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Matters of the Heart
A collab by: @Dervish and MacabreFox

Ghostly white vapors rose into the early evening air from the labored breathing of the survivors, each trudging slowly onwards, their feet passing over the worn, smooth stone path before them with heavy steps. In admittance, the stone archway that served as the main entrance into the town did not serve to protect, but merely acted as an entrance. The people of Dawnstar, with the cozy hearth fires of their homes that emitted lazy tendrils of curling grey smoke appeared unaffected even still, on their day of return, from the approaching dangers to the east.

However, as she vividly recalled, the overwhelming number of Argonians that had come in search of refuge, and also came in search of ships to bear them home to Black Marsh, now it seemed that in their absence, the attitude of Dawnstar had soured towards the lizard folk. This was evident as the company had passed the growing "tent city". While her mind was troubled over the gnawing pit in her stomach, her heart leapt at the welcoming view of the sleepy port town from afar, and she would have shouted in rejoice had her vocal chords allowed her to do so. The grappling choke-hold with the Falmer had left her neck badly bruised, to the point where it was difficult to raise her voice above anything than that of a loud whisper, and even then that was a great strain. A motley color scheme of black, purple and blue could be easily seen on her neck, along with the distinct outline of the fingers that had curled around her throat. There, as the company stepped foot into town, a place where she believed at one point during the rescue mission, she would never see again, they were greeted with an uplifting sight of festive banners, and even the town's mages, what few they were, had come together to create a festivity of glowing colored lights.

The sweet, tantalizing smells of baking goods filled the air, and the people were merry as laughter and song filled the evening air. Those that could play music gathered to form a ragtag band on the wooden porches, and surprisingly, played several known ditties on lutes, lyres, and drums. As she soon discovered by the abundance of whale bones erected in the shape of a tunnel, for the bones are massive and tall when anchored upright, that the festival in order, was a result in the annual celebration of the whaling season, particularly the end of the harsh winter and spring, to allow the whaler's to bring in plenty of meat for the town.

Despite being footsore and suffering an aching back from the weight of her gear, she walked with the lead rope in hand, Asper now relieved of his burden from carrying what gear he could. He bore the packs well, and now, as they strolled through the town, not only did she enjoy the scenery, but even the young children that ran amok carrying sticks with paper whales tied to them, descended on Asper when they discovered him to be a friendly creature. Their tiny voices pled for the huntress to let them adorn him with wreaths made of snowberries, she reluctantly allowed them to do so, but made them promise not to torment her mount. Securing his lead to an overhanging tree branch, Sevine left him alone so that he may graze upon what grass he could, and the children carried on in their festivities by setting on the task of assembling him a wreath, while the others set about braiding his hair with ribbon.

Exploring the festival, Sevine wandered from stall to stall, from vendor to vendor. After securing a freshly baked sweet roll, as her stomach growled with such intensity that she could only oblige and fill it with sweet decadence. As she bit into the sugary morsel, still warm in her hand,Sevine discovered the familiar outline belonging to one of her companions. Licking the glaze from the tips of her fingers, so as not to leave them sticky, a smile crossed her lips as she approach the figure. When she came to stand beside him, she managed a weak croak. "Do'Karth! I am glad to see you out here..." She paused, studying her furred friend, "I wanted to thank you for coming to my aid back there in the cave. I have to say, you surprised me when you came roaring in like a saber-cat with that sword."

Do'Karth turned to face the familiar voice and returned Sevine's smile, which added even more of a glow to the festivities. He dared think he actually was enjoying himself. "Do'Karth would not miss a festival such as this, his nose is attracted to far too many delightful scents." He raised a hand to stop her train of thought. "It was nothing, Sevine. Do'Karth saw you were in peril and he had the chance to act. We would not want our journey to end in such a place, no?" He said, playing down the fact that he had been terrified of Sevine being murdered by the beasts of the cave. He was prepared to face so many realities, but that was not one of them. He shuddered at the thought of what the Falmer and Chaurus would do to their victims. If he saw them again, it would be too damn soon.

