Avatar of MagnetBolt
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    1. MagnetBolt 7 yrs ago


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It actually took a while to find Alison. She was so busy reading she didn't notice people calling out to her. She sits glumly in one of the chairs, her book having been confiscated. She still isn't sure how much trouble she's in. Absently she takes a cold drink and just holds it quietly, at a loss for what to do since she can't escape into a book.
Judith is probably going to have a lot of questions later about where Alison went. For now, though, Alison can distract herself with a book instead of worrying about that. It's a riveting thriller about a killer virus from space and frantic efforts to stop it, though the main character is betrayed by communist agents!

She's so into the story that someone is probably going to have to come and get her.
Alison screamed as the wolf ran past her, the construct hitting her legs and tipping her over. She froze in midair and steadied herself before releasing her spell, avoiding tripping only because of her magic, rather than any physical fitness.

"Maybe these woods aren't as safe as I thought." She muttered. "Maybe..."

Alison huddled down beside a tree, trying to hide. All she had to do was stay out of sight for a few minutes. As long as no one investigated her little scream it would be fine. Just fine.

In the meantime, she had something else to occupy herself. She looked around to make sure no one was watching and pulled out a worn paperback book, one of the dozen or so books she'd brought on the trip with her. She settled down and started to read.
Alison looks at the can she was given. It's not much of a weapon. If she had to guess - and she's good at guessing - she was given something this harmless so she wouldn't be a danger to herself or others. For a moment she lets her power flow around it, and she gets a sense of it being assembled in some workshop, filled and assembled by hand instead of on an assembly line. The contents were a myatery, a blind spot. Miss Lee had said it would disrupt magic.

"This is such a terrible idea," she sighs, talking to herself. "Maybe I should just find somewhere quiet to sit this out..."

With the trees she could probably find a safe spot to wait for the game to end. And Judith did tell her to flank then.

Alison carefully makes her way into the brush, watching her steps to avoid falling or making too much noise.
Alison stood up quietly, leaving the room worried and absorbed in her own thoughts. She wasn't the type to do anything more athletic than walk to the corner store, but she'd rather find somewhere else to be than try and make small talk.

Did Miss Lee make the teams like that on purpose? Maybe we're the least reliable and she wants to be there to watch us...

She stopped only a few steps outside the room, enough to get away fron the crowd, and leaned against a wall. Alison took out her notebook and considered the facts, making quick notes as she flipped through the last few pages she'd written.

It was clear everyone here was new, to Miss Lee if nothing else. With how much she had organized already, and the information under her control...

It's fair to assume Judith Lee is likely the strongest person here, and with her knowledge of the terrain, whatever training she has, and the dossiers she has on us, she is the only person with all the information on this scenario. With such an overwhelming advantage, she's probably acting as a ringer and will hold back to keep things fair.

She tapped her pen against the paper and underlined a few things.

She likely has a strategy already in place for this game, formed with more complete information than I have and with more time to consider the details.

Alison put the notebook away and took a deep breath.

"Why couldn't it be something like Trivial Pursuit instead?"
Alison cautiously puts up her slender hand. She's been sitting in the back of the room, largely silent save for the sound of pen scratching on paper as she tskes notes in a small leatherbound notebook. Her handwriting is, aside from being almost incomprehensibly messy, in a form of shorthand that she taught herself and quite indecyperable to anyone looking over her shoulder.

She looks nervous. With her plain, dull clothing (purchased at a secondhand store just for the trip - she didn't have clean laundry or time to go to the laundromat) she faded into the background as soon as anything more interesting appeared to be a more worthy focus of attention. It's likely more than one person forgot she was there entirely.

"Excuse me," she asks. Her voice comes out rough and scratchy. It's been a long time since she said anything. It could be the first time some have heard her speak at all, too nervous to make small talk with a room full of strangers. "We're not expected to-" she swallows, clearing her throat. "To do any fighting, are we? I thought this would just be research a-and analysis."
Plus it's the first post. I'm sure he wants to make it memorable and triple check that there aren't any mistakes. I eagerly await whatever is in store for us.
@Letter Bee

I've changed out the troublesome spells for something that might be a little more friendly. Let me know if this meets with your approval.
@MagnetBolt, That last skill (Athleta Aethenarium) is a bit overpowered. Also, the 'false vacuum' think lies on the border of Timespace and World, but it is allowable.

Well you know what they say. Ask for the stars and be happy with the moon. I'll sleep on it and come up with something else interesting to replace it with.
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