peeks in, dusts off the cobwebs, cracks knuckles
Hi strangers :3
Find refuge in the solace of your mind, not in the company you keep.
Hi strangers :3
Rhona Luscinia
Find refuge in the solace of your mind, not in the company you keep.
![]() ___________________________________ P R O F I L E Known as Rhona Luscinia Height 5’5 Weight 135lbs Gender Female Race Imperial Age 28 Birthsign The Serpent ___________________________________ C A P A B I L I T I E S Deity Arkay Attributes MAJOR: Willpower minor: Endurance Skills Expert: Restoration Adept: Alchemy, Mysticism Apprentice: Blade, Heavy Armor Novice: Destruction, Alteration, Block Spells Restoration: Heal Minor Wounds, Minor Respite, Cure Paralysis, Heal Major Wounds, Minor Magic Resistance Mysticism: Minor Life Detection, Detect Pulse, Major Life Detection, Soul Trap Destruction: Burning Touch, Weak Fireball, Cold Touch Alteration: Protect, Protect Other, Open Very Easy Lock ___________________________________ I N V E N T O R Y Weapons and tools Steel Mace Small Wooden Targe Silver Dagger Empty Alchemical Vials Alchemy Satchel Outfit Black Leather Boots Black Leather Pants Black Leather Gloves White Linen Blouse Steel Helm Steel Breastplate Steel Bracers Amulet of Arkay Consumables Water Skin Cheese wedge Peppered Jerky 2 Red Apples Valuables Silver Ring with Garnet Misc Small Wooden Mug Metal Fork Wooden Spoon ___________________________________ | ____________________________________________________________________________ APPEARANCE Rhona Luscinia is a seemingly… cold woman. Her pallid skin and piercing green eyes tend to leave some folk she interacts with in an uncomfortable state. Her lips are full, though rarely smiling. Her eyes are angular, yet she tends to have a rather expressionless face. Her hair is a dark brown color, that she often leaves hanging loose about her shoulders if she is not tending to the dead, or when she is hard at work, it’s often tied back into an unkempt bun. While she stands at 5’5, she is wiry and scrawny. Her body yields no scars, though her hands are bony and knobby. Some have remarked on how she smells uncannily like nightshade and rose. Rhona attributes it to her type of work with anointing bodies, lighting incense, and generally working outdoors. She can normally be seen when working wearing a simple linen blouse, and a matching set of black leather gloves, boots and pants. ____________________________________________________________________________ MOTIVATION AND OUTLOOK After all that Rhona has been through in her 28 years of life, she has tried her best to work through the troubles in her life, so as not to burden others with it. Not to say that she is unfeeling, but she has spent a significant amount of time alone with her thoughts. She simply wants to help the best way she knows how. While Rhona isn’t overly religious, she has come to accept Arkay. Everything moves in a cycle of moments, birth, childhood, adulthood, death. The notion can be applied almost to any concept or idea, plants, animals, seasons, businesses, cities, empires, even. She is not one to push her beliefs onto others, but her comfort in Arkay is a… mutual acceptance. She will honor the deceased, and prepare them for the afterlife, and Arkay will collect them when their time has come. No one can escape Arkay, all things must come to an end. She personally doesn’t know much of Tamriel, or rather the very limited basics. She knows of other races, and where they hail from. It’s not that she doesn’t care to know, she simply has better things to do. When it comes to the political finesse, and the latest gossip, she often turns an ear away from it. Rhona feels that the political problems of Men and Mer are minuscule in comparison to the greater viewpoint of life. Life and Death. ____________________________________________________________________________ HISTORY Rhona Luscinia was born to a large family, just north of the Imperial City. She was the oldest child, and as a result, she had to look after her younger siblings. Her father, Cyrus, and mother, Isabel, tended to the farm they lived on growing cabbages and wheat. When Rhona was four, her mother gave birth to Amelia. Rhona, while still young, was expected to help look after her little sister as her parents focused on the farm. For the most part, Rhona was excited to have a sibling, especially a little sister. However, that mindset would soon change once she witnessed her parents slowly favoring Amelia over her. Cyrus would dote on Amelia, laugh, play games with her, buy her little trinkets when they could spare the coin, and when it came to Rhona, it were as if she had been forgotten. She was more often than not, chastised for something insignificant such as breaking a clay mug, or spilling a bucket of fresh water. That was only the start. Three years later, when Rhona had turned seven, her mother gave birth to twins. Valinia and Cassius. The twins were the spitting image of her father, and the favoritism changed hands. Amelia didn’t seem to notice, but Rhona certainly did. At the time, she struggled to earn her parents praise. She struggled to be comforted when she cried, often met with harsh words, and ridicule. After all, she had to set an example for her younger siblings. Not even a year after the birth of the twins, did Rhona’s mother give birth to her youngest brother, Silas. Rhona, even though she was only eight years of age, felt overwhelmed by trying to raise her younger siblings, while also suffering from the lack of parental support that she so desperately craved. However, she held her tongue, and bore the brunt of the abuse. An incident occurred when Rhona was ten, that would seemingly set her off down a path that she could not return from (or so she believed). One hot summers night, while looking after her siblings (her mother and father had gone off to the city to sell their produce earlier in the day), Silas managed to slip outside unnoticed. She had no idea how the toddler managed to slip out the door, let alone not make a sound as he did so, but it wasn’t until Amelia raised the alarm as they were cleaning up their dinner plates. Rhona flew into a panic, and searched their small family cabin from top to bottom. When she realized that he wasn’t inside anymore, Rhona left Amelia alone with Valinia and Cassius. After all, what was she supposed to do? She searched the fields, but to no avail. She turned her attention to the barn where the horses were kept, but even there, Silas was nowhere to be found. Her anxiety began to climb as