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1 yr ago
#DwarfSupremacy point me at the dumb elves boss
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TIL Texas has used AI to translate thoughts into text.
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Baileys in coffee or hot chocolate is glorious
2 yrs ago
When you want to rp everything but time is linear so you cant
2 yrs ago
Bring down the sun! All hail the usurper!


Forever towing the line between 'is this better in RP or forum game format'

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@Little Bill@Dark Cloud happy to proceed?

Do you crave the Merchant life? Want to see new and exciting vistas, and pillage them for all their natural resources? Ever craved showing a sea monster what for, or bopping a Pirate King on the nose with a week old rolled up newspaper?

If you desire adventure - the kind that you bankroll from the safety of your own comfy home in the capitol, in an effort to get more delightful amenities - then Risky Ventures might be the game for you!


Become Scrooge McDuck with a golden bathtub filled with money by acquiring resources for pittance and selling them for ridiculous prices. Strategize the best port towns where your goods are in high demand.

Find new port towns to sell your goods to, and farflung islands rich in resources. The further the island, the more valuable the goods. But beware - for long voyages are often treacherous, beset by pirates and really ugly mermaids. Bankroll eccentric explorers and inventors to procure new resources and inventions.
Buying a ship is an expensive venture for a budding Merchant. Collaborate with fellow players to kickstart investment opportunities, acquire knowledge you can later use to generate start up funds for riskier opportunities. Become self sufficient and plan your own trade routes as you work out your best tactics.
Weasel your way into high society by collecting royal favour and showing off your latest and greatest goods and creations. Win over the definitely still very rich not destitute royalty with acts that grow the affluence of the Capitol. Use your influence for definitely above the board wheelings and dealings and gain unique information on various opportunities from your fancy noble Titles.

This is a very low commitment fantasy forum roleplay game that can fit around your other rps. It has a focus on collaboration and competing with your fellow Merchants, and mostly just having fun accruing lots and lots of money.

We could do with a few more players to make the mistake a bit more exciting :) while the RP has started, only one ship has left port. Plenty of opportunities await!

OOC Here
There will be opportunities to upgrade the ships with combat capacities as we go ;D

Also if everyone can say
So I know you've all seen the post, I know there's not much to do in between turns just yet but I also don't want to bombard y'all with spam all in one go
Turn 2

Early Spring Year 1

Truly this was a legendary fight that whipped the cityfolk into a Fervour! After the Brass Bucketeers bowed out after a request for diplomacy, The Bass Buccaneers and Rimbo Timbo Tuppence's Thousand-Color Brigade duked it out in the Swordfight of the year. They were well matched, but in a decisive last swipe the Buccaneers stood victorious!

A few weeks hence, quite the crowd is drawn to the newly built docks. Everyone wants to say they were there when The Gentleman of Fortune's Company new ship set sail on her maiden voyage.

The queen dubs the new ship Fortune's Favor, solemnly breaking a fantastic piece of pork crackling against the hull as per ancient tradition.

With that, Fortune's Favor charts a course towards the sun. Merchants await her return eagerly - the Swordfight was quite the spectacle, and speculative Sand prices rise in anticipation of this exotic good.

Sand - 0.48 Sovereigns per Unit (+0.03)

Ship - 9 Sovereigns per Ship [carries 10 units]

Ships & Voyages
Fortune's Favour left for NearEastland in Early Spring Yr 1, set to return end of Mid Spring Yr 1. The ship is owned by The Gentleman of Fortune Company.

NearEastland - It takes 2 Turns to travel here. Ships return with Sand.

The Great and Regal Capitol!! Hear Hear!!

The Gentleman of Fortune Company

It's a neck and neck swordfight, both roll again?
@rush99999@Dark Cloud@Little Bill y'all can set sail your ship to start generating money while sorting out the name stuff if you like
Welcome!! I hope you have a great time with play by post :D
@Dark Cloud@rush99999 *facepalm* can't believe we're only a turn in and I'm already getting my tongue twisted with the Bass Buccaneers and the Brass Bucketeers... XD
@Dark Cloud
@Little Bill

Moved to Free, instead of keeping track of your inventory in your posts you can post your Merchant in the CS tab. One player will need to post your Company contract and post Company Inventory (which is currently Unamed Ship, 0 Sovereigns)

Still debating whether to post turns on the IC tab or OOC

Anyway, time for a Swordfight! I'll let you duke it out yourselves, if you hit a stalemate well use the guild dice roller. Roll 1d6.each and highest wins

Once your ship is named you can set its destination to Sandland, hazaar!
Turn 1

Springdawn Year 1

Hear Ye Hear Ye! The newly minted Gentleman of Fortune Company are the proud owners of a new Ship! The excitement in the Capitol is palpable as citizens congregate in the city square. Supposedly this ambitious new company has a surefire way of settling disputes: the tried and true method of all great gentleman, resolution via Swordfight!

Her Eminence the Queen herself has sanctified the spectacle with a solemn and royal 'jolly good'. What better way to kick off the golden age!

Meanwhile, there is no change in the markets today as everyone has taken a day off to go oggle the fight.

Names being considered:
The Scarlet Scuttler
Fortune's Favor
The Merchant's Fortune

Sand - 0.45 Sovereigns per Unit

Ship - 9 Sovereigns per Ship [carries 10 units]

Ships & Voyages
[Unnamed Ship] owned by The Gentleman of Fortune Company. Currently in the docks. (Shareholders must agree to send the Ship on a voyage to a destination.)

NearEastland - It takes 2 Turns to travel here. Ships return with Sand.

The Great and Regal Capitol!! Hear Hear!!

The Gentleman of Fortune Company

The Brass Bucketeers, BUCKET BRASS & CO! For all your Bucket and Bucket Accessories! Represented by @Dark Cloud

The Bass Buccaneers, Emery Silver's Pirates and Fishmongers! Represented by @rush99999

Rimbo Timbo Tuppence's Thousand-Color Brigade! Represented by @Little Bill
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