@Dark Cloud Wik jumps back and looks around. There is no one standing in the tight corridor with her, but she can still hear the soft chittering coming from the wall. At her words, the chittering goes momentarily quiet...?
@Duthguy With a cry one of the young deers falls, the others scampering off into the wilderness. They move fast, but if you orient yourself past a few trees you might be able to take another shot at one of the other creatures. The body of the fallen deer lies some way away, still. If you approach, you'll surely miss you're opportunity to fire at the remaining deer.
Nothing unusual appears to happen with the wands quirk...
@POOHEAD189 You see no monsters from your perch as you descend the hill, but that is not to say they do not lurk deeper within these haunted lands, or skulking on the other side of a tomb.
>(Keyed for ease of referencing in case you investigate one/more of these mounds this turn.)1. Immediately in front of you stands a tomb with large, bronze doors, weathered by verdigris.
2. A little behind that is another tomb, the opening to which has been sealed by a large stone slab.
3. To the South of that tomb is another, but the entrance has been buried over time by dirt and grit. It will require some time to clear the entrance.
4. In front of that tomb is another sealed tomb, but the rock has cracked. You see an engraving of a warrior's face on the door behind the stone.
5. Far to the South a barrow has collapsed in on itself over time. Would there be anything of value in it's Remains, or perhaps a waste of energy?
6. To the South West lies a tomb with two collosal double ornate bronze doors, depicting some sort of scene involving horses. You'd need to get closer to see it clearer, but the doors look difficult to open.
7. A mound straight west of you looks to have been disturbed recently.. the stone slab lies cracked in two before it's open entrance.
8. Another mound directly in your line of sight. This tomb has a large stone door, wrapped in a simple iron chain.
Many more mounds lie beyond in all directions. You can head West to continue into the heart of the Barrowlands, or head north or south to skirt the edges.
It's so quiet here.