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#DwarfSupremacy point me at the dumb elves boss
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When you want to rp everything but time is linear so you cant
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Bring down the sun! All hail the usurper!
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I am not convinced I know or understand the English language
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There are not enough buddy-cop type comedys in 1x1 for my liking :c

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+ C O M M O N E R S C U R S E O F 3 0 0 W A N D S +

Swampmuck is the classiest village in at least a twenty four mile radius, boasting the muddiest of fields and proudly representative of one flea-bitten donkey. Located on the northern border of festering swampland where no humanoid creature with any real standards would live, the only reason anyone ever mistakenly travels here is for the annual harvest festival.

You are a commoner who calls Swampmuck home, and your life is about to change forever. This year's harvest festival - home to such amazements as this year's giant vegetable competition and a real life dragonling - is about to be visited by a representative of the Mage's Guild. A representative who's looking to pay some adventurers more money then you've ever heard of. Enough money to make you richer then the richest person you've ever met.

And all he wants help with is testing out some fancy sticks...

▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅

Strap in for some weird random nonsense because stuff is about to get =wild=

This is a Commoner's Curse of 300 Wands game set in 5E. For those who don't know, a group of commoners are tasked with testing out a selection of magic wands. Each wand has an entirely random quirk. The aim of the game is to test all the wands and find out what all the quirks are. Simple, right? What could possibly go wrong.

The genre of this game is fantasy Comedy. Any attempt at dark, gritty angsty deliciousness shall be foiled by the random quirks, I assure you. If you're looking for some light-hearted fun and don't mind things going potentially catastrophically awry, this game is for you. Who knows, your characters might live to be fully fledged adventurers!
If you're new to D&D, you're very much welcome to join, however I would highly recommend playing a traditional D&D game as your first experience instead. This is most certainly not that.
Heads up, my commitment to this thread is low and the posting style is free - low casual.
This game is a Sandbox. The world is minimally fleshed out with various points of interest. The high random element to this game and my previous experiences running Commoner's Curse, means my gm style will be more adaptive in nature rather then following a set storyline. In the same vein, I am very happy for players to add their own spin on the world. Just keep me in the loop regarding ideas you have.

▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅

Everyone starts as a Lvl 1 Commoner. Your starting stats are 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 or 12, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8 (not including racial modifiers).
You can be any race you want from any official supplement. Customs will be examined on a case by case basis.
You can have any background you like including picking from custom ones (I recommend it if you're having trouble finding an appropriate Commoner-esque background in the PHB), so long as it makes sense. No Commoner Rocket Scientists I'm afraid.
I usually run with weight, ammo, food and water, ect. but I'm not convinced this game type is suitable for that sort of thing. We will likely start with these things implemented, but it's possible they will get removed if those system seem obsolete for this style of play.
In [ADVENTURER] 5 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
Sweet, Cynthia and Dyan will meet Daniel and Buford shortly!

@Duthguy@Shovel Are you heading out of the fort to hunt in the North Forest or heading outside of town to head to the Travellers Inn?
In [ADVENTURER] 5 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
@Lugia@CollectorOfMyst@Duthguy@Shovel If people are into it, we can probably have Dyan's and Cynthia's group arriving in visual distance of Old Fort just after Daniel and Buford make this decision.
In [ADVENTURER] 5 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
@LugiaUp to you if you want to be a hireling as a PC, just bear in mind it will make building a Mage's Sanctum, great library, dungeon ect. more difficult down the line if you do it longterm. This also includes things like creating magical items, monster crossbreeds, constructs or necromantic practices since you may not build up the savings needed by those levels. That being said, if it's part of a personal storyarc for Cynthia and she may one day accept herself as a fully fledged adventurer, I'm all for it and think it's pretty cool. I also like the idea of building good faith between Mages. If that's what you want, my suggestion would be accepting it as a temporary deal like Buford's and Daniel's - one you do while you get a feel for the adventuring stuff and see if you like it for Cynthia's story. Of course, maybe this is exactly what you want for your little kobold, but I'd just thought I'd give my two cents since the game is in the learning to play stage.