"Are you well? It has been a hard few days for all of us, and we have not had a chance to speak of late." he asked, concerned for her well being.

"Asides from this...," ere the tips of her fingers brushed against the painful myriad of colors arrayed in a grotesque fashion. "It hurts to speak, so forgive me if I do not have much to say." She said with a wince.

"Walk with me as we talk, my friend. I wish to see what else this festival offers," Gesturing for him to walk with her, with a wave of her hand, Sevine and Do'Karth started off through the throngs of people celebrating. For once, in the din of merrymaking, Sevine found her troubled mind to be eased in comfort, and a small part of her allowed herself to forget the growing troubles in the east. There were many townsfolk red in the face from having much ale or mead to drink, despite the early evening hours, and it appeared that everything was in plentiful abundance. The air held a slight chill as the evening sun sunk ever slowly over the ocean waters to the west, sinking behind a snow-capped hill. The clutches of winter had eased enough to allow blades of green grass to return, and with it a fragrant smell of earth hung in the air as a light breeze from the west rolled through the town.

Finally Sevine broke the silence that had grown in the short time between them as they came to stand on the outskirts of the festival, a clear view of the bay glimmered red in the fading sunlight. Her eyes shifted nervously, hesitant to speak. After the encounter at the cave, there was much that had troubled her mind, from tormenting dreams, to Leif's ailing condition from his arrow wound. Naturally, she was not the person to open up to anyone, but Do'Karth was a friend, and if he could see her troubled nature, then perhaps it wouldn't hurt to confide in him again.

"I... am concerned over Leif. He is my friend. But... his actions towards me of late, are those of a jealous lover. I do not mind his advances, for to me, they mean nothing. He is a man well-versed in women, but I am not one to fall under such...foolish notions. Do'Karth...," ere she paused again in her speech, glancing to the toes of her boots, and then casting a queer sideways gaze at him that she held for several seconds before continuing.

"I believe him to be in an envious state. He is protective of me, that is certain. Yet, I also believe that he is envious of my attention to you." Her vocal chords creaked and cracked with every word, evident that the strain of the attack hurt her to speak. Even then, as a hoarse whisper, she bore through the pain to speak with him.

"How do you suggest I handle this matter?"

Walking by an unattended bottle of wine, likely forgotten in the revelry, Do'Karth grabbed it with a swift snatch of his hand as they walked by without breaking stride. He offered it to Sevine. "For the throat. Perhaps it will help ease your words?" he said, curious at to what she was saying. She clearly seemed aware of Leif's infatuation, but did not take it as anything deeper. "This one thought it obvious. Leif sees you as more than a conquest, the way he looks at you, well..." he said, thinking to himself, Is the same way this one looks at you, but he left the words unspoken. "Do'Karth believes Leif sees this one as a threat in courting you, he sees you as something more than another notch in the belt, to borrow a crude metaphor this one has heard men use in his travels." The khajiit shook his head slowly, feeling somewhat put on the spot, between admitting to himself and to her that he understood how Leif felt, all too well, and that the fact she was a human was irrelevant. He wanted nothing more than to be by her side, whatever that entailed.

"This one would never presume to tell you what you should do with the choices ahead, and he would never advise you against your interests. If you feel that Leif is genuine and someone you could see yourself with as a mate and companion... well, perhaps it would be wise to take his affections seriously. If not..." Do'Karth hesitated, looking around as if to brace himself or find the words. "Perhaps it would be best to tell him how you really view your relationship with him, that he isn't the one you chosen for yourself. Do'Karth wants to see you happy, to be there when you need it. He does not wish to dictate to you what he thinks that should be." the words stung coming out, like it was an admission of defeat or bracing himself from a blow, but he would not try to manipulate her feelings because of what he wanted. It was her independence and sense of self-determination that made her stand out from so many others, and he would preserve that.

Even if it cost him.

