Avatar of MacabreFox
  • Last Seen: 1 mo ago
  • Old Guild Username: MacabreFox
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1510 (0.39 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. MacabreFox 11 yrs ago
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After long hours of careful consideration, I've decided to make the group's sex appeal.

Lay it on us sweet baby B)
Hey, for Enchantment how would the Highly Proficient to Somewhat Proficient Scale work? Would it just be knowledge based? Highly Proficient knows a lot and can use Grand Soul gems while Somewhat proficient can only use Common and just knows a few?

Possible, but you'll need to find the soul gems to charge them. Also, they're expensive as hell if you're trying to buy them, and only talented mages know how to soul trap. Best become friends with an enchanter if you're poor. If your character is an enchanter, it looks like you may be popular. Keep your enchantments limited to the level of skill your character has in the skill section.

My take on it would be this:

Highly Proficient skills are equivalent of Expert level spells. **Grand to Greater Soul Gems
Moderately Proficient is Adept Level Spells. *Greater to Common Soul Gems
Somewhat Proficient is Apprentice level. *Lesser to Petty Soul Gems

Though I am subject to revocation of rations and triple the amount of lashes
<Snipped quote by Genbor>

What do I look like, a whip abuser?

That's abuse to good leather, sir.

I’m sure there’s a meme for this
This is the 3rd Aldmeri dominion currently, correct?

The codex mentions the 2nd Aldmeri Dominion near the very bottom. I didn’t see anywhere else about a 3rd Aldmeri Dominion. Hopefully our Lord Conqueror and Holy Savior @Dervish can clarify?
Will be working post haste! Though I still need to pick on if I want to transfer/update a certain Nord I made elsewhere, or go in a new direction.

Sounds good! Just make sure you post your finished CS here in the OOC.
Sevine will go in for the kill with the Armiger she is grappling with.
@Dervish Awwww yissss I finally got something to write for Leif! Just gotta do some back tracking, and figure what he's been doing this whole time :'D

Also, totes found this meme:

@MiddleEarthRoze I finally posted D: I'm sorry it took forever for me to get that little bit up! I haven't been home much this month /: I think I've finally got a period of time where I'll be home for a week or so more.
@MacabreFox@Leos Klien@POOHEAD189

Responded in the collab! Also, we'll be wrapping it up soon, along with the other group's posts so we can finally get this durn gate closed. :D My interweb problems have ceased at long last, so I can get back to regular posting thankfully.

I'll get right to it :D I'm glad to hear your problems have been resolved!
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