcold I'm fine with keeping the collab in-game, thanks for the consideration!
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