the idea of something terrible happening to her little brother escalated. She called for him in a frantic state, desperately hoping that he would hear her cries over the summer storm that began to roll in. Rain began to pour, and any chance of finding her little brother's footsteps in the dark were soon dashed, as the rain washed any trace of footprints away. Yet still, Rhona persisted searching for her brother. The rain pelted her, and lightning lit up the sky. Desperate not to be a disappointment to her parents, Rhona continued past their property and entered the woods that lay beyond. After what felt like hours searching in the dark, Rhona settled down under a tree, and cried herself to sleep. When daybreak came, Rhona realized that she herself had become lost. With no food or water, and weak and tired from being caught in the elements, Rhona couldn’t find her way home. She spent an entire day beneath the tree, exposed to the elements, cold, hungry, and tired, before anyone found her. A hunter had found her shivering beneath the tree, and gave her food and water to restore her health. He kindly took her back home to her parents, where she learned his name, Pielo. Upon bringing her home, Pielo was greeted by her parents, who reacted not as Rhona would have hoped. Instead of receiving a warm welcome, with tears of joy being shed, her parents scolded her fiercely for acting so foolishly. Silas had been found upon her parents' return home from the market, wandering behind the house. Pielo tried to placate the situation but the poor man could not quell her angry parents. He gave Rhona a firm squeeze on the shoulder, and whispered so her parents wouldn’t hear, “You were very brave trying to find your brother, little one. You have done nothing wrong.” After that, it was a rapid descent from her parents and how they treated her. Her parents treated her more like a servant than their child. If she broke a ceramic bowl, or spilled food, they were quick to lock her in the cellar for the night, or not allow her to eat food for days at a time. This continued until Rhona turned 16. One day, her mother fell ill, and Rhona was charged with fetching the local healer. When she had returned to the farm with the healer, and after a long assessment, the woman determined her mother didn’t have much longer to live, a day or two at most. Her entire family was distraught, but part of Rhona was secretly relieved. Part of the abuse would end. But fate would have a guiding hand in changing her future for the better. When the healer fetched the priest of Arkay, to start preparing her mother’s funeral rites, the priest took note of Rhona. Mercius was him name. He was an older man, well into his late forties at the time. He pulled Rhona aside, and offered her the opportunity to leave her home, and work alongside him. It would give her a better life than to be married off to some farmer, and certainly free her from her troubles at home. This wasn’t something that she had expected, but she willingly agreed. Mercius told her to take only what she absolutely needed, which wasn’t much to begin with. Thus began a new life for Rhona, one to which she was eager to apply herself too. Mercius took Rhona in as one of his own. He revealed to her in time that he had recently lost his niece, who reminded him of Rhona. Over the course of the next 10 years, Mercius taught Rhona what he could in the way of life, lessons, magic, and life as a priestess of Arkay. Mercius discovered during his lessons with Rhona that she had an uncanny knack for magic. She had a strong suit for healing magic, and spent many long evenings bent over a spell tome by the firelight reading. He taught her more than just restoration, as a well rounded mage himself, he taught her what little destruction, alteration and mysticism spells he knew. Only enough to protect herself should the need arise, or rather to help make her daily life easier. However, it wasn’t just magic that Mercius taught her, in due time, he revealed to Rhona that he hadn’t always been a priest of Arkay, but rather, decades prior, he had been a sellsword. After losing his partner in a deal gone wrong, Mercius stowed his armor and weapons away to spend a quiet life. On quiet days, when the graves had been tended to, and there were no dead to prepare rites for, Mercius began to teach Rhona how to fight. She wasn’t the best fighter to be certain, but Mercius enjoyed a chuckle or two as he watched Rhona clunk around in his old steel armor set, with his spiked mace in hand. Rhona had settled into her life as a priestess of Arkay with relative ease and gusto. This was a new opportunity in life, and she would be forever eternally grateful for Mercius. Flash forward to the last month, Rhona began to have disturbing nightmares of being called forth by an omnipresent voice. She saw daedra and hellfire, civilians screaming in terror and skies that were black with smoke. Rhona would wake screaming from her sleep, where Mercius would come to comfort her. With the dreams happening so often, Rhona became convinced that she had to travel to put these terrors to rest. She had described the dreams to Mercius who agreed as well, but when she explained the village to him that was repeatedly assaulted, he knew it was none other than Kvatch. And with that, she sent off to discover the meaning behind these dreams. Arkay… ____________________________________________________________________________ RELATIONSHIPS AND OPINIONS Isabel - Mother: She and father alike have been cold, and harsh to me. I would rather forget all that has transpired. Cyrus - Father: I could never be enough to make my father proud, I have cast him aside like he has done me. Amelia - Sister: Sweet, overly sweet… like eating too many sweet rolls on a hot summer day. I will never know what my parents saw in her Valinia - Sister: She always treated me like a servant than more of a sister, I suppose that’s what Amelia is for. Cassius - Brother: It’s as if his head is filled with rocks. He’ll take over the farm one day, I just hope he’s a better husband and father to whomever he weds. Silas - Brother: Perhaps he is my most favored sibling… but the same with Valinia, he sees me more as a servant than as a sibling. Mercius - Priest of Arkay: He is all that is good and pure in this world. Despite his past as a sellsword, his heart radiates warmth, and I am forever grateful for him whisking me away from my family when he did. ____________________________________________________________________________ MISC ... |