@Necroes To be honest I'm still trying to find a balance on forum-style d&d roleplay.
As a general rule, if there is something that
requires a skill roll to move forward I'll request one (e.g, a boulder is rolling towards you, give me an athletics roll to jump away) but in any situation, you can present an alternative skillcheck if it makes sense in context. (e.g. I use acrobatics to dive out the way) Things that don't make sense will be denied (I intimidate the boulder into stopping) but I'm happy to discuss things if you have good reasons as for why you think the check would work and why you think it applies to the situation.
Now, there are plenty of optional skillchecks that you don't
need that make your life easier - sometimes, alot easier. I'm still working out how to do things effectively on rpguild, but I in these situations I'll provide a list of the most obvious optional rolls you might want to do. It's not exhaustive, and I think alot of fun comes from players trying to apply what they have available to them to different situations.