The dwarf's eyes twinkled.
"A spot of trepidation? Those are fine survival instincts! You see, you are exactly the type of person I've been sent to recruit!" His eyes widened at the human's next words, as he glanced down at his hands. "By Gear's beard..." he murmured as the Orc approached the group.
There was a long pause as the dwarf came to terms with what had happened to him, before the seriousness of the Orc's words registered and he jumped to attention, his eyes darting this way and that. "Quite right, quite right! Yes, it's good to be suspicious of magical objects. I'm an envoy of the Mage's Guild, I bear there seal, hold on- by the by, could I interest you in signing? - ah, we'll speak of that once I clear my name... here-" he pulled up his sleeve to show his wrist, but it was entirely devoid of mark or blemish, and the Dwarf looked utterly perplexed. There was another long, uncomfortable pause as the crowd's mumbling grew louder.
"Oh, that's right..." he said under his breath, "Well, I have some mundane papers here somewhere, one moment..." the dwarf started to rifle through a rucksack absentmindedly tightening his belt to fit his less robust frame. The Human and orc had started their heated discussion by now, and the other dwarf started to speak in his mother tongue.
The dwarf looked grateful for the reassurance, if a little unsure of the strange situation they found themselves in. He went to speak as the dwarf turned to the orc, but he never got to say the words he wanted to utter.
"The orc's right! the man's a criminal! we should confiscate his stuff!"
"-he's got wands of youthfulness what else he got? Screw the wands I want to live forever!"
And the crowd broke around the four of them like a tide, grasping hands and stampeding feet as they moved forwards, about to break over the cart and goods and take whatever they can reach.
"A spot of trepidation? Those are fine survival instincts! You see, you are exactly the type of person I've been sent to recruit!" His eyes widened at the human's next words, as he glanced down at his hands. "By Gear's beard..." he murmured as the Orc approached the group.
There was a long pause as the dwarf came to terms with what had happened to him, before the seriousness of the Orc's words registered and he jumped to attention, his eyes darting this way and that. "Quite right, quite right! Yes, it's good to be suspicious of magical objects. I'm an envoy of the Mage's Guild, I bear there seal, hold on- by the by, could I interest you in signing? - ah, we'll speak of that once I clear my name... here-" he pulled up his sleeve to show his wrist, but it was entirely devoid of mark or blemish, and the Dwarf looked utterly perplexed. There was another long, uncomfortable pause as the crowd's mumbling grew louder.
"Oh, that's right..." he said under his breath, "Well, I have some mundane papers here somewhere, one moment..." the dwarf started to rifle through a rucksack absentmindedly tightening his belt to fit his less robust frame. The Human and orc had started their heated discussion by now, and the other dwarf started to speak in his mother tongue.
The dwarf looked grateful for the reassurance, if a little unsure of the strange situation they found themselves in. He went to speak as the dwarf turned to the orc, but he never got to say the words he wanted to utter.
"The orc's right! the man's a criminal! we should confiscate his stuff!"
"-he's got wands of youthfulness what else he got? Screw the wands I want to live forever!"
And the crowd broke around the four of them like a tide, grasping hands and stampeding feet as they moved forwards, about to break over the cart and goods and take whatever they can reach.
We'll use intiative rolls to determine who acts first! Roll your initiative and then let me know what you wish to do. If not, the peasants will descend upon the cart and start looting shortly.
Bartholomew - 9