Again, silence returned between the two companions as she remained in deep thought. Do'Karth had spoken truly about Leif. His affections towards her were obvious, and similar to that of a man in love, and saw her naught as another conquest, but as a potential mate. This thought perturbed her, and left her feeling perplexed. Uncorking the bottle of Alto wine, she peered steadily into the green glass at the dark liquid beneath, as if the answer could be found within. Taking a slow draught, the wine refreshed her parched tongue, allowing her to find courage to speak again. Her voice came at a whisper still, though it not creak from strain.

"Your words carry wisdom, Do'Karth. I am like the bat that fears the light of day. I know it in my heart that I must confront him, but it is what I feared. He is a good friend to me, and we owe each other our lives. But I do not share these same feelings for him. My heart lies elsewhere, as it always has. In darkness. I am relieved to hear your words, and while I dread them, there is also comfort." She fell into a bout of troubled thoughts again, before she looked to her companion.

"Leif is a good man, of that I am sure. But I will not make a good wife or lover for him. While he is experienced in that realm, I am not. I save my heart for someone else. I only wish to be happy. Thank you my friend, I have much to think about it, but now is not the time, this is a day full of merriment. Before we go, is there anything that troubles you, in which I can return the favor?"

He shook his head. "No, nothing that is worth mention. Do'Karth's friends are safe, and that's all that matters." He paused. "You said you are saving your heart for someone else. Have you found that person?"

"Have you found that person?" His words echoed in her ears as she felt a great fire rise to her cheeks, she knew the wine was not to blame for the sudden rush of blood to her face. She felt as if her face resembled the shade of her crimson tresses at this point. Clearing her throat, she chose her next words carefully.

"I... have. It is only a matter of whether or not they share these same feelings. This person, that I have chosen... our relationship may be viewed negatively in the public eye, but I have no qualms with what others think. I am fearful, indeed, that only my heart will lead me astray. Perhaps Leif's songs of love have only filled my head with nonsense. Perhaps, for once, my heart has finally found a desirable suitor. Whatever may be the case, I have no desire for anyone else." Her words were at length for such a short answer, but there was a hidden meaning amongst them. Not revealing to him who held her heart was done only out of fear, for if she did, she worried she would fall down in a faint, so great was her fear. Ever since the evening spent in Leif's house, her dreams had become muddled, strange and wistful.

Like a ray of sunlight breaking through weeks of rain, Sevine's veiled admittance vanquished the uncertainty and fear. After all this time, being confused himself in his own emotional state, found his spirits lifted to the point that all of the horrors and injustices they endured, the obstacles they overcame, it was worth it in the end for this moment, the one where after so many years, Do'Karth wasn't alone any longer. "This one is no stranger for being an outsider in people's eyes, but he never sought their approval." he said, finding her blush endearing. There were times he was glad that fur covered any sign of embarrassment of his own. Reaching out, Do'Karth gently took Sevine's fingers into his own for a moment, offering a reassuring squeeze. "Yours, however, is all he ever wanted. Here, now, this is what matters."

The touch of his furred hands taking her fingers into his set off a great tremble through her being, while she wore a smile of relief on her lips, she could not help but to quake and tremble at the touch. Excitement flowed through her veins like a great and magnificent dam had burst. Down on the docks below, the music supplying the source of festivity drifted up the hill. Facing her beloved friend, Sevine searched his feline eyes, while her own mind busied with seeking the right words. Tears began to fill her eyes, practically blinding her. Do'Karth became a blur of colors before her, and before she had any such notion, she flung her arms about him, all the while burying her face into the crook of his neck. "Oh Do'Karth!" She cried aloud, her voice reaching the threshold of the highest pitch she could maintain, yet not wishing to relinquish him from her hold. Then her senses returned to her and she released him as she hastily wiped away the tears that stung her eyes so as not to draw attention.

"We must talk later, but I will secure a room at the inn before this night is over, find me there, if you wish. There are some folk I must go and speak with before the night grows older." She said. Now, in the evening light, she gazed upon Do'Karth with a renewed certainty.

