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2 yrs ago
#DwarfSupremacy point me at the dumb elves boss
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3 yrs ago
When you want to rp everything but time is linear so you cant
3 yrs ago
Bring down the sun! All hail the usurper!
3 yrs ago
I am not convinced I know or understand the English language
4 yrs ago
There are not enough buddy-cop type comedys in 1x1 for my liking :c

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@Lucius Cypher Go for it!

Just want to warn you guys, though, that the chances of you making it to adventuring levels as a normal person in a normal world are slim to none. Although I appreciate your optimism.
@Lucius Cypher sure, if you can make a character in a relatively quick turnaround?

Could you give me a couple sentence descriptor of your character / place in the village so I can start factoring them in in the meanwhile? It'll also give you a chance to bounce ideas off other people as well.
Heads up folks there is a possibility I may be without internet for a little while, depending. I'll try to keep you updated if things change.

EDIT: nevermind my internet connection is good
@rush99999 From that you would know that it is the clan name of the rightful and current rulers of the dwarven civilisation. They are supposedly a very long lived line.

EDIT: also heads up folks I might be without internet next few days. I'll endeavour to keep you updated.
@rush99999 roll me a history check

Heads up folks, Vertigo's travelling till October, so Ardour's posts will occasionally be included in the GM ones till they're back. Speaking of..

Ardour slips around the corner to scout ahead for a moment. He returns, informing the group that the corridor continues Westwards for another 40 ft or so. The corridor is totally innocuous, as far as he can tell.
@Necroes To be honest I'm still trying to find a balance on forum-style d&d roleplay.

As a general rule, if there is something that requires a skill roll to move forward I'll request one (e.g, a boulder is rolling towards you, give me an athletics roll to jump away) but in any situation, you can present an alternative skillcheck if it makes sense in context. (e.g. I use acrobatics to dive out the way) Things that don't make sense will be denied (I intimidate the boulder into stopping) but I'm happy to discuss things if you have good reasons as for why you think the check would work and why you think it applies to the situation.

Now, there are plenty of optional skillchecks that you don't need that make your life easier - sometimes, alot easier. I'm still working out how to do things effectively on rpguild, but I in these situations I'll provide a list of the most obvious optional rolls you might want to do. It's not exhaustive, and I think alot of fun comes from players trying to apply what they have available to them to different situations.

"Torunn eh? Not familliar. But you seem a gracious folk. I'm Theldrik Bronzebones though the clan's happily in the hands of the next generation now. My job's mostly to embaress them these days with my undrawfenly behaviour." He snuck Einkil a wink before finally taking a good long swig of the whiskey offered at Bartholomew's request.

His face softened considerably as he examined the glass of delicious liquid before him with a glint of wonderment. "Now that's a fine drink I wouldn't be expectin' to find in a Swamp." he mumbled in Dwarven to himself, his voice dropping low. He regarded Einkil with a more serious respect for a moment. "Where'd ya get a fine thing like this in Swampmuck then? Am I missing out staying up North?"

His eyes turned to the hulking behemoth of the Innkeeper, and he attempted to clap him on the shoulder in grattitude, but could only quite reach his arm. "My thanks! It would of been more then a sore shame to miss out on this ambrosia. Why don't you hop up on the cart with us and chat for a moment? You look exactly like the type of person I'm looking for." His eye flicked to the Lizardfolk meaningfully, "There's room up here for 4 easily if you'd like to join us as well?"

Possible Rolls:
Insight may flesh out more of his motives.
Persuasion may lead to more information about his family.
(Note: this list is not exhaustive, feel free to request skillrolls and include your goal for them)
In [ADVENTURER] 5 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
@Duthguy The distorted creature jumps back with a snarl, and Dan just misses hitting it.

@ShovelNatters and Flint withdraw as Tendo steps forward. He looks nervously to Buford, hesitates, and then hits the feral beast with his stick. It connects over the creature's skull, and the crushing blow cripples it. The corpse twitches suddenly, and then rests. Tendo looks surprised.

Irene pokes it with her foot. "That ain't normal no sir. These woods be gettin dangerous alright."

Excellent! The party takes their positions.
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