Dyan and Cynthia make a Party!

Dyan and Cynthia start haggling over prices as they head to Old Fort together. The current offer is 15%.
CHOICE: Agree to this deal?

Example - Current Treasure Cut of a hypothetical 1000gp:
Dyan: 689 GP 65 SP
Cynthia: 103 GP 44 SP
Clint: 103 GP 44 SP
Gregor: 103 GP 44 SP

Your party is quite the close knit group and you get to know your companions a little better. Both of the other villagers are a bit on the quiet side to start with, though Gregor brought a worn buckler shield with him and made an effort to practice his stances along the way since he says he's rusty. After a while, Clint started chipping in with advice, and it seems the pair of them are getting along well.

Clint and Gregor are getting on quite well.

@Duthguy@Shovel You leave the headquarters and discuss your options. Irene and Smith seem mollified a little, though they keep giving each other the stink eye at any free moment. Katya snorts as she stands there with crossed arms and Izzy is happily nattering away to a quiet Tendo while you make your decisions.

Choice: Head out to go Hunting in the North Forest or visit The Travellers Inn?

Quest Updated - The Beastmen Threat: Beastman have been tormenting the nearby area recently, including the Village. Find the source of the threat.
Personal Quest added: Go hunting in the North Woods to help you and your men improve. Investigate the North Forest.
Quest added: Find out about the merchants Daros and Odir for the Guild of Merchants and talk to Karanos in the forum outside town.
Quest added: Head to the Traveler's Inn and meet The Fierce Breathren.
In [ADVENTURER] 5 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
@Lugia forgot to ping, see above ^
In [ADVENTURER] 5 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum

Dyan the Seer recruits the following:
Gregor the Lumberjack, 1st level Fighter
Clint the Miner 0th level

They do not require a wage for the first month and will look forward to their cut of the treasure in future delves. Dyan accepts Clint's Wish to own a mine one day.
Clint's Wish: Clint wants his own mine one day.

Now to decide what to do. The answers to the village's problems certainly lie in Old Fort where Mae has prepped, but there is a wilderness to explore if you don't mind things being sketchy. Travelling as a mage with few henchmen and no party may be dangerous, however. What would Dyan like to do?

@Duthguy@Shovel The commander nodded slowly. "Unfortunately, I don't have the ability to train you up personally. I am sure there are some things in the North Woods that you could try your hand at hunting or defeating, though it is in my best interest to send adventurers there in the hopes of discovering and ending the beastmen threat." he admitted, "Still, there is coin to be made from collecting furs and creature parts, and it's no small change for a fledgling group." Natters and Irene seem interested in this.

He scratched his chin thoughtfully. "More then a few of the troops have lost family to the beastmen raids. There might be a few men who wish to settle their blood-debts. On your way out, I shall have one of my soldiers give you a scroll, allowing you and your villagepeople to recruit from the Parade Grounds. Bear in mind these men are trained soldiers, so may be a little out of your price range just yet. My second in command, Axios, will be the one who sorts it for you." He nodded to a nearby guard, who disappeared through a nearby door.

"As for training beginners... hmm. The North Woods stretch quite far and vary in danger. I would still recommend starting there, perhaps hugging the outskirts, whether that be near Old Fort or closer to the Village side which might be safer. You could also take the North Gate out of Old Fort and head out eastwards, I hear rumour of some caves out that way that smaller groups of beastmen use."

"You've got me in a good mood, and I really do wish you both the best. We need more adventurer types around here. I'll give you some words of advice - stay away from The Black Fang and the Red Eye gnolls while you're starting out. They're some of the toughest beastmen warbands in the area right now."

Unlocked: Recruiting at the Parade Grounds. Anyone from the village may recruit from the Parade Grounds. This is where the trained soldiers of Old Fort do their drills. These troops can either be recruited as Henchmen, like previously, for a cut of the treasure and a wage. Alternatively, they can be hired for jobs such as travel companions, camp guards, porters, ect. in the wilderness for a standard wage, but they will refuse entry to dungeons. Note: the troops at the parade grounds are experienced troops and may be more expensive or have higher standards, both in service and their expectations of who they're hired by.

