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Update will be done Tuesday, at the latest. Apologies for the delays everyone, been a busy few days for me; I also mentioned all of this in the discord but forgot about putting it here. :/
#BestGMEver amirite

No it's all good! I forgot that the discord was a thing.
@Leidenschaft Just curious about this statement "Sevine had taken well to him appointing her as his Second, having taken charge after Daelin apparently had no plans to wake up."

1. What exactly does that mean? That she's second in command of the scouting party?
2. What tasks would she have while Daelin is K'Od?
...Soo, what's the word?

Poor Leif. First he was friendzoned and now his awesome beard has been nearly burnt off. Not to mention the other wounds, of course - I don't think he'd be up to the exertion of "being comforted" in that state, haha. ;)

Not unless he was on the receiving end! Wait what...

@Scout I posted in our collab now :)

No problemo bud. :)

Thank you =^.^=

Also @Mortarion, @MiddleEarthRoze, I just read the collab you did, and that was wonderfully put together! Maybe Roze can end up comforting Leif in some way ;D totally kidding, puns intended
@MiddleEarthRoze Hey-oh! So Scout and I decided that we were going to go with the surgery anyways, so if you don't mind changing your post with Roze around to fit that, that would be awesome. :3 pwease and schmank you.

As for my post on Sevine I've decided to go with a solo post.
I'm open for a collab with Sevine if anyone wants to help take care of her flesh wounds. If not, I'll have her tend to herself (which won't be the best as someone knowing wtf they're actually doing, but at least the wounds will be cleaned and bandaged to a degree.).
Same as Conte, I'm waiting to see what Isabeau does.
The escape into the outside world beyond the Tawdry proved helpful, and certainly, the cold night air helped chased away the stuffy nose, and the flush on her cheeks were cooled. With his hand in hers, they walked without direction. While she had wanted to apologize again for her rude actions, Shay began to explain himself abruptly. She listened on in silence, considering each word he uttered as the truth. It made perfect sense, his reasoning behind his emotions. The very act of casting him out of her home, was just like Sam had said. She rejected him, just like he had dealt with all his life, even his sister. Part of her felt guilt that she had acted irrationally, like a complete idiot.

What garnered an intrigued expression from her was the revelation of his emotions towards the von Goethe’s as he moved in front of her, preventing her from taking another step. She gazed up intently at his blue eyes, as if hearing him truly for the first time. When he finished speaking, reached up and grasped his chin, just like Sam had done just an hour earlier.

“Shay…” she began, her eyes searching his, as if she would find the answer there, to which she did. She released his chin, and instead, slipped her arms around him, holding fast to him in a tight embrace. He was taller than her, so her head came to rest on the breast of his coat. “I’m sorry too. I’ve never known a pain like yours, one where everyone hates you just because of where you’re born, where no matter what you do, it’s never good enough. I’m sorry that I never thought to ask you how you felt on this job, or even stopped once to think of you. I’m sorry that I can be a little hasty and reckless in my words. But I can promise you one thing… I will love you no matter what, because I love you for who you are, not what you are.” She lifted her head up to gaze at him, a look empathy in her eyes as a tender smile made the corners of her mouth raise.

And then… she kissed him. Timidly at first, for she didn’t know if he would reject her sudden expression of love, for there was a small twinge of fear that still lurked inside.
She felt as if all of the breath in her body had gone, just like a lit candle snuffed out by a strong gust of wind. All that she had feared and dreaded was replaced with a grain of hope as Shay admitted his own feelings, as well as confessed that he had been selfish. Part of her felt relieved by that fact, she knew she wasn’t imagining things, or that she had acted crazy alone, it was both of their stubborn feelings together that had caused a rift due to miscommunication.

“Where do you want to go?” She asked, rising out of her chair while glancing around the pub. When she stood up, some of those around them that had been watching with interest, turned their heads away, yet Sam’s eyes lingered on her, to which he gave a small nod of approval.

“We could go back to my place… or yours. Or we could take a little walk?” She suggested, anxious to leave the Tawdry to be alone with Shay.
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