The embrace was sudden and welcome, an impossible comfort in such a strange land in such strange times. Yet here, as Do'Karth wrapped his arms around Sevine's back and resting his chin atop her head, he found a peace and acceptance he scarcely dared dream of. So many years of inner turmoil and feeling that he would never be able to fully atone for the man he once was, Do'Karth finally found himself grateful for how the fates had played their hands. It was a strange pairing, one people would consider unlikely, if not impossible, but they mattered not. With all the darkness they had endured, and how a chance injury with a chance set of skills had brought the two together, it felt right to say to Oblivion with guilt and doing what others wanted. If there was something selfish Do'Karth wanted out of the world, it was this unconditional love and affection he'd never known before. People came and went, faces and names forgotten to the sands of time, but this would be eternal, the one constant in a wanderer's life.

Sevine's strained and joyful voice was unrestrained, and it was music to the khajiit's long ears. When she parted her embrace, Do'Karth gently ran his finger beneath her eye, clearing away the tears. In truth, it was hard for him to hold back his own surge of emotion. "Of course this one will, he will make sure it is the right room after all. But before you go," Reaching into his budi, the khajiit pulled free his amulet of Mara, pulling it above his head. With a smile, he said, "Do'Karth is surprised this worked. Maybe you Nords are onto something with these amulets." he chuckled. The amulet was carved in Elsweyr, a brass medallion with sandstone set pieces in the shape of the mother cat in the twin crescents. This he placed about Sevine's neck, emphasizing the gift by pressing it against her chest with his hand softly.

"This amulet is one of the most treasured things Do'Karth has ever owned. In his darkest days, where he felt cold, angry, and lost, Mara found Do'Karth and set him on the path that let him forgive himself and set aside his hatred and fear of others, of the world. This one never knew love or compassion, but Mara showed him how to find the good in people and that this one should show the same mercy and compassion that the gods showed him, so many moons ago. The journey led Do'Karth on a lengthy exploration of the lands and the people, allowing Do'Karth to immerse himself in their cultures and be invited to eat under their roofs. But nowhere, not even Hammerfell, were the warm sands... it took finding this company and the people who needed this one for Do'Karth to finally understand what my people truly meant by finding the warm sands. He found you, Sevine." he said softly, reaching out run his fingers through her hair behind her head and bringing his forehead to hers. "It is yours now, as is Do'Karth. Now go, find the others. Enjoy your evening... this one will find you in time." he promised.

Her mouth hung slightly agape in awe, surprised that he was most willing to part with such a beautiful amulet, she knew she would cherish it, Mara had blessed her after all... His words and actions mirrored those that she held within, as she listened earnestly to him. "It is yours now, as is Do'Karth..." Why if anyone from the company saw her now, they might poke fun at her, for the great and mighty Huntress quaked in her very boots. The joy at relieving her heart's burdens, and finding that, in Do'Karth, she had more than just a friend. Giddy with delight, Sevine planted a kiss on his furred cheek, ere she sprang away like a mountain deer, she gave his hand a gentle squeeze.

"Keep safe." Her hand remained clasped around the amulet, savoring the feeling of how his hand had pushed the amulet onto her chest. This would be her prized possession now, even more so than her axe. And with one long lingering gaze, she headed away from Do'Karth into the throngs of people milling around the festival, and cast one more glance backwards before she was lost amongst the growing crowd of festival attendants.
Y'all better watch out for Leif here in a sec.

I reckon Sadri's got experiences with whaling holidays. Maybe he'll try his hand in a mock duel, perhaps even some friendly competition against someone from the company. We could perhaps try to merge that with a collab with Sevine, if @MacabreFox is still interested.

Marcel will probably try to socialize with others from the company, and actually get contracted by Ashav.

Sure thing! Send me a PM whenever you want to start (:

Mercy is the capital of Alenius, it's the seat of the Blackwells.

The general population of the region is around 1.5 million (reference sheet), so I'd say approximately ~200-300,000 people live there unless that doesn't match the size allocated for the others. If numbers are given for the others, or I haven't noticed, just scale it to be approximately similar.

Good to know!
@gcoldSounds good to me!
If anyone wants to do a collab, with either Leif or Sevine shoot me a PM. Dervs and I are working on a collab now between Sevine and Do'Karth now.