@Lugia Cynthia the Seer looks around her. Now that she is an Adventurer, she can have up to 4 henchman herself. There are very few people left in the village to recruit. There may be more people to recruit in other locations, though over time the village will repopulate as well.

Cynthia's Choice of Henchman

Oscar the Strongman

Oscar is 20 and mostly he lifts alot of rocks. His crowning achievement was helping build the village well, although he found the process infuriating and broke more bricks then anyone expected. Still, the well got built, and most people were just relieved that Oscar had an outlet for his anger issues. A bit of a Wildling, Oscar was found as a rabid wild child in the woods by the Huntsman Irene a number of years ago. He's adjusted a bit to society as he's grown, but there's room for improvement.

In exchange for being your Henchman, he wants 20% of the treasure. You make out of his garbled speech that he wants to discover his heritage.
>Recruit Oscar the Strongman?
>[Accept | Decline] Henchman's Wish: Help Oscar discover his heritage one day.

Old Sailor Asgor

Asgor is 54 and used to serve on various ships coming out of Porttown back in his youth. He helps around the village with odd jobs these days, but he's never forgotten how to navigate. Mostly, you've seen him hanging around the inn a fair bit, but few people travel through the Village to play cards with him these days.

In exchange for being your Henchman, he wants 10% of the treasure. It's hard to say why Asgor wishes to travel with you, but he's probably just bored.

>Recruit Old Sailor Asgor?

In [ADVENTURER] 5 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
@rush99999 Harry the Thug will gain +5% XP due to his aptitude as an Assassin from his Prime stats.

He gains the Proficiency [Animal Training (Dogs)]

A few notes about assassins:
•Harry can wear any armour, but when wearing leather armor or lighter garb, he may move silently, hide in shadows, and backstab as a thief of the same level.
•Harry the Thug can backstab for 2x damage.

Harry the Thug watches as Dyan picks his companions and considers his options. Cynthia will be picking her hirelings next, and by then it will be unlikely there will be many people left in the village to pick from today. Harry knows two other village adventurers headed northeast to Old Fort earlier on. There may be more Hirelings available in Old Fort, but they will be less likely to lower their prices for you unlike your friends in the village. Sooner or later more people will turn up in the Village, but that's weeks away.

Set off to Old Fort or wait your turn to pick hirelings (or do something else)?
In [Domain] 5 yrs ago Forum: Test Forum
In [ADVENTURER] 5 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
@rush99999 Henry gains the proficiency [Weapon Focus (Bows and Crossbows)] and gains a Crossbow to his inventory with a set of bolts.

Henry's stats are: 12, 10, 10, 12, 9, 15. Would you like to accept these stats and automatically have them applied or use the advanced template?

>Accept Stats
>Use Advanced Stats

Please select a General Proficiency for your Proficiency Slot:
>Pick [Proficiency]

@CollectorOfMyst [That's so frickin cool, I love it!]

Dyan will gain 10% bonus experience due to having a high primary stat (intelligence).

As Dyan the Seer has a high Intelligence, he gains a new spell, and may also pick an additional General Proficiency.
His spellbook includes the spell: Wall of Smoke
>Pick [General Proficiency]

Dyan the Seer looks around him. Now that he is an Adventurer, he can have up to 4 henchman himself. The numbers have dwindled significantly with the recruitment from earlier today. There may be more people to recruit in other locations, though over time the village will repopulate as well.

Dyan's Choice of Henchman

Gregor the Lumberjack

Gregor is 36 and has worked up at the Lumbermill, though it's getting a little dangerous for his liking. He's since been milling around the village when he's been too superstitious to go up there. It's clear he's getting a bit antsy and wants to get out of dodge. In his adolescent years he toyed with the idea of being an adventurer himself, and it looks like he's interested in fulfilling that dream now.

In exchange for being your Henchman, he wants 15% of the treasure.
>Recruit Gregor the Lumberjack?

