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“There is one more thing that I wish to touch on. We know well, where everything is, the layout of the manor, the potential presence of the staff, and the location of the painting. My question is… when are we going, who is going with us, and what do we do if we encounter someone on the inside?” Vera asked, lifting the cup of tea to her lips, and drank it slow so as not to slurp it or spill a drop. When she set it down on the saucer, she reached for a second scone. She hadn’t the time that morning to eat breakfast, so her appetite was particularly ravenous.
Nodding in response to her question, Grant switched his position from hands-steepled to a relaxed, ankle over the knee pose. “Based on the information you both have presented me… I believe that on the 5th will be the best time. This will ensure that the Von Goethe’s are truly out of town on vacation. I’ll contact one of the boys down on the docks, and borrow one of their trunks for the evening. I’ll give you the Lindsey brother’s. One will act as your driver, and one will be your eyes on the property. A lookout if you will. Vera, for you, as you’re a woman, I’d recommend that you’d go in a disguise. I’m certain if you ask Sam, he’ll lend you some pants and an overcoat. Make sure the colors are dark. On the matter of encountering someone inside the house, we’d prefer that you’d not be seen at all. However, in the event that there is someone you run into, do not kill them. If you must, incapacitate them, knock them out if you have to. But no blood, do you hear me both?”

“Yessir.” She said through a mouthful of scone.
“Good. Now then, there is one more matter. Vera. Now, according to Sam, and the reason why we put you on this job in the first place, is that he tells us you can pick any lock.”
“Mmhmm.” Her head bobbed up and down in agreement.
“Perfect. Now, I’ll put you in touch with Matthew, he’s got a supply of lockpicks. In two days time, I want you both back down here at 8:30pm sharp. It’s a three hour drive out there as you both know, and I want it to be dark enough for no one to see you. Shay, you said the property has a lengthy drive before you reach the manor. I’ll let the boys know to turn their lights off, when you acquire the painting, they’ll be waiting at an established destination, most likely half a mile down the road from the gatehouse. Any other questions?”

Once outside the office, Vera turned to Shay, a playful smile on her lips as she inched closer to him. “So… do you have any plans for today?” She asked, slipping her hand into his. She hadn’t noticed the extra care he had taken into oiling his hair, but she had certainly smelled the scent of his cologne. Therein, she led him to the counter where Sam and the brothers sat, just where they had been when she had first walked through the door that morning.

“ ‘Morning,” Sam said to Vera, now that she wasn’t in a rush to the meeting.
“Good morning Sam. Hey Frankie, can I get a soda water, and a cranberry tonic?” She asked, leaning over the counter at him.
“Certainly.” He returned, setting down the glass he was polishing and set about filling two glasses.
“Any plans for you two?” Sam asked, nodding at Shay and his sister, to which Vera shook her head.
Because we all need a healthy dose of memes.


That's alrighty, we haven't moved forward since Christmas. Hope you feel better soon! I recommend lots of alcohol.

Does NyQuil count? cuz that's been me this entire time!

@POOHEAD189 Awwww thanks buddy!
I know you're all still waiting on me, but I promise you, that I will get my lazy butt up out of bed and get a post in by Sunday. I've been really sick this week, and NyQuil has been a very good friend to me ;3;

But now, you can count on me getting a post in by Sunday evening by the very latest... or else...
Hello hello everyone! Many thanks to those still pumping out posts - I myself am in the midst of a collab with @Leos Klien and @MacabreFox, but naturally that went a bit slow over the Christmas holidays. Depending on everyone's schedules it should be wrapped up soon, and we'll all be able to hightail it into the Oblivion Gate. I'd say everybody easily has at least a week to post for their character's - if they haven't already - before we move it along.

Oh boy @.@ I forgot about that whole thing, if you guys haven't mentioned anything about Brona, then I'd rather keep the collab between you two.

Also, I've been horribly sick D: started off with the flu, and then morphed into some morbid sinus pressure/runny-nose/fever debacle.
Sorry if I'm being a bit cheeky, but I (and Mono too, I assume) are waiting for you, Foxy :>

Oh hey!! Sorry guys, been a bit busy with the holidays, went out of town this week for vacation (: I'll get to a post here soon!
I'd like to say Happy 2017 from Turkey, folks, but it seems we've got terrorist'd on New Year's celebrations. Stay safe when 2017 comes.

And the same to you @Peik! Stay safe out there. All of us here would be very sad to hear if something unfortunate befell you. My plans are staying indoors and recuperating, but:

So I'm back now! And I thought I'd share this with you guys :D I found it out in Vegas, and I totally had to give it a go.

Letting y'all know now, I will be gone tomorrow until Saturday. Taking a surprise vacation trip to Vegas. I'll check when I can, but imma miss you lil shits. Don't get to crazy while Foxy is out of town ;D
@MacabreFoxI'm doing one with roze, but you're welcome to join :3
The more the merrier!

Maybe! It's gonna busy with the holidays, but what are you guys doing it on? TPAD? PM?
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