@Peik Maybe a collab between Sevine and Sadri?

Also, for you fresh blood, if you'd like to get your character more involved, I'd be happy to do a collab with you guys as well ^.^
OK Update:

Me and @Hygswitch are nearing the end of our Collab and it should be up soon. I will also be starting a collab with @Sundered Echo which hopefully won't take too long.

@Klomster @AndrewCooper How is your collab going?

Also lore update:
Mercy is now the 5th city to inhabit Formaroth. The cities ranked by size are as follows:

1)Nyhem: Massive
2)Vine: Massive
3)Mercy: Massive
4)Andromeda: Huge
5)Cawaport: Large

Which kingdom is Mercy located in? And what are the population sizes for the cities, is Massive roughly 1 million people or so? I could add this in to the reference sheet too.
"That's an easy way to put it. Fräulein Von Goethe might give us some trouble at the luncheon. She's awfully nosy for a woman. Her husband on the other hand is more lax, and openly invited us after Shay here, told him that he specialized in Egyptian expeditions." said Vera. She placed her elbows on the table and crossed her forearms, and leaning forward in her seat, narrowed her eyes at her brother, like a dog smelling a corpse.

"What's with the queer look, eh?" Sam asked. He could hardly tell what his sister had in mind nowadays.

"Silas is up to no good. Lobbing snow balls at unsuspecting people having a nice chat in their car." She said.

"What? Did he give you a good spook or something?"

"Nearly gave us both a heart attack. Maybe you should tell the little bugger to skip out on packing ice in those snowballs, almost broke the bloody windshield." She relaxed her posture, and reclined back in her chair. "So what was so urgent that you felt the need to call Shay and I away from the White Star so early? We were having a grand ol' time, time we needed to make our appearances look truthful. Deception is a hard game to play when you're being whisked away at the drop of a hat."

"Two things. First, Shay, thought I'd let you know that old man Leonard down at the Stitchery, has apologized for his insincere words to you and my sister. He'll be paying us dues. I've spoken with Kirby, and the boys. They say, that if things go well with this mark, they'll give you a percentage from his payments, for your trouble at having to put up with such an unsavory fellow. Second, Vera, I put in your word of resignation with that jeweler of yours."

"What?! What do you mean you put in my letter of resignation?" She demanded as she rose out of her chair in anger.

"Like I said, I put in your letter of resignation. Now sit down," here he waved his hand for her to cool her fiery disposition. She reluctantly sat down, but some would say they could see steam pouring out of her ears. "It's not safe. The Adders, they know you're out of prison, and they want your head, and mine. I've taken the liberty of finding you a new place. Last night, there were four Adders waiting around the block, each were packing guns, couldn't say what kind in the darkness, maybe shotguns. Point being," Sam turned his calculated gaze towards Shay, "I cannot thank you enough for looking after my sister. Had she gone home last night, she probably wouldn't be sitting here before us right this very second. Whenever you're ready," Sam pushed a slip of paper towards Shay and Vera, on it, scrawled in cursive writing bore the address for Vera's new accomodations.

"How am I suppose to pay for this, eh?" She protested angrily. Vera liked her little attic flat, and despised the idea of having to move elsewhere just because a few bloody Adders thought they could scare her away.

"Vera... You're with the Roughers now, Tommy has taken the courtesy of paying up for 4 months in advance. You'll make more money than you can dream working for us, especially the jobs we'll need you for. There's already talk of another job, if you succeed in the case of the Von Goethe's." He reached for a carton of cigarettes in the pocket of his jacket, and lit one in his mouth with a strike match. Thick white smoke filled the air as he reclined in his chair eyeing the two of them. Something had changed, but he couldn't place it.

"Fine." She sniffed, as if pained by the idea still.

"Right, so Shay, whenever you can, take my sister to her new place. Make sure no one is lurking about that looks like the unsavory type, hm?" Here he took a rather long drag of his cigarette, the ash growing with the deep inhale, before the smoke blew out of his nostrils like a bull.