Old Sailor Asgor

Asgor is 54 and used to serve on various ships coming out of Porttown back in his youth. He helps around the village with odd jobs these days, but he's never forgotten how to navigate. Mostly, you've seen him hanging around the inn a fair bit, but few people travel through the Village to play cards with him these days.

In exchange for being your Henchman, he wants 10% of the treasure. It's hard to say why Asgor wishes to travel with you, but he's probably just bored.

>Recruit Old Sailor Asgor?

Clint the Burly

Clint is 40, with plenty of musculature though a bit of a belly developing. He used to adventure but left it all behind for a mining contract that went sour. These days he works the lumbermill, but he's no good at it.

In exchange for being your Henchman, he wants 15% of the treasure travelling with you. He's hoping to get ahold of his own mine one day and covets a good chance to prove his worth. He looks at you hopefully.

>Recruit Clint the Burly?

>[Accept | Decline] Henchman's Wish: Help Clint get his own mine one day.

@Lugia Cynthia will gain 10% bonus experience due to having a high primary stat (intelligence). Please note: As Cynthia is a Monster Class and a Caster, her needed experience to get to Monster Class 2 is significantly higher.

Experience Amounts:
Thieves have the lowest threshhold to get to level 2.
Bards have the second lowest threshhold to get to level 2, followed shortly by Clerics.
Assassins have a low threshhold to get to level 2.
Explorers and Fighters have a moderate threshold to reach level 2.
Mages have a high threshold to reach level 2.
Monster classes have a high threshold to advance, with a higher threshold for caster monsters.

As Cynthia has a high Intelligence, she gains a new spell, and may also pick an additional General Proficiency.
Her spellbook includes the spell: Spider Climb

>Pick [General Proficiency]

@Shovel@Duthguy Ulrand looks back and forwards between you both, looking somewhat relaxed. "There are a majority of reasons for that. Upset does not come into it, and I have no dislike of the village peoples, but I must distribute my forces optimally given the current threats we face. I was required to re-deploy a number of my men to the front lines some time ago. We have not been able to attend to all our duties since. I am in the process of recruiting adventurers for help in defending the local peoples, but it is a slow process. Too few travel through this sector and fewer still take the work on offer."
In [ADVENTURER] 5 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
@CollectorOfMyst You chase the changeling out of town (woops! How'd he get there?!)
Choose one:
+ Gain 40 XP for Dyan
+ Gain 10 XP for each of Dyan's first group of henchmen

A Necromancer may have a Death themed spell signature:
A magic Missile made of shards of bone
A sleep spell that sends the targets into hellish nightmares
A lightning bolt of sickly green-black energy

A druid may have a Nature themed spell signature:
A green magic missile that looks like spirals of leaves
A sleep spell that sends the target into gentle slumber with dreams of nature
A Wall of Smoke spell that looks like shadowy forest trees in the distance

A divine spellcaster may have a Holy themed spell signature
A golden white magic missile that chimes like church bells
A sleep well that envelops the target in a safe, warm dreamless sleep
A lightning bolt of golden-white light

But while it may show a particular interest in a school of magic, it may also just reflect something your character really loves. A spellcaster who used to work with jewels may have gem themed magic, or a young wizard who has an interest in music or the arts would have a signature that reflects that.

>Pick Signature [Theme]. [Inclue Signature information... can be visual/audio/tactile sensations]

@rush99999 New stats are: 12, 10, 10, 12, 9, 15

>[Accept] or [reroll one final time]?

Pick one of the following Proficiencies for your Class Proficiencies:
>Pick [Proficiency]

@Duthguy@Shovel Irene and Old Man Smith seem agitated that their argument wasn't resolved.
The commander looks between the two groups, eyebrow raised. "Well? Spit it out then. What can I help you both with?"

@Lugia If you end up disliking playing her you can always make a new character fairly quickly. Her inventory will be more kobold-themed, but let me know if you want something more akin to the default mage inventory.

Cynthia the Farmer becomes a Mage, and gains the Title: Seer

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