"When is your luncheon with the Von Goethe's?" He had almost forgotten the most important thing.

"Today's the 28th? On the 1st, it's this Friday."

"Good. Keep the car until then, Mick. If there's anything you need, let me or the fellas know, we'll make sure everything is done proper. And remember, this luncheon, is for gathering information only, so no plundering until they are out of the house. Can't risk having you both identified."
Was it made awhile ago? Cuz' I haven't seen it the past 20 pages since I joined.

Maybe check the first page of the OoC?
<Snipped quote by Frizan>

We made a Skype channel that 4 people joined, so why would anyone give a crap about Discord?

And I haz no Skype. Iz why I not join. ):
To bring their time at the White Star to an end crushed Vera's heart. She had so badly wanted to say and dance another song or two with Shay, yet, he was right. They were here to keep up appearances for as long as necessary, and they had done just that. If the Von Goethe's were watching the pair, their intimate dance would certainly quell the Fraulein's nosy nature as to whether or not they were engaged. For Vera, she had no desire to leave, but as Shay mentioned in a rather sorrowful tone, Sam did await for their return back at the Tawdry. Surrounded by such grandeur of the extravagant club would be a lasting memory in her mind for many years to come, and especially the dance she shared with Shay.

After the valet was fetched, and the car brought around, she relished in the warmth of her wool coat, and found herself sitting slightly closer to Shay on the ride to the pub. Albeit, the ride itself held little conversation, nothing more than a comment on the weather. As the Peugeot slowed to a halt outside the pub, Shay switched off the engine, and neither of them seemingly made any move to exit the vehicle. The silence that hung between them, like a veil of sorrow as to the evening's end was interrupted when he broke the awkward tension. His words were heartfelt, she could hear every feeling of empathy in his words, and yet, she remained still, gazing at him steadily, studying his behavior, how his head hung, his blue eyes cast downward. Did he anticipate rejection? More importantly, all matters aside, how did she feel?

"Shay...," She shifted nervously on the bench, and positioned herself at an angle so that she could look at him directly, "this is hard for me to say, so you must try and understand."

"In all my life, I have never loved any man. I simply never had the time to, nor felt any connection with any one person," she searched desperately for the right words to say, for there were many things she wanted to say. "I see what love looks like on the folks at the Tawdry, I see how they hold one another close, how they stare longedly into each other's eyes, and I often thought them foolish for their actions."

"Perhaps I've held a high standard for a peculiar man, unbeknownst to myself, of what constitutes as a proper partner, but...," here her words softened, and she raised her hand to gently caress Shay's cheek, only to let it fall away again after a moment, "I will say this. I've watched you, being the barmaid and whatnot, for a long while, as I watch everyone. There is something in your nature, your very essence of a human being, that has made me... trust in you. Even just last night, I did not think for one moment that any harm would befall me in your care. And that just goes to show, your values as a human being. You make me feel safe, for once in my life. I needn't have the notion to look over my shoulder every few seconds, for you have shown me, since I learned it was you on that rooftop, nigh upon a week ago now that you saved my life from imminent danger, that you are a man I can trust." As she spoke, there was a curious gleam in her eyes, one of a genteel nature, and certain softness.

"Tonight was wonderful. Please know, that I too, share these same emotions. I am glad that I can bring you some peace to a world like this."


Starting with a cry, Vera turned to look out the window, and noted a rather large snowball had been lobbed at the car. Up came strolling Silas and Matthew grinning from ear-to-ear. The juveniles had many more snowballs ready in their hands when Silas knocked the passenger window. "Oi, lovebirds, Sam's been waiting for you both." With a devilish grin and a mocking wink, Silas and Matthew bolted after three other children close to their age, also armed with snowballs despite the approaching darkness.

With a relieved sigh, Vera grinned, all color washed from her face save for the stark red of her lips, she had received a good fright from the two street rats. "Well... Whenever you're ready then?" She offered, nodding her head to the welcoming glow of the pubs entrance, though she remained where she was in case he had anything to add further.
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